Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='dmaul1114']Would those graphic novels be Serenity: Those Left Behind and Serenity Vol. 2: Better Days? Those are both $.9.99 on Amazon so I'll probably grab them, but want to make sure I don't miss any and read them in the right order etc.[/QUOTE]

That would be them. They're both really good. There was also a pretty decent Wash one-shot issue released about a month ago by Patton Oswalt.
All Around Us - A slice of life film acted so well and flowed greatly, I lost track of time while watching it. It competed and lost to Departures in 2008 for Japan's official send off for the Oscar nominee for best foreign picture(I think Departures ended up winning as well at the Oscars). I've seen both movies and both are beyond excellent, I can't say which is better. I think All Around Us had a better flow but both movies should definitely be seen.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I heart Safron.[/QUOTE]

I got a tweet back from Nathan Fillion this week because I asked how (other than it being scripted) he could resist Ms. Hendricks, haha. Made my day.
[quote name='chimpster1313']I got a tweet back from Nathan Fillion this week because I asked how (other than it being scripted) he could resist Ms. Hendricks, haha. Made my day.[/QUOTE]

Sweet! I can't stand Twitter, I must be the only one that doesn't do that stuff. Oh well.
World's Greatest Dad - Good, took a turn in which didn't expect. Robin Williams did well and it's sad that he doesn't get more roles like this.
Book of Eli
The Pink Panther (1963)

Both were quite enjoyable, but I'm starting to get annoyed at movies having wildly changing volumes. Pain in the ass when the dialogue is almost mute and the action is deafening.
The last movie that surprised me was probably "She's Out Of My League". I enjoyed it more then i thought I would. It was kinda like a good chick flick.
Gonna try to keep it short....

Kingdom of Heaven - 4/5 - pretty good movie, the amount of violence caught me off guard. 3 hours for the director's cut is pretty damn long. A lot of people said the DC was good....dunno if i can recommend it because its f'n 3 hours long.

Thirst -3/5 - like most park chan-wooks films, Thirst is pretty slow paced. There is A LOT of romance throughout. I came into Thirst thinking it was about the struggle of good and evil of a priest turned vamp. The movie starts that way for about 30minutes then the next 90 minutes are about his gf. Definitely not Park Chan-wook's best film...Sympathy for Lady Vengeance is far superior. I guess if you love that 'forbidden romance' bs about vamps u could like the movie but for me Thirst is a pass.

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - 5/5 - The investigation of a cold case has a 24yo hacker and a 'soon to be in jail' journalist working together to solve the mystery. Right from the start I was drawn into the story and wanted to learn what was happening and how this all can play out. Its a definite must see film. One of the better crime/dramas I have seen recently. I don't think this single movie is better than Infernal Affairs but I am sure I will like the series more overall. Can't wait for the next film.
[quote name='naiku']Gonna try to keep it short....

Kingdom of Heaven - 4/5 - pretty good movie, the amount of violence caught me off guard. 3 hours for the director's cut is pretty damn long. A lot of people said the DC was good....dunno if i can recommend it because its f'n 3 hours long.

Thirst -3/5 - like most park chan-wooks films, Thirst is pretty slow paced. There is A LOT of romance throughout. I came into Thirst thinking it was about the struggle of good and evil of a priest turned vamp. The movie starts that way for about 30minutes then the next 90 minutes are about his gf. Definitely not Park Chan-wook's best film...Sympathy for Lady Vengeance is far superior. I guess if you love that 'forbidden romance' bs about vamps u could like the movie but for me Thirst is a pass.

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - 5/5 - The investigation of a cold case has a 24yo hacker and a 'soon to be in jail' journalist working together to solve the mystery. Right from the start I was drawn into the story and wanted to learn what was happening and how this all can play out. Its a definite must see film. One of the better crime/dramas I have seen recently. I don't think this single movie is better than Infernal Affairs but I am sure I will like the series more overall. Can't wait for the next film.[/QUOTE]

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is a damn good film. Saying that, the book is so much better. I'm currently reading it and it's leaving me speechless.

As for me, I just finished watching Black Dynamite and that's a fucking great film. Michael Jae White ftw!
Law-biding Citizen - 6/10

It... was shocking like The Departed but other than that Fox kills me and so does the ending. It's like hearing a joke and waiting for the punch line only to have the guy screw up the joke.
It's Complicated- It's a comedy of errors-- without the comedy.

Burn After Reading- It's a dark comedy of errors.

When In Rome- John Heder, Will Arnett, and Danny DeVito added some necessary comedic zest to this otherwise forgettable film.
Been watching a bunch of DC comics animated movies..

Batman Under the Red Hood (AWESOME)
Superman / Batman Public Enemies (Decent)
JLA Crisis on Two Earths (Pretty good)
Green Lantern: First Flight (Currently watching)
Surrogates - 5/10

I wasn't really feeling this movie from the start but the ending... christ. It was as bad as the ending to Waterworld
When they found land...
. These kinds of movies that "look into how the future could be" make me cringe every time. The only way this could be better is if they mixed it in with Equilibrium's Premise.
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Great film and kept me guessing until the end. The final final ending was a bit of a cop out but the movie was already 2 and half hours long.
Up! - 9/10

Really good movie as are all animated one are. The Retriever made me think of my old dog which probably would've sounded and kinda acted the same way if had a voice collar.
The Runaways - What a great film. I wish it would of been fleshed out a bit more, but it was still rather great. Kristen Stewart is pretty attractive as Joan Jett. 9/10
Another movie The Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut it was a good movie a lot of violence though but it was just a long ass movie 3 hours wow!
Inception - good but not amazing. I don't understand why people were confused by this movie, all you had to do was pay attention.

Cyrus - extremely good, strange, different but I loved it, very enjoyable.
[quote name='AshesofWake']Inception - good but not amazing. I don't understand why people were confused by this movie, all you had to do was pay attention.

That's pretty difficult when you gotta text constantly during the movie and look more at your phone than the movie screen. Seriously, when I saw the movie some douche was doing that in the row in front of me and the light was extremely annoying.
Showdown - 3/5 - Ken moves from Kansas to somewhere. He has to go to a new school as a senior in high school. This new high school seems very ghetto with smoking, knives, guns and graffiti all over the place....also like most movies the kids look like they are 28+ years old. Ken talks to Ben Stiller's wife, Christine Taylor who is dating the school bully. School bully is also training at some dojo so he knows karate! After school bully beats up Ken a few times for talking to Stiller's wife, Ken starts training with the janitor to fight back. That janitor is none other than Billy Blanks. There its some really funny moments in here because of Billy Blanks and the Assistance Principle played by Brion James. The fighting in the film is pretty average. No action scene will blow you away. If you can find Showdown its probably worth a laugh or two.

Inception - Never was there a point that I felt the movie was dragging at all, it had excellent pacing. I can already tell I will be thinking about this one for awhile.
Inception again. Wife wanted to see it again, so we went. Only the 3rd movie I ever went twice to see in theaters (last two LOTR being the other two). Still awesome the second time through.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']^ Dude, forget that. Want to see the best school bully movie ever?

fucking epic obscure 80s movie.[/QUOTE]

ill definitely check it out. Showdown was more like Karate Kid with Billy Blanks acting as Miyagi.

Lovely Bones - 3/5 - Eh, story wasn't all that interesting. Visuals for the other world were good and Stanley Tucci is awesome but besides that not too much to enjoy.

Bounty Hunter - 3/5 - Quirky love story....had a few funny moments.
[quote name='dastly75']That's pretty difficult when you gotta text constantly during the movie and look more at your phone than the movie screen. Seriously, when I saw the movie some douche was doing that in the row in front of me and the light was extremely annoying.[/QUOTE]

It is annoying. I like going to the theater, but people usually ruin it. I hate when people text, I also hate when stuff during the movie isn't funny, even if the movie isn't great. Just shut the fuck up and let the rest of us watch in peace. Also when people bring in a whole meal with them to the movie. Its just a 2 hour movie, you'll last without eating.

I hate people :lol:

On topic though, last movie I saw was IP Man. It was pretty good.
Internet needs to stop crying about people texting in the theater. I really doubt a tiny phone screen half a theater away is really going to distract you that much from the movie playing on the huge fucking screen in front of you. If you're gonna get so bent out of shape then don't leave the goddamn basement.
I know somebody who texts during movies!! The bright screens on these devices are super distracting. Really a douchebag move to text while in a movie.
[quote name='Malik112099']I know somebody who texts during movies!! The bright screens on these devices are super distracting. Really a douchebag move to text while in a movie.[/QUOTE]

There's just assholery in general in movie theaters. I miss drive-in's. It's hard for somebody's ignorant habits to bother others at a drive-in. No 6'8" guys in cowboy hats sitting in front of you when you're the only two people in the theater. None of those two bitches that have to talk through the whole movie. "Ooh, I bet he's the real killer." "Hells naw, it's that other guy, he always the bad guy in every movie he be in." "I think you right, girl."

For me, the worst is when somebody's kid turns around 180 degrees in their chair and just stares at me for like 2/3 of the movie.
bread's done