Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Creepshow was the best anthology. The Crate was fucking epic. I liked Father's Day just because it had Ed Harris back before anybody knew who he was.
Nosferatu - My first silent film. It's amazing that after all these years, the story has stayed as engaging as it could ever be. And the music is just superb.
Gamer - 1/5 - Friend recommended it to me...he told me he was 'angry after watching the movie'. To me that sounds like a winner! I could not believe how atrocious the editing and photography was in this movie. Not once in an action scene you have any idea what is happening. Everything is quickly cut, fast and awkward camera angles, littered with cg "static breakup" that happens just about everywhere in this movie. If you thought Transformers had awful fight scenes that were made for teenage were wrong. This movie is for that audience. Gamer is set in the future where a computer can cover your wall. Yet anytime you use the computer you will get static breakup and images get distorted or interlaced. This effect carries over for any action scene in the movie to give it that "live future tv look". The battle for your freedom a la 'death race' is an interesting concept. Death race did explain what was happening during those battles, in Gamer you have no idea what is happening. Butler runs about shooting bad people who you really don't get to meet, civilians are around but again...who are they. The cast is actually kind of impressive for this movie. There are a lot of big names Keith Davis, Terry Crews, Gerald Butler, Alison Lohman, dude from Heroes, Michael C Hall and even the dean of mean Keith Jardine! Sadly even with such great talent this movie fails hard. The script, editing and shot selection make Gamer one of the worst hollywood cinematic experiences in recent history.

I haven't seen Airbender yet...but I can't wait to see if it tops Gamer.
Michael C Hall should have stayed far away from Gamer. That was a bit of a roadbump in his otherwise stellar career. I remember watching Six Feet Under and was amazed after discovering Hall was NOT gay. That was probably the pinnacle of straight guy playing gay guy performances.
[quote name='saunderscowie']Ponyo, again.

so nice on blu ray.[/QUOTE]

I can't wait to watch this movie. I was about to move it to the top of my netflix queue when I saw that it would be available to watch instantly 9/2. Now i'm going to be lazy and wait.
Three O'Clock High - 3/5 - Funny 80's movie. At 3 o'clock average kid must fight the bully of the school. Movie takes place in one school day where kid runs into trouble, attempts to get out of trouble, and then finally the fight between the kid and bully. The movie does have many creative ways in which the kid tries to get out of this fight. The best being his book report in english class. If you are in need of a classic 80s movie, check out Three O'Clock High. I think its streaming on netflix. - 3/5 - Christina Ricci ends up at a funeral home that Liam Neeson runs after she has been killed. This movie is hard to review without spoiling or not spoiling depending on your view of the film. has a few 'twists' but you are never really sure what is happening which could leave some people unfulfilled. Justin Long is playing the exact same role as he did in Drag Me to Hell...except no Apple promos. There isn't much gore or horror in After.Life despite it being reviewed/promoted on the horror websites. After Life did have my friends and I talking throughout the film, wondering if 'this actually happened then how did that happen'. If you want to see an average Drama/Mystery movie or Ricci naked check out After.Life. I saw it for the latter.
Scott Pilgrim VS The World - I loved it. Had an absolutely amazing soundtrack and perfectly written -- and hilarious -- dialogue. 5/5

The Expendables - The story and premise of the movie were pretty lame, but a decent amount of classic southern rock and some over-the-top and badass action made up for it. 3.5/5

The Men Who Star At Goats - I was a bit weirded out by the movie, but I came to enjoy it as the movie went on and a little bit more now that it is over. 4/5
Went into today expecting to love Scott and be bored to death with expendables, but it ended up being the opposite.

The Girl Who Played with Fire - 4/5 -
Lisbeth Salander is suspected of murdering 3 people and Michael Blomkvist must clear her name while uncovering the real killer. This is the second movie of the Millennium Trilogy. Like the first film which I adored, Girl Who Played with Fire has interesting characters. The issue I have with this movie is how it doesn't answer all the questions. The movie starts with an investigation on a prostitution and human trafficking ring. Once the murders happen and Blomkvist beginnings looking for a suspect, they never answer or make any attempt to take down this ring. It felt like it was shoved to the side when they began investigating a mysterious man named Zala. I hope the third actually wraps up that story. Like the first the movie, Girl Who Played with Fire is well made, good drama and suspense.

The Expendables - 3/5 -
This movie is a Stallone & Statham buddy action movie co-staring everyone else. Going into it I was most excited to see lots of Dolph Lundgren, sadly you only get a few parts with him. Expendables like Rambo 4 has some serious violence. At one point Terry Crews jumps out in a hallway full of bad guys and blasts holes and limbs off everyone with an AA-12 shotgun. (thanks MW2!) The action is hella fun! An enemy attacks our hero with a knife, hero misdirects the attack and jams knife into enemy's shoulder while shoving him against a wall....then quickly puts 5 rounds into him w/ a pistol. The action is quick, aggressive and very much awesome. The story is somewhat interesting but emotionally you dont really care. They try to build some connection with the father and daughter but again...its hard to try to get attached when you see Stallon's forearms burst w/ veins that have been pumped with HGH. The CG looks pretty good through the film. Only near the end where some cg fire looks a little corny. I definitely had a better than expected time with Expendables. The 45 on metacritic had me worried but Expendables is an awesome ride.

Scott Pilgrim vs the World -3/5 -
Video game + hipster crap + music = win? Sadly no. The trailers had me worried about this movie and the trailers proved to be right. Scott Pilgrim tries to blends video games/comics and music into one experience. First Video Games, yes its cool that G-man is mentioned 10+ times. I love half life like anyone else...but did it make me love the movie or characters more? Nope. Crash at Demonhead...yea I heard of the nes game but it doesn't make the movie better. As you probably know Scott Pilgrim is chalked full of added visual effects to give the movie a comic book feel. For the most part they were done well and were not as distracting as I initially thought they would be. The fight scenes have Michael Cera fighting like a badass. Definitely props for that. The script I think is the weakest part of the movie. The dialog wasn't all that funny. No one at the theater laughed at any of the written jokes. The one 'funny' moment was when Scott was getting ready to run out the door to head to level 7. Like most Edgar Wright movies, Wright quickly cuts and speeds up the scene when someone equips themselves for a zombie attack, but in Scott's case he quickly put on his jacket on, hat, shoes.....then it slowed down for Scott to tie his shoes. Good moment. Some references like 'get a life', 'pee bar', etc were a definite miss. A movie that is based 'expression through music' should have an awesome soundtrack. Maybe its because I am not a Beck fan but I didn't find any of the songs 'Sex-Bob-Omb' played to be catchy or good. The best song imo was Brie Larson singing the Metric song Black Sheep. I honestly dont know who Scott Pilgrim is targeted for. The romance feels like its meant for 14-16 yo girls but the video game/comic-ish and script felt like a complete miss on all marks. It could have been something great but failed.
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[quote name='moon_knight']Kung Fu Hustle[/QUOTE]

Ditto. and don't miss Shoalin Soccer byt the same guys.

The Fifth Element.
Final Destination (The 4th one, not the first) - Not all that great. Pretty basic. If you've seen any of the other Final Destination movies, you've seen them all. I was at least hoping for something like a B-horror flick (Think Sci-Fi channel original movies). Sadly, it missed this mark. But when you are sick on a couch, anything on HBO on demand looks good. The good news? It's only about 80 minutes.
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Shutter Island - Pretty weak given who all was involved in the making of it. I wanted more creepy. I didn't know exactly how it was going to end, but *something* was telegraphed very early on. Maybe worth watching if you get it from the library or something like that (I did).
Youth in Revolt - This was ok. It was fun seeing Michael Cera play a different character (the alter ego Francois, not the lead character), but it wasn't an overly great movie.

Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - Alright movie, definitely has Gilliam written ALL over it. I liked how naturally they were able to make Ledger's death something that didn't greatly have an effect on the movie (not that I'm trying to take away from the tragedy of that situation).
[quote name='saunderscowie']Amazing![/QUOTE]
Yes it was.
[quote name='5of9']Ditto. and don't miss Shoalin Soccer byt the same guys.[/QUOTE]
I'll check it out.

Close encounters of the third kind
[quote name='saunderscowie']^ another amazing film! you're on a roll :)[/QUOTE]
Thanks. I had been wanting to see it for a while and managed to catch it on tv.
Survive Style 5+ - 5/5 - This movie is so awesome. Japanese movie with 5 stories told at once. Each story is very weird but comical. One has a man who murders a woman....who keeps coming back to beat him up. Sometimes she comes back with superpowers. Another has a family that goes to a performance where father get hypnotized to act like a bird, performer gets murdered, dad is stuck being a bird. Vinnie Jones as an assassin for hire running around Japan. Commercial writer and her adventures. Survive Style 5+ is very hard to compare since its very unique. The furnishings in the homes are memorable for how weird they are. Definitely go watch the movie, its weird and very funny. I am a bit sad for The Good The Bad and The Weird which I will be seeing this can anything follow the greatness of Survive Style 5+.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Blind Date - 5/10

Well, it was a pretty bad movie but it had some pretty random funny parts I suppose.[/QUOTE]

Haha, that movie was awesome. One of those oddball 80s movies that normally would never be greenlighted. The plot is basically the chick doesn't drink because she has a weird reaction to, of course, dude gives girl alcohol.
Noriko's Dinner Table - This is the prequel/sequel to the cult hit movie (and personal favorite) Suicide Club . While not near as good as the first, this movie has it's own charm. An original story and twisted sense of reality is what really makes this movie an interesting watch, even if it is slow at times in its two and a half hour running time.

Now if we could just get a Love Exposure DVD release over here in the states, I will be an extremely happy man.
The Maiden Heist It's charming old-guys-who-have-no-business-plotting-and-executing-a-heist-but-do-anyway film starring Christopher Walken, Morgan Freeman, and William H. Macy.
It was okay, major plot hole but I do enjoy modern sci-fi movies kinda like this.


It was shit.
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