Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Just saw Social Network.. definitely a good movie.. definitely not the "movie of the decade".. doubtful to it even being movie of the year.. but it was good. Eisenberg really stood out, he did a great job.
Yeah, I saw Social Connection as well. It's an 8/10 IMO. The review scores it's been getting are just insane.

It was an enjoyable movie though.
La Dolce Vita - 4/5 - good but took me awhile to watch it. 180minutes? Whatever. Think its better than 8 1/2...has more fun.

Date Night - 3/5 - few funny moments, overall pretty lame...but not an awful way to waste some time.

Cheerleader Camp - 2/5 - best part was the white guys raping and the creepy grounds keeper. Pretty slow to start...obvious ending. Worlds smallest Cheerleader camp.
I watched Sweet Karma last night. It was a pretty good revenge flick, especially for a low budget one. The main actress, Shera Bechard, is fucking hot though!
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Hatchet - fuck me was that intense.
The first kill with the people from the tour boat, where the 'Jump to Conclusions Mat Guy' gets his torso hatcheted to shit?
GODDAMN. Also, hell of an ending.
^ sadly the second movie doesn't live up to the great first movie.

Wall Street - 4/5 - good story, gecko is a badass, I really thought Charlie Sheen was a moron for dumping his old gf for the new gf played by Daryl Hannah. One thing I didn't expect is the amount of great one liners delivered by Michael Douglas. Guess when I have time I will watch the new one.
Human Centipede - 6/10 Def a weird and at times disturbing movie. The ending is a bit of a cop out though, I am seriously sick of movies where the end is not clear.

Manchurian Canidate(the more modern 90s version) 8/10 - Good movie but I do not see why it is such a legend in the industry.

The Burrowers - 6/10 - Compltly average and pretty dull through much of the movie. Its a western where these weird creatures that live under the ground are capturing/killing people, yet Americans mistake it as Indians doing the damage. Of course they go out to hunt the Indians and the creatures go after them. Decent concept but boring execution.

Carriers - 6.5/10 - Again pretty average movie, had potential but ended up meh.

The Signal - 7.5/10 - The signal was interesting, it went back and forth between above average and meh the whole movie. Parts of it were good and I thought it was going to really take off in a hand full of spots, but then it went right back to average. Id have given it a solid 7 except the ending was pretty good and I did not see it coming.

I Sell the Dead - 8.5/10 - Very funny little zombie/horror/comedy hybrd. The guy from Lost and Lord of the Rings(I know his first name is Dominic)stars in it and is really funny in his role. Suprisingly funny and both me and my wife really enjoyed it.

I quit watching Platoon of the Dead and Zombie Wars about 15-20 mins in to them...they were both just so terrible I could not keep watching. I am going to try watching another low rated Netflix instant watch Zombie movie "severed" right now so we will see if this one can at least make it to the 30 min mark....sigh why are good zombie movies so rare.
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How to Train Your Dragon
I wasn't expecting much - when it comes to computer animated movies Pixar is usually miles ahead of Dreamworks. However I have to say that this was a wonderful looking movie with a very well done story to back it up. Definitely one of the best non-Pixar animations I've seen.
Let Me In - It was good, but so slowly paced.

Anyone have some good horror movie recommendations? Getting into that stuff with it being October and all. Not looking for anything popular since I've probably seen it.
[quote name='whoknows']Let Me In - It was good, but so slowly paced.

Anyone have some good horror movie recommendations? Getting into that stuff with it being October and all. Not looking for anything popular since I've probably seen it.[/QUOTE]

There's an entire thread dedicated to that. 2 threads even if you count the "Scariest movies" one. They should still be on page 1.
Repo Men - It was ok, definitely not as bad as I expected but the end was pretty stupid.

Cujo - Awesome movie, fantastic makeup and training with the dog.
Well I just rewatched Iron Man 2 last night and this confirms that I like the first one better. That was my opinion when I saw the second film in theaters but felt like I needed to give it another go. Still, I really enjoy both movies but IMO the first one is better.
Finally saw black dynamite. I wasn't sure what this was about or when it was made at first but damn this is some funny shit.

Aha! I threw that shit before I came in the room! :applause:
[quote name='mr_burnzz']Finally saw black dynamite. I wasn't sure what this was about or when it was made at first but damn this is some funny shit.

Aha! I threw that shit before I came in the room! :applause:

It's a fairly new movie and it's completely awesome. Rumor going around a Black Dynamite TV Show and comic are in the works.:applause:
Movies I've seen in the past week:

My Soul to Take 3D ($8) - Worst movie I've seen all year. I knew what was going to happen in the first 20 minutes, biggest waste of time.

Catfish ($5) - It was an interesting movie. Especially for $5, it was definitely worth that. The filmmakers did come off as douchebags throughout the second part of the movie though.

It's Kind of a Funny Story ($5) - Good movie, Galifinakis is still really just being himself but did show a sign of some growth as an actor. Good to see.

Red ($5.50) - Really enjoyed this movie. Perfect blend of the laughs and action. Karl Urban kicked all kinds of ass too.

Jackass 3D ($8) - Since I've only seen about three 3D movies, this statement wont mean much, but it was the most worth it 3D movie I've seen. Just like every other Jackass movie, but that's not a bad thing.
The Imaginarium of Doctor Panassuss. Pretty good, I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5 or so.

Very good visually, interesting premise and well acted. Story needed some tightening up though as it kind of meandered at places.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Not too bad actually, but could have been great if the dumb shits just directly transferred the SoT game's plot and dialog.
Inglourious Basterds (both QTs and Enzo's).

I loved it in the theaters. My friends and I were the only ones who were laughing thoughout the movie. While watching it on blu-ray, I was excited to see the Basterds and Hans Landa once again. A modern western within a WWII setting.

Inglorious Bastards (1978) was a movie flimed on a budget with campy acting, which had characters that talked a bigger game than what they could walk. Not even considered a classic this movie was actually entertaining as a different take on the WWII war genre. Campy humor with spray and pray action were enough to make me enjoy its lack in logical story progression (and instant love interest?).

Netflix it, if you are clueless on what to watch. It is considered a macaroni combat, so it's campy without even trying.
bread's done