Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='Malik112099']Stay Cool - I stopped watching at 45 minutes in. Absolutely nothing interesting/entertaining going on.[/QUOTE]

Stay Cool was one of the least entertaining movies I have ever seen.
[quote name='dmaul1114']A Fistful of Dollars. Great western. Looking forward to watching the rest of the trilogy this week.[/QUOTE]

Was that the one where he went to that town and played the two gangs against eachother?
Fargo - 4/5 - Really liked the movie, but I felt it moved too quick. It wold been more enjoyable had it been 20-40 minutes longer.
I've been watching a couple movies as of late..

Rocky 1 - 4. Well we all know 4 is the best for the training montage, music, and USA vs USSR. No matter how many times I watch it, when that training beat comes on you get so amped!

prince of persia - meh. 7/10 at best. Nothing I would like to see again. Like some said before, it's a summer action flick.

DOA - This movie sucked big time. Soooo cheesy but some fight scenes were good and Jaime Presly is hottttt.

Over The Top - 9/10 - I love stallone. Much better than I remembered as a kid.

This is it - I like MJ but it's just him practicing and such. Turned it off after awhile.

Watchmen - Not my cup of tea. Too long and weird. Needs to be watched a second time i think.

The Road - 9/10 - Based on the book by McCarthy. Very dark and depressing. The acting is great. I like Charlize Theron.

- The commercials for this movie made it look like complete horseshit, but I was surprised at how great the movie actually turned out, which is surprising coming from a movie with Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, and David Spade. The movie is filled with so much heart, and it makes a great family movie. Lots of smaller jokes for the kids and tons of jokes that'll fly over their heads for the adults.
I'm late to the party but I loved Iron Man. I have Iron Man 2 on queue from Netflix.

The Blind Side was pretty good too and I usually don't like Sandra Bullock.
Repo: Genetic Opera- maybe it's because I got emotionally punched in the stomach before watching but I really didn't enjoy it or its music...
Hatchet 2 Unrated - 3/5 - Tony Todd came by for the premiere of Hatchet 2. The story starts pretty slow since they retell the backstory + build a team before encountering any danger. The team then goes to the swamps to hunt for Victor Crowley. This intro takes up a bunch of time since we already know Victor is out there...waiting to murder you. The Unrated-ness might have added more blood but it also added a lot of unnecessary 'funny' kills. Not enough gory/brutal deaths. It seemed like they thought "hey since we are gonna make it unrated, lets go ahead and murder people in the most ridiculous ways". It felt like I seen more brutal kills in MPAA rated 'r' films. There are some genuinely funny moments in the script. One moment has Vernon (Colton Dunn) singing a song about 'chicken, biscuits, and gravy'. Its hysterical...but like most character moments in this movie it is never mentioned or brought up again. It seems like they tell you one or two lines about a person, then they are never mentioned again. Then they die when they encounter Victor Crowley. The biggest annoyance for Hatchet 2 was the main actress 'Marybeth' who is played by a different girl in this film from the first. Her accent goes in and out. It gets pretty annoying especially when she is crying which feels forced and not natural. Overall Hatchet 2 is a fun slasher... just the original movie is much better.

Candyman is a badass.
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[quote name='naiku']

Candyman is a badass.[/QUOTE]

Every time Tony Todd has showed up elsewhere (24 last season and now The Event for example). I can't get his Candyman character out of my head.
[quote name='fart_bubble']The Perfect Getaway - The ending was pretty funny (which I don't think was intentional) but the flick wasn't bad. Looked great in HD to boot[/QUOTE]

Just saw this. Looked great on Blu and was a very good movie, much better than we were expecting and one of the best movies we've seen in a while.
I'm in no rush to see The Social Network. That Eisenburg kid is fucking terrible.

[quote name='SeeYa']Just saw this. Looked great on Blu and was a very good movie, much better than we were expecting and one of the best movies we've seen in a while.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. That movie was great. I think the extended cut kinda soured the experience. It's better with less of a reveal at the end. Timothy Olyphant was badass in that. And that chick (Nikki from Lost)...holy momma, she's so much hotter in that than she was on Lost. The twist was pretty damn cool, I'm trying so hard not to spoil it.
[quote name='whoknows']I just can't. I'll go see it sometime this weekend, but I just can't believe it's that good. Maybe I'm just judging it off the mostly boring trailers that I got tired of seeing every time I went to the theater.[/QUOTE]

1 name says it all.

David Fincher.
[quote name='dastly75']Let Me In - Avoid the opening day rush with a bunch of teenagers thinking it's a straight up horror movie.[/QUOTE]

That is why you gotta watch it before noon like i did. ;P

I thought it was good, but yeah, I agree that it isn't a straight up horror movie. Now to watch the original.
[quote name='ValkyrieVF-1S']
I thought it was good, but yeah, I agree that it isn't a straight up horror movie. Now to watch the original.[/QUOTE]

Watch it streaming on Netflix. Supposedly that's the correct theatrical subtitles, not the fucked up ones that read like a 10 year old wrote them. "I are vampire. Me drink blood. Then make poopies."
Starship Troopers - Pretty good. I saw it in the theater back when it came out and was pretty distracted by the absolutely over the top violence. This time I was able to, I dunno, appreciate the whole movie more. The Halo games obviously borrowed elements from the movie.
[quote name='vrblknch']I would recommend seeing Let the Right One In BEFORE Let Me In.[/QUOTE]
Definitely the right way to go about it. I seen Let the Right One In a while back but watched it again before seeing Let Me In. Original is still superior.

Now I just finished watching a movie on netflix and I thought it was pretty damn good. Rampage, directed by Uwe Boll. I hate that guy as much as the next but I'll be damned if this wasn't an enjoyable movie. Totally surprised. Not enough to redeem the man mind you, but surprisingly good.
Halloween 2 the Rob Zombie remake - 7/10 - Pretty decent but a bit weird and artsy in a number of places.

Defiance - 7/10 - A different spin and different story on the holocaust. Was interesting seeing Jewish people fighting and surviving for a change.

Road to Perdition - 6/10 - I really do not see why this movie was rated so high. Action was bland, story predictable and over all id call this the worst Tom hanks movie I can recall watching.

Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanmo Bay - 6/10(Though the 15 mins with Neil Patrick Harris were 10/10) - As I said in the score 10/10 with NPH parts but the rest of it was mostly meh and too over the top for me. Few good laughs but over all just average.
I like the Rob Zombie Halloweens. Most people don't, but I appreciate the guy's love for the genre. He actually insisted on getting Carpenter's blessing before he even attempted putting the first movie out. The way I see it, the first two original Halloween movies were the only good ones, so many shitty sequels left a window so that Rob could reboot it and have a little wiggle room in regards to failure.

Defiance was cool, but the made for TV movie Uprising was a lot better. Try and check that out if you can.
I loved Zombie's first Halloween, but the second one was pretty much terrible.

Let Me In - 4/5 - I loved it, but not nearly as much as I liked Let The Right One In. I'm pretty intrigued to read the book now.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I like the Rob Zombie Halloweens. Most people don't, but I appreciate the guy's love for the genre. He actually insisted on getting Carpenter's blessing before he even attempted putting the first movie out. The way I see it, the first two original Halloween movies were the only good ones, so many shitty sequels left a window so that Rob could reboot it and have a little wiggle room in regards to failure.

Defiance was cool, but the made for TV movie Uprising was a lot better. Try and check that out if you can.[/QUOTE]

I liked both of Zombies remakes, but far from loved them thanks to all the unneeded extra plot. Funny thing is that is pretty close to the same reason I dislike Carpenters Halloween. The first/original Halloween was just so freaking drawn out on the suspense end. Nothing happened like 70% of the movie, it was just Micheal following the girls around stalking them. It was less like a horror movie and more like some creepy peeping Tom through the majority of the movie. Now before anyone starts complaining it is what made the movie great, the build up and suspense vs the constant killing, realize I have heard this argument before. My issue with the movie is not that there is a serious lack of killing through most of the movie, but that nothing is done to really increase the suspense. Strangers is a good example of a movie that got suspense without killing someone every 5 mins right. I watched Strangers with a group of like 10 adults and after the movie was done and the 3 dogs at the house needed to go out NO ONE but me would go outside with them. Honestly even after I volunteered to go outside no one would go with me. For a movie that spends most of the movie without any big deaths THAT says something.
Robot Jox - 0/10

It's really amazing how a movie can go from awesome to down right garbage just by seeing it when you're a kid vs when you're an "adult". Some of the thinking and concepts people hold as "important" or "adult" behavior is really stupid and stupidly funny. I shouldn't have ruined this childhood memory of an awesome robot by watching it x years later... Oh well I guess.

Robot Wars - --------------------10000000000000000000000000000/10

I happen to come across this while searching for Robot Jox. I really REALLY wish I didn't. Even if this were a bad porn movie it would be bad. Christ I wish I didn't bother with this. I'm going to some how force my friend to watch this so he feels my pain...
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