Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Clerks 2 is great. I wish I knew what you were expecting from the movie..

Great line: I'm taking back the use of porch monkey....or something to the effect. Too lazy to look it up.[/QUOTE]

Might try to watch it again. Second times the charm..
Love Actually - 4/5 - pretty solid romantic comedy. The cast is pretty darn epic for such a film, definitely didn't expect so many stars to just randomly show up in a movie. I wouldn't say its my favorite romcom but its definitely top 5. The story is really good which tries to show all the different relationships and how love 'works' in each of them. Love Actually is written by the great Richard Curtis and is his directorial debut. I was beyond pleased to see Richard Curtis put Mr. Bean into this film, his creation of that character had given me much laughter throughout the years. As far as the comedy goes a few moments were genuinely laugh out loud funny which rarity in romance films. Definitely worth a view if you are in the mood for a romcom.
Mad Love. I watched this again recently and it is a really accurate portrayal of bi-polar disorder / depression by Drew Barrymore. The acting is superb. I think people would have a better understanding of mental illness if they saw this movie.
[quote name='dmaul1114']The Town.

Thought it was great, probably the best heist movie since Heat. Affleck is 2/2 as a director.[/QUOTE]
Def. agree with this.

I found the A-Team to be a pretty entertaining popcorn flick.
My wife and I watched Paranormal Activity 2 last night. It was boring I thought and horribly predictable. Then I talked my wife into watching Machete, she didn't think it was as awesome as I did but she still liked it. So in summary PA2 sucked and Machete is awesome.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Inception - _ \ 10

Me = So fucking lost[/QUOTE]

Watch it a second time, you'll understand it better. That movie was great.
It wasn't in a really "I need to see this again" sorta way, but the distinction between reality and dream world wasn't sorted out all that well... If that was what they were going for I suppose job well done, but not my cup of tea then. I felt like I was going skitso trying to figure out real vs dream. I also don't get the end where it was Leo and Ken, then everyone back on the plane...
[quote name='VipFREAK']
It wasn't in a really "I need to see this again" sorta way, but the distinction between reality and dream world wasn't sorted out all that well... If that was what they were going for I suppose job well done, but not my cup of tea then. I felt like I was going skitso trying to figure out real vs dream. I also don't get the end where it was Leo and Ken, then everyone back on the plane...

The distinction between dream and real world is pretty clear. All the planning the heist, the plane etc. is real world. Caring out the plan is going through different levels of the dream.

Only part that's ambiguous at all is the ending since it cuts away before Cobbs totem falls--leaving you to wonder if he woke up or is stuck in the dream purgatory. But they're are hints that it's real--no wedding ring when he always had it on in the dream world, the kids are older and played by different actors than they were in his dream etc.

The end was Cobb (leo's character) going down to the dream purgatory (limbo) to get Ken Watanabi's character to realize he was dreaming and bring him back to the real world. Remember, he died in the dream and that's sends you to Limbo and unable to remember your dreaming unless someone convinces you other wise.

He convinces him it's limbo and they both wake up on the plane and join the others who woke up from the earlier kicks as they weren't in Limbo.
What about the whole Cobb's wife part toward the end? She was in reality not dreaming when she jumped out the window? If so, how is she still around? Or that was Cobb's "version" of her?
[quote name='VipFREAK']
What about the whole Cobb's wife part toward the end? She was in reality not dreaming when she jumped out the window? If so, how is she still around? Or that was Cobb's "version" of her?

Cobb and her were stuck in Limbo before the present timeline of the movie (the flashbacks to the dreamworld city they build). To get her out of it, he planted the idea (the first time he did an inception) that the world was fake and she had to kill herself to leave Limbo and wake up--that's the scene with them laying on the railroad tracks.

But that idea stuck and when she woke up, and thus she thought the real world was a dream, and Cobb failed at convincing her that they were awake and the real world. Thus she jumped out the window and died, and he was blamed for murder since she framed it to look that way hoping he'd jump too (since she thought they were both in the dream world).

Her appearances in Cobb's dreams are just an artifact of his subconscious and his guilt over her death.
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MICMACS... this movie was a beast. Very off kilter, euro/french, but VERY good. Reminded me of live action Popeye meets Smoking Aces meets Oceans 11. I am now officially checking for every movie from director Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Visually pleasing... added Delicatessen and Amelie to my instant Q already.
Red - It can't decide between whether it should be over the top and funny or a standard action movie. It's a far cry from the awesomeness of Shoot Em' Up and to a lesser degree, Crank 2. Some subpar SFX as well. Don't pay money to watch it is my recommendation.

Annie Hall - Even better on my second viewing.
Nowhere Boy

Nice look at a young John Lennon.

Almost Famous - Bootleg Edition

Brilliant of course and interesting to see the additional footage.
Just finished watching Enter The Void. Never seen anything like it. Quite disturbing and completely amusing the whole time. Will definitely look at other works from this director.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']I think it's just 13 extra seconds of gore.[/QUOTE]

It's actually quite a bit more than that, but it adds to the over the top effect of the movie, etc. You can read up on the alterations at wikipedia.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']I think it's just 13 extra seconds of gore.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it's around a minute, specifically on the violent murder of Murphy by the gang.
Just go with it - adam sandler - 6/10 - The first half of the movie was just intolerable. I almost walked out of it but stayed and the rest was really good. Kidman's got a small role in here.
Karate Kid (2010) - honestly enjoyed it. Not happy that they "stole" the name and called it a remake but the movie was alright for what it was.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']It's actually quite a bit more than that, but it adds to the over the top effect of the movie, etc. You can read up on the alterations at wikipedia.[/QUOTE]

To appease the requirements of the ratings board, Verhoeven strove to reduce blood and gore in the most violent scenes in the movie, including the malfunctioning of ED-209, Murphy's execution (where his entire right arm is severed by a shotgun blast and a final overhead shot of Lewis sobbing over Murphy on the blood-soaked floor), and the final battle with Clarence Boddicker (in which RoboCop stabs Boddicker in the neck with his neural spike and Boddicker's blood splatters onto RoboCop's chest).

So it's a minute of extra gore. I forgot about the OCP office guy getting shot up by ED209, that's about 45 seconds right there. Not huge, but I'd rather have it in than out.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']Wiki:
To appease the requirements of the ratings board, Verhoeven strove to reduce blood and gore in the most violent scenes in the movie, including the malfunctioning of ED-209, Murphy's execution (where his entire right arm is severed by a shotgun blast and a final overhead shot of Lewis sobbing over Murphy on the blood-soaked floor), and the final battle with Clarence Boddicker (in which RoboCop stabs Boddicker in the neck with his neural spike and Boddicker's blood splatters onto RoboCop's chest).

So it's a minute of extra gore. I forgot about the OCP office guy getting shot up by ED209, that's about 45 seconds right there. Not huge, but I'd rather have it in than out.[/QUOTE]

I believe the unrated edition is the one that viewable through Netflix Instant Watch. I know it's not a ton of added content, but for some reason, the edited material seems to add so much to the movie as a whole.
I'd seen it before, and I'll see it again, but I think it's about time that we start lobbying for Black Dynamite to be listed as the greatest movie of all time.
The Social Network

Really great film. I like how it provokes feelings about this current age we are in. It made me miss having a facebook account and the days when I first signed up during college in 2005. It also made me glad that I don't have the account anymore.
[quote name='vrblknch']MICMACS... this movie was a beast. Very off kilter, euro/french, but VERY good. Reminded me of live action Popeye meets Smoking Aces meets Oceans 11. I am now officially checking for every movie from director Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Visually pleasing... added Delicatessen and Amelie to my instant Q already.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to ten years ago! Seriously, though, outside of Alien: Resurrection, you can't go wrong. Delicatessen is a little weird, and City of Lost Children is weird but amazing visually.

Then, if you want girlfriend-friendly movies, both Amelie and A Very Long Engagement are fantastic, with more identifiable characters and love stories than clones and people eaters and stuff like that.

I'd recommend going in order, but don't let Delicatessen's weirdness ruin you for the rest. It's the definition of an "art film", while the later stuff is more crowd-pleasing.
The Other Guys - 5/10

I guess my friend and his wife liked it a lot because of the one liners, but... I really wasn't feeling it (it was this or Social Network). I guess I'm really not a Will Ferrell fan too...
[quote name='VipFREAK']The Other Guys - 5/10

I guess my friend and his wife liked it a lot because of the one liners, but... I really wasn't feeling it (it was this or Social Network). I guess I'm really not a Will Ferrell fan too...[/QUOTE]

That's about where I rated it. It kept my interest but wasn't the best. I agreed with a review or post (can't remember) that I read which stated if they made the movie with the Rock and Samuel L Jackson and continued their storyline that the movie would have been way better. Those scenes to me is what made the movie... the rest of the movie was pretty lousy.
[quote name='GhostShark']All-Star Superman - 5/5- Damn fine animated film if I do say so myself.[/QUOTE]

I watched it as well and I completely agree.
City Island 5/5 - Great indie comedy about a dysfunctional family in the Bronx, Andy Garcia was great

Which Way Home 4/5 - Good documentary about the plight of South and Central American children trying to cross the US border

Both are instant streaming on Netflix
Rec 2 - While I don't regret watching it, I think the way the direction they took the story in compared to the first movie, was awful.

Summer Wars - Great.
The Game - I just can't shake the feeling like this movie jumped the shark at one point. It was really good...but dang, I really wanted to like this so much more.

Jackass 3 - The worst of the 3, but still pretty enjoyable, if you're into this sort of thing.
[quote name='chimpster1313']The Game - I just can't shake the feeling like this movie jumped the shark at one point. It was really good...but dang, I really wanted to like this so much more.[/QUOTE]
The one with Michael Douglas? I always liked that movie for some reason. Overall it's just kind of standard fare, but I'll give it a watch from time to time.
Teeth - Totally ridiculous, but had some hilarious scenes (the one with the doctor was amazing).

The Human Centipede - Way funnier than I expected, the doctor guy was hilarious, especially when talking about his dog.

Dogtooth - What the fuck?

The Lost Boys - Totally awesome, love the Coreys. Can't believe it took me so long to watch this.

Up - Pixar has apparently developed a talent for making grown men tear up. Amazing movie. Coulda done without the dogs flying planes though.

Women in Trouble - Stupid, but Connie Britton in her underwear and Adrienne Palicki as a porn actress? My Friday Night Lights fantasies=fulfilled.

Cashback - Despite a wildly inaccurate summary on Netflix, it was alright.

Being John Malkovich - Completely WTF, but in a totally awesome way.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Up - Pixar has apparently developed a talent for making grown men tear up. Amazing movie. Coulda done without the dogs flying planes though.[/QUOTE]

This was the first movie to put me on the verge of tears. Toy Story 3 was the first movie to make me full out cry. Pixar can be so evil.
Freakonomics 5/5 - Really enjoyed this movie, but I'm a little biased being an Econ major. The movie takes a few chapters out of the book (which is basically a book that provides an economic look at different things in life).
Dear Zachary - Yeah. I know. Call it "Amateurish" or whatever you want. This is not a documentary that is trying to throw a ton of information at you - it is more about the emotional struggles a family must endure in this given situation.

Now, I'm not an emotional guy, but about 2/3 of the way through, my stomach dropped and I started tearing up. fuck everything about this story.

The less you know, the better. If you haven't seen this movie, go watch it. Now.
Death Race... i think i might actually buy the bluray of it

[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Teeth - Totally ridiculous, but had some hilarious scenes (the one with the doctor was amazing).

The Human Centipede - Way funnier than I expected, the doctor guy was hilarious, especially when talking about his dog.

Dogtooth - What the fuck?

The Lost Boys - Totally awesome, love the Coreys. Can't believe it took me so long to watch this.

Up - Pixar has apparently developed a talent for making grown men tear up. Amazing movie. Coulda done without the dogs flying planes though.

Women in Trouble - Stupid, but Connie Britton in her underwear and Adrienne Palicki as a porn actress? My Friday Night Lights fantasies=fulfilled.

Cashback - Despite a wildly inaccurate summary on Netflix, it was alright.

Being John Malkovich - Completely WTF, but in a totally awesome way.[/QUOTE]
check out a movie called Inside, if you havent seen it yet

seems like you might like somethin like it
bread's done