[quote name='tcrash247']Let Me In - I don't know why I bothered, but since it was on Netflix I gave this one a watch. How you can remake a movie almost word for word and scene for scene and still
it up is completely beyond me. This had none of what made the original good. There was no charm, I didn't give a shit about the relationship between Abby and Owen like I did in the original, the special effects were horrendous and the end scene was poorly done. It's almost like the director read the script for the original but didn't actually see the movie. I'm guessing next up on Hollywood's remake of foreign films plate is probably Troll Hunter, I can't wait to see that ruined too![/QUOTE]
You are way too harsh. It isn't a straight up remake and the director did a really good job of taking subtle parts of the book and integrating them into the movie. I actually like the movies and the book a lot so I will defend it. Anyone who thought the movie was going to focus on things like Tommy,
ing little children, or his relationship with his dad is crazy. Both movies skip over that stuff for the most part and they are better for it. Let Me In did a good job of streamlining the plot for an audience that would be unfamiliar with the book.
I watched Knight and Day this week and I was surprised at how decent this movie was considering how negative the reviews were. For a summer fluff movie it is really really good. Don't go in expecting some high level drama, but for a fun action movie it does a really good job. Tom Cruise is great in it.
I saw Bad Teacher last weekend and it would be a solid rental. It wasn't hilarious, but there were some pretty good parts. Also Lucy Punch looks absolutely fantastic in this movie.