Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='crunchb3rry']What did he do? Steal his kid's bike?[/QUOTE]

He hits his kid, let's diddler attempt to diddle him, gets him drunk, turns his back on him (he thinks he drowns but it's a different kid), and steals a bike in front of him. It's awesome :lol:
Film was made two years after world war 2 ended. There were no jobs and it was an entirely different culture before Americanization. Not defending the father but giving the film context.
Should have had a special feature on the BR that had the actual interview, but a decent movie at any rate.

Dog Day Afternoon
The BR transfer is really good and makes the movie look a lot better. This is the movie where Pacino screams ATTICA if you've heard that soundbyte but never seen it. It's a bank robbery movie that isn't all that impressive overall.
I haven't posted on this thread in about a year, but last night I watched 3 movies.

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil - Was every bit as hilarious and over the top as you may have heard (if you've heard anything), and it was one of the funniest movies I saw from 2011

Cowboys vs. Aliens - Dumb, but entertaining.

Drive - I think I can say without hesitation that this was the best movie of 2011. It was definitely the best movie I saw that was released in 2011.
Red Tails - It was entertaining. The air battles were cool. I really wish
the guy with the girlfriend didn't die, not because I liked him, but because it's just so cliche. One he asked her to marry him and she said yes it was so obvious he was going to die
Rise of the Planet of the Apes remake. I don't know what I was expecting but due to all the good word of mouth, I was looking forward to this, but it put me to sleep. Maybe I wasn't in the mood, but I really didn't like this movie.
Pirates of that place near Florida: On Stranger Tides
I watched this last night and I can't for the life of me remember what happened in the last 15-20 minutes. Big swordfight, a bit of treachery with the fountain and beyond that I have no clue. This probably has to do with me thinking "hey, I should drink rum while watching the pirate movie!" which apparently built a memory gap.
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, US version. Better than the swedish one but still, such a silly generic detective story. I don't understand what's so fascinating about this series one bit. Is it the shock factor? Because that still doesn't warrant all this raving about it. Oh well, whatever floats boats.
It's the characters that made me love the books.

The stories are pretty generic/cliche for the most part, but the characters were great IMO. Especially Lisbeth and Mikael.

Being set in Sweden helped as well--more so with the books--as I love reading about other places and cultures.
The Great Escape (1963)- Very good and pleasing. Only negative was that it was impossible to tell the Germans from the British (both wore navy uniforms with similar hats).
[quote name='gbpackers94']The Great Escape (1963)- Very good and pleasing. Only negative was that it was impossible to tell the Germans from the British (both wore navy uniforms with similar hats).[/QUOTE]

i tried watching that because id heard it was amazing but hated it. stalag 17 is my favorite ww2 escape film.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']I watched the documentary "Special When Lit".... Meh.[/QUOTE]

is that the pinball one with all the weirdos?
[quote name='dmaul1114']It's the characters that made me love the books.

The stories are pretty generic/cliche for the most part, but the characters were great IMO. Especially Lisbeth and Mikael.

Being set in Sweden helped as well--more so with the books--as I love reading about other places and cultures.[/QUOTE]

yeah I think I could see how the books could be so much better. But I guess the films lose that whole aspect because of how visually disturbing the rape scenes were and therefore overshadow any true characters, filmwise of course.
[quote name='camoor']yes and I liked it[/QUOTE]

yeah it was interesting especially with those funny little pinball dances they do. but the level of obsession they have with the game is scary same as that other documentary about the rocketrfire explosion from showbiz. id love to see a documentary about current gen console gamers and how they act especially the halo/cod crowd. thats got to have some creepy chuckles to be had.
[quote name='AshesofWake']yeah I think I could see how the books could be so much better. But I guess the films lose that whole aspect because of how visually disturbing the rape scenes were and therefore overshadow any true characters, filmwise of course.[/QUOTE]

I still disagree. The rape scenes were very detailed and disturbing in the book.

In the book and movie those scenes helped develop Lisbeth's character.

I get it's not for everyone. Neither the books or movies are for people who are squeamish in anyway about sexual violence, as an over arching theme of the series is men abusing women. The original title of the first book was "Men Who Hate Women."
The Ring starring Naomi Watts. I did see the original Ring trilogy, and I've mostly forgotten it, so my opinion of this remake is a little fuzzy. The American movie was a good enough movie by itself, though I always wondered why the hell didn't anybody in either movies call a priest to purity the body or something. I mean wtf, both leads just hand the body over to the cops, while letting Sadako/Samara run free?
[quote name='dmaul1114']I still disagree. The rape scenes were very detailed and disturbing in the book.

In the book and movie those scenes helped develop Lisbeth's character.

I get it's not for everyone. Neither the books or movies are for people who are squeamish in anyway about sexual violence, as an over arching theme of the series is men abusing women. The original title of the first book was "Men Who Hate Women."[/QUOTE]

Yeah I understand the detail provided, but personally I feel like seeing it is much different than reading it? But then again it might be on a person by person basis. My main gripe with the movie isn't actually with the rapes though, it's with the really crappy silly generic plot. haha. But yeah again, everybody has their own tastes and what not, and I personally can't understand the admiration for the movies when the stories are just so..again, silly. but *shrug*

I watched all three of the Swedish versions and after all three, all I did was just shrug like, "eh, ok" I dunno, I usually love movies that make me walk away still thinking about them in a deeper sense, but I always thought that maybe the reason this series was so popular was its connection with how "close to home" the theme of the series was to actual society in Sweden. And in that case, I totally understand, but that's just an aspect I can't grasp on because my unfortunate upbringing away from the rest of the world :(
That's a fair point. I read the books a month or two after I got back from spending a week in Stockholm, so that did add to the appeal for me as I was familiar with some of the locations and interested in Swedish society after spending a small amount of time there.
I agree that The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has an incredibly generic plot. The whole story seemed extremely forgettable and it all appeared to hinge on the viewer making some sort of connection with Elizabeth (?). The abuse scene was brutal, but from the perspective of a viewer who didn't read the source material, that just felt like a cheap way to get me to feel bad for her. Maybe the extra detail and character development plays out better in writing, but I thought the movie was boring as hell.
I have seen quite a few movies the last week or so.

The Grey was okay but a stupid ending made even ore stupid by the after the credits scene. Also showing stuff in a preview and then not having it in the movie is bullshit. Even more so when it was arguably the coolest part of the preview.

Real Steel was much better than I expected and I would recommend it pretty much anyone.

Paranormal Activity 3 sucked hard.

Dolphin Tale was dumb but my wife and kids liked it a lot.

Final Destination 5 was stupid but in a good way. The death scenes where over the top and the best part of the movie.

50/50 was a really good movie. I was fully prepared to fall asleep during it but watched the whole thing. Perfect mix of comedy and drama I thought.

Age of Heroes was good and about what you would expect on a direct to dvd British movie. Pretty sure I never would have watched but Sean Bean is just too cool.

Moneyball was much better than I expected. The ending was stupid though and could have cut out the last ten minutes.

Apollo 18 was a pile of incoherent shit. I couldn't even finish it.

Our Idiot Brother was again a better movie than I thought. Good mix of comedy and drama.

Super 8 was as good as I had hoped it would be.
Pollyanna. its that old disney version with that chick from all those disney films. its on tv and oddly enough i got into it alot of adult stuff happening in it mixed in with your usual cute kid stuff.
Dr. Strangelove (1964)- Wasn't expecting a comedy coming in but I was pleasantly surprised.
"You'll have to answer to the coca-cola company" :lol:
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Friends With Benefits. Ehhhhhhhh. At least Mila Kunis was in her underwear a lot.[/QUOTE]

Gonna watch it now! Haha
[quote name='gbpackers94']Dr. Strangelove (1964)- Wasn't expecting a comedy coming in but I was pleasantly surprised.
"You'll have to answer to the coca-cola company" :lol:

"Gentleman. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room"

I watched The Lost Boys The Thirst (not to be confused with The Lost Boys The Tribe). I picked it up after seeing an advertisement on another movie that caught my attention. After reading quite a few glowing reviews I decided I had to see it. Surprisingly, particularly after The Tribe AND the fact that it was a direct to video release, it was a pretty decent movie. The production values were pretty damn good for a direct to video release and the story was at least somewhat interesting while still taking some fun jabs at Twilight.
I just finished "Scream 4" the other night, and it was pretty entertaining. Much better than parts 2 or 3. I have mostly ignored the horror genera in the past, but I am going back and watching all the big series in order. Next up, Halloween.
[quote name='Broseph']Just saw Drive. Loved it.[/QUOTE]

I have to completely disagree. This movie was easily one of the worst I saw last year. The music was an abortion of sound at the best of times. The whole plot was beyond predictable from the very beginning of the movie. I wanted so much to like it but man I hated it so much.
The Magnificent Seven (1960)- Loved the scenery and the story was easy to follow. All the characters were likable, and the movie had a feel good tone to it.
[quote name='gbpackers94']The Magnificent Seven (1960)- Loved the scenery and the story was easy to follow. All the characters were likable, and the movie had a feel good tone to it.[/QUOTE]

that movies the shit if you dig it theres a sequel i believe but ive never seen it.
bread's done