Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='dmaul1114']Midnight in Paris.

Thought it was fantastic. Great performances all around.[/QUOTE]

Great film! Surprised the heck out of me when I saw it in theaters not knowing a thing about it. It's number three on my top films of 2011. Only "A Separation" and "Drive" come out ahead.

[quote name='TheBigAndy']"Senna" and it was great. I really like documentaries and this one was very good. Little bit of a slow start, but if you are not familiar with the outcome, it is pretty emotional.

I gave it 5/5 netflix stars.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely the most riveting documentary of the year. What stuck most with me is that in a film dealing with retrospect, Senna's charm and charisma made the impeding ending all the more difficult to await. And that score.... yeah this was great cinema.
The King's Speech - IMDB Top 250: Number 130


Coming away with Oscars for Best Director, Best Film, Best Actor, and Best Screenplay last year, I had sense that Bob and Harvey Weinstein may have had a large part in the film's critical success over something like Inception. Having finally seen the film, I'm sad to say that my suspicions haven't been quelled.

The King's Speech is an interesting, charming, and well made slice of character study with fine performances from Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush. However there just isn't anything iconic or memorable about the film itself. It's worth watching and I enjoyed it quite a bit but I think that by the time December 2012 rolls around, I'm going to have a difficult time remembering much about this film.

Elite Squad: The Enemy Within - IMDB Top 250: Number 231


Elite Squad 2 (Tropa De Elite 2) was however far more entertaining and memorable. This story of government officials using a police task force to take out local drug traffickers to run a pay-for-protection scheme on the cleaned-up neighborhoods is an intelligent and brilliant showcase of how government corruption can run amok. It's easily the best film I've seen from Latin America since the seminal "City of God", and the inherent anger I felt towards the government officials in this film was palpable and could easily be applied towards Washington today.

The characters were all easy to identify with and it's about as much an action film as The Departed was. If you can get your hands on it, it's worth a watch.
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The King's Speech - IMDB Top 250: Number 130


Coming away with Oscars for Best Director, Best Film, Best Actor, and Best Screenplay last year, I had sense that Bob and Harvey Weinstein may have had a large part in the film's critical success over something like Inception. Having finally seen the film, I'm sad to say that my suspicions haven't been quelled.

The King's Speech is an interesting, charming, and well made slice of character study with fine performances from Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush. However there just isn't anything iconic or memorable about the film itself. It's worth watching and I enjoyed it quite a bit but I think that by the time December 2012 rolls around, I'm going to have a difficult time remembering much about this film.

Elite Squad: The Enemy Within - IMDB Top 250: Number 231


Elite Squad 2 (Tropa De Elite 2) was however far more entertaining and memorable. This story of government officials using a police task force to take out local drug traffickers to run a pay-for-protection scheme on the cleaned-up neighborhoods is an intelligent and brilliant showcase of how government corruption can run amok. It's easily the best film I've seen from Latin America since the seminal "City of God", and the inherent anger I felt towards the government officials in this film was palpable and could easily be applied towards Washington today.

The characters were all easy to identify with and it's about as much an action film as The Departed was. If you can get your hands on it, it's worth a watch.
Sauna. It was pretty terrifying and the two leads reminded me of Bryan Cranston and Guy Pearce, if they ever ended up remaking it... Which is inevitable.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']"Senna" and it was great. I really like documentaries and this one was very good. Little bit of a slow start, but if you are not familiar with the outcome, it is pretty emotional.

I gave it 5/5 netflix stars.[/QUOTE]

My favorite documentary of the year and quite frankly one of the best sporting docs ever. It truly captured Senna's charisma, stardom and competitive spirit. He was one of the best.
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']Great film! Surprised the heck out of me when I saw it in theaters not knowing a thing about it. It's number three on my top films of 2011. Only "A Separation" and "Drive" come out ahead.

Absolutely the most riveting documentary of the year. What stuck most with me is that in a film dealing with retrospect, Senna's charm and charisma made the impeding ending all the more difficult to await. And that score.... yeah this was great cinema.[/QUOTE]

I went into the story with no knowledge of the drivers history or the outcome. I could obviously guess why he isnt a name in racing today, and with that I logically put together what was going to happen, but the whole time I was hoping that the ending would be something other than what I figured it was going to be.
Gangs of New York
Man, what a fucking waste of 3 hours that turned out to be. I know people who claim this is one of the best movies ever and I just hated it.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']"Senna" and it was great. I really like documentaries and this one was very good. Little bit of a slow start, but if you are not familiar with the outcome, it is pretty emotional.

I gave it 5/5 netflix stars.[/QUOTE]

If you like good docs, you have to see The Arbor. But just a heads up that it's not a happy story. Not even slightly. So it's not for everyone. Totally compelling, creative and incredibly sad. It has actors portraying the people interviewed and lip syncing their words, which is not really a gimmick but an integral part of the film. It's about a playwright (really, more about her daughter) who wrote a play when she was young that was about her life growing up in a very tough neighborhood/situaiton, which itself is actors portraying her life. Thus the connection, and it allows for a very creative telling of the story. Also it perhaps gives you a bit of distance that allows for telling such a sad story. Highly recommended. It's available on netflix instant.
[quote name='nasum']Gangs of New York
Man, what a fucking waste of 3 hours that turned out to be. I know people who claim this is one of the best movies ever and I just hated it.[/QUOTE]

thats another movie that had a shitty trailer. when i saw it on tv i though it was a musical but a year or so later somone rented it and i watched it and the movie was awesome daniel day lewis is on of those guys if hes in a flick 9 times out of 10 its a damn good movie but i hated the ending i wantd to see him kill leos character.

i can see why someone wouldnt like it though but i suggest you try there will be blood that movie is , for me, one of his best.
It's old and I've already seen it a couple of times, but spoilers, yo?

Just saw watched The Warriors, though. Awwwwww yeah, that's some good shit.
It follows the horse throughout the war and you get to see the people who come across it and their stories. It's not as cheesy as it looks, but it's still a little cheesy.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil on Netflix

Never heard of it, figured it would suck and I need up really enjoying it!

Check it out of you stream Netflix
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Using default posts-per-page view, this thread's page count has now caught up to the number of GGTs.

I know nothing at all about Tucker and Dale Vs Evil, other than the fact that the name reminds me a lot of John Dies at the End.

Thor and Captain America were both mediocre as all fuck, though.
[quote name='whoknows']It follows the horse throughout the war and you get to see the people who come across it and their stories. It's not as cheesy as it looks, but it's still a little cheesy.[/QUOTE]

after hidalgo it takes alot for a horse movie to impress me. that horse had alot of personality.
I watched the Skeptic and I enjoyed it.

It was a story about a house that might be haunted and it was one of those movies that could have easily been a play.
[quote name='lokizz']after hidalgo it takes alot for a horse movie to impress me. that horse had alot of personality.[/QUOTE]

I was very disappointed in Hidalgo. That wasn't an epic race movie at all, the guy did practically everything but race.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Couldn't have been based on that as that happened in 1997 per the link and Heat came out in 1995.[/QUOTE]

Oh well if you're going to get all factual lol.

I think I got it backwards, the robbery was inspired by the movie, or so the news said...
Mary and Max - IMDB Top 250: Number 191


They do exist!

"Mary and Max" is an animated feature film for adults and is one of the best animated films I've ever seen. I was constantly on the verge of tears because of that goddamned piece of music they played at just the right moments.

The film is about a young girl in Australia and an elderly man in New York who become pen pals. They both share a love of sweets and neither has a single friend in the world apart from one another. The film is told over a period of twenty years and is something that I had never heard of until now. Being animated however, this is simply not for kids. They will just have no use for it. The humor is aimed at adults and they're the ones who will get the most enjoyment out of this flick. The art style is a bit tough to get used to however but in the end, it was the characters that kept me going. :)
[quote name='lokizz']the original crazies is horrible one of the few instances where the remake is better than the original.[/QUOTE]

Oh cool good to know. :)
[quote name='lokizz']the original crazies is horrible one of the few instances where the remake is better than the original.[/QUOTE]
Indeed. Another horror movie where I thought the remake was better is The Hills Have Eyes. The original is very...blah.

[quote name='ajumbaje']tinker tailor soldier spy was legit[/QUOTE]

I really need to watch that again. I'm sure a lot of stuff flew over my head, because I felt lost at points.

[quote name='lokizz']after hidalgo it takes alot for a horse movie to impress me. that horse had alot of personality.[/QUOTE]

War Horse was more about the war than the horse really, so the horse didn't have a lot of personality even though they tried to give it one. I liked that it was more about the war personally, and some of the things that happened in it surprised me, like
when two young (one was 14) soldiers on the German side desert the army and then end up getting caught and executed

Even though I knew it was a war movie, I was expecting it to be all happy. I'm glad it had a more serious tone than I was expecting.
I thought the Crazies remake started out strong but ended on a whimper. I lost interest when it became a road film. I think I enjoyed the mystery of trying to figure out what was going on rather than the explanation they ended up giving us.
[quote name='whoknows']Indeed. Another horror movie where I thought the remake was better is The Hills Have Eyes. The original is very...blah.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on that. I saw the new Hills then went and watched the old one and thought it was terrible. I really liked the character development in the remake, and the original didn't really make sense at all to me.
The Artist- Good but I wasn't blown away. Great to see a movie like this being made today.
Shame- Excellent.
Resident Evil: Afterlife- Not good at all
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows- A bit fun but I was lost half of the time and not enough Rachel McAdams. I would pass on this as a fan of the first movie.
[quote name='tcrash247']Agreed on that. I saw the new Hills then went and watched the old one and thought it was terrible. I really liked the character development in the remake, and the original didn't really make sense at all to me.[/QUOTE]

thats how i felt about the original crazies that movie was a complete mess and all over the place.
[quote name='Nifty_Shark']The Artist- Good but I wasn't blown away. Great to see a movie like this being made today.[/QUOTE]
I haven't seen it yet, but seeing people saying things like that gives me the impression that the movie is just a novelty.

Guess I'll have to get on seeing it to see if it's more than a gimmick that's carrying the hype and praise.
[quote name='whoknows']It follows the horse throughout the war and you get to see the people who come across it and their stories. It's not as cheesy as it looks, but it's still a little cheesy.[/QUOTE]

It's a Spielberg joint, so of course it's going to be cheesy and tug at your heart strings. Doesn't mean it's bad, though. I would like to see it anyway.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

I was a bit underwhelmed. It was well done and the acting was great, but it was a bit anti-climatic. A slow, methodical film really needs more of a payoff.

The main issue I had is it didn't really develop any of the characters other than Smiley and Peter very much, so I really didn't care who the mole was as you didn't have any attachment or dislike of any of the suspects really.

Still a good film, but I was expecting more. Just a little overhyped for me I guess.

I will say I don't get the complaints some have about it being confusing. Seemed pretty straight forward to me. Just read the wiki about the film wondering if maybe I had missed something, but I'd caught it all. Maybe some just don't pay close enough attention or something I guess.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

I was a bit underwhelmed. It was well done and the acting was great, but it was a bit anti-climatic. A slow, methodical film really needs more of a payoff.

The main issue I had is it didn't really develop any of the characters other than Smiley and Peter very much, so I really didn't care who the mole was as you didn't have any attachment or dislike of any of the suspects really.

Still a good film, but I was expecting more. Just a little overhyped for me I guess.

I will say I don't get the complaints some have about it being confusing. Seemed pretty straight forward to me. Just read the wiki about the film wondering if maybe I had missed something, but I'd caught it all. Maybe some just don't pay close enough attention or something I guess.[/QUOTE]

I bet it was the accents. :)
Three Idiots - IMDB Top 250: Number 245


From what I understand, this may be the only Hindi film on the IMDB Top 250.

Funny. Touching. Moving. One subplot too many. "Three Idiots" is the kind of film that "The Hangover" would be if it had a heart and played itself as a drama. The story revolves around two friends searching for their long-lost friend Rancho after he gets in a taxi and vanishes during their graduation ceremony. The film then showcases who Rancho was, the effect he had on his friends, teachers, and everyone else he met, giving worth to his friends' ultimate desire of reconnecting with him again. If the film had failed in this point, the entire search for Rancho would have been a waste of time.

However the actor playing Rancho absolutely NAILS it. Charming. Lovable. A dear friend to the very end. There is a lot of laughter here. Some tears. And a subplot about a baby being born that was one addition too many and should have been left on the cutting room floor. However even that subplot plays a large role in the film as it serves to further the relationship the characters have with one another. It's totally worth it if you can find it.

The Secret In Their Eyes - IMDB Top 250: Number 161


This film was all right. It's about a retired legal counselor who decides to write a novel regarding an old case. He heads back into his office and talks to his old boss, a woman with whom he is obviously has history, although we don't know what kind. The case itself revolves around the rape and murder of a young man. Her husband sits at all the train stations hoping to see the killer and alert the police as the murderer himself has vanished. The film has a lot of twists and turns and plays out like a mystery flick.

There is however a romantic element of loss here as what keeps the legal counselor interested in the case is the love the husband had shown in his eyes for his now dead wife. The film is a nice drama although I think its position on the Top 250 may have gone over my head.
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[quote name='lokizz']for those of you who liked the crazies check out pontypool on netflix.[/QUOTE]

Agreed Pontypool is a great little film. It evokes a good sense of suspense without any gore.
Hellboy! Wanted to like it - I loved Pan's Labyrinth. Ron Perlman is cool. But man, you've gotta work pretty hard to make Jeffrey Tambor hard to watch.

Hellboy 2! I heard this was the better one. It was actually note-for-fucking-note identical to the first one. Jesus.

Children of Men! Actually pretty awesome. The
road ambush scene
still doesn't make sense to me, but fuck whatever.
[quote name='The Crotch']Hellboy! Wanted to like it - I loved Pan's Labyrinth. Ron Perlman is cool. But man, you've gotta work pretty hard to make Jeffrey Tambor hard to watch.

Hellboy 2! I heard this was the better one. It was actually note-for-fucking-note identical to the first one. Jesus.

Children of Men! Actually pretty awesome. The
road ambush scene
still doesn't make sense to me, but fuck whatever.[/QUOTE]

children of men is an amazing movie im surprised more people havent seen. as far as the
ambush goes i always felt it was a set up by the nanny and her crew who wanted the baby to scare them into trusting them and if lucky theyd kill anyone with the pregnant chick they didnt need.

man paranomal activity 3 was a joke. i was surprised with 1 and part 2 was a great classic jump scare flick but 3 was a complete letdown and the ending was complete shit. the scariest part of the film wasnt even a real paranormal scare seems like this one was more about sfx and more hollywood than the others.
Your description makes me want to give 3 a shot. I absolutely hated the first two.

As far as the last movie I saw, Contraband. It wasn't anything new really, but that doesn't mean it wasn't enjoyable to watch.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

I loved it. Big fan of the books, and I thought this was even better than the already very good Swedish version. Just very well done, great performances, great score from Reznor and Ross.
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[quote name='dmaul1114']The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

I loved. Big fan of the books, and I thought this was even better than the already very good Swedish version. Just very well done, great performances, great score from Reznor and Ross.[/QUOTE]


Haven't seen the Swedish version but this could very well end up in my top 10 for 2011. Just watched it earlier today.
bread's done