Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2


Great as always, and looked great on Blu. Working my way through the Anthology set I bought a while back. Need to start watching more movies I own and not just my Netflix rentals.
Fast Five - probably had the most action of all the movies and was a very entertaining popcorn flick. Just pop it in, turn off your brain and enjoy.

Red - good performances all around for this movie based on a DC comic of the same name.

Easy A - Emma Stone was great and overall it was a pretty good movie.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Aliens. Still probably my favorite action movie. Looks great on Blu as well.[/QUOTE]

I heard a lot of people hated it because Cameron removed all the film grain. When I was a kid...meh, but when I was an adult: "Sigourney Weaver is fucking hot."
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I heard a lot of people hated it because Cameron removed all the film grain. When I was a kid...meh, but when I was an adult: "Sigourney Weaver is fucking hot."[/QUOTE]

I just ignore the a/v nerds about film transfers. I like the picture to look as clean and sharp as possible, so I'm all for cleaning up up film grain.
Donnie Brasco - Felt a little off while watching it, but still a solid movie.
Good Will Hunting - Always a good movie to watch. Robin Williams is my favorite part of the movie. I enjoy his acting when he plays a serious roll.
Crash - Very awesome movie.
Varsity Blues - Only movie I enjoyed James Van Der Beek in.
The Breakfast Club - Classic.
Walk The Line - Solid performance by all.
[quote name='Necrozilla']

Just no.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, Weaver looked much better back in 1979 and 1986 in Alien and Aliens than in 2010. I wouldn't call her hot, but she was decent enough looking in her heyday.
[quote name='dm85']
Walk The Line - Solid performance by all.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't impressed with that movie personally. After watching it though, I noticed jokes I had missed in Walk Hard.
[quote name='dmaul1114']To be fair, Weaver looked much better back in 1979 and 1986 in Alien and Aliens than in 2010. I wouldn't call her hot, but she was decent enough looking in her heyday.[/QUOTE]
Still no.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I just ignore the a/v nerds about film transfers. I like the picture to look as clean and sharp as possible, so I'm all for cleaning up up film grain.[/QUOTE]

I feel the opposite. I hate how digital looks. I prefer the texture of film grain (with-in a reasonable amount of course).
Alien 3. Pretty sucky compared to the first 2. First time I've watched the extended/alternate cut. Don't think it improved anything. Just made a pretty bad move longer.

Always amazed how terrible the Alien looks in this movie compared to the first two.
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War Horse - It was pretty good, and it wasn't as happy of a movie as I was expecting, which I liked with it being a war movie and all.

Saw it solo because I didn't feel like finding anyone to go. First time I went alone, but I think I'll be doing it more often since I like watching almost everything that's in theaters and finding people to go every time can be a hassle.

Anyone else ever go alone?
[quote name='whoknows']War Horse - It was pretty good, and it wasn't as happy of a movie as I was expecting, which I liked with it being a war movie and all.

Saw it solo because I didn't feel like finding anyone to go. First time I went alone, but I think I'll be doing it more often since I like watching almost everything that's in theaters and finding people to go every time can be a hassle.

Anyone else ever go alone?[/QUOTE]
I've gone alone a few times alone, because no one could go or it was a movie I wanted to see alone.
Warrior - IMDB Top 250: Number 140


A damn fine sports film is what this is. All three actors were superb with Nick Nolte absolutely blowing me away with the best acting job the entire year. I think only Ryan Gosling coming close in Drive. I really would be taken back if he didn't get a Best Supporting Actor nod from the Academy. I know a lot of people have said the film brought them to tears but in all honesty I can't say I experienced any rainy weather. That said, I was incredibly touched in the end and carried away the characters with me as the credits finished rolling.

Shutter Island - IMDB Top 250: Number 247


In his fourth, and thus far, final collaboration with Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese brought the kind of mystery film that they just don't make anymore. DiCaprio was his fantastic self once more and is building a legacy of films that will have him remembered as one of the finest actors of our generation.

The mystery in the film is a kind of whodunit wrapped up in red herrings and jump scares. In a way it reminded me of Inception in the "make what you will out of it" type ending, but although I felt (the mystery aspect was top notch,
the hallucination stuff seemed a bit out of hand
. Over all this was captivating cinema from a master and I quite enjoyed it.
Super 8 - disappointed/10

Just felt like a parody of a small-town overwhelmed with a military with an ulterior motive. Fat kid was the true star of the film. I didn't know middle school kids were so horny.
Watched Criterion Collection's Woman in the Dunes (1964) last night with the wife. Were both Criterion junkies but for some reason I didn't think I was going to care for this film. I have put off watching it for quite some time but the wife finally put her foot down last night. I am glad she did as it was absolutely brilliant. One of the best films I have seen in a long time. Cant give it enough praise.
[quote name='Righteous Nixon']Watched Criterion Collection's Woman in the Dunes (1964) last night with the wife. Were both Criterion junkies but for some reason I didn't think I was going to care for this film. I have put off watching it for quite some time but the wife finally put her foot down last night. I am glad she did as it was absolutely brilliant. One of the best films I have seen in a long time. Cant give it enough praise.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the suggestion. I will check it out shortly.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Alien 3. Pretty sucky compared to the first 2. First time I've watched the extended/alternate cut. Don't think it improved anything. Just made a pretty bad move longer.

Always amazed how terrible the Alien looks in this movie compared to the first two.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's a sore spot on David Fincher's resume. He kinda got fucked over by the studio. Some director quit and he was brought in, but they took a finished script and decided to dick with it so it could "be true to the other movies"...and wound up making such drastic changes (ie: certain character deaths) that clusterfucked the entire project. All the while Fincher basically had to direct a movie with no finalized script.

Best thing that could happen is for that entire movie to be redone. Bring back Hicks and Newt. Start over. Ridley Scott should be doing that instead of the unecessary prequel.
The Devil Inside - It was whatever. It had an interesting premise and I felt it could have been a lot better but it was just too short and left everything unresolved.
[quote name='tcrash247']The Devil Inside - It was whatever. It had an interesting premise and I felt it could have been a lot better but it was just too short and left everything unresolved.[/QUOTE]

The film's been rated at 7% at Rotten Tomatoes and is supposed to be worse than the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie.

I've never understood how marketing teams can keep tricking people into paying to see garbage (or even downloading it for that matter). If there's a general consensus that it's going to be a waste of your time, why bother?

I'm not judging. I'm just asking you to help me understand is all. Thanks.
Just saw all the Lisbeth Salander movies (American and Swedish), and boy, was I disappointed in the originals. The first one wasn't bad, per se, but definitely nowhere near as entertaining as the American version... and everybody was terribly ugly. Yuck. The second one was like a straight-to-DVD action movie, and the third one was like a 3-hour episode of Law & Order.

I've never read the books, but after seeing the American version, I was stoked to watch all of them. Now I wonder why the second and third weren't similar to the first - modern Agatha Christie mysteries with a cool character in the middle.

And before anyone whines about me not being cultured enough, I've seen more subtitled movies than most small towns. Don't go there.
The 2nd and 3rd Swedish movies where done as a TV mini-series that they then edited down to movie length after the surprise success of the first movie. That's why they're a step down in quality. Smaller budget, different director and a lot was cut from the mini-series versions for the theatrical version. They did just release an extended blu ray set that has the full mini series though--I haven't seen that yet.

Book wise, I think the 2nd book is the best. But yeah, the 2nd and 3rd are very different story wise since they're focused on Salander's history etc.
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']The film's been rated at 7% at Rotten Tomatoes and is supposed to be worse than the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie.

I've never understood how marketing teams can keep tricking people into paying to see garbage (or even downloading it for that matter). If there's a general consensus that it's going to be a waste of your time, why bother?

I'm not judging. I'm just asking you to help me understand is all. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Well when you have 3 family members that you don't see often asking if you want to do something (even if its seeing a movie that you may have a passing interest in), you usually take up their offer, at least I do.
[quote name='tcrash247']The Devil Inside - It was whatever. It had an interesting premise and I felt it could have been a lot better but it was just too short and left everything unresolved.[/QUOTE]
I'm surprised it made $16 million Friday. Not bad for their $1 million budget.
[quote name='bburpee']Just saw all the Lisbeth Salander movies (American and Swedish), and boy, was I disappointed in the originals. The first one wasn't bad, per se, but definitely nowhere near as entertaining as the American version... and everybody was terribly ugly. Yuck. The second one was like a straight-to-DVD action movie, and the third one was like a 3-hour episode of Law & Order.

I've never read the books, but after seeing the American version, I was stoked to watch all of them. Now I wonder why the second and third weren't similar to the first - modern Agatha Christie mysteries with a cool character in the middle.

And before anyone whines about me not being cultured enough, I've seen more subtitled movies than most small towns. Don't go there.[/QUOTE]
You just aren't cultured enough.

Kidding though. People that act like foreign movies are better than they are is something that I find laughable. I watch a lot, but I don't have the mindset of foreign movie = instant classic. I personally judge it by how good it is, not by "OMG, it has subtitles. I'm sooo cultured for watching it. I'm going to act like this average movie is a 10/10 just because it's foreign."

Makes me wonder if foreign movies we act like are good are considered nothing special in the country they come from and vice versa if other countries think American movies are better than they are, because they're foreign to them.
Alien Resurrection.

Crappy compared to the first two, but better than Alien 3. Is at least a decent action movie, just very cheesy. Where as Alien 3 is just a bore.
[quote name='tcrash247']Well when you have 3 family members that you don't see often asking if you want to do something (even if its seeing a movie that you may have a passing interest in), you usually take up their offer, at least I do.[/QUOTE]

Please don't hide behind your family members. It's tactless.

You could just as easily suggested one of the other five good to great flicks playing right now in theaters: War Horse, The Adventures of Tintin, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo, Hugo - and above all else - you instead paid to see "The Devil Inside"?

Then again maybe you're rich enough to throw your cash away. What do I know?

[quote name='whoknows']I'm surprised it made $16 million Friday. Not bad for their $1 million budget.

You just aren't cultured enough.

Kidding though. People that act like foreign movies are better than they are is something that I find laughable. I watch a lot, but I don't have the mindset of foreign movie = instant classic. I personally judge it by how good it is, not by "OMG, it has subtitles. I'm sooo cultured for watching it. I'm going to act like this average movie is a 10/10 just because it's foreign."

Makes me wonder if foreign movies we act like are good are considered nothing special in the country they come from and vice versa if other countries think American movies are better than they are, because they're foreign to them.[/QUOTE]

There are a lot of good foreign films.

However they typically have a culture barrier that needs breaking through in order to fully appreciate. I personally have a tough time enjoying European films.

That said there were a lot of pretty good foreign films released this year:

Attack The Block
13 Assassins
The Man From Nowhere
I Saw The Devil
A Separation
A Boy & His Samurai

I was actually thinking about watching the Swedish "Girl With The Dragon Tatoo", until I saw a few posts suggesting the American remake was better. I'd rather just watch the better version once than subject myself to the same story twice.

But to dismiss foreign films being lauded simply as part of a larger assumption on those doing the lauding, well that just seems disingenuous to me. If enough people talk about a film, then the film must have something worth talking about. If you watch it and you think those people are wrong, so be it. But to assume people are praising a film just because it's foreign, that's some mighty large logic leaping on your part. It may also be that those people saw something in the films that you just didn't see. Or vice versa.

The opposite example of what you're talking about would be to dismiss all critics for, lets say, giving bad reviews to "The Devil Inside". Oh those guys don't like any horror films anyway so if a good horror flick comes around, they're going to bash it regardless. What do they know? Everyone should watch it because the trailers and ads make it look good. Not because the critics know what they're talking about.

Both perspectives are different sides of the same coin.
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[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']Please don't hide behind your family members. It's tactless.

You could just as easily suggested one of the other five good to great flicks playing right now in theaters: War Horse, The Adventures of Tintin, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo, Hugo - and above all else - you instead paid to see "The Devil Inside"?

Then again maybe you're rich enough to throw your cash away. What do I know?[/QUOTE]

Maybe he just wanted to spend time with his family? Or was being considerate enough not to try and change three other peoples plans?

There are a lot of good foreign films.

However they typically have a culture barrier that needs breaking through in order to fully appreciate. I personally have a tough time enjoying European films.

That said there were a lot of pretty good foreign films released this year:

Attack The Block
13 Assassins
The Man From Nowhere
I Saw The Devil
A Separation
A Boy & His Samurai

I was actually thinking about watching the Swedish "Girl With The Dragon Tatoo", until I saw a few posts suggesting the American remake was better. I'd rather just watch the better version once than subject myself to the same story twice.

I'm not saying there are no good foreign movies, I'm saying people act like a lot of them are better than they are or give them free points just because they're foreign.

I've seen most of those, and while good, I didn't find all of them to be anything special. I Saw The Devil was a pretty original idea, but something like The Man From Nowhere, while entertaining, does nothing to stand out from all the other Asian action movies out there.
[quote name='dmaul1114']The 2nd and 3rd Swedish movies where done as a TV mini-series that they then edited down to movie length after the surprise success of the first movie. That's why they're a step down in quality. Smaller budget, different director and a lot was cut from the mini-series versions for the theatrical version. They did just release an extended blu ray set that has the full mini series though--I haven't seen that yet.

Book wise, I think the 2nd book is the best. But yeah, the 2nd and 3rd are very different story wise since they're focused on Salander's history etc.[/QUOTE]

Wow - great information, I did not know any of that. Glad to know it wasn't just me being a jerk.

I'm totally down with getting into Lisbeth's back story, but that feels like companion book stuff, where the series should have remained mystery-solving oriented. It's kind of like the Star Wars movies would forget all the Empire/Rebel stuff and focus only on Han Solo's backstory.

If anyone's read the Dragonlance books - they have companion books for most of the characters that explore their lives without interrupting the focus of the storytelling. Or maybe the focus of the storytelling was always Lisbeth, and the mystery was a red herring. I dunno. American version kicked tail, though.
The Muppets = awesome possum, but definitely not meant for children since they have no idea about the references to the olden muppet days. *loved*

Puss In Boots = super cliche story with super adorable kittens :D *loved*
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']Please don't hide behind your family members. It's tactless.

You could just as easily suggested one of the other five good to great flicks playing right now in theaters: War Horse, The Adventures of Tintin, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo, Hugo - and above all else - you instead paid to see "The Devil Inside"?

Then again maybe you're rich enough to throw your cash away. What do I know?[/QUOTE]

What's your deal?

He saw a movie that was shitty and you want to berate him for it?
Cowboys & Aliens. It was just alright. Slow in places for an action movie, and took itself a bit too seriously given the silly premise.

Se7en. One of my favorites, first time I've watched it in several years.

And I disagree thoroughly with whoknow's notion that foreign films get cred for being foreign. Most of the ones that get pub in the US are pretty great films. I don't like all of the popular ones by any means as some are just genre's I don't enjoy and everyone has their own tastes.

I think some people just don't get into them much because the subtitles take away from the experience for them, or they just don't get into a movie as much when it's in another language/culture etc. That can definitely be an issue even for me. It can be harder to focus on the acting, cinematography etc. when you have to read the subtitles all the time. And some times the decisions characters make etc. don't make much sense if you don't understand the culture/norms of the place where the movie is set.

Anyway, I mean for sure there are some hipster types that just seek out foreign and indie films and poopoo everything Hollywood puts out to try to feel superior. I'm not disputing that. But if one's truly a lover of film, rather than someone that just views movies as entertainment, then they're really short changing themselves by not seeking out the best foreign and indie films in the genres they enjoy. A great movie is a great movie regardless of budget, country of origin etc. Just have to know what you like and seek out things that fit your tastes. That said, hobbies are just meant to be enjoyable to each person, so nothing wrong per se with only being into movies as entertainment. To each their own.

I need to get back to putting more effort into seeking out good foreign and indie films myself! I've been gaming more the past 2-3 years and haven't been watching much other than hollywood movies lately.
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[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']Please don't hide behind your family members. It's tactless.

You could just as easily suggested one of the other five good to great flicks playing right now in theaters: War Horse, The Adventures of Tintin, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo, Hugo - and above all else - you instead paid to see "The Devil Inside"?

Then again maybe you're rich enough to throw your cash away. What do I know?[/QUOTE]

Christ dude, chill the fuck out. I saw a movie that doesn't interest you, get over it. I guess you've never paid to see a movie that received bad reviews because you're the messiah on good movie viewing. Please forgive me.
How is Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol a "great flick?" Most overrated movie of last year, and I enjoyed all the MIs before that to some degree.

The Kremlin and Dubai parts were the only fun bits. Other than that it was the usual cheap humor, generic spy scenarios, really out of place and melodramatic "character development," a non-existent villain, and about an hour too long.

I was hoping for a popcorn flick to.
[quote name='blindinglights']What's your deal?

He saw a movie that was shitty and you want to berate him for it?[/QUOTE]

I just think it was stupid. Like putting your hand over fire and holding it there - but paying for the experience. Unless you're saying that in this day and age, it's impossible to find out if a movie sucks prior to watching it?

[quote name='tcrash247']Christ dude, chill the fuck out. I saw a movie that doesn't interest you, get over it. I guess you've never paid to see a movie that received bad reviews because you're the messiah on good movie viewing. Please forgive me.[/QUOTE]

See. Your patronizing would be necessary if we both didn't agree that "The Devil Inside" was "whatever". The only difference is that you needed money to reach that conclusion. I had Google. We'll leave it at that. Good day.
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']I just think it was stupid. Like putting your hand over fire and holding it there - but paying for the experience. Unless you're saying that in this day and age, it's impossible to find out if a movie sucks prior to watching it.[/QUOTE]

His friends/family wanted to see it and he went along rather than being a dick and refusing or making them see something else. What's so hard to understand about that?

Are you really so selfish that you'd ruin a gathering with friends/family by being a dick about not wanting to see whatever movie everyone else had picked out? I mean I guess I can get the financial angle, but if a movie ticket is that big a strain on your budget that you're willing to be a dick to family/friends over a movie you don't really want to see you probably shouldn't be wasting money at the theater period
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[quote name='dmaul1114']His friends/family wanted to see it and he went along rather than being a dick and refusing or making them see something else. What's so hard to understand about that?

Are you really so selfish that you'd ruin a gathering with friends/family by being a dick about not wanting to see whatever movie everyone else had picked out? I mean I guess I can get the financial angle, but if a movie ticket is that big a strain on your budget that you're willing to be a dick to family/friends over a movie you don't really want to see you probably shouldn't be wasting money at the theater period[/QUOTE]

Is "The Devil Inside", or any crap film for that matter, that big of a strain on friends/family that they're willing to let it ruin a gathering? No. It's not. It's just a film. I literally just had this talk with my sister yesterday. It went something like this:

Me: "Just checked. "The Devil Inside" is supposed to be absolutely terrible and a waste of your money. I know you wanted to watch it but I thought I should let you know."

Sister: "Awwww. Oh thanks. I was looking forward to it. Oh well."

If his relationship with his family is that on the rocks, then I apologize and he has my pity.
That's not what I'm saying. It's ok to say, "that's getting really poor reviews, maybe we should see something else." But if friends/family still want to see it if after that then it would be a pretty dick move to refuse to go along because you're not interested in the movie.

When you get together with a group of friends/family to go see a movie, majority rules IMO. You see whatever the majority wants to see. If you can't stomach that, then don't go along on such group outings and just go when you get to pick what you want to see.
[quote name='dmaul1114']That's not what I'm saying. It's ok to say, "that's getting really poor reviews, maybe we should see something else." But if friends/family still want to see it if after that then it would be a pretty dick move to refuse to go along because you're not interested in the movie.

When you get together with a group of friends/family to go see a movie, majority rules IMO. You see whatever the majority wants to see. If you can't stomach that, then don't go along on such group outings and just go when you get to pick what you want to see.[/QUOTE]

We're both in agreement. I never said not to go with them. What would eventually happen is that after four or five crappy films, they'd put more weight on his suggestions when it comes to these things. Instead, he took a snide tone with me which is why this conversation's gone on as long as it has. My sister didn't used to believe me. Now she does. It wasn't terribly difficult.

My original question was sincere. Why pay to watch crap? Most people here won't buy a $60 game without at least checking some kind of reviews. It just seems that there's a different kind of standard when paying for films. My intent was simply to understand why he would. The fact is that he could have easily suggested any of the other films playing in theaters that aren't absolute trash. He didn't. I wanted to know why. I got my answer. But to say that suggesting a film "sucks" and recommending another ruins family time is too much of a stretch for me to believe.
Like I said, suggesting that is fine. But if people in the group still want to see it, then you shut up and go along.

I generally don't go see bad movies, or go to movies in groups any more, but back in college and grad school I saw a lot of crap as friends or the girlfriend etc. wanted to see it. Some were just bad movies, some were just things that were ok but not genre's I enjoy etc.

As for paying to see "crap," some times bad movies can still be fun to watch in a B movie kind of way. I tend to just Netflix that kind of stuff, but have some friends who like to go to the theater and laugh at cheezy horror movies etc.

As for different standards than games, $60 is a good chunk of change. $7-8 for a matinee movie is pretty much pocket change for me, and netflix rentals are even cheaper, so I have a lot lower standard for vetting movies before seeing them than I do when buying games. I'm also much more into movies than I am games so I can enjoy a so-so movie a lot more than I can enjoy a so-so game.
bread's done