Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

This conversation is horrible, and so are all of you.

Unlike The Road, which was pretty alright, and puts my "Cormac McCarthy Movies:Books" at 2:1.
[quote name='whoknows']I'm bored of the conversation, just going to say I hate film snobs and a certain person is coming off as a ginormous one.[/QUOTE]

If you think looking at reviews makes someone a snob, you might be suffering from a case of severe hypocrisy. Personally, I think you're just arguing for your right to support crap if you feel like supporting crap, which is true. You have that right. Just like I have the right to call you an idiot when you end up despising the experience. Deal with it.
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']If you think looking at reviews makes someone a snob, you might be suffering from a case of severe hypocrisy. Personally, I think you're just arguing for your right to support crap if you feel like supporting crap, which is true. You have that right. Just like I have the right to call you an idiot when you end up despising the experience. Deal with it.[/QUOTE]

something being well done has NOTHING to do with enjoying something. deal with it.
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']If you think looking at reviews makes someone a snob, you might be suffering from a case of severe hypocrisy. Personally, I think you're just arguing for your right to support crap if you feel like supporting crap, which is true. You have that right. Just like I have the right to call you an idiot when you end up despising the experience. Deal with it.[/QUOTE]

A critics job is to nitpick a movie, so when they're watching one they're gong to review that's all they're looking for, a normal person isn't looking for things to hate when watching a movie.

Besides, reviews aren't always right. I've loved movies that have been slammed by critics and hated movies that got praised. In the end it's all opinion and just because someone is a critic doesn't mean their opinion is somehow right :dunce:
[quote name='whoknows']A critics job is to nitpick a movie, so when they're watching one they're gong to review that's all they're looking for, a normal person isn't looking for things to hate when watching a movie.

Besides, reviews aren't always right. I've loved movies that have been slammed by critics and hated movies that got praised. In the end it's all opinion and just because someone is a critic doesn't mean their opinion is somehow right :dunce:[/QUOTE]

Consensus isn't only limited to film critics. Average folks can generate it as well.


You're basically arguing that it's okay to trust a good marketing team over a general consensus. More power to you. I think it's blatantly ignorant.
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']
You're basically arguing that it's okay to trust a good marketing team over a general consensus. More power to you. I think it's blatantly ignorant.[/QUOTE]

The post where I said that must have disappeared.
Win Win
Terminator 2
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
Best Worst Movie

When it comes to critics Armond White is the only one I listen to
I dont read any individual critic reviews. I just check rotten tomatoes to see what the critic consensus is and see what the general impression is among movie goers on forums for anything I'm on the fence about.
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']

Consensus isn't only limited to film critics. Average folks can generate it as well.

You're basically arguing that it's okay to trust a good marketing team over a general consensus. More power to you. I think it's blatantly ignorant.[/QUOTE]
People have different tastes, period. And even if the movie is shit and everyone agrees, so fucking what? What is the real problem you have with this?

And I've seen some highly reviewed movies I could barely even get through from both critics and users. Benjamin Button, There Will Be Blood, Changeling...I could barely finish any of them. They're all trash imo, but obviously many would disagree. Are any of us "idiots" because of that? No, it's an opinion.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I dont read any individual critic reviews. I just check rotten tomatoes to see what the critic consensus is and see what the general impression is among movie goers on forums for anything I'm on the fence about.[/QUOTE]
I take a look at metacritic usually, but it's not something that would stop me from seeing a movie I was previously interested in seeing. It's not like watching a movie is a huge commitment, and maybe I'll still enjoy the movie regardless.
[quote name='whoknows']I take a look at metacritic usually, but it's not something that would stop me from seeing a movie I was previously interested in seeing. It's not like watching a movie is a huge commitment, and maybe I'll still enjoy the movie regardless.[/QUOTE]

Yep. That's why I said I only check for movies im on the fence about.

I don't bother for movies I was already planning to see generally.
[quote name='ShockandAww']People have different tastes, period. And even if the movie is shit and everyone agrees, so fucking what? What is the real problem you have with this?

And I've seen some highly reviewed movies I could barely even get through from both critics and users. Benjamin Button, There Will Be Blood, Changeling...I could barely finish any of them. They're all trash imo, but obviously many would disagree. Are any of us "idiots" because of that? No, it's an opinion.[/QUOTE]

Way to miss the point.

Watching films is always going to be a crap shoot. But if you're not smart enough to hedge your bets, then yes, you're an idiot. It's like the argument certain people make about being forced to wear seat belts. My stance is simply, by all means, don't wear your seat belt. You're not always going to get into an accident but when you go flying through your windshield, I will laugh at you.

Same principle here.

By all means, take the chance on crap films because the marketing makes it look good. But if you end up hating it, I'm going to laugh at you.

[quote name='whoknows']The post where I said that must have disappeared.[/QUOTE]

How do you develop an interest in a film? How do you find out it exists?
It's not the end of the world to see a movie you end up hating.

Appreciating art requires both knowing what's good/what you like and what's bad/what you don't like.
Reviews these days are very hard to form a view on before seeing a movie, so if I like the trailer and marketing, I'll definitely come round to watching it.

The Devil Inside had an awful trailer. Film isn't my area of huge interest, but it's easy to see through movies like those.

Continuing my trend of watching favorites I have seen in ages while lounging around trying to get over a cold.

Great movie, the bank robbery is still the best shoot out scene in any movie I've seen.
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[quote name='panzerfaust']Reviews these days are very hard to form a view on before seeing a movie, so if I like the trailer and marketing, I'll definitely come round to watching it.

The Devil Inside had an awful trailer. Film isn't my area of huge interest, but it's easy to see through movies like those.[/QUOTE]

yeah theres been a few movies where the trailer ruined it for me as far as seeing the trailer and being misled as to what the movie is almost seems like they want people not to go see the movie
I saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy today. I liked it for the most part, but its slow pacing did wear on me at a few points during the movie.

Oh, and the movie would have been better, if I didn't have a group of assholes sitting behind me verbalizing everything they see, tapping their feet, and making obnoxious mouth noises. What the hell, man? Sigh.

The first hour and fifteen minutes was a decent action/revenge popcorn movie, then the last 10 minutes had me going "that's it?" Seemed really abrupt and kind of lame.
Black Swan - IMDB Top 250: Number 126


Hello Natalie Portman masturbation scene! But in all seriousness, this film about a girl driven to madness by her desire to become a perfect ballerina was slightly overrated in my opinion. It's a pretty good look at how insane some people can become by their desire to perfect a craft but Portman's character was pretty much a fragile little bitch. The genius of the film showed how Portman's character approached the duality of the role she wanted, but in spite of her that, I thought she was a thankless little jerk, which took me out of the film.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Couldn't have been based on that as that happened in 1997 per the link and Heat came out in 1995.[/QUOTE]

I remember that bank robbery. All the stuff about 9/11 and Columbine on the news and they never bring that up. I watched that live, was so morbidly awesome the way those guys just strolled along like MW2 juggernauts. And the way the cops killed them by shooting them in weak spots of their armor like some straight up medieval shit.

Wish they would actually make a fucking movie about that.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I remember that bank robbery. All the stuff about 9/11 and Columbine on the news and they never bring that up. I watched that live, was so morbidly awesome the way those guys just strolled along like MW2 juggernauts. And the way the cops killed them by shooting them in weak spots of their armor like some straight up medieval shit.

Wish they would actually make a fucking movie about that.[/QUOTE]

I read that whole Wikipedia article you linked and am surprised that no civilians or cops died. That's so lucky.
[quote name='detectiveconan16']The Adventures Buckaroo Banzai in the Eighth Dimension was on TV last night, and damn that was fun.[/QUOTE]

i watch that shit every time its on tv that and big trouble in little china.
[quote name='Mr. Wrestlemania']Black Swan - IMDB Top 250: Number 126

Hello Natalie Portman masturbation scene! But in all seriousness, this film about a girl driven to madness by her desire to become a perfect ballerina was slightly overrated in my opinion. It's a pretty good look at how insane some people can become by their desire to perfect a craft but Portman's character was pretty much a fragile little bitch. The genius of the film showed how Portman's character approached the duality of the role she wanted, but in spite of her that, I thought she was a thankless little jerk, which took me out of the film.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that just more credit to her acting ability? Just because she plays a character under extreme psychosis doesn't mean she needs to embody a likable heroin. It's not a movie simply about the pressures of being a dancer and being perfect, it's about the nightmare that is her disorder. It's one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen, at least in the first half (didn't so much like the extremity of the final parts). Subtle notion after notion of how it is to live within a fever dream. A terrifying acid trip, except all the time. And because of her situation, she is brought up as a sheltered princess by a pretty ruthless mother who can't come to terms with her daughter's disorder limiting her unarguable talent.
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Citizen Kane
Meant to watch this one for years and netflix sent me the blu-ray. Amazing how well it holds up really. Wonderful sets, well paced, some pretty amazing blocking, etc... There's a reason why it's hailed as one of the greatest movies ever.

The Aviator
Spent too much time on the relationship with Katherine Hepburn since that wasn't a focal point of his life, didn't spend much time on the developtment of the OCD and spent no time whatsoever on his pain killer addiction (though justified to some extent given the medical technology of the time). Leonardo DiCaprio was pretty damn awesome the whole way through at least. Probably could have cut 40 minutes to make it more watchable, such as it is I got bored a few times throughout and ended up putting dishes away and dusting the kitchen while the movie was on in the background.

The Best Government Money Can Buy?
Yeah, lobbyists exist and it's a favour system. Pretty shitty doc in the end.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Isn't that just more credit to her acting ability? Just because she plays a character under extreme psychosis doesn't mean she needs to embody a likable heroin. It's not a movie simply about the pressures of being a dancer and being perfect, it's about the nightmare that is her disorder. It's one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen, at least in the first half (didn't so much like the extremity of the final parts). Subtle notion after notion of how it is to live within a fever dream. A terrifying acid trip, except all the time. And because of her situation, she is brought up as a sheltered princess by a pretty ruthless mother who can't come to terms with her daughter's disorder limiting her unarguable talent.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I thought Portman was fantastic! I just hated the character she played - and I understand the point was that she had a disorder. However being that she had to invest herself completely into becoming the "Black Swan" (hence the title of the film) she had to undergo a metamorphosis from who she was at the start ("White Swan"), into the "Black Swan" at the end.

However these type of unlikable characters tend to pop up in a lot of Aronofsky's films which always results me in me watching his films once, but never again. Seen Pi once. Seen Requiem once. Seen The Wrestler once. And now Black Swan once. They're mostly all great films (hated Pi) but they're not things I wish to experience again. I respect the filmmaker and his films and understand why they're good.

"Black Swan" lost me at the end when I simply couldn't trust it to communicate anything happening was real or not. Everything I vested in the film was lost and eventually it just became a laughable guessing game of "is it real or is she being crazy". Odds are she's being crazy! Yep! Right again!
I see your point, I'm just saying that contemptible personalities are often the part of great characters. We've all watched that TV series with a character who whenever came on screen made us want to punch them through the TV, but the series wouldn't be as engaging without them.

Then they are simply bad characters where you feel more like punching the writers behind them.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I see your point, I'm just saying that contemptible personalities are often the part of great characters. We've all watched that TV series with a character who whenever came on screen made us want to punch them through the TV, but the series wouldn't be as engaging without them.

Then they are simply bad characters where you feel more like punching the writers behind them.[/QUOTE]

I think we're both in agreement then. You may be confusing my review of the Nina character with Portman's performance. I agree that characters we hate can make for thrilling drama. In this case though, I have no interest in revisiting Nina ever again. I mean I liked the film and would give it a 8.5/10. But I wouldn't rate it as highly as some of the other flicks I've seen from the IMDB 250.
Those earlier posts inspired me to watch Black Swan again as well....hadn't seen it since the theater.

Just a great movie with an incredible performance from Portman. Personally, I didn't find her character unlikeable really. Just a person with a mental issue and overly controlling mother who cracks under the spotlight.

In any case, I tend to like character study type movies with unlikable characters. Probably moreso than those with likeable characters as those tend to end up sappy and sentimental.
The Crazies - Raylon I mean Olyphant, played his usual role. I've never seen the original but I've heard this was a pretty decent remake. It kept me entertained the whole time and at the end I was thinking man these people deserve a vacation not to be back in the same shit this time in Cedar Rapids!
[quote name='evildeadjedi']The Crazies - Raylon I mean Olyphant, played his usual role. I've never seen the original but I've heard this was a pretty decent remake. It kept me entertained the whole time and at the end I was thinking man these people deserve a vacation not to be back in the same shit this time in Cedar Rapids![/QUOTE]

The original isn't very good IMO.

In other news saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy today. Was pretty good. The super grainy look was a little distracting at first, but I got over it. I probably need to see it again at some point since I'm sure I didn't understand/missed some things in it.
A Separation - IMDB Top 250: Number 97


Now this is what we're talking about!

Easily the best drama I've seen from 2011 and blows away my experience with Black Swan from yesterday. If you want to see a film from differing moral perspectives, all of which are plausible and force you to consider every character's motivations, this is that film.

It basically deals with a family in the middle of a separation (husband, wife, daughter) over leaving the country or staying with the husband's father who suffers from Alzheimers. As the wife leaves, the husband hires an unprepared woman to care after his sick father while he is at work. And that's where I'll leave it and let you imagine where the drama of the film takes you.

The film does a terrific job of framing its events in order to make the viewer question just exactly how the events in question forced the key source of conflict. It ends up playing like a whodunit and really makes you care about all the characters involved. It's highly recommended.
[quote name='lokizz']yeah theres been a few movies where the trailer ruined it for me as far as seeing the trailer and being misled as to what the movie is almost seems like they want people not to go see the movie[/QUOTE]

I have never been a fan of previews as they can totally ruin a film. The studios are basically trying to sell you on seeing a film in less than 60 seconds and to do that they show content that spoils particular parts of the film. I have seen previews where you can literally make out what the entire film is about and even how it ends. Basically previews have become just one big spoiler and I dont like to have my movie experiences spoiled.

My advice, dont watch previews. Not only do I refuse to watch previews but I also refuse to read reviews before seeing a film. I might read a couple reviews after I see a film, just out of curiosity but only after I see the film. It was actually a teacher for a film class I had back in art school that ultimately put me on the no reviews/no previews path. One of the first lectures we had was on expectations and the effect that expectations can have on one's overall enjoyment of a film. He basically argued that going into a film knowing as little about it as possible was the best way to see a film. He challenged everyone to stop reading reviews and to stop watching previews and to see if it had any noticeable effect on our overall enjoyment watching films.

One of the first films I went too, purposely knowing as little about it as possible, was The Matrix. I saw it opening weekend so there wasn't any hype for the film at all. All I knew is that it had something to do with sci-fi. I walked out of that theater absolutely blown away. In all honesty, it was the best experience I had ever had at the theater and I have no doubt that one of the reasons for that was I went in with no expectations, knowing absolutely nothing about the film. Anyways, to make a long story short, I haven't watched previews or read reviews prior to seeing a film since that lecture and imo my teacher was spot on accurate. There is just nothing like going into an amazing film totally blind to what its about. Looking at posters is pretty much the only thing I allow myself to do before seeing a film now.
I love watching trailers personally.

I agree, it is possible for them to ruin a movie (or in the cases of a lot of comedies, show all of the best jokes), but I still love watching them. Sometimes I'll re-watch trailers even though I've seen the movie, just because the trailer was that well done, and in some cases the trailer ends up being better than the movie itself :lol:

Also, unrelated, anyone else watch for how the title text of a movie shows up at the beginning? It's something I always watch for and love when it's done in a cool way, even if it's only on screen for a few seconds.
[quote name='whoknows']The original isn't very good IMO.

In other news saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy today. Was pretty good. The super grainy look was a little distracting at first, but I got over it. I probably need to see it again at some point since I'm sure I didn't understand/missed some things in it.[/QUOTE]

the original crazies is horrible one of the few instances where the remake is better than the original.
Yeah, I love watching trailers and at least glancing at review scores.

It's not the end of the world to see a bad movie, but free time is limited to I prefer not going into movies totally blind. Especially for the few times a year I go to the theater.
I like trailers that don't ruin the film's plot or jokes. I remember Anchorman's trailer had jokes and stuff that wasn't even in the movie. The Tree of Life had a great trailer that evoked the emotions of the movie set to a great soundtrack. Generally though, I avoid trailers and only get exposed to them before seeing other movies since I don't watch tv.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Midnight in Paris.

Thought it was fantastic. Great performances all around.[/QUOTE]
I really liked it too, was in my top movies of 2011 list and convinced me to check out more of Woody Allen's films.
"Senna" and it was great. I really like documentaries and this one was very good. Little bit of a slow start, but if you are not familiar with the outcome, it is pretty emotional.

I gave it 5/5 netflix stars.
bread's done