Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

They could do it through Touchstone, if they're still around. They used to have Miramax before that so it's not totally out of the question.
Yes it is. GhostShark is right, Disney will NEVER make an R-rated Marvel film. You will see Disney release an X-rated Cinderella before an R-rated Marvel film.

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They'd be nice, but all potential R-rated properties (Daredevil, Punisher, Ghost Rider and all the Marvel Knights) are back under Marvel/Disney's thumb. Or who knows, maybe Kevin Feige can persuade Disney for a Rater R film down the line.


Liked it a lot.
I really liked that one too. Any movie with a fight scene between Tom Cruise and Tom Cruise is gold in my book though.

I just watched The East. Not the greatest movie ever but I enjoyed it. Some weird parts in it that should have shown nudity but didnt, not quite sure I understand why they even bothered with those scenese.

Honestly I'm not allow to share where or how to find early movie.

Check out  these videos of Joseph Gordon-Levit interview and Vin Diesel speech on youtube.

I really liked that one too. Any movie with a fight scene between Tom Cruise and Tom Cruise is gold in my book though.

I just watched The East. Not the greatest movie ever but I enjoyed it. Some weird parts in it that should have shown nudity but didnt, not quite sure I understand why they even bothered with those scenese.
Well that's just great. That's gotta be a spoiler right?

Nice spoilers bro.

I've already seen it, but that's a pretty big spoiler for anyone who hasn't.
Yup. I imagine it's like Mission Impossible 2. The whole Cruise vs Cruise fight is some big surprise that is supposed to shock you out of your seat. Only now it will just be oh ya, that's stupid what's the point of that.
Riddick was badass.  Very weak ending but the meat of the story plays it safe in being Pitch Black 2 with just enough fan service to be a bonafide sci-fi cult classic.  My only hope is that the movie won't bomb (I went to a first showing last night in Imax that had less than 10 people including myself) because I genuinely love this franchise and the imagination it has.

Love, love this movie.

Honestly I'm not allow to share where or how to find early movie.

Check out these videos of Joseph Gordon-Levit interview and Vin Diesel speech on youtube.
Riddick was badass. Very weak ending but the meat of the story plays it safe in being Pitch Black 2 with just enough fan service to be a bonafide sci-fi cult classic. My only hope is that the movie won't bomb (I went to a first showing last night in Imax that had less than 10 people including myself) because I genuinely love this franchise and the imagination it has.

Love, love this movie.
There's a movie mag I used to subscribe to (not anymore) but I frequent the site often still and there's an article about the movie I'd like to see your thoughts on since you've seen the movie -

Honestly I'm not allow to share where or how to find early movie.

Check out these videos of Joseph Gordon-Levit interview and Vin Diesel speech on youtube.
Sorry to confuse by found I meant enjoyed, The trailer for Don John looks pretty good but these kind of movies can be presented differently in tone and genre from the actual film.

Saw Riddick last night as well.

Really enjoyed it except for the fact that some reason there were multiple scenes where they shine some sort of light directly in your face. Pretty annoying.

Last saw was World War Z, story was good, idk about the book. The ending was ok, I got the Z but I missed the part World War.
I saw Kick-Ass 2 recently with my old roommate from college.  It was pretty dang good; Jim Carrey did a great job.

There's a movie mag I used to subscribe to (not anymore) but I frequent the site often still and there's an article about the movie I'd like to see your thoughts on since you've seen the movie -
Here's the thing with macho-man, gears-of-war-buff-dudes movies: they always reek of testosterone. Everyone is trying to outdo each other for alpha male and women tend to be fodder for weakness. I'm not going to get into the politics of it all because it's just a dumb, fun movie and doesn't affect the way I treat women at the end of the day.

I mean, they know their place is the kitchen anyway. JUST KIDDING LADIES. :lol:

I just watched The One (Jet Li) for an older movie it was bad ass

I am Yu Law. I am nobody's bitch. You are mine.

I liked the movie a lot when I was younger and first saw it. I should watch it and see how I receive it now, haha.

and for fun:

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I went to Insidious: Chapter 2 Premiere last night. It was so scary and chillin. I met the producer Jason Blum, writer & actor Leigh Whannell, actor Angus Sampson, actress Lin Shaye and composer Joseph Bishara (Bathsheba from The Conjuring).

I want your job.

The Road - 3/5 - Some solid acting and cinematography, but there are far too many times when absolutely nothing happens. Stuff that should have been edited it but wasn't. As for the eventual book-movie comparison, the book was better in terms of portraying amazing characterization and motifs that the movie didn't. I'm kind of shocked we haven't seen Viggo Mortensen in anything since this. 

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Per IMDB these 3 have came out since the Road (2009), and he has 4 movies in post production currently.

Everybody Has a Plan (2012)
On the Road (2012)
A Dangerous Method (2011)
I've not heard of any of those movies, nor most of the post production films. And I follow a lot of different genres and outlets of films. I've heard he's become kind of a douche bag lately and wanting A++ money for all his roles. I dunno if that is true or not.

Last week they were showing the Michael Douglas movie, the Star Chamber, where a Judge hires an assassin to kill a man acquitted of killing a boy due to a technicality, and then backs out of it. Sharon Gless, Michael's mom in Burn Notice was his wife, and wow she's barely aged in those 30 years.

Two days ago, they showed a Tom Selleck movie where he's a cop fighting against killer robots.  I was expecting androids like in Metropolis or Alien, but the robots were more like the ones you see in the battle competition shows.

Saw The Grandmaster finally.

It was good, and very different from the other IP Man movies I've seen which makes it seem worthwhile and not pointless.

The main thing I didn't like is this weird motion effect they kept using over and over. Look horrible and took away from some of the scenes.

Saw The Grandmaster finally.

It was good, and very different from the other IP Man movies I've seen which makes it seem worthwhile and not pointless.

The main thing I didn't like is this weird motion effect they kept using over and over. Look horrible and took away from some of the scenes.
I don't know what it is about Donnie Yen that I don't like. He seems to be typecast as the super nice humble dude that will beat the living shit out of you, but for it doesn't really come off as being authentic...kinda like how Jet Lee doesn't really play an over-the-top badass very well(at least in US movies). Maybe it's because Yen's just not that great of an actor. Not saying he doesn't have skillz though.

I grew up in the same neighborhood as Yen and talking to some OG's, word is that he was always a bit of a douchebag...haha.

The Bling Ring - did not like it all, just didn't like the screenplay and the acting in it. Watched it with my friend and brother and we all just didn't like it all. 4/10

Talladega Nights is absolutely hilarious. Definitely recommend if you need a laugh.

Also, watched Fastest (it's a documentary about MotoGP) and I definitely recommend it. In addition, I recommend Long Way Round and Long Way Down as well.

Favorite movie of all time, however, is Heat. Good to see a game (GTA V) inspired by the movie. Can't wait!
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