Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Tron Legacy in IMAX - Well, it was pretty. I didn't go in expecting 'To Kill a Mockingbird", but the story was surprisingly bland, much like the original (Hell, I'd ever argue that the story was less enjoyable than the original). But, I still enjoyed myself.

Much like the original, you go for the special effects. The soundtrack was also great, with a mixture of the Daft Punk you know and love and some surprising epic tracks.

I also need to applaud the makers for not falling back on typical 3D gimmicks. The 3D was present, but it was not overdone.

Go in, turn your brain down a notch, and enjoy the show.
[quote name='DrMunkee']Tron Legacy in IMAX - Well, it was pretty. I didn't go in expecting 'To Kill a Mockingbird", but the story was surprisingly bland, much like the original (Hell, I'd ever argue that the story was less enjoyable than the original). But, I still enjoyed myself.

Much like the original, you go for the special effects. The soundtrack was also great, with a mixture of the Daft Punk you know and love and some surprising epic tracks.

I also need to applaud the makers for not falling back on typical 3D gimmicks. The 3D was present, but it was not overdone.

Go in, turn your brain down a notch, and enjoy the show.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. The 3D was way better in the previews than the actual movies. You go expecting eye and ear candy , and that's what you get. Olivia Wilde is good reason to too. I was expecting
young Flynn and Corra to kiss at the end, but they didn't. Although it was implied they were romantic at the end when she hugged him on the motorcycle and laid her head on his back. My friends explains it like the first one, saying "They had more important things to worry about than love."

Saw the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Long movie, and wow at all the rape stuff. Pretty good movie, left you spellbound, but I have problems with
her recording the rape. How could she do it without being so obvious? Also, why did she have to have a guardian when she was 24? Is that a swedish thing or something?
[quote name='2DMention']
Also, why did she have to have a guardian when she was 24? Is that a swedish thing or something?[/spoiler][/QUOTE]

It explains more in the book and future movies.

Let me just keep it simple so I don't spoil anything.

She had a very troubled childhood, and might have done some questionable things., which have carried on into her adult life.

Let's just say those dream sequences that they never seemed to address have a purpose. (They were very small, I didn't even remember them until I watched the movie again)
Black Swan - 4/5 - Pretty good movie, but not great. I thought Black Swan was much better than the wrestler, but I was one of the few people who didn't like the wrestler. During the opening scene the camera dances around on stage with Portman, which sounds hectic...but for some reason it flows so well unlike the Bourne movies where you dont have a clue whats happening. This dancing camera happens during many of the dance sequences and are fantastic to watch. One problem I had with the movie was the story, it was very predictable. Another issue was Mila Kunis who I couldn't believe to be a dancer. Something about her build or how she moved made it look much different than the other dancers in the film. Even thought most of the tracks were from swan lake I thought the score worked so well. During the first 20 minutes of Black Swan you get a very good take into the life of a dancer and how ballerinas are always working with their feet. The problems with the predictable story or awkward Kunis can be overcome by a fantastic score and a stunning performance by Portman.
Wow, can't believe someone else watched this. I like Tyler Labine from TV shows he's done, but this was a steaming pile of garbage on rye.

[quote name='VipFREAK']Ctrl Alt Delete - 4/10

Wow, haven't even gotten through it all. What a train wreck.[/QUOTE]
^I told some friends I wanted to see that and they said you do know it's a ballet movie right? My only fear is it ends up being like The Prestige which was god damn fucking boring.

[quote name='NeoFrank1']Wow, can't believe someone else watched this. I like Tyler Labine from TV shows he's done, but this was a steaming pile of garbage on rye.[/QUOTE]

Man, I gave it a 4?! WTF was I thinking... Anyway, yeah I thought it would be a good "geek" cult film or something. I never thought it would be something... THIS bad though. Also, that guy has two strikes against him now, this movie and reaper or whatever that tv show is. Just bad... and he looked like a douche.
127 Hours.

Very well done movie. The story is simple and based on the true life experience of Aron Ralston. The "climax" is visual enough to make you grab your own arm, but not gruesome enough to make you feel sick. If you get the chance, watch this movie.

[quote name='VipFREAK']^I told some friends I wanted to see that and they said you do know it's a ballet movie right? My only fear is it ends up being like The Prestige which was god damn fucking boring.

Black Swan isn't boring at all, it's very tense and disturbing/uncomfortable.

Aranofsky pretty much said he considers it a companion piece to The Wrestler, and they are somewhat similar--though this is focused much more on the character's descent into madness where as the former was more a pure character study.

Both are great flicks, I liked this one better personally.
The Expendables- 3/5 action was cool, story sucked
Blazing Saddles- 4/5 pretty funny
North by Northwest- 4/5 great story, found a few parts boring
^^oh, haven't seen it. I guess I'll see it sometime...

I guess it's crappy movies weekend... My friend had this argument that videos games need less emphasis on graphics and more on gameplay... I'm thinkin this should apply to movies too....

- 4/10

I dunno, I guess a fail version of Braveheart... ?

The Last Airbender
- 4/10

Well I fell asleep though part of it... I guess the only good thing was the under age chick with white hair...
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Tron (saw it in 2D!):

Stunning visuals/art direction/character design
Great soundtrack
Olivia Wilde

But it is entirely a terrible a movie. Awful. But those elements bump it all the way up to 7/10 for me. Nice to see people can still make good action scenes without the visuals carrying all of the weight.
Country Strong is the movie i read it's storyline ,Soon after a rising young singer-songwriter gets involved with a fallen, emotionally unstable country star, the pair embarks on a career resurrection tour helmed by her husband/manager and featuring a beauty-queen-turned-singer.I waiting to download Country Strong movie to watch ...................
Black Swan was great. I'm putting it in my top three movies of the year along with Scott Pilgrim and Inception. Natalie Portman definitely deserves an award for her role as Nina Sayers. She really knocked it out of the park.
[quote name='dastly75']Black Swan - Really enjoyed it. Best actress for sure.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Scorch']Black Swan was great. I'm putting it in my top three movies of the year along with Scott Pilgrim and Inception. Natalie Portman definitely deserves an award for her role as Nina Sayers. She really knocked it out of the park.[/QUOTE]

Yes! Black Swan was incredible. Just watched it the other night. I've never flinched so much during a movie thats not considered a horror film! lol

....I also agree on Inception being amazing...and Scott Pilgrim surprised me because I honestly did not like the comic, but found that I finally understood the humor when I watched the movie.
[quote name='whoknows']Black Dynamite - Was not expecting it to be so awesome[/QUOTE]





In other news, I watched The Social Network last night. In any year where Toy Story 3 wasn't released, that's probably my movie of the year. As it stands, an extremely close second will be earned and appreciated.
[quote name='saunderscowie']Them![/QUOTE]

Classic! I love that movie. My dad saw that in the drive in when it first released and he said it was awesome because in the trailers you never saw the giant ants so it was a complete shocker when that's what the movie was based on.
Irreversible - 3/5 - first 20 are very nauseating. happy that the camera work didn't persist throughout the film.

Social Network - 4/5 - good movie, very entertaining. It did a great job moving the story along through these court dissertations. After seeing the film, i really have no reason to see it again. Definitely think Black Swan was a better movie since the score alone would make me watch that movie again.

Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus - 2/5 - Jaleel White aka Steven Urkel from Family Matters stars in this direct to dvd movie. As expected from any Asylum movie, this is just god awful special effects littered with recycled or flipped footage of the same effect. An example of this is Mega Shark jumping over a naval ship. He does it three times in the film just with the footage either flipped where his head is on the left or right side of the screen. These flaws just enhance the 'experience' you take away from these films. I would say Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus had a better story, the monster fighting was about the same, Mega Shark does his classic propel out of the water to snatch objects from mid air move about 5 times. It never gets old. Definitely watch this drunk with friends to make it more enjoyable...if you are into these bad movies.
Brooklyn's Finest.

This is the strangest movie I have ever seen. The acting was fantastic by all involved and the plot was interesting and gritty. But the movie itself sucked ass.
Easy A - I enjoyed this way more than I expected. It is a smart comedy with some nice twists along the way. Give it a watch if you are at all interested.
[quote name='naiku']
Social Network - 4/5 - good movie, very entertaining. It did a great job moving the story along through these court dissertations. After seeing the film, i really have no reason to see it again. Definitely think Black Swan was a better movie since the score alone would make me watch that movie again. [/QUOTE]

Yeah, Zodiac was another Fincher movie like that. A great movie, but not one you'd really be as captivated by with multiple viewings. Whereas I could watch Fight Club or The Game (if you haven't seen that: do) a hundred times.
True Grit - 5/5 - On amazing masterpiece of a film. Pretty much hits everything spot on in every way a movie should. Great atmosphere and wonderful acting drive this move. I am, of course, talking about the remake and not the original.
[quote name='adriley313']Step Up 3d is awesome movie
Acting is ok, but dancing is crazy[/QUOTE]

Uhh.. err... didn't this go straight to dvd? Not that any should have made it to theaters...
This past weekend I took the wife out, we went and seen HOW DO YOU KNOW, it was your basic romantic comedy minus the comedy.....I liked it, but it wasn't very funny, just a good date movie.

Then I rented SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD: This was great, definitely never seen anything like this before, great fight scenes (though not as violent as KICK ASS) Highly recommended just for the experience alone.

Also rented THE OTHER GUYS: I was kind of letdown with this movie, it had some laughs and action, but it wasn't enough for me, maybe after it comes on HBO I can re-watch it and it migt grow on me like TALLADEGA NIGHTS or STEP BROTHERS did.

And last night me and the wife watched THE BOOK OF ELI: I really enjoyed this, Denzel was a badass and Gary Oldman was terrifying like usual.

Watched THE ROAD a couple of weeks back and I enjoyed it as well, but I thought ELI was a lot better.....also ELI made me feel like I was watching FALLOUT: The Movie lol.

17 Again - Since the wife watched Book of Eli and Pirate Radio with me (forgot to mention that on here, coz it bored me to death and didn't finish it) I would suffer though this one for wasn't bad...your typical "old" guy regrets his life and wants to go back and do it all again (best one imo was Like Father Like Son with Dudley Moore and Kirk Cameron) but it did have Leslie Mann so it had some nice eye candy for me and she got to lust after Zac Effron.

Then we watched Fantastic Mr. Fox - I really enjoyed this, stars George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Shwartman and Bill is a stop-motion animated film and it is clever and witty driected by Wes Anderson (The Life Aquatic) and I recommend this, also fo those who have children they can actaually watch this because the cussing is cleverly covered up by the word CUSS....for instance "Go cuss yourself!"
Question about Book Of Eli: Is Denzel's character
? I didn't think so until someone told me (with some convincing arguments), now I'm convinced and told my dad but he thinks I'M full of shit now.
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1. Really liked it. Probably the best of the HP movies thus far.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Question about Book Of Eli: Is Denzel's character
? I didn't think so until someone told me (with some convincing arguments), now I'm convinced and told my dad but he thinks I'M full of shit now.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Question about Book Of Eli: Is Denzel's character
? I didn't think so until someone told me (with some convincing arguments), now I'm convinced and told my dad but he thinks I'M full of shit now.[/QUOTE]

Armed with that knowledge, try watching it again. It really adds a whole new dimension to it and you REALLY respect Denzel's character even more than you may have before.
I actually had it spoiled for me before watching it the first time. Then I came back to the forum where it was spoiled (coughCAGcough) and some of the stuff I read made me want to watch it again.

I told my dad about all that stuff and he watched it again but still wasn't convinced. I was like
"He uses a shotgun and blades because he doesn't have to be accurate with them." and my dad just brought up the mouse and cat scene as the defense to his argument. But didn't buy it when I told him the very real fact that somebody that loses their sight tends to have their sense of smell and hearing improve. The point being that his hearing was so acute that he could hear a mouse run across the floor. But then he says how it didn't make sense that he could shoot a cat with an arrow and that was the contradiction that made me post the question.

If anybody has some other clues, I'd be interested to hear them.

It's a strange movie. A definite classic once you take all that into consideration. The way they did it subtly so you pondered it for a while long after the movie ends, kinda like "missing thumbs" in The Road.
He is using faith/Gods will to guide him. That's how he did all that shit blind. Also the fucking bible is in braille. That kinda gives it away.

Buried - amazing. Can't believe I watched 90 minutes of a guy in a box and enjoyed it that much.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Uhh.. err... didn't this go straight to dvd? Not that any should have made it to theaters...[/QUOTE]

LOL I saw it in theaters 3D!~ And I freakin' loved it too...but maybe it was just the fun group of people I went with to go see. I've liked the other Step Up's too.
bread's done