Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Alien Nation - after seeing District 9, I wanted to see more movies with aliens in them. I picked this off of Netflix after never getting around to seeing it when I was a little kid. Pretty good so far, I have like 25 minutes left.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Those have been fixed for ages. Even years ago you could mail off the messed up discs for replacement ones.

I suppose one could still stumble across and old, non-corrected box set. Just google for info on how to tell from the UPC etc. whether it's the fixed version. IIRC it's having a "v2" on it somewhere or the "new low price!" sticker.[/QUOTE]
Noooooo. Didn't know they let you trade them for replacements. :bomb:
Antichrist - 3/5 - Its a beautiful film. The slow motion parts in the "dream/mystical" sequences were very attractive to look at visually. The film is purposely over exposed and just gorgeous. The score for said slowmo shots is very lowkey and dark. It does a great job of building an atmosphere from the get go.

For some movies i post my opinion to other i am just using spoilers to cut down on my long ass rant.

For those who don't know this movie got a lot of hype around Cannes and has been an highly anticipated film by many. The movie is very much a artsy drama/horror film just like Vinyan. Antichrists visuals surpass Vinyan and overall the story is a more enjoyable and realistic.
It seems like any review you read for Antichrist mention they mention the disturbing images, "terrifying visuals," and "unable to wash the images from your mind."(latter 2 taken from bd review). I came into Antichrist expecting something disturbing...half way through the film I was just hoping for some gore. Wow that was horribly overplayed. There are 2 moments in the film which I guess are getting a lot of buzz. Both are in spoilers earlier in the thread. A movie like Storm Warning which is a run of the mill straight to dvd horror film has
a woman forcing a shatter glass bottle in her vagina to injure the rapist/badguy
. Gutterballs a Bmovie slasher has just as violent if not more so
with a close up shot of a penis being sliced in half.
I guess growing up with the internet or becoming an avid horror movie fan you become numb to some gore moments.
There is one very creative gore moment in Antichrist which deserves a mention which involves the drill. That type of creativity is normally lost in a horror films or its throw into a over the top elaborate trap in the next Saw movie.
I can't say I disliked Antichrist. I just strongly believe the hype of how disturbing the film is, was a bit overplayed.
Dutch - It was a fun film but the last half dragged on. The last scene was the basically the same scene frame from frame as Uncle Buck.
Hi Everyone..

Last movie i watch is the hellboy its quite different and I like it. I am waiting for rambo 5 Because may be this is the last movie of the rambo series and silvester stelon is best in all series.
Big Man Japan I really liked the fake documentary aspect of the film, but the ending was awful. Maybe, I just I didn't get it.

A very interesting documentary about the former heavyweight champion of the world (and star of one of Nintendo's best NES games) that manages to evoke sympathy.

Bound by Honor I really enjoy this film for what it is: a cheesy hyperbole of gang life in East Los Angeles.
I just watched District 9 and I have to say like someone else said the first 20 minutes are really slow but then the movie really picks up. I have to say I really liked it and it was better then I thought it would be. For me the ending was a little sad and I am now wondering if they may make another one.

I wonder if he ever becomes human again or sees his wife and if the other one does come back for him in 3 years.

I will be getting this on BD when it comes out.
The Fly 4.35/5 - A true under the radar classic. Worth watching multiple times. Understand it a lot better now than I did as a kid.
Thats good, I hope it is as good as the first one. Maybe it wont start off so slow even though it was worth the build up.
I just saw Taken.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

Sure enough he did and it was pretty entertaining with good action. Spy flicks are always good.
9 - great although shorter than it should have been
Severance - horror comedy, surprisingly good
P2 - Not the worst horror film but not good either...

Year One (2009)

Completely ridiculous and stupid. But it's funny stupid, not "I'm getting stupid while watching this" stupid. I'm actually disappointed it was a critical and box office bomb, because it wasn't that bad at all. I've read it being compared to last year's "shitty" blockbuster comedies, You Don't Mess with the Zohan, and The Love Guru, well, it's much better than both of those. Jack Black and Michael Cera are versions of their usual characters, so don't expect anything new from either. Black bringing the "wild and crazy", while Cera, plays the straight man. Although Cera plays the awkward teenager again, his delivery on some of his lines is absolutely hilarious. The rest of the comedy comes from the great supporting cast, David Cross, Paul Rudd, Oliver Platt, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Hank Azaria, Vinnie Jones, and the other half of Tenacious D, Kyle Gass, as "Zaftig the Eunuch".
Just saw Penny Dreadful from the 2006 Eight Films to Die For. I didn't think it was to bad of a movie. It is not one of the best in the series of films but it is sure not one of the worst. In fact I liked it more than I have some of the bigger blockbuster movies.

It is about a girl that goes with her psychologist on a road trip to where the accident happend that killed her mother. Penny has a fear of cars and being in them due to the accident and now she has someone out to kill her and has her trapped in a car.
[quote name='MisterModest']

Year One (2009)

Completely ridiculous and stupid. But it's funny stupid, not "I'm getting stupid while watching this" stupid. I'm actually disappointed it was a critical and box office bomb, because it wasn't that bad at all. I've read it being compared to last year's "shitty" blockbuster comedies, You Don't Mess with the Zohan, and The Love Guru, well, it's much better than both of those. Jack Black and Michael Cera are versions of their usual characters, so don't expect anything new from either. Black bringing the "wild and crazy", while Cera, plays the straight man. Although Cera plays the awkward teenager again, his delivery on some of his lines is absolutely hilarious. The rest of the comedy comes from the great supporting cast, David Cross, Paul Rudd, Oliver Platt, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Hank Azaria, Vinnie Jones, and the other half of Tenacious D, Kyle Gass, as "Zaftig the Eunuch".[/QUOTE]

I have never seen Year One but i can guarantee that it can not be shittier than zohan or love guru. Those two movies fucking sucked soooo bad that I am still angry i watched it. I like sandler and myers flicks but they really pissed me off with these two shit stained turd monkey fuck movies...and thats a euphemism.
Can't be too angry about Zohan. Emmanuelle Chriqui *drool*
Good to hear about Year One being funny. definitely gonna see it w/ Olivia Wilde

Eaten Alive - 3/5 - Texas Chainsaw directors film after TCS. Ends up being about a story of this hotel and "crazy" guy who isn't all that crazy but trys to act crazy. Its not that creepy which is sad.
Who can kill a Child - 3/5 - This film is seriously awesome. Tom and his wife Evelyn are on an island which is deserted. Soon they find out the children killed everyone. You follow them as they try to escape. Some of the finest child endangerment scenes which makes the last 15minutes so sweet. If the film didn't drag in the first 30-40minutes it would be a easy four out of five.
Cyborg Cop (1993) - 2/10

Only reason I didn't give this a 0 is because of the great gratuitous gun sounds. Generally though... this makes pretty much any other cyborg movie LOOK GOOD.
Seven Pounds was okay. It started off excellent with a phenomenal performance by Woody Harrelson, but the rest of the movie didn't have as much power. I kept waiting for Woody's character to play a larger role. He stole the show from Smith and only had 4-5 small scenes.
drag me to hell - 11/10!

i havent seen a horror/thriller in awhile and this one was amazing. some scary shit happens and its just great fun!

the funniest scenes were when the anvil hits that old lady and her eyes bug out and go in her mouth! also when that old witch tries to bite her but she doesnt have her dentures so shes giving her chin a blowjob :D
I heard Trick 'R Treat is absolutely amazing.

I'm so pumped to see both of those. Can't wait.

Also waiting for Trick R Treat. It was shown at the Portage Theater in Chicago in August. Friend who saw it said it was really good. But didn't hold up to the hype... then again what movie can hold up to years of hype since its never been released

Sounds like you got some quality films for that movie marathon. Check out Inside or Martyrs if you are into French horror films that if you haven't seen them already.
trick r treat looks really good. thanks for the heads up. Drag me to hell was supposed to be funny in some parts but i jumped many times in it. Alot of...BAM! here i am type of shit. but just that whole idea of being possessed is freaky as hell to me

is trick r treat coming to theatres or straight to dvd?

I also forgot to mention i saw jesus camp last night which was probably the most horrifying documentary i've ever seen. I am never going to Missouri.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']
is trick r treat coming to theatres or straight to dvd?

It was all set to be a major release near Halloween a few years back but it got postponed. Not sure if it ever finally got into theaters (if so, probably not a wide release, based on how few people even know what this movie is) but it's coming to Blu-Ray in the first half of October, so at least it won't be November by the time it shows up in the mail. ;)
Deadgirl - 3/5 - Interesting film. Definitely not a gory filim. It has a few jumpscares in predicatable spots. The score to the film is a straight ripoff of Donnie Darko. That being said the characters are well developed and the story progression is top notch. Two guys who wander into the basement of this Asylum and find ...tada a dead girl. I dont wanna spoil anything but if your are into horror films its a pretty enjoyable and different story.
At one point near the end of the film you start asking some questions like "What happened to this person?" The film doesn't all your questions but if you take whats given, its a satisfying story.
The last movies I saw that are worth remembering were Lolita (1962 and 1997). The first one derived from the book a lot and was a little more comedic and easier to swallow, and the second adaptation stayed pretty faithful to the book. It was a lot more sexually explicit and had much better acting. I think I prefer the 97 version.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Män som hatar kvinnor) was surprisingly great and now I want to see the two sequels or maybe even read the books.

Dead Snow (Død snø) wasn't as good as I had hoped and felt like a less funny version of Shaun of the Dead with Nazis, but still had some good bits.

Pathology reminded me of Flatliners a little and even though it was somewhat disjointed, I still enjoyed it.

Crank 2 was fucking insane and I loved almost every minute of it. Much better than the first I thought.
Inglourious Basterds - So much better than I expected. Almost every act was extremely tense with a superb finale. 3rd best movie of the summer (behind Start Trek and District 9).
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