Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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House of the Devil - 4/5 - I was lucky enough to get into a screening of House of the Devil tonight. Now a days horror movies aren't what they used to be. Something is missing from them that the 80s had. House of the Devil does not try to hide it trying to be a 80s film. The movie is about a college girl who responds to a baby sitting job and goes to this house. The job isn't exactly what she expected. I'll leave it at that.

There is a good amount of gore in the latter half of the film. Not many jump-scares but to be honest... they aren't necessary. There are more then enough suspenseful buildups to keep your girlfriends hand clinched to yours. At times i wished for some sorta score but it was just silent, with Samantha (Jocelin Donahue) slowly moving throughout the house. Jocelin does a fantastic job throughout the film and really I don't have any major complaint for the film. It may have felt like it ended abruptly but the ride from beginning to end was very enjoyable.

I highly recommend renting this on dvd in December. If there is a good amount of special features on the disk, it will be a purchase for me.
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Finally saw Requiem for a Dream for the first time. Honestly, the most shocking thing about it was that Marlon Wayans was in a good movie...

Unfortunately, I had to see the edited version, so I'll probably grab the blu-ray while it's on sale on Amazon so I can get the full experience.
^ I just watched it for the second time recently, and honestly I don't think it holds up. The movie is kinda shitty. I think back then it was just noticed when it came out because shock value movies were so few and far between.

Wayans was good in it. A shame he is back to doing garbage movies. The guy threw away a golden ticket to a real acting career.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']^ I just watched it for the second time recently, and honestly I don't think it holds up.[/QUOTE]

Surprising; I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like I said, I have to watch it again, but I fell in love with the sporadic, trippy direction.
i saw district 9 and it was AWESOME! it started out slow but really picked up and the movie just went off in a direction i wasn't expecting. One of my favorites this year. 10/10
Hellboy movies are a guilty pleasure of mine. Ron Perlman is so badass in everything he does. I really can't imagine any other actor pulling off the character so well.
[quote name='javeryh']Just watched Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Not bad.[/QUOTE]

I'm a big Hellboy fan myself (just the movies though) and this just reminded me of an install I was doing Monday at a cx apartment (I install cable for Rogers fyi). Two guys were living together and we big into comics/games etc. The place was literally packed wall to wall with stuff. So as I'm trying to work around all the stuff (and not touch any of it since it was all mostly mint), I noticed a life size Hellboy fist. It was friggin' awesome!:)
Just saw Fast and Furious (4th). Actually fairly decent. Nice car chases, good explosion. Exactly the sort of thing I expect for mindless entertainment.
Hellboy II was a let-down for me, because of how good I thought the first one was.

I'll tell you what is a real pile of shit on film.... Wolverine...

that movie sucks from start to finish, it is terrible... much worse than X-Men 3.

and my God... the CGI on the claws?... it looks like the Singing Sword in Roger Rabbit... how could they make it look so real in the X-Men movies to so fake?

ugh.. i hated the movie.
The sad thing is they can't reboot the Wolverine movie like they did when everyone said the Eric Bana Hulk movie was a dud. No way Hugh Jackman would do the same movie again. I just refuse to accept the Wolverine movie. Buy the X-Men trilogy and leave it at that.
[quote name='spoo']Speaking of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I just finished watching it. It made X-Men 3 look like Raging Bull.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I watch it the other night. Thank god I redboxed the DVD for $1.

Watched X-Men 3 rather recently as well, and it's pretty hard to defend, even in comparison to Wolverine.
Thirst (2009)

- Awesome cinematography, there's not much for me to nitpick, go see it if you get a chance. The best film with vampires I've seen.
[quote name='saunderscowie']^ that guy is pretty good, liked him alot in The Good, The Bad, The Weird.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the tip, looking into seeing it.
I've seen a ton of movies lately, just haven't posted. I'll get to it at some point, but I will post the one I saw last night at a screening:


It was fucking awesome!! Do not hesitate to go see this movie. It really delivers in every department you'd expect for a Zombie flick. Very fun and enjoyable film. There's some nifty twists in there that really brought a smile to my face. If you enjoyed Shaun of the Dead, or to a lesser extent Dance of the Dead, than you'll definitely like this one.

Also, I'm going to go out on a limb and say the crowds for this movie will just heighten the film and make it more enjoyable.
[quote name='DestroVega']Hellboy II was a let-down for me, because of how good I thought the first one was.

I'll tell you what is a real pile of shit on film.... Wolverine...

that movie sucks from start to finish, it is terrible... much worse than X-Men 3.

and my God... the CGI on the claws?... it looks like the Singing Sword in Roger Rabbit... how could they make it look so real in the X-Men movies to so fake?

ugh.. i hated the movie.[/QUOTE]

You're pretty much right on with your assessment of X-Men 3/4, although I really did enjoy Hellboy 2, which I thought was hardly a let down. Hellboy 2 sort of matches up with the pace/darker mood the comic is setting currently, and therefore works with the source material.
[quote name='dastly75']Thanks for the tip, looking into seeing it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah definitely the film is great fun, one of my favourites of the year actually.
Barry Lyndon - The only Kubrick that I haven't seen before besides a couple of his very early black and whites. It was very humorous light hearted story that ran a bit long (like most Kubrick's movies,) but was worth it. I was going crazy during the whole movie trying to find out what the narrator's voice was from and I kept on thinking it was from something from my childhood. I looked it up to find out it was from my childhood, the narrator was Paddington Bear and Badger from Wind in the Willows.
Paranormal Activity - 3/5 - handy cam films got better recently. REC set the standard very high and paranormal activity isn't quiet as polished as REC but does handy cam very well. no headaches or fast camera annoyances
The relationship in the film feels realistic and the movie is pretty funny. There is some scares in the film. I was in a screening with 100 so other people. Alot of the girls were scared at bits in the film...i found it funny more then anything else. Overall an enjoyable film.
I would recommend watching Paranormal Activity. I was able to watch an advanced screening last night here in Seattle.

starts off a little slow but when it picks up, it doesnt stop.

I could barely fall asleep last night.

imo: it's the exorcist of this generation......
[quote name='dastly75']Zombieland - Awesome. See it.[/QUOTE]

Yes, agreed.

[quote name='spoo']Barry Lyndon - The only Kubrick that I haven't seen before besides a couple of his very early black and whites. It was very humorous light hearted story that ran a bit long (like most Kubrick's movies,) but was worth it. I was going crazy during the whole movie trying to find out what the narrator's voice was from and I kept on thinking it was from something from my childhood. I looked it up to find out it was from my childhood, the narrator was Paddington Bear and Badger from Wind in the Willows.[/QUOTE]

I didn't know that about the narrator, never watched Paddington Bear and don't remember Wind in the Willows that well, but Barry Lyndon vies at times for my all time favorite Kubrick film. Everyone knows of his artistry, imagination, etc. from the likes of 2001, The Killing, and on, but for some reason I harbor this attachment to Barry Lyndon. The only other film of his that comes close would have to be Full Metal Jacket. I still need to see Eyes Wide Shut though.
Saw Pandorum tonight. It was mediocre, but strangely so...

Consider the spectrum for movie quality; Complete shit - Amazing, somewhere in the middle being mediocre (obviously). Most mediocre movies are mediocre all the way through. They don't impress you, but they don't exactly bore you to tears either. Pandorum was a different kind of mediocre. It merely averaged to mediocrity. About 50% of the scenes were terrible; laughably bad, even, but for as many terrible scenes there are in the film, there are impressively awesome scenes. Scenes that I would even dare to call inspiringly well done. There was absolutely no in between, it was either terrible, or fantastic.

I don't get it. I swear to god, it was like there were two different writers and directors controlling the film. I don't know how such a cool, deep idea of paranoia and insanity among the crew members could be interwoven with such cliched Hollywood fight scenes and creature design.

If you're a fan of sci-fi, it's worth the experience. Ignore the lame creatures and stupid fight scenes and focus on the Pandorum (the mental illness) scenes and you might find yourself enjoying it.
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Surrogates - Not bad, but not good either.

Firstly, this was not the movie I was expecting. It was directed by Jonathan Mostow, who made Terminator 3, and features Bruce Willis (as Tom Greer) in a world populated by robots. So you'll forgive me for thinking maybe this would be an action movie with lots of robot carnage. In fact, it's more of a detective story (not a bad thing) in which nothing really happens (yeah, that's bad). It seems like the movie wants to be Greer unraveling a mystery while he's unsure of who he can trust, but it ends up being Greer questioning maybe two people, and then everything else unfolds in front of him.

While the plot just left me feeling kind of numb, what really bothered me was the science fiction. I'd say this sort of movie thrives on setting up a believable world, but this one is just full of obvious holes:

- Everyone's a robot, and the standard method of identification is face-scanning?! At one point Greer uses the face of a surrogate he deactivated to access a computer terminal. No security expert thought that might be a problem? Why don't surrogates transmit identity information straight to the computer? For that matter, why don't they transmit all information directly to computers?

- Early in the film, Greer asks how long it's been since the last murder. I don't know... yesterday? You can't tell me replacing everyone with robots is going to stop people from killing each other. During the movie, a guy breaks into a woman's house and shoots her in her sleep. Yeah, bet that's never happened before.

- ^
And he did that so he could access her computer terminal, which recorded everything she saw that day. And she's an FBI agent. No one sees a problem with everything an FBI agent sees and does being recorded to their unprotected home computer?

- The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in the no-robot slums? Who negotiated that?

Oh yeah, and they showed the ending of the movie in the trailer.

On the plus side, I really liked the look of the movie. The surrogates look great - just a little too perfect, just a little creepy.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Nowhere near as bad as X3. A dumb action flick with some terrible CG, sure, but still way better than that Brett Ratner shitfest.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Nowhere near as bad as X3. A dumb action flick with some terrible CG, sure, but still way better than that Brett Ratner shitfest.[/QUOTE]
Did you giggle at the whole "young Wolverine" thing?

Because I did.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Nowhere near as bad as X3. A dumb action flick with some terrible CG, sure, but still way better than that Brett Ratner shitfest.[/QUOTE]

Not near as bad as X3 because it's worse. I love the lack of respect to the source material for Deadpool and especially Gambit. Gambit was absolutely horrible in the film. I'd rather have Vinnie Jones as the Juggernaut saying stupid shit like "I'm the Juggernaut bitch!" than the guy they had for Gambit and the way they wrote him into the story.
American History X
Lars and the Real Girl

2 great movies (and is it just me or is this thread the only thing keeping me on this site? don't mean to be harsh)
Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desire - A documentary that makes light of making child pornography, drugging and anally raping a 13 year old girl. The film maker turns a story around to try to make the viewer feel sorry for a man that was caught red handed and admitted to a horrendous crime. I became disgusted with our legal system and how Polanski's punishment was 'decided' upon 90 days of evaluation before the trial even started as much as I was disgusted by the horrendous crime. I hatted how Polanski kept on calling Samantha Gailey a "young woman" instead of the 13 year old child that she was.

I read the trial manuscript a couple of years ago so I wasn't fooled by the film makers agenda. /shivers
Spider Baby - pretty enjoyable 60s films. Most aren't which is why I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. Sid Haig is in it...that should be reason enough.

Trilogy of Terror - Fairly enjoyable. Split into 3 different stories. First and Third are by far the best stories of the film. The Zuni Fetish Doll is fucking awesome.
[quote name='naiku']
Trilogy of Terror - Fairly enjoyable. Split into 3 different stories. First and Third are by far the best stories of the film. The Zuni Fetish Doll is fucking awesome.[/QUOTE]

I hate that thing it reminds me of Diablo 2 in the third act.


Shamanistic creatures who attack with weapons the size of their own bodies, or at range with blow-darts, the Fetish are native jungle inhabitants. Known cannibals, they are small, intelligent beings who are in league with the forces of Hell. These pesky creatures are among the most irritating of all Diablo II creatures.[citation needed] In Act I, players can encounter the melee variation of the Fetish known as the Rat Man. Other variations are encountered in Act III and known as Flayer, Soul Killer and Stygian Doll.
About the blow-dart Fetish: trust us, you are going to hate them. They are like cute little 5-year-old hellions from Hell.

Fetish Shaman

Kill the Fetish Shamans first because they can resurrect other Fetishes. Beware of their highly damaging Inferno-like Fire attacks. Having resistance to Fire is useful. If you kill Shamans, the normal 'carrier' fetish will be released and attack you. He can no longer use fire spells or resurrect other Fetish. Note that if you kill Super Unique Shamans, the carrier will also be a Super Unique but with little health (and often with the same name): killing the carrier yields loot. If you only kill the 'upper' part you will not get any loot at all.
Fetish Shamans come in two other variants: Flayer Shaman and Soul Killer Shaman.

This guy and bunch of Fetishes are a nightmare!!!
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