Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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The Man From Earth. Saw it on a whim and now its one of my favorite all time movies. i dont think anyone who loves movies could watch it and not like it. its full of alot of great actors and it makes you think.

A 2006 documentary about "the largest art heist in modern history" at the Gardner Museum in Boston. Fascinating, but really slow moving.

Here's the trailer, if anyone's interested:

[quote name='Liquid 2']Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)

Some great music in this one. Very strange, and pretty good. Definitely needs rewatching.[/quote]

One of my favorite movies of all time. Admittedly, not everyone's cup of tea but I find it endlessly entertaining. It gets better with repeated viewings, I think...once the initial "WTF are we watching?" wears off. ;)

John Cameron Mitchell, the director/writer/star of the movie, puts a LOT of emphasis on the music in his movies: the soundtracks to Hedwig and Shortbus (his second movie) are incredible, and worth experiencing on their own, as well.
[quote name='bmachine']Stolen

A 2006 documentary about "the largest art heist in modern history" at the Gardner Museum in Boston. Fascinating, but really slow moving.

Here's the trailer, if anyone's interested:[/quote]That does look like a fascinating documentary. Caught my eye when I noticed the patch-wearing detective in a bowler hat (see what I did there?). Spoiler me though, were they able to recover them? What happened/who did it?
[quote name='Strell']No ma'am.

No excuses.[/quote]

Missus has been wanting me to watch some chick flick with her, and I figured the best time would be one where I can't remember anything. All I really remember is constantly calling the one guy Cyclops, and falling in and out of consciousness.
The Counterfeiters. 5/5. So Powerful and Moving.

The Bucket List 3/5. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman did the best they could with the shitty script they had. The problem is that neither of them have charisma with each other, and it took away from the overall feeling of the film.
Burn after Reading. It was good but just not outstanding like The Big Labowski (my favorite movie), if it didn't have the cast it probably would have been a flop.
Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
Really, really, really bad. Boring, humorless, excrutiating.

Baby Mama
Not nearly as awful as I thought it might be, and it certainly looked like a fucking masterpiece after slogging through Harold and Kumar.
Tina Fey is endlessly funny.
[quote name='lokizz']The Man From Earth. Saw it on a whim and now its one of my favorite all time movies. i dont think anyone who loves movies could watch it and not like it. its full of alot of great actors and it makes you think.[/QUOTE]

I watched this off of your recommendation.

It won't make any top list for me but it was interesting even though it had some dreadfully slow parts and the first 30 minutes had some very weak acting from a strong cast. It could have been much better IMHO (see Tape for a well directed one room movie.) Overall I wasn't disappointing but nor was I blown away.

With that said it was a worth watching.
The Life Before Her Eyes - Pure crap, Elephant is still the school shooting movie to watch. On a side note I hate it when filmmakers repeat flashback scenes over and over again. It is frustrating for a viewer to watch a single scene multiple times and is nothing more than a cheap parlor trick.
[quote name='bmachine']
Tina Fey is endlessly funny.[/quote]

That's all I needed to hear about the movie. I heard it wasn't great, but not horrible. (I'm a big Fey fan...though I haven't seen this movie yet.)

Renting it as soon as I can.
The last "real" movie was "Eastern Promises" (great film) however I did watch "Postal" this afternoon and yes it sucks but I did make me laugh.
The last movie I watched was "Traitor" a few weeks ago at the movie theater. I had no expectations because I never even heard of the movie (my friend wanted to watch it). Turns out the movie was pretty good considering I didn't know what it was about and Don Cheadle is a terrific actor. The ending had the whole audience laughing or clapping. I would recommend it as a rental or a discounted (or free) movie ticket if you have one.
[quote name='whoknows']Speed Racer on Blu-Ray.

Incredibly awesome.[/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing. I rented it for my kids I wanted to see it for eye candy. I enjoyed the story line also.
The Fall. A great looking film, visually stunning at times, and a nice fantasy storyline, with a heavy dose of reality.
Lars and the Real Girl - Very touching and somewhat original, Ryan Gosling and Emily Mortimer(plays his sister-in-law) both deliver great performances.
[quote name='JMEPO']The Animatrix, Kinda cool but at times very strange.[/quote]

I saw that a few years back, mind you while I was a kid, and that scared the bejeezus out of me. Made the Matrix even more effed up.

So I finally saw Batman Begins, and I was laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the plot. So Batman is actually a ninja, and he's supposed to stop Ra's Al Ghul from vaporizing the water supply, turning people in Jokers? Damn, Nolan. If he wanted a "real" Dark Knight so badly, he should have adapted a story from the 1990s cartoons.
Gone Baby Gone

Everyone in my family agreed that it's a really good movie. Given how much our movie tastes differ that's saying quite a bit about this movie.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Blue Velvet (1986)

David Lynch. Far easier to follow than his other movies that I've seen.[/quote]

Definitely his most coherent (as far as I've seen), but still awesome. Probably going to do a report on it for my film class.
The Dark Knight

I've been putting it off for so long and finally went with the wife to see this. I had big expectations and, holy shit, did it take those and blow them out of the water. There was not a single scene that let off.
[quote name='js1']I thought the same thing. I rented it for my kids I wanted to see it for eye candy. I enjoyed the story line also.[/quote]

Yeah, I saw Speed Racer today and thought it was pretty good, if not excellent.

What's with all the hate? What did the critics expect, it's Speed Racer!

And what's with all the demands for a more complex plot? Jeez - Pirates of the Carribean has one of the most mind-numbingly simple plots in creation and people love that movie.

I saw Transformers yesterday and thought it was good, but overrated.

(Yes it's pop-culture catch-up weekend over here)
Second viewing, this time on BD. A great movie with some excellent bonus material.

What Happens in Vegas
I need new friends so I'm not forced to watch this kind of shit when we get together.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army. It was awesome, and definitely better than the first.

The Angel of Death was fucking amazing to look at. Doug Jones is awesome.
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