Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Bigger Faster Stronger*

BFS is about steroid abuse in America. Definitely worth a watch if you like sports. Story is about a family of 3 boys, all grew up idolizing Hulk Hogan, Rambo, Arnold. After finding out there heroes used steroids two of the men use it. BFS goes into detail about if there is a serious risk of using it, how common is the abuse, why is it considered cheating at sports but other areas of life use drugs for enhancement and there is no problem.
[quote name='camoor']Yeah, I saw Speed Racer today and thought it was pretty good, if not excellent.

What's with all the hate? What did the critics expect, it's Speed Racer!

And what's with all the demands for a more complex plot? Jeez - Pirates of the Carribean has one of the most mind-numbingly simple plots in creation and people love that movie.

I saw Transformers yesterday and thought it was good, but overrated.

(Yes it's pop-culture catch-up weekend over here)[/QUOTE]

I don't get the hate for Speed Racer either, it was just a lot of fun to watch.
Get Smart (2008) - not bad, entertaining, a couple of "laugh out loud" worthy moments, plus Anne Hathaway is not unattractive
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Journey to the Center of the Earth. The 3D one. Cute enough movie. Fluffy, and honestly, not really annoying at all, to me. I understood what kind of movie it was.

And I was really there to see the 3D (haven't seen a 3D movie yet). fucking amazing. Loved it. Can't wait for them to really rev up production of this sort of movie (I'm DYING to see James Cameron's Avatar).

Me and the lady were the only ones in the theater (last showing), so that was cool. What was less cool is that we didn't have sound for the first 10 minutes, and they didn't restart it for us. I intend to call and complain, maybe get some free tickets or something, if I'm lucky.
Righteous Kill

I liked it....was surprised that the vast majority of reviews were so bad....yeah..there were parts it could have done without but all in all thought it was good
Also saw Burn After Reading.

I liked it a lot, it was pretty funny in places. Not a classic or anything, but a solid 8.5/10 or so I'd say.

Also watched Transamerica on DVD. Was a bit disappointed with that. Felicity Huffman was great, but overall the movie was kind of boring. Just didn't go deep enough into the characters.

Also watched Office Space and Pulp Fiction over the weekend (2nd time I've seen Office Space, who knows how many times on Pulp Fiction). Office Space I still think is over-rated, Pulp Fiction is still one of my favorite movies of all time.
Jesus Camp

Interesting documentary on Evangelical Christians in America. I sorta felt sorry for some of the kids. They had such talent but unfortunately it was being used to push a political view of the extreme right wing minority. The end credits were hilarious.
Things We Lost in the Fire - A deep emotional movie but nothing standout besides the great performance by Benicio Del Toro.

[quote name='']Jesus Camp

Interesting documentary on Evangelical Christians in America. I sorta felt sorry for some of the kids. They had such talent but unfortunately it was being used to push a political view of the extreme right wing minority. The end credits were hilarious.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed Jesus Camp when I watched it. I went to a church camp a few years in my youth, not quite as crazy as in the movie but not far off :lol:. They used to teach us some crazy shit but not as crazy as the camp in the movie. The ironic thing is the guy that preached to us kids is now an out of the closet homosexual :twisted:.
On a side note it drives me crazy when people confuse the term Extreme Right with Christian Right.
Bigger Stronger Faster - A great documentary that does a great job bringing the filmmaker's family into the story. Chris Bell does a great job of telling his and his brothers story without pushing an agenda down our throats.

I've read about 1/2 the book and need to finish it. It was a good movie, definitely recommend seeing this if your a fan of Mr. Palahniuk.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919 version)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (2005 version)[/quote]

I hadn't known there was a newer/recent version of Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. I actually saw that not too long ago (the original that is).


The Wild Bunch
Seven Samurai

simply exquisite.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I hadn't known there was a newer/recent version of Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. I actually saw that not too long ago (the original that is).


The Wild Bunch
Seven Samurai

simply exquisite.[/quote]

The new one is effectively a straight scene for scene remake (even green screening to use the same backgrounds), just with added dialog.
Iron Man- went in expecting some good stuff, and was not let down at all.My views on RDJ have changed over the past year, after seeing stuff like Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Sex and the City.

It was alright, I suppose. Never seen any of the series. I happened to catch the beginning so I decided to sit down and watch the whole thing.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']Iron Man- went in expecting some good stuff, and was not let down at all.My views on RDJ have changed over the past year, after seeing stuff like Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.[/quote]

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is straight $$$

I just got back from watching Religulous. I doubt it will change anyone's mind (he comes off as too rude and arrogant), but he did bring the chuckles. It's definitely preaching to the choir, as it were. I liked it, but didn't love it.
Go to the store and buy these CDs, st0neface:

Massive Attack! - Mezzanine
The Cardigans - Gran Turismo
Kate Havnevik - Melankton
The Godfather.

I had never seen it before. Glad I finally have. It started off a bit slow, but it kept me hooked the whole time. I put in the disc and after seeing that it was 3 hours long, I said I'd only watch it half-way through and stop. I didn't move for those 3 hours.
Run Fatboy Run - Predictable but quite a good romantic comedy. Good performances from Azaria, Newton and Pegg and I haven't seen Dylan Moran this funny since Black Books.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall - Really lame. Not funny and a bit of a chore to watch

Red Cliff - Glad to finally get a copy of this. I was worried about this as Woo has never really done a good period piece but this lives up to the hype. Awesome acting, great set design and Woo walked a line between art and kick ass action with great results. Though I think The Warlords was slightly better, this is one of Woo's best flicks and its a nice "I'm back" movie that shows that Woo is still a master after toiling away in Hollywood.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Unlike the guy above, I quite liked it. Thought it was better than The 40 Year Old Virgin or Knocked Up. Funny as hell IMO. But I've enjoyed pretty much everything Apatow has been involved with, whether as director or producer, so probably just a different strokes for different folks thing.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Unlike the guy above, I quite liked it. Thought it was better than The 40 Year Old Virgin or Knocked Up. Funny as hell IMO. But I've enjoyed pretty much everything Apatow has been involved with, whether as director or producer, so probably just a different strokes for different folks thing.[/quote]

I was found Drillbit Taylor to be kinda lame.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']I was found Drillbit Taylor to be kinda lame.[/QUOTE]

Didn't see that one, or know he was involved!
Don't ess with the Zohan

I found pretty entertaining. Extremely stupid in it's premise, but you'll get some good laughs out of it.
[quote name='mr ryles']Don't ess with the Zohan

I found pretty entertaining. Extremely stupid in it's premise, but you'll get some good laughs out of it.[/quote]

Some of the movie was extremely childish but It was really very funny. I LOVED the beginning!

The PArt where he drinks the Fizzly Bubbler in like 1/2 second and was like "No, Not for Me" had me rolling.

I also loved the entire fight in the beginning, like kicking that dude in front of him and punching that one guy down over the balconey and he is yelling at him as he goes down.

One of my favorites though is when the guy puts his gun to Zohan's back and he just like appears backwards and dissasembles the gun. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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