Team Fortress 2 Discussion Thread

I like the idea of the drop system, but hate how it currently is. I really wish there was some option to disable it for drops I already have, or for the system to decrease the odds of a drop once you got it...anything to either stop giving me ten of the same weapon when there's no use for them (and for the people saying "trading", do you really think Flareguns are going to be in all that high of a demand?).
You have a chance at 25 minute intervals, or so most drop experiences estimate. The game does a dice roll to see if you get an item or not.

The system is likely going to be good for getting the same weapons soon as there is some code in the GCF for item stats like no medic overheal decay and on heavy fist kill, +50 health to everyone within a certain radius. The theory is every time you get a weapon, it has random stats that balance out. I hope they implement something like this.
[quote name='Brak']I legit unlocked 7 additional Force-A-Natures...

Just give me a fuckin' hat, already.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, I don't want to sit through 5 hrs of trying to get an unlock and find out my unlock is a fucking weapon I got through achievements, I as well want the fucking hats.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']The system is likely going to be good for getting the same weapons soon as there is some code in the GCF for item stats like no medic overheal decay and on heavy fist kill, +50 health to everyone within a certain radius. The theory is every time you get a weapon, it has random stats that balance out. I hope they implement something like this.[/QUOTE]
A while back there was a spoof video where the spy tricks the heavy and backstabs him (I think it was on Kotaku). I can't remember the theme, maybe the Heavy was in love with his gun or it was Valentine's day. I can't find the video and it is driving me nuts. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Links appreciated.

Also, it is not gameplay footage, but more of an official looking video.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']WTS Minotaur axe 7dmg 37delay. 12 plat. /tell me[/QUOTE]

Damn you ChernobylCow... damn you for dredging up bad memories.

Oh, one more question that I forgot to ask... Can the server disable item drop? Is this even remotely possible to do on a legit server?
No hat . =[

Does anyone here play a good soldier? I'm terrible at it. Maybe because he's slow or maybe because I just don't understand how to kill people with the soldier. I know how to rocket jump and to aim on surfaces for splash dmg, but I just can't get the hang of him. He's the only class I would say I'm terrible with. Always end up at the bottom when I use soldier. =p
Wow. I would have said the soldier was one of the easier classes to play. How do you kill people with the soldier? Shoot them with rockets.

1 on 1? try to aim the rockets at their feet to blow them into the air then have another rocket aimed at where they are going to land. Very easy to kill people like that.

In a group, just spam your rockets at whatever you want.

People get close to you? You're usually safe to shoot rockets at your own feet since you have more HP than most other classes.

Always try to have the height advantage in a situation since its much easier to hit people from above since you'll always at least get some splash damage on them. If that means having to rocket jump yourself into the air, then so be it. Just be aware that when you do that, you're going to attract a lot of attention from the other team, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for your team, but it is for you.

Also know that you are a frontliner class, so don't be afraid to lead the charge. Nothing sucks more than having a team full of offensive classes only to have them hang back.

The soldier is also very good if you play it like a spy. Your maneuverability thanks to your rockets open up tons of opportunities to get the drop on enemies from places they wouldn't normally expect. Always keep an eye out for stragglers and get the drop on them for easy kills. Your rockets are great for taking out engineers and their buildings as well, though you may need a partner soldier if the engie has a good nest set up.

Obviously all this rocket jumping is going to use up your health, so always know where the nearest health pack is.

The majority of the time, you should only need your rockets, however, against scouts and pyros with the air blast, you might find it easier to use the shotgun. You can still use rockets on pyros by aiming the rocket to hit the ground right next to them and scouts as well once you get used to their timing on the double jump, but for scouts especially, I usually just bring out the shotgun.
I play the solider/scout/demoman least of the 3 classes by far (they're the only 3 under an hour played for me). I find the solider especially boring to play, as CK said, it's mainly spam your rockets. Shoot where they're going. I just don't find it that entertaining.
The Soldier is my favorite class, especially for busting SGs. I'm always surprised by how few Soldiers are in play; teams with 3 soldiers tend to do very well in my experience. Certainly better than having 4 snipers, 3 spies, and 2 engies on an offense team. (If I see that kind of class distribution, I leave the server because it's a recipe for failure.)

My favorite tactics: pop someone in the air with a rocket, switch to SG, and blast them before they hit the ground. I also love rocket jumping over rocks and other obstances, landing behind the encamped enemy, and whacking them to death with my spade.

The Soldier is pure offense: versatile, powerful, mobile. He's also great for countering pyros (the rare pyro that can effectively use the airblast notwithstanding). If you're playing payload as BLU, you should have a few good Sollys. As you can tell, I'm strongly against the shitty pub team loaded with camping engies and snipers. Offensive muscle FTW!
[quote name='lordwow']I play the solider/scout/demoman least of the 3 classes by far (they're the only 3 under an hour played for me). I find the solider especially boring to play, as CK said, it's mainly spam your rockets. Shoot where they're going. I just don't find it that entertaining.[/QUOTE]

I play soldier the most, then demoman in close 2nd. I find soldier to be very fun to play, even though you're right, it is all about spamming rockets. But in my case, I love trying to shoot people in the air with rockets, that's where the fun begins. Not to mention rocket jumping to unexpected places, and rocket jumping towards your enemies for surprise attack. And of course, to post up against a skilled scout is always fun.

From my experience though, a skilled demoman does more damage than a skilled soldier, in terms of in-game team play.
Yeah, to me the soldier is one of the easiest class to play. My girlfriend took the soldier for a spin, so here are some suggestions I gave her:

Love that splash damage: It's almost impossible to directly land that rocket on someone, so aim for their feet and take them out with the rocket splash damage.

Reload often... if you aren't firing, then you're reloading your rocket launcher.

Fall in love with the Q button: during an intense firefight, where reloading is not an option, swap the rocket launcher with your shotty.

There is this little trick I picked up, which is basically the ability to strafe in and out of corners/cover, squeezing off a rocket shot in between. Might be a good skill to learn as a soldier or TF2 player in general. It helps with trying to take down sentries or a lone heavy without taking the punishment.

GL with playing as a soldier. He's currently my third most-played class.
I'm a terrible shot, my cousin says it's because I play with my sensitivity too high. So I've never done well with the Soldier or Sniper classes. I tend to gravitate to Heavy, Medic, and Pyro. Obviously this is because they all allow a more continuous firing pattern.

That said, even though I know that as a soldier you should fire at the feet, I always find myself forgetting that while actually playing.
Soldier's my #2, second to scout and I have to say he's got quite a range of skill. Newer players can pick him up easy due to he's extremely simple "Point and click" arsenal. Experienced players will also gravitate to him due to his Quake-like rocket jumps and airshots. The main thing a soldier needs is a good medic though.
[quote name='Oktoberfest']I think we can all agree though that Heavy is pretty dull? Or is that just me[/QUOTE]

I think the Heavy, in general, is a shitty class, which is not what you'd expect from 300 HP + minigun. Fact is, without a medic, he's way too easy to kill. As a spy, I always go for Heavies (low-hanging fruit). Snipers can't miss them. They're pin cushions for arrow spam. Also easy targets for the Sandman.

So I only play heavy when I can camp cap points next to dispensers or occupy a safe corner. But I rarely find that enjoyable and do it for the benefit of the team.

Having a medic changes everything, though. Still, I don't like my enjoyment to be totally dependent on the availability of a competent medic.

Valve's stats bear this out: the heavy is the least-played class across all maps. So while the Heavy update attempted to change this, I think subsequent changes (mega-buffing the spy, the Huntsmen) have actually made him a less-attractive class.

Interestingly, while the Heavy is the least-played class, he averages the second-most points per hour. The sniper and engineer, the most-played classes, are towards the bottom when it comes to points per hour. Go figure.
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[quote name='Oktoberfest']I think we can all agree though that Heavy is pretty dull? Or is that just me[/QUOTE]

Pretty much a spray and pray class, but there's a bit of utility than can spice playing a heavy a bit:

You could physically block people at tight doorways
You could be a movie meat-wall, soaking up bullets
You could punch people.
Also, you could think of yourself as a Pyro with a longer range, in that one of you base strategy should be trying to set up an ambush and mowing down the idiots that stupidly stumbles upon you.

-Just my thoughts.
The fact of the matter is every update fucks over the heavy. Spy got headshots which demolish him, he's an easy Jarate target, etc. Pretty much any buff to any class is icing over the Heavy.
Hmmm, I wonder if Valve will make the new football helmet unlock function like the Razorback, only for headshots. After one headshot, the helmet could fly off.

As an aside, the Ambassador is probably the worst unlock to date. Spies are already powerful enough without a headshot weapon.
Why didn't they give the heavy a Russian hat? What the fuck does a football helmet have to do with the Russian Heavy?

[quote name='Serik']Hmmm, I wonder if Valve will make the new football helmet unlock function like the Razorback, only for headshots. After one headshot, the helmet could fly off.

As an aside, the Ambassador is probably the worst unlock to date. Spies are already powerful enough without a headshot weapon.[/QUOTE]

Uhhhh, Sandman?
[quote name='soccerstud652']Why didn't they give the heavy a Russian hat? What the fuck does a football helmet have to do with the Russian Heavy?

What does an afro have to do with a Black Scottish Cyclops?

What does a propeller beanie have to do with a pyro?
The Sandman is pretty stupid, no doubt, but in terms of destroying game balance, the Ambassador takes the lead. Besides, I encounter more spies with Ambassadors than I do Scouts with Sandman.

The Kritzkrieg is probably the best in terms of adding additional functionality while not invalidating the original. Plus it's not ridiculously annoying like jarate, the Ambassador, and the Sandman. So, on the whole, I think class unlocks have only made TF2 a worse game and I sincerely hope Valve provides a cvar for servers to disable unlocks. You can already dick around with respawn times, player counts, crits, damage falloff, etc. I don't see why unlocks are untouchable from a server operator's perspective.

True, the heavy is one of the most underplayed classes, but if you look at avg point, kills, and assists per hour, plus damage dealt percentage, you see the Heavy being on the top three.

Moving on to heavies in general...

I'm not a big heavy player, and yes, most classes have an answer to the heavy-problem, but the same can be said for a lot of the classes having "answers" to every other class: a mediocre Pyro player can demolish a spy and unaware scout, Soldiers needs only 1-2 rockets to bring down a scout and pyros, A scout can seriously fuck up a sniper if he's not careful, etc etc.

The point is this: it's still a fairly viable class to play, if you know how to play as him. I think Valve is beating a quite dead horse on the message that a Medic is a Heavy's best friend (case in point, look at the Heavy Achievements). Also, players need to keep in mind that Heavy's are not necessarily the best pick for straight out offense, but does a fairly bang-up job of playing defense.

-my 2 centavos.
I've been playing this a lot lately, and I'm finally decent at it. I still have my off days where I do terrible, but when that happens I just switch to pyro for some easy pick-me-up kills.
OK, I guess I wasn't THAT bad at being Soldier, but I seem to do better as a Soldier on defense rather than offense. Also, after the FaN damage boost, I'm definitely feeling it now. Scattergun is still good, but I find myself on top of the leaderboards when I use the FaN. Another thing, I read that Dead Ringer + regular revolver makes a good alternative spy. Tried it today on badlands and it worked wonders. I was on top of the leaderboard again, next to a Demo and a Medic. Hmm...
[quote name='Brak']Practice rocket jumping.

You'll be unstoppable.[/QUOTE]

I'm good enough at rocket jumping. I think it has more to do with me not liking to lead the pack.
Maybe ya'll can help me figure out the name of this map I used to play.

It was fairly linear, two bases on either side for blue and red in a canyon setting.

The middle was a bridge with a large pit underneath but each team had to stop to cap a point before that middle point in a mini-village sort of thing.

An attempt to show what I'm talking about.

[quote name='shinryuu']I'm good enough at rocket jumping. I think it has more to do with me not liking to lead the pack.[/QUOTE]

accept my friend invite :) let's play in a server sometime, im west coast too
[quote name='crystalklear64']Maybe ya'll can help me figure out the name of this map I used to play.

It was fairly linear, two bases on either side for blue and red in a canyon setting.

The middle was a bridge with a large pit underneath but each team had to stop to cap a point before that middle point in a mini-village sort of thing.

An attempt to show what I'm talking about.


It's called Warpath. There are servers in TF2 that run that map 24/7, or in rotation.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']It's called Warpath. There are servers in TF2 that run that map 24/7, or in rotation.[/QUOTE]

Seconded, that is indeed warpath.
warpath was the greatest thing in TFC, next to Dustbowl of course

God, I think I've played some form of TF at least once a week since 2000 :O
Whats up guys. I've been playing a lot of TF2 lately and I am trying to get better as a Spy. Most of my success has resulted in just getting behind the enemy and disguising as one of them. What I mean is I haven't been using the other gadgets (Dead Ringer, Invisibility Watch, Cloak & Dagger) much. I'm not really sure which gadget would be best to use. Any of you seasoned Spies have any tips or suggestions?
[quote name='bg88']Whats up guys. I've been playing a lot of TF2 lately and I am trying to get better as a Spy. Most of my success has resulted in just getting behind the enemy and disguising as one of them. What I mean is I haven't been using the other gadgets (Dead Ringer, Invisibility Watch, Cloak & Dagger) much. I'm not really sure which gadget would be best to use. Any of you seasoned Spies have any tips or suggestions?[/QUOTE]

For just starting out as spy going with the Invisibility Watch or the Cloak and Dagger would be best. Both only have around 8-10 seconds of cloak. The Invisibility Watch can be refilled by dispensers or ammo boxes. The Cloak and Dagger on the other hand only refills when you're standing still. Test them both out and go with your personal preference.

I think the Dead Ringer is something for more advanced Spy players since it's quite a bit different then the other two watches.
I almost exclusively use the cloak and dagger. I am by no means a spy master, but I really enjoy being able to sit there and wait for people especially in places I know they're coming. The challenge with the cloak and dagger is of course cloaking only when necessary or moving quickly and efficiently from one hiding place to another.

I have to say, I found the spy achievements to be ridiculously easy. I've already earned about 20 of them with only about 90 minutes of playing spy.
the dead ringer is fairly useful again apart from the noise, now that it can be refilled via ammo boxes. you can force a cloak on yourself by taking a little fall damage and use the route you normally would with the regular watch, picking up your ammo along the way.

you still need to find a place to decloak where its hard to tell where the sound is coming from, or pull whatever tactics you can to disguise the noise (yell random shit as you decloak on all talk servers to mask your noise)

i find that the cloak and dagger makes very bad spies and encourages poor playing habits in the team setting.
i find that the cloak and dagger makes very bad spies and encourages poor playing habits in the team setting.

Totally agreed. The spy is one of my favorite classes, but I'm reluctant to play him because pub teams are typically loaded with mediocre spies and snipers. It's frustrating as hell to have 3 dumbass spies on your team sitting in one spot with C&D instead of rushing behind enemy lines and blowing teles (especially important on payload and A/D maps).

I use the regular watch most of the time, since it's conductive to my sole spy mission of rushing the enemy spawn within the first 30 seconds of a match. Destroying 4 tele entrances in a row at the start of Badwater is very rewarding.

Also: the C&D is a great way to dick around with people if you're not in the mood to help your team. Find a far-flung engy or sniper and spam vocal taunts at them. You can stay invisible the entire time, moving when necessary. This can actually tie up a few people in a useless goose chase once word gets out there's an asshole spy hanging around :D
I can't speak for other players, I just find C&D far more effective. Yesterday on 2Fort, I sat on the opposing side's top (where all the snipers stand) and ended up with about 10 backstabs, all snipers. It kept the bridge/middle clear for our team to get across for several minutes.
Like I mentioned earlier, I'm finding myself at the top of the leaderboards with the last Dead Ringer update. Pair it with the normal revolver and backup the frontline-- purrdy good. Not as "easy" to sabotage engineers, but it's doable. =p

I liked using the C&D since I sucked with the original watch, but then I learned how to use the Dead Ringer, so, iunno. At times though, you'll feel very inefficient and wasting time waiting, so ,yeah.
So now that we likely have around 2 months until the next class update what is everyone predicting for new weapons?

For Engineer I'm going to go with a longer range weapon to replace the shotgun, perhaps a mini sniper rifle type weapon to attack enemies out of range of sentry guns. Of course it would be much weaker then the shotgun when attack short ranged enemies.

I could see another weapon being an some kind of EMP weapon that disrupts the cloaking device or disguises. I could also see this as an item like goggles that the engineer has to wear but drains metal, gives him limited sight (maybe 5-10 feet) and leaves him unarmed.

I wouldn't mind seeing some new things for the engineer to build but I can't think of anything. Maybe someone else has a good idea?

For solider I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of semi auto rifle. I also like the idea of an Unreal Tournament style rocket launcher where you have remote control of the rocket by pointing at where you want to it to go. This would make it easier for the rocket to hit out of the way targets but require the solider to stay out in the open, leaving him open to attacks.

I do think it's possible valve may go the sniper route with the solider and give him radically different weapons then what he has.

As for demo perhaps replacing stickies with proximity bombs? Make them have a fairly limited range, being able to be set off by the demoman, and have them disappear when the demo is killed.

I don't know if they'll replace the grenade launcher, maybe they could give him different types of grenades? Fire grenades that set people on fire like the Pyro, or EMP grenades that give a small shock and temporarily disable anything electronic.

I also want to see more Payload, Duel Payload and Control Point maps. I imagine that we are mostly seeing arena maps because they are small and only have one part, but I would love to see more Valve made maps in my 3 favorite modes.

I definitely am interested in seeing what other people come up with. I believe Hydro2Oxide pretty much predicted the huntsman.
bread's done