The 2008-2009 NBA Season Thread

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I know i'm way ahead of myself, but I think the Bynum contract is set to become one of the worst in the league. This guy can't stay on the floor. Now we're either going to lose LO or Trev since they're probably only going to sign 1 of them.
[quote name='lakers310']I know i'm way ahead of myself, but I think the Bynum contract is set to become one of the worst in the league. This guy can't stay on the floor. Now we're either going to lose LO or Trev since they're probably only going to sign 1 of them.[/QUOTE]
Did you see the litany of phantom calls on him last night? Just as he hit a groove in the second half, they called an absolute travesty of a foul because he was getting the Lakers ahead.

Also remember, he's what, 21? I think he'll be fine.
I missed yet another game. Man, I have lost all interest in the NBA. This is something else because I usually am all about the play offs regardless of who is in it. I figured the Lakers would beat the Magic and the only interesting part of it was if Howard was going to blossom. Meh.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Are you really so childish that you're going to continue calling Kobe "the rapist"? I mean, seriously, even if you hate the [/QUOTE]

It is stupid, but as long as it continues to annoy Laker fans, who are trumped only by Yankees fans as the largest collection of douche bags in the sports world, it will remain effective. :D
[quote name='Sc4rfac3']I hear ya but really it comes down to making free throws and playing defense. At the end of the fourth the magic did neither. Nelson's defense on Fish as Mark Jackson would say "Hand Down, Man Down!" . Why would you give any serious shooter that much space? Then they just broke down from there. The Kobe foul on Nelson was unintentional. He had his arms up and was looking to pass. Nelson just kinda ran into the elbow. The Pietrus foul was dirty. Yes it was out of frustration, but still in was very uncalled for.[/QUOTE]

I never called the elbow to nelson intentional... it still was a foul. The intentional elbow came from Kobe against Dwight. As the announcer said on that play, early in the playoffs that would have been a technical. As for Pietrus, I never said it wasn't a dirty foul.

As for Fisher's shot... the announcers made reference to him being the third clutch playoff shooter. Whether Nelson was in his face or not, he was going to make that shot last night. Like I mentioned before, it shouldn't have come to that point.
Well, Kobe did put himself in that situation so that does make it free reign to make fun of his dumbass.

You cheat on your wife with some whore and you deserve to get made fun of. Thats how it be.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Well, Kobe did put himself in that situation so that does make it free reign to make fun of his dumbass.

You cheat on your wife with some whore and you deserve to get made fun of. Thats how it be.[/QUOTE]

I'll bear that in mind next time I'm talking about Jordan, Magic, etc.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Well, Kobe did put himself in that situation so that does make it free reign to make fun of his dumbass.

You cheat on your wife with some whore and you deserve to get made fun of. Thats how it be.[/QUOTE]

Yeah Jordan did the same damn thing yet I never heard anyone give him shit.
[quote name='lordopus99']I never called the elbow to nelson intentional... it still was a foul. The intentional elbow came from Kobe against Dwight. As the announcer said on that play, early in the playoffs that would have been a technical. As for Pietrus, I never said it wasn't a dirty foul.

It should have been a foul, but the Magic got away with plenty of fouls as well.

The refs haven't cost the magic this series. The turnovers, missed layups, missed free throws and bone headed defensive lapses have.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']I'll bear that in mind next time I'm talking about Jordan, Magic, etc.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Setzer']Yeah Jordan did the same damn thing yet I never heard anyone give him shit.[/QUOTE]

I hated both of those players pretty much about the same as I do Kobe. If there had been Net forums I was on back then, I'd been bashing them the same way.
That dude should have tried his best to stay oh his feet and continue to defend. The players know how the refs tend to let the players play at the end of games.
[quote name='mooshie78']I hated both of those players pretty much about the same as I do Kobe. If there had been Net forums I was on back then, I'd been bashing them the same way.[/QUOTE]

Name just about any player you actually do like, and unless it happens to be A.C. Green, that player has gone around picking up women in city after city. I could care less if you came out and said Kobe was the worst player in the league, but you just sound dumb calling him "the rapist" every time you refer to him. I'd much rather have some respect for you and have actual discussions about the game.
What the hell are you guys talking about? You act as though no one but Kobe gets made fun of when that is clearly not true. This is what I am talking about with Laker fans.....they get so butt hurt when anyone says anything about Kobe.

Pretty much any celb that screws up gets made fun of...thats how it goes. Did everyone forget when everyone was making fun of Karl Malone so much that he made a public announcement about it? Shaq in his prime was more famous than Kobe and that just made him a bigger target for everyone to make fun of his gorilla ass.

There is a list a fucking mile long of successful people who still get ripped on for dumbass choices.

Jeez over react more for a celb.
[quote name='Soodmeg']What the hell are you guys talking about? You act as though no one but Kobe gets made fun of when that is clearly not true. This is what I am talking about with Laker fans.....they get so butt hurt when anyone says anything about Kobe.

Pretty much any celb that screws up gets made fun of...thats how it goes. Did everyone forget when everyone was making fun of Karl Malone so much that he made a public announcement about it?

There is a list a fucking mile long of successful people who still get ripped on for dumbass choices.

Jeez over react more for a celb.[/QUOTE]

Who said anything about that? Come on, Sood, you know I'm not the bad Lakers fan. I cracked jokes about Kobe when the case came up, just like everyone else. But we're years beyond that now. It seems only the contingent of die-hard Kobe haters refuses to let the whole "rapist" thing go, and it just makes them sound foolish. If you want to mock Kobe now, how about using the Chauncy off-the-back inbounds play? Just pick something relevant. I'm sure next season, no one is going to say a word about Barkley getting a drunken blowjob. I'm not saying "oh, please don't hurt poor Kobe," I'm just saying be friggin relevant.
Like I said, it's too easy and fun to rile up the Faker fanbase with. It is stupid and irrelvant, and that's what makes it so funny to see Laker fans get their panties in a bunch over.

Talking shit is about the only remotely fun thing about discussion sports online.

I don't give a shit about the case or Kobe in general. Nor do I really have a favorite player as I just have favorite teams.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Who said anything about that? Come on, Sood, you know I'm not the bad Lakers fan. I cracked jokes about Kobe when the case came up, just like everyone else. But we're years beyond that now. It seems only the contingent of die-hard Kobe haters refuses to let the whole "rapist" thing go, and it just makes them sound foolish. If you want to mock Kobe now, how about using the Chauncy off-the-back inbounds play? Just pick something relevant. I'm sure next season, no one is going to say a word about Barkley getting a drunken blowjob. I'm not saying "oh, please don't hurt poor Kobe," I'm just saying be friggin relevant.[/QUOTE]

I see what you are saying....maybe I am a little too defensive with the Kobe loving thing. But still I think anything past present and future is free game for everyone to rip on.

I still like to dabble in the Karl Malone hate myself. Its just so funny. :lol:
I was worried last night during the first half, but obviously the 3rd quarter was the turning point. Kobe hadn't been too great from the field, but from the middle of the 3rd on, he turned it up. Trevor Ariza was really good in the 2nd, and Derek Fisher finally showed us that clutch shooting ability we all knew he had.

That being said, I thought the Magic blew the game with their free throw shooting. Regardless, that was a big, big win for LA. Now I kind of hope Orlando wins on Sunday so my prediction of 6 can be accurate, and so the Lakers can celebrate at home.
[quote name='mooshie78']It should have been a foul, but the Magic got away with plenty of fouls as well.

The refs haven't cost the magic this series. The turnovers, missed layups, missed free throws and bone headed defensive lapses have.[/QUOTE]

I agree. If the Magic didn't kill themselves, the series would be 3-1 Magic.
The same can be said about the Lakers. IF Kobe had not missed 5 free throws in game 3, the Laker's would have swept the Magic. The fact is, the Magic got spanked in game 4. I personally thought they should have won that, even though I'm a pretty big Laker fan.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I see what you are saying....maybe I am a little too defensive with the Kobe loving thing. But still I think anything past present and future is free game for everyone to rip on.

I still like to dabble in the Karl Malone hate myself. Its just so funny. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Wow, im surprised to see Soodmeg show up and post with his usual attitude against the Lakers and Kobe. I wonder why Soodmeg is not keeping up with NBA basketball :roll:

But anyways the Lakers yesterday played some outstanding basketball and pulled through at the end. D.Fisher definitely hit the biggest shot of all and i was proud that he made it. I was nearly on the edge of my seat all through the 3rd and 4th quarter. Even though I was a little frustrated at some calls on both ends of the floor for both teams. Nothing was being called and it was very physical. Personally imo I think M. Pietrus should be suspended for one game for shoving and elbowing Pau Gasol in the back after that dunk.

Good Job Lakers for defeating the Orlando Magic! :applause: One more game to go! I just hope the Lakers prepare prepare prepare for the toughest game of the entire Final series and close out the Magic
[quote name='mis0']The same can be said about the Lakers. IF Kobe had not missed 5 free throws in game 3, the Laker's would have swept the Magic. The fact is, the Magic got spanked in game 4. I personally thought they should have won that, even though I'm a pretty big Laker fan.[/QUOTE]

Yeah if Kobe doesn't choke on those FT's in game 3, this series is over 4-0.
[quote name='mis0']The same can be said about the Lakers. IF Kobe had not missed 5 free throws in game 3, the Laker's would have swept the Magic. The fact is, the Magic got spanked in game 4. I personally thought they should have won that, even though I'm a pretty big Laker fan.[/QUOTE]

Not really. If you want to take away all mistakes...

Magic don't turn the ball over so much late in game 2 and Lee makes the lay up and they win that game.

Game 3, Kobe makes the free throws your talking about and they win.

Game 4, Magic make their free throws and don't turn it over so much and they win.

And it's 2-2.

But what ifs are pointless. The Magic had their chances, and they didn't take advantage and the Lakers have made the big plays and are going to win another title.
I wonder if the Lakers' victory parade will be as snazzy as the Gay Pride Parade on Sunday. I mean, they have festivities going on all weekend. Friday is the Dyke March Rally. How can the Lakers top that?
I don't think this Orlando team is ever going to make it back to the finals. Turkoglu's gone after this year, and Howard,Nelson, and Lee are scarred for the rest of their career. Then you'll have the Celtics and Cavs reloading this summer. PLus, I think next year the Wizard's could do some heavy damage, assuming Arenas comes back healthy and they could use the No.5 pick as trade bait to add even more to the team.
I think they'll have a tougher time as the Cavs get better. Celtics too, if the big 3 are healthy.

But they're hardly done, and Howard and Nelson are hardly scarred. Howard will just be hungrier, Nelson is rusty after not playing all year, so he'll be hungy to get back when he's 100%. Lee, who knows.

Really what they need is a post player to complement Howard. Someone with a post up game, as again I don't see Howard every having a consistent hook shot, turn around etc. He'll always be a dunker/lay up guy and a defensive monster.

So they need a true power forward. Let Turkoglu go, and get a PF. Playing Him and Lewis at the same time isn't ideal IMO as you basically have to SF who play on the perimiter on the court at the same time.

That and they need a two guard to step up and be a slasher/scorer who can chip in 15-20 a night consistently. So either Lee or Pietrus need to step up, or they need to find someone else.
[quote name='lakers310']I don't think this Orlando team is ever going to make it back to the finals. Turkoglu's gone after this year, and Howard,Nelson, and Lee are scarred for the rest of their career. Then you'll have the Celtics and Cavs reloading this summer. PLus, I think next year the Wizard's could do some heavy damage, assuming Arenas comes back healthy and they could use the No.5 pick as trade bait to add even more to the team.[/QUOTE]

Orlando team has just as well a good chance. Hopefully, we are able to resign Gortat. The Celts will still have the big 3 so as long as they say healthy they are the team to beat. As for the Cavs, they still have to get decent role players around lebron. Their cap is high already with giving Varejo and Mo Williams high pay checks. Who knows Lebron might be asking to go elsewhere... As for the Wizards, they will still be in the middle of the pack. Arenas is careless.

Now the Lakers... they will have trouble... who do they keep Odom or Ariza? That is the big question at the end of this season because most likely they will not be able to keep both.
Keep Ariza if that comes down to it, but I don't want that to happen :/

I also want Shannon Brown to stick around for a year and see what happens.

[quote name='Matt Young']I wonder if the Lakers' victory parade will be as snazzy as the Gay Pride Parade on Sunday. I mean, they have festivities going on all weekend. Friday is the Dyke March Rally. How can the Lakers top that?[/QUOTE]
Man, fuck those parades.

Lakers parade is where it's at :D
[quote name='mooshie78']I think they'll have a tougher time as the Cavs get better. Celtics too, if the big 3 are healthy.

But they're hardly done, and Howard and Nelson are hardly scarred. Howard will just be hungrier, Nelson is rusty after not playing all year, so he'll be hungy to get back when he's 100%. Lee, who knows.

Really what they need is a post player to complement Howard. Someone with a post up game, as again I don't see Howard every having a consistent hook shot, turn around etc. He'll always be a dunker/lay up guy and a defensive monster.

So they need a true power forward. Let Turkoglu go, and get a PF. Playing Him and Lewis at the same time isn't ideal IMO as you basically have to SF who play on the perimiter on the court at the same time.

That and they need a two guard to step up and be a slasher/scorer who can chip in 15-20 a night consistently. So either Lee or Pietrus need to step up, or they need to find someone else.[/QUOTE]

I agree that they should let Turkoglu walk if he doesn't take a small offer. We have plenty of forwards on the roster. As much as he helps, he also hurts the team. He is inconsistent on the scoring end. His defense at times is very lackadasical. He tries to run the point at times when Alston/Nelson/Johnson have been on the floor which at time leads to turnovers.

I think the number one goal this offseason is to resign Gortat so we still have a power/defense down low when Howard is tired or in foul trouble. Gortat has a pretty sound game. Very underrated.

As for Howard... remember he is only 5 years in (no college experience). He has plenty of time to learn and grow from Ewing. Give him a year or two and he will have some of true low post game i.e. the hook shots and turn arounds.

One problem we have is how the SG rotation works. Personally, I think Pietrus should be the starter. He plays fairly good defense and can hit shots when required. If we allowed him to turn it loose, we know he can slash as shown in GS. He doesn't do it as much since Turkoglu runs this type role. JJ Redick should be next on the rotation as his defense trumphs that of Lee. Lee has been inconsistent. He should truly be third on the rotation.

I don't necessarily think we need a new PF. We just need Lewis to play the same role he played while he was in Seattle. It is up to Van Gundy to get the plays for him as a post role instead of a "sit at the three point line" type guy.
Didn't Redick ask to be traded at the beginning of the year? Would he still resign with the Magic?

As for the Lakers and Ariza, i'm not too sure about him. I was high on Vujacic last year too and look how that ended up.
Yeah, I figure Redick will be gone. With Pietrus and Lee ahead of him he won't get much PT.

I'm fine with it, I hated him so much at Duke I've had a hard time watching him play for my pro team. :lol:
[quote name='Twitter']BillPlaschke welcome to game 5 of nba finals. As final proof that this orlando gym is a dump, guess who was in my bathroom line this time? Sasha vujacic

2 minutes ago from twitterberry [/quote]

[quote name='lakers310']Didn't Redick ask to be traded at the beginning of the year? Would he still resign with the Magic?

As for the Lakers and Ariza, i'm not too sure about him. I was high on Vujacic last year too and look how that ended up.[/QUOTE]

He did request to be release at the beginning of the year but we kept him via team option. We have him under contract until 2010.
Great win by the Lakers. Lots of Mexicans shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood. It's wonderful to see Phil Jackson get his 10th ring, and to see Kobe and Derek Fisher celebrating their 4th together.

I think we learned 2 big things about the Magic in this series, that kind of go hand in hand: They're one piece short of being a championship team, and Dwight Howard, while an excellent player, is not a good leader for this team. He's more like Pau Gasol, but with better defense; a very good big man who needs someone else to help him, particularly on offense.
cant wait to get the championship shirt/hat
my parents have a friend that works at staples selling merch so hes gonna reserve the shirt and hat for me :D
[quote name='Nelo Ice']cant wait to get the championship shirt/hat
my parents have a friend that works at staples selling merch so hes gonna reserve the shirt and hat for me :D[/QUOTE]

I cant wait neither.. ;) Im thinking about ordering the championship gear off of so i can get the DVD also. :D Tomorrow I might be going around town in PHX to see if they have got the gear and buy it there too
[quote name='Matt Young']Great win by the Lakers. Lots of Mexicans shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood. It's wonderful to see Phil Jackson get his 10th ring, and to see Kobe and Derek Fisher celebrating their 4th together.

I think we learned 2 big things about the Magic in this series, that kind of go hand in hand: They're one piece short of being a championship team, and Dwight Howard, while an excellent player, is not a good leader for this team. He's more like Pau Gasol, but with better defense; a very good big man who needs someone else to help him, particularly on offense.[/QUOTE]

Yea even here in Phoenix near me some people are yelling outside Lakers 09 champs! :D


But Good Game for Both Teams. Magic played well but too much of a jump shooting team and it was a big mistake to bring back Jameer Nelson. Nelson should have stayed out for the whole NBA Season.

For me its almost a Dream come True for the Lakers to defeat the Orlando Magic and become 09 NBA Champions. I almost cried a little to see this team evolve and learn from last season to win this season. Kobe has gotten soo much better as a player

Congrads Lakers 08-09 NBA CHAMPIONS !!! :applause::applause::applause::applause:
[quote name='Matt Young']Great win by the Lakers. Lots of Mexicans shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood. It's wonderful to see Phil Jackson get his 10th ring, and to see Kobe and Derek Fisher celebrating their 4th together.

I think we learned 2 big things about the Magic in this series, that kind of go hand in hand: They're one piece short of being a championship team, and Dwight Howard, while an excellent player, is not a good leader for this team. He's more like Pau Gasol, but with better defense; a very good big man who needs someone else to help him, particularly on offense.[/QUOTE]

Howard can get there, but his attitude has to change.

Here's the thing about the Magic: They paid Rashard Lewis "The Man"-level money. He is obviously not that. That's a lot of money tied up into what should be your #2 or #3 guy. I see him as very comparable to Lamar Odom. He's that hybrid SF/PF player who can cause matchup problems all over the court, but he comes and goes. But let's say you keep him, Howard, and Jameer Nelson together. That's a good core. You're still missing that top-tier wing player who can score on his own. There are no top-tier free agents this summer who I would see as team leaders. Maybe Turkoglu walks, or maybe he stays and can be traded. The Magic won't get a superstar in exchange. They have to work with what they have.

If Howard learns from this year's experience, and a couple players develop a bit more, they should be a lock for at least the conference finals next year. They are a very good team, and I can see them making another run next year as they are currently built.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard'] You're still missing that top-tier wing player who can score on his own. There are no top-tier free agents this summer who I would see as team leaders. Maybe Turkoglu walks, or maybe he stays and can be traded. The Magic won't get a superstar in exchange. They have to work with what they have.

If Howard learns from this year's experience, and a couple players develop a bit more, they should be a lock for at least the conference finals next year. They are a very good team, and I can see them making another run next year as they are currently built.[/QUOTE]

Yep, they're pretty well set. But like I've said a few times they need a wing player who can slash and create their own shot, and I think they need another player with a post game to complement Howard and make it hard to double him.

Maybe Pietrus or Lee can develop into the slasher. The power forward would have to come from trade, draft or free agency. Maybe Lewis could play more inside as he did with the Sonics, but he's so skinny he wasn't that affective unless he had a mismatch anyway.
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