The '2008 is my year to lose weight!' thread

Damn... I continue to lose weight, albeit slowly... I dont normally check my weight, but went from 156 to about 153.5 over the past couple months

Kinda hard to maintain when Ive been putting in 35-40 miles per week (and it will eventually increase)... I have increased my food intake over the past couple weeks (things as tuna have been added)... I just dont want to get too far down... looks as if I will have to increase easting again, which is crazy b/c I am now eating every 90 minutes from arrival at work until I leave for my workout...

My Wii fit BMI is right in the middle of the accepted healthy range so I guess Im not too concerned... I dont want to be skinny
[quote name='bmachine']I find that I'm more disciplined with working out and eating good if I keep track of any of you use workout logs or food tracking software?

I bought FitDay based on a friend's suggestion but it isn't very user friendly (and adding custom foods is a giant pain in the ass). Can you guys recommend good/cheap/easy-to-use nutrition and fitness tracking software?

I see people at the gym all the time with little spiral-bound notebooks...what are they tracking? Do you guys write down your sets/reps/weights/etc.? What else do you track?[/quote]

I find it easiest to right down an estimate of what you eat. Don't count calories, because then you become completely obssessed with it and won't enjoy what you eat. For example, use the "handful method": I find that one serving size is quite often the size of a handful, or your palm. That is a good way to determine how much you are eating. Also allow yourself one or two "cheat meals" per week where you eat as much as you want of whatever you want. That will keep you satisfied, and give you something to look forward to after all the hard work you put in at your other meals of eating right. As far as a workout log goes, I simply write down my exercises for the day in a lined notebook and right down the # of sets I do, how much weight I use for each set and how many reps. Any of those specialty notebooks you get specifically for weight training are often too complicated. I hope this helps.
Well I think it's time for me to suck it up & get back on track.

I'm done drinking, smoking and eating like a fat ass.

I was doing real good up until a trip to Miami about 2 months ago, but then I just stopped doing everything.
At 130, I'm considered near underweight for my height.
This year, I'm going to change that by building more muscle.
I'm considering purchasing some race shoes. I've been looking at the Nike Mayflys. They're roughly 50 bucks. Right now I'm training and running in Asics Equation 2's. Anyone got some good recommendations on running shoes?
[quote name='Para']At 130, I'm considered near underweight for my height.
This year, I'm going to change that by building more muscle.[/quote]

Whoa..130? How old are you?
[quote name='specialk']I'm considering purchasing some race shoes. I've been looking at the Nike Mayflys. They're roughly 50 bucks. Right now I'm training and running in Asics Equation 2's. Anyone got some good recommendations on running shoes?[/QUOTE]

Anything but Nike... New Balance or my personal choice Saucony, but I use both religiously... have 5 pair Saucony (2 retired pair) and 2 pair NB... they are both the most comfortable shoes Ive ever ran in... best bet is to find some sort of clearance shoe shop that marks down previous year models of running shoes... thats how I got my Saucony Pro Grid Triumph 4's for under $30 (they were originally $120) the NB shoes I got for the same price that day were originally $85
just stopped in to recommend the atkins diet, or any low carb diet for that matter. It works like crazy for me..and I do very little exercise. Down from 260 to 240 in a month..eating virtually anything I want, whenever I want.. Unlimited eggs, full-fat cheese, burgers, bacon, fresh salads with olive oil & vinegar..fresh green veggies. ..almonds, macadamia nuts.. That's about it. I eat tons of fatty (and delicious) stuff, but as long as I don't go over 20 carbs in a day the weight keeps shedding. Pwnage. ;)
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[quote name='Capitalizt']just stopped in to recommend the atkins diet, or any low carb diet for that matter. It works like crazy for me..and I do very little exercise. Down from 260 to 240 in a month..eating virtually anything I want, whenever I want.. Unlimited eggs, full-fat cheese, burgers, bacon, fresh salads with olive oil & vinegar..fresh green veggies. ..almonds, macadamia nuts.. That's about it. I eat tons of fatty (and delicious) stuff, but as long as I don't go over 20 carbs in a day the weight keeps shedding. Pwnage. ;)[/QUOTE]

you're losing weight, but hows your body gonna look? are you doing any muscle work?
Atkins is also not a good long term choice. If you eat bacon, burgers and cheese and little to no fruit or veggies, you are not going to be healthy forever. Sure you're losing weight now, let me know if you are still losing weight, feeling good, and are even on that diet a year from now. I did the same thing and had the same results but after a few months, I just felt sluggish and gross. Plus I craved bread and fruit like crazy ;)
Hit the gym again for the first time in a month, felt really good to start running again. Wound up doing 20 min on the Elliptical, 30 on the treadmill and 10 on a stair master.

Then I promptly went home and passed out for about 6 hours :lol:

I think it was the very low amount of carbs I had before running (ie; none).
Atkins diet is terrible for you. Any diet that is low or no carb. will get you nowhere in the long run. Your body needs carbs. in order to fuel your body when you exercise, and they also help you to feel full. To better absorb the carbs you eat, take a Vitamin B complex. The B vitamins (specifically B12) help your body to process the carbs you eat more efficiently. To start with carbs, NEVER EVER cut out fruits and vegetables. Doing so would make you an ignorant person and you will fail horribly in the long run. 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day will give you sufficient carbs. However, don't stop there with the carbs. Good carbs (i.e. oatmeal, whole-grain breads and cereals, whole-grain wild rice, whole-grain pastas) will give you a huge glycogen boost for your workout. One of my favorites for breakfast is a mix of complex carbs and protein: 1 cup instant oatmeal mixed with half a scoop or more of your favorite protein powder. I might recommend adding blueberries if you use vanilla powder or bananas if you use chocolate (chocolate powder in oatmeal tastes like what your favorite chocolate cereal as a kid used to be.) Don't cut carbs, just switch in good carbs (listed above) for bad carbs (sugary cereals, cookies, chips, the list goes on and on.)
Atkins is for lazy people who dont want to diet the correct way and just watch what they eat and exercise... most people I know who did this "diet" ended up gaining most of the weight back...

It is all in you mind, you set out to REALLY put forth the effort and stop making excuses, you will be sucessful... Id rather have a healthy heart from cardio than lose a ton of weight by eating fatty foods...
[quote name='ITDEFX']oh shit.

My body is starting to get tired of drinking so much water every day.
I fell asleep in the afternoon.[/QUOTE]

After working out, I am always tired... dont feel like playing games... I feel good to have worked out, but once I sit down to watch a little tv... doesnt take long to fall asleep.

I drink a good bit of water, but also juices, sports drinks, and milk... but Im trying to maintain my weight at least so I can get away with getting the extra calories... really bottomed out near the end of my 5k run at the end of my workout of weights for 40 minutes, and full body elliptical resistance machine for 20... had little left to complete the run
My liquid intake has been mostly water. A little bit of orange juice and some milk. I am lactose intolerant and soy milk sucks.
I dont like plain soy milk, but do take the vanilla soy milk and it tastes a little more like real milk, I mainly use it to mix with drink mixes of for cereal
Britney Spears is dropping a ton of coin to, scientifically speaking, tighten that ass up. She's spending roughly $22 grand a month on a personal trainer, nutritionist and dance choreographer. Britney was getting sick of the constant pregnancy rumors, so she decided to do something about it that, surprisingly, didn't involve flashing her vagina at a Whopper. Wow, she has changed. The Daily Mail reports:
She has also taken on some of Victoria Beckham's diet tips, eating plenty of steamed fish and snacking on edamame beans. Britney also endures intensive work-outs with Pussycat Dolls' personal trainer James Van Daff as well as three-hour dance classes six times a week.
The source added: 'Britney piled on a lot of weight earlier this year. She was so stressed about the custody case and her medication for her bipolar disorder also made her put on weight. She was tired of being flabby and wanted to do something about it.'
Now, says the insider: 'Britney is so proud of herself because her ab muscles are back. She's feeling better than she has in ages.'​

That's one way to do it.
While starting my 5 miles this morning, on lap two I had something what appears to have been either a bee or a wasp buzz the back of my head but I wasn't really paying attention. So I tried to swat it away, then the bastard stung my thumb.

I was like oh shit. Within seconds I started feeling a stinging/tingly sensation and it slowly started going up my arm and now I have this tingly feeling in my wrist and my right lung area. I have been checking my heart rate and normally it's around 100 when I am not active but it dropped to around 83!

There was no stinger present in the wound and my thumb has swelled up. I disinfected it the best I could and put ice on it. I don't think I am going into
Anaphylactic Shock and I am breathing ok, but man that sucks to be stung while jogging. I did go back and did another 10 laps (3 miles) but I was sweating like crazy. I have taken aspirin as well. It's been 4 hours since the event.


[quote name='lilboo']Meanwhile, lilboo ate a box of Taco Bell for lunch :lol: :cry:[/quote]


According to the book, you are ALLOWED to have 1 crash meal per week. So this is your only crash meal for the rest of the this more than once a week and your just going to make it harder on yourself.
[quote name='lilboo']Meanwhile, lilboo ate a box of Taco Bell for lunch :lol: :cry:[/QUOTE]

Ha! I ate a pizza... a large pepperoni pizza last night all by myself... (granted had very little fat to speak of the rest of the day, and worked out for 90 minutes)... then worked out fora long time today 30 minutes cross training elliptical machine, 20 minutes biking on the hills setting, and another 6 miles jogging with my jogging buddy, which went by really quick b/c we talked the entire time.

ITDEFX... your resting heart rate is 100? Seems a little high, though gradual improvements to your cardiovascular health should improve that... my resting rate is somewhere around 60-65
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[quote name='lilboo']Meanwhile, lilboo ate a box of Taco Bell for lunch :lol: :cry:[/QUOTE]

That's what I had for dinner :cool:

Don't worry though, as long as you generally eat healthy (As in most of the time), you're fine.
[quote name='zman73']

ITDEFX... your resting heart rate is 100? Seems a little high, though gradual improvements to your cardiovascular health should improve that... my resting rate is somewhere around 60-65[/quote]

At rest it's about 100
when walking laps around the track it's around 115
when jogging the track it's 130-150.
when I started the laps two weeks ago, jogging the laps got me at 190!

Funny thing is that venom or whatever the yellow jacket has caused my heart rate to plummet to 85.

so how long til I have total heart failure?
Since it's "safe" to have a cheat meal once a week, what do you guys recommend for a once a week meal?

I am not ready to do a cheat meal until my metabolize kicks in.

Until then it's protein, fiber, water, and greens.
I've been having cheat weekends thanks to Summer. This past weekend I had a family dinner at Olive Garden and since it was free I went nuts. I kept ordering drinks and barely touched any of my food. I can honestly say it was the best time I've ever had at the OG.

Having too bad a meal can be cause for punishment though. When your body is used to certain things, introducing high fats out of nowhere is a receipt for the shits. Food shouldn't be something to be afraid of. Just work your ass off to make up for it.
You guys need to stop worrying about the concept of a "cheat" meal so much. It's EXTENDED periods of caloric excess which cause you to gain weight (and the reverse is true for weight loss), not ONE meal. I've had 10,000 calorie "cheats" before.

Running an extra 4 miles because you had a slice of cake with dinner the night before is a borderline eating disorder.
I eat alot of what I want (love pasta which is good), but I know when I really cheat like my pizza last night, or the occasional chocolate lava cake from Chili's... I know with the way I work out, I am covered... I dont sweat it

My workout buddy sides on the paranoid side... I get a text from her the other day saying how she has been eating nothing but junk all week and she needs a good workout at the gym, so Id better be ready to run... her splurge was a piece of cake... that was IT... I want to tell her to eat more because it will help her metabolism... but she is fine as hell (about 5'9" about 120 lbs, should be gracing the pages of some fitness magazine or something) so Ill probably never get the nerve.

And about the heart rates... wow... 190 is alot... thats almost too much for an effective workout... thats above a healthy cardio type workout... I used to do the ellipticals in cardio mode, it gave me a target for my age of 150... if I got too far ahead of that it would tell me to slow down... the weight loss target HR for me was 120 I believe... too little isnt effective... tooo much isnt good too... I ran in the sun on sunday and my HR got to about 180, I felt like crap
[quote name='zman73']
. I want to tell her to eat more because it will help her metabolism... but she is fine as hell (about 5'9" about 120 lbs, should be gracing the pages of some fitness magazine or something) so Ill probably never get the nerve.

Yeah, my workout partners are 2 other guys. What's fair about this scenario?
[quote name='specialk']Yeah, my workout partners are 2 other guys. What's fair about this scenario?[/QUOTE]

Nothing... especially if you could get a glimpse of this woman... Im not a fan of fake boobs... but she has some nice ones (no I dont stare at them, it would be too obvious with her right beside me), but I did get to ask about them...

The best thing about my scenario, was after 50 minutes working out, she arrived and I ran 6 miles extra with no problem, at a decent 7 mph pace fast enough to burn 750 so calories, slow enough to enjoy good conversation... sometimes I wish I wasnt married... lol... she is taken as well... some douche whom she complains about... first guy she has dated in 4 years...
I'm not big on working out with girls. Pretty much everyone I know is a member at 24 hour fitness but when I'm busting my ass off I'd rather have a dude who can work sets with me without changing up the weights so much or spot me. Sometimes it is fun if you're there with a significant other or on a light workout but usually when I'm at the gym its serious business.

On the other hand a couple of my lady friends don't like going alone since there can be a lot of creeps at the gym. The gym is split with the weights in one area and all the cardio equipment in another so when girls go into the weight area some assholes always bug them. If a friend asks me to go at the same time I'll oblige, just so they can use the weights and stand next to me so guys don't talk to them. I also use it as an excuse for getting in some extra cardio.

There was once a dude who would write letters and give them to my friend everytime he saw her. He would just stare at her while she was on the treadmill. fucking creepy.
I prefer to hit the Gym early, so I can be alone (or with like 1 or 2 old people).

So, I got back into running and I started to notice soreness. Not in my legs, rather my back. Not sure if this is bad, but it's probably related to my Scoliosis.
My friend will NOT do any type of weights at the gym because of all the creepy meatheads... I think it is nice to actually have someone to chat with when running 6+ miles, especially when they are as fanatical about it as I am (I never get to run with anyone except in races)... the fact she is attractive is just a personal bonus, but Id still run and chat if she were

I hear stories all the time about how she is bugged by creepy guys who only see her for one thing... her and I always ran together and over time started talking... its probably why she gave me her number... I do enjoy watching the guys do double takes sometimes when they see her
Reality's Fringe;4680886 said:
Running an extra 4 miles because you had a slice of cake with dinner the night before is a borderline eating disorder.

My ex did that a lot. I forgot what was the disorder called but she would barely eat anything for breakfast, eat lunch (which would be a small bagel or scraps of food) then have a big dinner, desert and a snack just before going to bed. The next day she would work her ass off in exercising for 2 hours (she didn't focus on her upper legs or butt though :( ).

Tried to help her with her disorder, but she didn't want help.
[quote name='zman73']
And about the heart rates... wow... 190 is alot... thats almost too much for an effective workout... thats above a healthy cardio type workout... I used to do the ellipticals in cardio mode, it gave me a target for my age of 150... if I got too far ahead of that it would tell me to slow down... the weight loss target HR for me was 120 I believe... too little isnt effective... tooo much isnt good too... I ran in the sun on sunday and my HR got to about 180, I felt like crap[/quote]

I just checked my heart rate a minute ago. 79 bpm at rest. Hmm that venom from the sting must have done something. Maybe this is a good sign. I have talked to my friend down in FL (who wife use to be nurse) and his hear rate is about 50-60 at rest (I think).
I do my weights at lunch and usually the gym's empty and just me. I like lifting by myself so that I can do my sets and move on without being crowded (it's a smaller gym) or having to wait on machines, weights, etc. The only drawback is that sometimes I can't move up in weight like I'd like b/c I don't have a spot. But that's the tradeoff I guess.

I do enjoy running with the 2 guys though, b/c we all started running about the same time. They also go to races with me as well so we have fun running. We do get yelled at by girls driving down the road pretty much every other night, so that might be a small consolation...ok not really but i'm trying, lol.
I wish my wife or one of my friends ran, so when I ran outdoors I would have that to look forward to... Gotta enjoy the honks and hollars from the ladies, it makes you feel good like you are doing something right... I generally dont make an effort to look at the woman though in case she is ugly, I just like the attention. Hopefully when my brother (who is a MUCH better runner than me) visits in December and is stationed at Camp Shelby nearby in January, we can run together and maybe partake in a race. I cant wait for the temps to lower a little, it is horrible here in the deep south.
[quote name='zman73']My friend will NOT do any type of weights at the gym because of all the creepy meatheads... I think it is nice to actually have someone to chat with when running 6+ miles, especially when they are as fanatical about it as I am (I never get to run with anyone except in races)... the fact she is attractive is just a personal bonus, but Id still run and chat if she were

I hear stories all the time about how she is bugged by creepy guys who only see her for one thing... her and I always ran together and over time started talking... its probably why she gave me her number... I do enjoy watching the guys do double takes sometimes when they see her[/QUOTE]

Tell her to either join a Curves (women only gym chain) or a Gold's Gym as most of them have seperate "Lady Golds" sections were she could lift and not even be in sight of the meat heads.
bread's done