The '2008 is my year to lose weight!' thread

I hit the gym between 9-11 am (depending on when I can pry myself out of bed). Pretty empty during that time--especially later on. Probably doesn't work for most though. I work in academia so when I'm not teaching I can generally work whatever time of day I want.

My gym's useless in the evenings from 5 or 6 pm through 10pm--just packed.
I dunno, but does anyone feel strange sharing a track with strangers? I like to go out anywhere from 8:30-10am and spend 90 minutes out there BY MYSELF! Just me, the track and my music. Lately I have been seeing this one old lady walking the laps and towards the end of her walk, she goes around and picks up the trash people leave behind (mostly water bottles). I tend to reverse directions every other day so at times we cross paths but we don't say anything because I am listening to my music.

Occasionally there are a few cute looking chicks doing laps but I leave them alone.

Ack my feet where killing me this morning, but did my 20 anyways.

I think I *might* take out the roller blades this weekend and give it a spin. I haven't done it in 4 years so I expect a lot of pain :(
Oh I've gotten used to the yells by now. At first it was kinda cool but now it's gotten old. And one red mustang that's usually got a few girls in it drives by every night, same thing..."WOOOOO" and that happens about 2-3 times each night. One night was pretty ridiculous...we had 2 girls to stop in the middle of the road and ask if we needed a friend yelled at them to go on, so they stop and start honking their horn in the middle of the road and yelling at us. Very awkward b/c I've seen those girls since then, and it was one of those cases where I shouldn't have looked into the car. But nevertheless running's proven some interesting situations.
You guys have all the luck. Girls yelling at your from their red mustangs. I'd be all for that. All I get are the crazy homeless people and other undesirables looking at me or yelling at me in the Fens. (Park by Fenway Park)
[quote name='specialk']Oh I've gotten used to the yells by now. At first it was kinda cool but now it's gotten old. And one red mustang that's usually got a few girls in it drives by every night, same thing..."WOOOOO" and that happens about 2-3 times each night. One night was pretty ridiculous...we had 2 girls to stop in the middle of the road and ask if we needed a friend yelled at them to go on, so they stop and start honking their horn in the middle of the road and yelling at us. Very awkward b/c I've seen those girls since then, and it was one of those cases where I shouldn't have looked into the car. But nevertheless running's proven some interesting situations.[/QUOTE]

The only time when I got annoyed was when I car full of teenage high schoolers decided to heckle me, yelling out "muscle man flex" and shit like that, so I flip them the bird... bad choice, they come back again, I make another gesture... they do it again (it was hot and I was cranky from running hills)... third time I flexed a pose... they then stopped... only thing I miss about the running outside is the hollars and honks... it drives you to perform better... I never look at the cars though

And why would I tell my (hot) jogging partner to join the womens gym... (she has mentioned getting a weight set for her home). I enjoy the looks of envy the men give me when they see who Im talking to... hey I never initiated talking to her, she did... she offered me her number to call because when the weather is cool we will go out for runs on the weekend... if I wasnt married and she wasnt taken by that douche she is Im still floored by her confession of being without a boyfriend for 4 plus years...
[quote name='ITDEFX']Why are people heckling you when they drive by? That makes no sense.[/QUOTE]

Lol, who knows? It's humorous at times...but like zman said when it's hot and you're trying to focus on those last few miles it can be annoying, but oh well if that's the worst that happens to me I'm ok. Which by the way zman, what happened when the high schoolers stopped?

And by the way, I know what you mean about the hot south. TN's nice and warm this time of year. Yay humidity!
[quote name='ITDEFX']Why are people heckling you when they drive by? That makes no sense.[/QUOTE]

Because they are fucking retarded high school boys who have nothing better to do... as soon as I played along with them they got bored and didnt drive by again... dont heckle a tired , hot sweaty, thirsty, and hungry man... it was a one time thing... normally its women honking or cheering... thats ok
Wow... checking my local running forums, I completely misjudged the dates on the first couple races of the upcoming season... I always assumed they were always on saturday mornings... nope... they take place the next two TUESDAYS at 6:30 PM... getting off of work at 4... cant really head home and back out... will have to kill some time before they start...
I was on a trip almost all week, so it was an icky week full of fast-food and little workout time.

But no biggie. I'm home now and back on track.
So I started running recently and my shins and ankles been hurting since monday, any idea how long for a recovery from shin splints? Are my ankles suppose to hurt as much too?
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[quote name='panasonic']So I started running recently and my shins and ankles been hurting since monday, any idea how long for a recovery from shin splints? Are my ankles suppose to hurt as much too?[/QUOTE]

Depends on the ankles... alot could come into play... my joints ache because I have the beginnings of arthritis in my joints... my friend had been having ankle problems, but after switching to a thinner sock felt fine today... shin splints and other aches... if really bad Ill take a day off then try to run them out of me the next go round, which sometimes works with me... right now Im having periodic knee pains, nothing bad enough to keep me from the gym
So I went roller blading for the first time in 5 years. Holy shit that was painful. I couldn't get full use of it because 1 I didn't know how to properly stop moving without crashing and two it kept on raining on and off today that I finally gave up and went home.

I need to save money for a bike, plain and simple.
[quote name='panasonic']So I started running recently and my shins and ankles been hurting since monday, any idea how long for a recovery from shin splints? Are my ankles suppose to hurt as much too?[/quote]

Anke pain can be a tricky thing. Some people have weak ankles which easily get sore, twisted, sprained, etc. It could be how gait, running form, etc.

For the shins, it depends on how painful. If they aren't excruciating or very painful then it could just be a precursor to shin splints and might be brusing and pain from the stress on the bone. I would take a few days off from running, and RICE.

Now if it is quite painful then it is probably necessary to take some more time off. It isn't the same for everyone. It depends on how bad they are, etc. But I would guess at least a week or so. How do they feel just walking normally? Does it only hurt when you go running, etc.

When you are feeling better I would recommend some elliptical tossed in along side the running. The eliptical machine is much less stressful on the joints and shins because there is no heavy pounding. Granted the machine isn't as fun and you are stuck in the gym.
5k today in my hometown. Shaved another 1:20 of last week's time. Ended up getting 1st in my age division again. My running partner got 3rd overall. I was rather impressed with the turnout...and the food was pretty good. They had Toaster Sandwiches from Sonic there, lol.

I'm gone next week to see the gf in Chicago so I'll be outta running for a little while. I think the next race we have is 2 weeks or so.

Also someone handed out a flyer for a run and weight lifting thing. Apparently you can bench press a % of your body weight and take time off your run. Looked interesting, might have to check it out...anyone ever done anything like this?
[quote name='specialk']5k today in my hometown. Shaved another 1:20 of last week's time. Ended up getting 1st in my age division again. My running partner got 3rd overall. I was rather impressed with the turnout...and the food was pretty good. They had Toaster Sandwiches from Sonic there, lol.

I'm gone next week to see the gf in Chicago so I'll be outta running for a little while. I think the next race we have is 2 weeks or so.

Also someone handed out a flyer for a run and weight lifting thing. Apparently you can bench press a % of your body weight and take time off your run. Looked interesting, might have to check it out...anyone ever done anything like this?[/QUOTE]

wow... 1:20 off... what are you running now... and another 1st in age group... pretty good... I have a feeling my age group placements will end this tuesday with my 5k... there will be a huge turnout and a ton of sub 20 minute times
[quote name='Dokstarr']Anke pain can be a tricky thing. Some people have weak ankles which easily get sore, twisted, sprained, etc. It could be how gait, running form, etc.

For the shins, it depends on how painful. If they aren't excruciating or very painful then it could just be a precursor to shin splints and might be brusing and pain from the stress on the bone. I would take a few days off from running, and RICE.

Now if it is quite painful then it is probably necessary to take some more time off. It isn't the same for everyone. It depends on how bad they are, etc. But I would guess at least a week or so. How do they feel just walking normally? Does it only hurt when you go running, etc.

When you are feeling better I would recommend some elliptical tossed in along side the running. The eliptical machine is much less stressful on the joints and shins because there is no heavy pounding. Granted the machine isn't as fun and you are stuck in the gym.[/quote]

It hurts and causes me to have a slight limp when i walk around the house but when i go out wearing my shoes (walking) i do pretty good. I haven't started running again in fear of a severe injury.
[quote name='panasonic']It hurts and causes me to have a slight limp when i walk around the house but when i go out wearing my shoes (walking) i do pretty good. I haven't started running again in fear of a severe injury.[/quote]

My advice would be to try and take some time off, RICE and then go back to the elliptical first. Try a week off or maybe 2 and see how you feel when you get back out there.

This is of course just advice from my personal experience. When I first started I got really bad shin splints and would just run through the pain, til one time it just got so bad that I had to limp back home 4 miles into a run.

I waited a little bit but then I would try to get back out there and it would hurt again.

Its never good to rush an injury.

I just wish I'd listen to my own advice. I've been bad about it many times aside from the shin splints with stuff such as broken toes, popped elbows, etc. So I know how hard it is to just sit back when you want to try and do stuff.
[quote name='Dokstarr']My advice would be to try and take some time off, RICE and then go back to the elliptical first. Try a week off or maybe 2 and see how you feel when you get back out there.

This is of course just advice from my personal experience. When I first started I got really bad shin splints and would just run through the pain, til one time it just got so bad that I had to limp back home 4 miles into a run.

I waited a little bit but then I would try to get back out there and it would hurt again.

Its never good to rush an injury.

I just wish I'd listen to my own advice. I've been bad about it many times aside from the shin splints with stuff such as broken toes, popped elbows, etc. So I know how hard it is to just sit back when you want to try and do stuff.[/quote]

Instead of jogging I started to do dips and instead of going down i just make a running motion for about 2 minutes not sure if that does anything but I feel good doing it. I don't touch the ground but my legs are moving.
Light workout to keep the legs fresh for my 5k tomorrow night, kinda excited as it is the first race Ive done that wasnt at the crack of dawn on a saturday morning... hope to run between 19:45-20:15
I think I fucked up the bottom of my feet after using those roller blades the other day. It hurts like hell every time I walk/jog...fuck
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I was on a trip almost all week, so it was an icky week full of fast-food and little workout time.

But no biggie. I'm home now and back on track.[/quote]

Ditto this. I was at Lollapalooza all weekend eating concert food...some of it very yummy, none of it very good for me.

I feel like a cow...need to get back to the gym tonight and start logging my food again.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I think I fucked up the bottom of my feet after using those roller blades the other day. It hurts like hell every time I walk/jog...fuck[/QUOTE]

May have just got the small muscles there sore, rather than anything serious. Just be cautious and worry more if it doesn't go away in a couple of days.
[quote name='dmaul1114']May have just got the small muscles there sore, rather than anything serious. Just be cautious and worry more if it doesn't go away in a couple of days.[/quote]

Yea it seems to only hurt when I walk up and down a set of stairs :|

I am taking a break from walking for a day or two to give my feet a rest. I did move to the other track, but it's so uneven compared to the first track :| Better go back to the first track to keep things going.

The walking/jogging has without a doubt had an affect on my lower legs as I can see muscle buildup in them. My face seems to be losing some fat as well as it is not as roundish as before.
[quote name='missingno81']Lost 30lbs, all I had to do was eat more.[/quote]

eat more.... fries? burgers? pizza?

I am taking in a lot of protein at this time but not eating out.
I don't log my food. I don't know, when I start thinking about how many calories things have I get all squicked out and then I don't want to eat anything at all.
20:02 in the 5k tonight, the temp at 6:30 was 88 degrees... it was so hot... out of well over 400 runners I came in 31st, 2nd in my age group... wasnt prepared for such heat... first mile 6:05 although I thought I was going faster than that...oh well... pleased to get an age group award with so many runners... it will get impossible when I move up in age group the end of the year... the 3rd place time in THAT group was about 90 seconds faster than me... Id like to be running consistently below 20... maybe as it cools down
Here is a question for those who have been working out for years.

Throughout the years before I started working out, I would get muscle cramps in my lower leg muscles. It usually happens when I wake up and stretch before getting out of bed. This happens every 3-4 months. These types of muscle cramps/pulls, can they actually damage the muscle itself? As I see my legs develop, I noticed that my right lower leg does not have the same mass as the the left one. Should I be concerned that there has been damage over the years where the muscle underneath the right leg will not expand because of the damage?
I've never heard of cramping damaging anything permanently. Maybe just some soreness for a bit. But I'm not a physiologist so don't take my word for it.

Try to get more potassium (eat more bannans etc. the potassium vitamin pills don't work well) and stay hydrated to ward off the cramps as much as possible.
my shin pain is pretty much gone now it seems my ankles and knees are hurting, this is going to be a longer road to recovery than i thought. Hopefully in the next 2 weeks it will be gone. I am thinking about not returning to running again and sticking with sports, weights and swimming.
If I decided to give up running with every pain I got, I would never run... I have a bad back, and beginnings of arthritic joints, and run on a surgically repaired knee which has been sporadically giving me pain

Id mix in elliptical and a little running and gradually build up to where you can run pain free
[quote name='panasonic']my shin pain is pretty much gone now it seems my ankles and knees are hurting, this is going to be a longer road to recovery than i thought. Hopefully in the next 2 weeks it will be gone. I am thinking about not returning to running again and sticking with sports, weights and swimming.[/quote]

The elliptical may be more gentle on your joints since there is less pounding.

Swimming is always good because it is good excercise and little / no stress on the joints.

If your joints are that weak, injured, etc. then I probably wouldn't recommend other sports. I've seen plenty of knee and ankle injuries in baseball and basketball, and those are the non-contact sports.

Maybe so you can get a better handle on what you can and cannot do you should go to a physical therapist or a sports doctor.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I've never heard of cramping damaging anything permanently. Maybe just some soreness for a bit. But I'm not a physiologist so don't take my word for it.

Try to get more potassium (eat more bannans etc. the potassium vitamin pills don't work well) and stay hydrated to ward off the cramps as much as possible.[/quote]

Hmm.. sounds like a good idea. Good to know that no permanent damage has occurred. Yea I gotta eat more banana's

[quote name='panasonic']my shin pain is pretty much gone now it seems my ankles and knees are hurting, this is going to be a longer road to recovery than i thought. Hopefully in the next 2 weeks it will be gone. I am thinking about not returning to running again and sticking with sports, weights and swimming.[/quote]

Same here, my shin pain is practically gone! I am feeling a bit of pitching pain in the joint areas though but not much.

Damn, my lower leg muscles are growing pretty quick. I need to improve my upper body muscles. It's too bad there is no way to tell if muscles are growing underneath my pot belly. Arm muscles are slowly growing, but not as fast or as big as the lower legs.
[quote name='missingno81']Lost 30lbs, all I had to do was eat more.[/QUOTE]

Sure you are another one of those "atkins" people who think they are some sort diet expert now... the only proper way to lose weight is watch what you eat (being sure to not cut out anything you might need) and exercise... its just that most people used to living in a world where everything is so immediate tend to lose interest with such a lifestyle really quickly because it takes time and hard work. I watch what I eat, but still can enjoy alot of things people frown upon like pizza or a burger because I have been fit my whole life and know such things are rewards for hard work
[quote name='zman73']Sure you are another one of those "atkins" people who think they are some sort diet expert now... the only proper way to lose weight is watch what you eat (being sure to not cut out anything you might need) and exercise... its just that most people used to living in a world where everything is so immediate tend to lose interest with such a lifestyle really quickly because it takes time and hard work. I watch what I eat, but still can enjoy alot of things people frown upon like pizza or a burger because I have been fit my whole life and know such things are rewards for hard work[/quote]

This. As long as you watch what you eat, you can still enjoy a burger every once and awhile as long as you don't over do it and have one from a fast food joint EVERYDAY. Once a week for one meal a week and that's it.

I am on my 3rd week and although the only results I have seen is people telling me I look a bit thinner than before and my lower leg muscles getting bigger vs my belly shrinking I still am motivated to do my twenty laps (5 miles) and doing my weights everyday. I do the "Ball of Pain" 3 times a week. I look forward when I can do crunches without bumping into the flab.
Yay, I finally hit below 200...well 199.4 lbs. when I checked at the gym scale. My Wal-Mart $5 lies to me as it says I'm 195.

You think it's possible to lose at least 10 lbs. before August 21? I'm going back home to California for vacation and impress family and friends of my dramatic weight loss (I was 230 when I relocated)
Not really. Would be tough to drop 10 pounds in a healthy manner in 2 weeks when you've already lost a lot of weight. If you're at 200 from 230 they should still be impressed. 30 lbs is a lot of progress!
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ok, for about 3-4 hours after I do a full body work out, I can see the muscles in my lower legs flex nicely. However after that time period when I try to flex them it feels like they are flapping around (the skin). My cousin, who works out a lot says because the muscles remember there default state and so when you work out (even for 30 minutes), they react to it and enlarge. However after a few hours they return to their default state of what it use to be before I worked out. How long is this going to go on?
Make sure you are getting plenty of protein to repair the damage you do when working out to your muscles... rest is just as important as working out... preferably consume some shortly after working out to be the most effective... Ive been spiking my post workout smoothies with protein powder
I didn't mean to, but I wanted to, and I lost 15-20 pounds in the last few weeks. A shit job I walk to and never eat at will do that.

I was 185 a couple years ago, then a few months ago in Aprilish I was 202 and now I'm 185ish.
[quote name='zman73']Make sure you are getting plenty of protein to repair the damage you do when working out to your muscles... rest is just as important as working out... preferably consume some shortly after working out to be the most effective... Ive been spiking my post workout smoothies with protein powder[/quote]

I think he said something about repairing the damage with protein. He mentioned Muscle Milk and a few other things. After the work out I do take a shower and make myself an egg omelet with turkey/ham/chicken (depending on what I have at the time) for my first meal. My water intake has been dropping :(

I need something without paying a lot of money for it. I am on a tight budget so if I can keep it natural and cheap, the better.

I don't have any pictures of it, but my ex had really pumped up lower legs and you could see how dense the muscle was. Of course she jogs around her neighborhood for like an hour every day for years.
what should be the rest period of running? Can i run 30 minutes everyday? Or do i need to rest every other day? previously i got the pain after about 4 days
[quote name='panasonic']what should be the rest period of running? Can i run 30 minutes everyday? Or do i need to rest every other day? previously i got the pain after about 4 days[/quote]

That's a good question.

Does one need rest from running 30 minutes by taking a day off? I am out every day for 90 minutes, then spend 30 minutes working out.

The only thing I take a break from is that damn exercise ball. Only do that MWF. I leave it out on STTS.

I better star wearing sun tan lotion. I already have a farmers tan and you can see the lines from my sun glasses :O
never mind, I found a picture with her wearing shorts and cropped it to focus on the legs

as you can see one leg muscle is bigger than the other one. I have started noticing this to with my legs.
bread's done