The '2008 is my year to lose weight!' thread


33 (100%)
I know there's going to be quite a few of us who are going to resolve to lose a few pounds or to get into better shape. I thought we could use this thread to bounce ideas off and to ask advice and to vent, instead of 50 of us making our own topics.

I'm 230, and would like to be at 180 by year's end. Or, alternatively, lose four inches off my stomach.

What's your goals for this year?
[quote name='pimpinc333']I'm 160 and I would like to get to 185. Kinda the opposite of the thread but weight is the issue here :D[/QUOTE]

Hey, we don't discriminate. ;)

It doesn't officially start for me until Monday, but I think I might get a head start tomorrow.
I'm 5'11" and 160lbs. I tipped the scales at 250 nearly 4 years ago. For who are serious about losing weight, the best advice I can give is to not simply diet - it is a battle most cannot win. You HAVE to exercise at least 6 days a week for at least 60 minutes; I used an exercise bike exclusively until I got the weight down to a point where I could do more high impact activities like running. Once you start putting in the work, you all of a sudden don't want to blow all of those calories burned on pizza, fries, burgers, etc. Another thing is to replace any soda or other drinks outside of milk/oj with water - you're saving 150-300 calories per drink in a lot of cases. Good luck to all those making changes in the new year.
I'm not planning on losing any weight (5'1" and 100 pounds=not much left to lose), but I am looking to get more in shape. I'm planning on working out 5 days a week, and eating healthier types of food, such as more fruits and vegetables and less red meat and junk food. I'm already doing this, and I really hope I continue to.
Post. I need to lose some weight. I've already cut out sodas and sugary drinks, drinking only water and the occasional milk. I'm trying to cut down on things like chips and fast food, and I have to start on the treadmill.
Here's a question to those of you who like music with their workouts: any suggestions for guitar-centric songs? I find when there's a good solo or guitar track in a song I can kind of just tune out the environment and lose myself in the elliptical.

Pearl Jam, Crossfade, Foos, Disturbed, QOTSA all hold prominent spots on the iPod. I'm also kind of ashamed I'm thinking of downloading a couple of high-tempo Pink songs...anything to pump up the adrenaline.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Here's a question to those of you who like music with their workouts: any suggestions for guitar-centric songs? I find when there's a good solo or guitar track in a song I can kind of just tune out the environment and lose myself in the elliptical.

Pearl Jam, Crossfade, Foos, Disturbed, QOTSA all hold prominent spots on the iPod. I'm also kind of ashamed I'm thinking of downloading a couple of high-tempo Pink songs...anything to pump up the adrenaline.[/QUOTE]
Don't be ashamed of Pink... I like her too.:oops: Then again, I'm female.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Don't be ashamed of Pink... I like her too.:oops: Then again, I'm female.[/QUOTE]

Well, there's that. She also looks like an ex of mine.

I do believe I just found my motivation for this entire thing, though. That just reminded me how I was back then - cocky, arrogant with the looks and personality to back it up. When I look back on that relationship, I don't miss her....I miss me.

Is it possible to get that back being married with children? I hope so.
I'm 5'11" and around 170 pounds, not sure about a target weight right now but I just want to slim down a bit. Used to weigh 180 pounds a few months ago, but I've cut soda out of my diet and started to watch what and how much I eat. I mostly drink water now and haven't had an urge to drink soda or anything like that. I mostly do sit-ups, push-ups, step climbing, and walking for exercise, I know I need to do more than that, but it's a start.
They have a 2008 get in shape for the new year guide which is pretty good, and also alot of guides for dieting and videos on how to do certain exercises if you get lost at what there saying.
I'm doing there lean mass guide now and is increasing my strength quickly. I'm 6'2" and want to get to 225 from 195, but I have a little help from a shot I take in the bum, but don't do that it's bad for you...
I'm 5' 11" and 159 pounds. I just want to lose the fat around my abs while bulking up (but not LOL XBOX HUEG bulk). Although I've lost 6 pounds in the last few weeks, I don't care what that number under my feet says in the end, as long as I can fit comfortably in my Mass Effect shirt while not looking like Christian Bale in The Machinist.

As sad as it may sound, I'm actually taking advice from 7chan's /fit/. Doing HIIT cardio 4 or 5 times a week for 20-30 minutes at a time, with 10-15 minutes of strength training in the afternoon (not as often as I do my cardio though). I've cut out soda, caffeine, and limited fast food, amongst other things to help my diet. I've even tried doing some Yoga, but it's not really my cup o' tea.

Protip: I used to park my Xbox 360 + TV infront of my Gazelle (the Tony Little device, not the bike). It was a good way of slowly crawling into the cardio routine.
Add me to the list. I'm looking to lose 30 to 50 pounds. I always been avoiding most junk food for the past few years, I just need a good exercise program.
If you guys do not have the discipline to get into shape at any other point in the year, New Years will not make a damn difference.

That being said, get to fucking work. :)

Also, don't focus on "losing weight", focus on burning fat and building muscle (lean or bulk).

As for music, my workout list consists of the following:

Jimmy Eat World - Pain
Papa Roach - Forever
Linkin Park - Bleed It Out
Linkin Park - What I've Done
Linkin Park - No More Sorrow
Linkin Park - Valentine's Day
My Chemical Romance - The Sharpest Lives
Yu Yu Hakusho - Tatakai No Hate
Yu Yu Hakusho - Yusuke's Powerup
Ace Combat 6 - The Liberation of Gracemeria
Dead Rising - Justified

I'm 150 (I gained about 10 pounds from Halloween on, thanks to all the sweets and extra food and such), which isn't bad, but I would really like to either get back down to 140 or replace my flab with muscle. Ideally, it would be the latter.
I'm 5'7 and 165 lbs. I've been weight lifting and hill climbing on a daily basis with wrist and ankle weighst since the Monday after Thanksgiving. I was about 175 lbs. around then. My body generally looks a lot more toned now although I need to give more effort on my crunches to get the little of bit of a belly I have left to go away.

Work Out music:

Andrew WK - It's Time To Party
Lucy Pearl - Dance Tonight
Santa Esmeralda - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
The Knacks - My Sharona
Weezer - Undone (The Sweater Song)
Foo Fighters - Everlong
LCD Soundsystem - Daft Punk Is Playing at My House (Soulwax Shibuya Mix)
Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Ben Double M Mix)
The Bouncing Souls - Ole
Ah, forgot about workout music. Some highlights from this week's playlist:

Massive Attack - Simple Rules
Massive Attack - Danny The Dog
Massive Attack - Black Milk
Paul Oakenfold - Burns Attack
Fear Factory - Zero Signal
Garbage - Push It
Oomph! - Krppel
Laibach - Das Spiel Ist Aus (bizzymix)

A couple of those are from action/fast-paced movies I've watched. I'm still trying to track down that song from the first parkour sequence from District B13.
I gotta say that I'm in the club for people who want to lose weight. I mostly want to lose like 10 pounds. I just got a little ponch I want to get rid of. I know I gotta start going to the Gym more then once a month if I ever want to make progress.

Tiny little things that I've done so far is always play my Wii with Wrist Weights on and Play all games while sitting on a Swiss(fitness) Ball. Doing some wii boxing with the wrist straps is actually a decent work out.

I also gotta bust out the YouSef Fitness for the xbox again.
As stated in that other thread about the obese show, I used to be very overweight.

I was 5'8 and 205 2 years ago.

Now I'm 5'8 and 161 pounds (went up from my lowest of 152 because of weight lifting.)

2 weeks ago I started working out 6 days a week. My schedule consists of (all exercises are 3 sets of 8)...

Monday: Chest
- Bench Press
- Incline Press
- Decline Press
- Pec Lift
- Fly
- Cable press

Tuesday: Back
- Pull ups
- Squats
- Reverse Hypers
- Back Extensions
- Deadlifts
- bent over rows
- Lateral Pulldowns
- Seated Rows

Wednesday: Biceps and Triceps
- Bicep curl
- Isolated curl
- Hammer curl
- Preacher curl
- Tricep pull-down
- Tricep extension
- Over head tricep extensions

Thursday: Shoulders
- Shoulder press machine
- Shrugs
- Forward shoulder extensions
- Side shoulder extensions straight arms
- Side shoulder extensions bent arm
- Pec lifts
- Shoulder press dumbbells

Friday: Legs
- Leg press
- Squats
- Leg extensions
- Leg Curls
- Reverse Hypers
- Lunges
- Calf Raises

Saturday: Core Training program

Now...after the workout I was doing a cool down run for 1.5 miles. But I was talking to my boss tonight (who is a doctor) and he recommended starting off with a run, then busting out 50-100 PROPER situps (tightening the abdominal muscles at the right time) and then working out, followed by a 5 minute cool down walk, so I'm going to try that.

I'm pretty happy with my body, except for my mid-section. Years of being overweight has left my bellybutton/lower stomach area a bit flabby and there's some lose skin there (gross I know) but Im confident with more dieting and exercise it WILL tighten.

So I guess my main goal is to tighten that area of my body. My BF% is 11.8, so I still have fat to lose. I refuse to resort to surgery as an alternative.

My diet consist of water, tuna, chicken breasts, whole grain breads, natural peanut butter, almonds, skim milk, fruits, veggies, cereal and whey protein. I take in about 160 grams of protein a day.
5f10i at 210ish. Would like to loose this pot belly I got :( Some of my buttons have already popped. I am going to really, and I mean really cut down on junk food this year. They already did a small study on Wii activities and they say you burn about 40% less calories than an actual work out.
One thing I've noticed is that my main motivation (amped time) comes about 10pm each night. That's a problem. I'm rarin' to go right now, but I need that in the morning, when I'm actually able to hit the gym.

Any ProTips for doing a few things at night to burn off some of this adrenaline and wind down? I'd like to start going to bed around 11 each night and waking up at 6am ready for the day - like an 8 month warmup when I need to rejoin the ranks of the working.

Here's my list for tomorrow:
Mr. C - Cha Cha Slide
Sevendust - Damaged
Kicking Harold - Gasoline
Sevendust - Shine
Filter/Crystal Meth - (Can't You) Trip Like I Do
RHCP - Fortune Faded
QOTSA - Go With The Flow
Spiderbait - Black Betty
QOTSA - Little Sister
Dave Navarro - Hungry
Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger
Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane
Sevendust - Black
Sevendust - Praise
The Urge - Jump Right In
QOTSA - No One Knows
Disturbed - Stricken
Janus Stark - Every Little Thing Counts
Disturbed - Land of Confusion
AIC - Them Bones
Collective Soul - Vent
Buckcherry - Lit Up
Smile Empty Soul - Bottom of a Bottle
Crossfade - So Far Away
Blues Traveller - Carolina Blues
Drowning Pool - Sinner
Pearl Jam - Life Wasted
Pink - U & Ur Hand
Fluke - Atom Bomb
Velvet Revolver - Slither
Incubus - Anna Molly
Andrew WK - It's Time To Party

Wow...that took a while to type. I'm going to start out the first couple of weeks cardio intensive to get in the flow, then start adding more weights. Probably do a little curl, press and squat action until then.

Also, I might start doing my own ghetto DDR stuff at night, if there's no alternative.
I'm also in the boat for losing weight, thoug I've been at it for a while. It's not a New Year's resolution though, as I don't believe in those. If you want to do something to improve yourself, why wait? Plus, it being a New Year's resolution gives you an easy out because many are given up and you could say it happens to anyone. That's just my bias though, if it works for some, more power to them.

That being said though, I'm 5'11" 275 lbs (not all fat, I'm pretty strong). Yeah, it's a lot. I was up to 305 over summer though so I've done alright for myself. My next goal to get down to is 240 and then I'll take it from there. I'm just going to continue weight training 5 days a week (as I have for years), plus I'm running 4 days a week right now (about 25 minutes, I don't like doing more because I am also trying to gain muscle) and hoping to keep that up when I move back to school, but it depends on my schedule. Running has always been the key thing for me. Whenever I wanted to lose weight running has always been a good one. I lost 30 pounds in high school, and it was from running over a 2 month period.

For music, I like Rush. Not only for the guitar work but also the drums are pretty great for working out to. I tend to stay away from the synth stuff, at least for working out. If you want something really fast try some Dragonforce, they are insanely fast and sure to get the blood pumping, I recommend the Inhuman Rampage cd.
I'm getting into better shape this year too. Although I don't care about the numbers, and don't even plan on ever stepping on a scale. I'll see results in the mirror and in how I feel, and that is all I really care about.
My goal is to get to 230 by the summer. The reason for this is that 2 rides at my local park (swings and a waterslide) have that weight limit and I want to go on both those rides. Plus I am worried I won't be able to ride the new coaster at my local park this year as I heard if you are over 240, you likely won't fit.

I have lost almost 25 pounds since Fall 2006 (right now I am 260 and 6'1"), but I have trouble losing more than that but I am determined especially since I don't want to be turned away from that coaster and have to take "the walk of shame" if I am unable to fit.

My plan is to exercise more (I used to play DDR but stopped due to work), and cut back even more on unhealthy food. I used to eat Lean Pockets and Weight Watcher's Smart Ones but don't much anymore and I went to the market tonight and bought Lean Cuisene (probably spelled that wrong), pasta and metaballs with only 8 grams of fat and it is a huge portion and all different kinds of Lean Pockets (pepperoni pizza, cheese steak, 4 cheese pizza, some mexican varities etc.) all with 7 grams of fat each. I hope that will help since it's healthier versions of unhealthy food.
[quote name='seanr1221']I take in about 160 grams of protein a day.[/QUOTE]

Your routine is well disciplined all around (better than I, I'll say), but you gotta respect your kidneys, hombre. They're not going to be fond of all that protein.

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Wii Fit[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure you grasp the idea of exercise. When people in this thread are looking to drop 30-50lbs, you shouldn't give them the video game equivalent of a not-gonna-sweat-at-all diet fad. False promise.

Man, I don't even *know* what to begin recommending for music. I have some playlists set on my iPod that flow perfectly for when I'm doing my cool-down cardio (2-3 miles on the treadmill or 35 minutes on the elliptical) after lifting - because that's when I need that extra moxie and hate-feuled energy to help me finish strong. Other than that, I typically set it to shuffle, which is a blessing and a curse. I have 12,000 songs on my iPod, so I often get the chance to rediscover music I'd forgotten I had (hearing some Kylesa, Tragedy, and even Stiff Little Fingers' "Alternative Ulster" today, for example). At the same time, I think my iPod knows what I'm up to - it will play (I'm not fuckin' kidding) shit like Bill Hicks or David Cross in the middle of a lifting set just to get me to laugh and lose my grip. Shuffle is nice, but Frank Sinatra ain't lifting music. One one occasion I was struggling with an incline chest press set, and "I Can Make You a Man" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show came on while I had the barbell at near-full extension. fuckin' HELL I don't see how I didn't drop that thing right on my chest.

If you want that full-on Macho Man Randy Savage ass-kickin' music, I can recommend a few off the top of my head: Hatebreed's "Satisfaction is the Death of Desire" (hell, the album READS like a workout motivational phrase) is great (particularly "Before Dishonor"), and anything by Superjoint Ritual works too. Maybe EyeHateGod, but I dunno if they may be too slow-tempo to work for most people.

Good luck, and be sure to give us updates - and relapses. We won't mock. Er, I won't.
[quote name='mykevermin']Your routine is well disciplined all around (better than I, I'll say), but you gotta respect your kidneys, hombre. They're not going to be fond of all that protein.

That's why I drink a LOT of water throughout the day. I don't need to get a kidney stone.
Here we go I about 5' 10"-5'11" and about 184 pounds, at one time last year I was 194. And this summer I got down to 174. According to the BMI I should weigh somewhere around 170.

So since I have to pay for a rec center pass for college, I might as well use it. I plan to go about 3 times a week next year and work out for about 45-60 mins. I'm also planning to cut down on the booze I cosume and I'm eating smaller portions and drinking more water.

Hope to lose 10-15 pounds before the semester is up.
I'm currently weighing in at 183 and I'd love to get down to 160. Not really sure how I'm going to do it, but I'm gonna at least start eating better and start taking the dog for a walk everyday...
270, down to 220 before 09. Let's see what happens.

Honestly, whats the fastest way to lose weight, that's not going to seriously damage my body / kill me.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']270, down to 220 before 09. Let's see what happens.

Honestly, whats the fastest way to lose weight, that's not going to seriously damage my body / kill me.[/QUOTE]

Cut out white flour, sugary foods and fast food.

Find out your BMR, and eat under what you burn a day.

Start off with a cardio program with light lifting. Gradually add in more lifting.
I have no idea if this diet works or if it was me cutting out bad things, but I went on a high fiber diet that changed my weight from 260 to 185. I thought of it myself, though the benefits of fiber (and probably the diet itself) is not a huge revelation..
I ate a huge bowl of whole wheat bran flakes or shredded wheat+ a tiny layer of semi sweet cereal for flavor, like honey nut Cherrios or something like that with a serving of oat milk (which has three grams of fiber and doesn't taste halfway bad if you get flavored stuff) two meals a day with one real meal each day. Sandwiches were good since they gave me more fiber with the whole wheat bread. I had around 25+ grams of fiber, but your body can handle up to 35. Also, if anyone gets curious and wants to try it, build yourself up to the fiber or you'll be in a world of hurt for a week (bodies not used to fiber will turn constipated for a short while)
I also cut out cheese entirely. I loved it, but it has a ton of fucking calories for the most part. Although, you could always get a substitute if you must have the cheese. I don't know if fiber helped directly with weight loss, but it sure keeps you full. Honestly, the key to weight loss if having a small amount of calories. I'm positive you could eat shitty food and lose weight if you kept it down to 1200-1500 calories. You would just feel like shit.
I'm 5'11ish, 200lbs. I like my weight, i just need to get my Body fat % under 10% and I'll be happy. At the end of Feb I'm going on a cruise and would like to look better then I do now. At the beginning of summer, I'm going on another cruise and would like to look better then I did last summer.

me last summer...
[quote name='afedock']

me last summer...[/QUOTE]


Damnit, sorry. I soiled another thread. My apologies.

I too am prepared for the 2008 battle of the bulge. Been in a relationship for 2 years.. put on like 30 pounds. He did too (THANK GOD!!). I've lost 65lbs a couple of years ago, so I'm pretty confident in myself.

Luckily our fitness center in our Apt Complex is only $20 a month, so I have to look into that.

I am 5'6, 180 for the record :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

But I just need to cut out alot of the snack foods (the bad kind) and replace them with better things. I don't over eat, my problem is I just LOVE to eat all day long as we supply GOOD foods in the house, it will help out tremendously.

I can't work out that much because I have severe asthma.. ftl :cry: But I do try as much as I can!

Good luck everyone! :bouncy:
At the end of the year we will all post pics of ourselves? ;) ;) :drool: ;) ;)??

No? Fine.
[quote name='lilboo']Good luck everyone! :bouncy:
At the end of the year we will all post pics of ourselves? ;) ;) :drool: ;) ;)??[/QUOTE]
Ground Rules: Only post photos if you're attractive and in shape!

... And shirtless.
My goal is to go from a size 38 waist to a 34 and to lose as much of this gut as possible. I currently weigh 226 lbs. although losing weight isn't necessarily my goal. Instead, I want to trim and tone.

For starters, no more soda. Period. I'm trying to switch from Coffee to Tea but the switch has been REALLY difficult. I'm also going to eat whole grain foods as much as possible and keep my meal portions reasonable. If I go out to eat, I'll only eat half of the meal.

As for exercise, running will be the initial effort. After a month or so of running I'll throw in some PT, sit-ups and push-ups mostly. Eventually I'll be joining a gym but I need a jobby job for that.

Can't think of much else at the moment.
I'm 6' 2" 220 lb. I was about 250 lb last year wearing a size 40" - 42". Dropped down to about 220 and a size 36". Tried diets, but those never worked for me. My secret: Free Weights and sit ups. 30 min a day, 3 times a week. Just don't forget to upgrade you weights. I started with 10lb and am currently at 50lb dumbbells now. It's cheap, very effective and best of all, I don't have to cut back on the foods.

My routine:

Incline Press 3 sets 20 reps
Dumbbells Shrugs 50
Bicep curl to shoulder press 3 sets 12 reps
Butterfly 3 sets 10 reps
Decline sit ups 120
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']I have no idea if this diet works or if it was me cutting out bad things, but I went on a high fiber diet that changed my weight from 260 to 185. I thought of it myself, though the benefits of fiber (and probably the diet itself) is not a huge revelation..
I ate a huge bowl of whole wheat bran flakes or shredded wheat+ a tiny layer of semi sweet cereal for flavor, like honey nut Cherrios or something like that with a serving of oat milk (which has three grams of fiber and doesn't taste halfway bad if you get flavored stuff) two meals a day with one real meal each day. Sandwiches were good since they gave me more fiber with the whole wheat bread. I had around 25+ grams of fiber, but your body can handle up to 35. Also, if anyone gets curious and wants to try it, build yourself up to the fiber or you'll be in a world of hurt for a week (bodies not used to fiber will turn constipated for a short while)
I also cut out cheese entirely. I loved it, but it has a ton of fucking calories for the most part. Although, you could always get a substitute if you must have the cheese. I don't know if fiber helped directly with weight loss, but it sure keeps you full. Honestly, the key to weight loss if having a small amount of calories. I'm positive you could eat shitty food and lose weight if you kept it down to 1200-1500 calories. You would just feel like shit.[/quote]

fiber helps you feel fuller than other grain counterparts (such as white bread for instance).

cheese is ok...but you just gotta pick the right kind. drink skim or 1% milk instead of 2% or whole milk (i dont think any grown adult can benefit from whole milk, anyway, as opposed to the other types). and when you do take in cheese, go for those made from 1% milk or skim milk (ie, swiss.)

as a matter of fact, studies show that drinking milk 3x a day can actually help with losing weight. dont know the exact science behind this, though i can vouch for this myself, from personal experience. though i do miss the days when i was a lot hotter than i am now (damn you x360!) i guess being in a relationship of 6 years makes you let yourself go ;)

oh, and re: real skeptical about this type of gauge...seeing as how supposedly, based on the BMI scale, Brad Pitt is overweight. (hubba, hubba)
On top of the weightlifting/dieting/cardio I do, every night (or morning if you wish) I do pull-ups, push-ups, and an 8 min abs type routine.

The routine is 25 push-ups, 5 overhand pull-ups, 5 chin-ups, take a break and repeat 4 times (aka 100 total push-ups, 20 pull-ups/chin-ups). Then I do my ab routine (use 8 min abs which you can find on youtube).

While it doesn't sound like much, you can do it while you are watching tv towards the end of the night. Doing it every night is a great addition to your other exercise, so I suggest doing it.
I'm about 280 and 5'10" or so and want to get down to about 200 or 220 and at some point down to 180. I was able to do this about 2 or 3 years ago but due to hours at work and school went back up. About a year ago I was at 220 and want to get back to that or lower.
[quote name='mrelusive']Protip: You can fit around 15-20 push-ups while you wait for your Xbox 360 blades to load.[/QUOTE]

Jesus! What kind of hokey refurb are you using?!
*Exhales*...I doubt I'll lose any fat at all. I don't care about weight, my weight is good (about 155-156lbs @ 5ft 6 in).

Get rid of fat.
Bench 160lbs.
Squat 315lbs.
Clean 135lbs.

So is this "Wii Fit" actually cardio? I can't stand cardio. It's boring as fuck. Someone fill me in on this...can I do Wii Fit as cardio?

Oh, and where do I get a Wii?
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Wii Fit

might as well make a game out of it.

I weight 105 lb at 5'4". I'm lucky to be alive :3
I'm gonna try to gain some weight.[/quote]

Same here. 6' 4" at 145 pounds. I want to gain muscle... exercise builds that too. I guess I just need to do it more often or something, lol.
[quote name='Bretts31344']Same here. 6' 4" at 145 pounds. I want to gain muscle... exercise builds that too. I guess I just need to do it more often or something, lol.[/QUOTE]

145? Are you sure that's not a typo?

If not, dayum.
bread's done