The '2008 is my year to lose weight!' thread

I am way too lazy to read the last 8 pages of this thread so apologize if what I am about to say was already said. A few months ago I decided I wanted to lose some weight (I was at about 182 lbs). I did some research on the web and found these sites: - Great for tracking your daily calorie intake. The best way to start losing weight is to choose a daily caloric intake that is lower than your current one and count calories to make sure you stay at that amount daily. This site lets you keep track of your daily intake, exercise and other information and lets you view it in calendars and graphics, etc. Not the prettiest site but very functional. - Has nutritional information for a ton of stuff that other sites don't, including lots of information on chain restaurants. I use this in supplement with Fitday to find nutritional information and then I enter it into Fitday as a custom food. - Also has stuff to allow you to track your daily food and exercise but I don't use it for that. Instead I use this site for its community and forums as it is very active and there are tons of people to give advice and/or support what you are trying to do.

I hope these are helpful to some of you... they have been great for me so far. Before the holidays had started I was down about 15 lbs in around 2-3 months and now that the holidays are over I think I will go back on the horse and try to lose some more.
No big new year's resolution for me, just continuing my trend.

I lost about 30 pounds last year. Sitting at around 230, which I've found for my body build doesn't look like a lot of people's 230. My hips and my gut need to go down more. I find myself needing a bigger waist pants not for the waist, but for the seat and legs. Not good. :p

My goal is to be at 199, but moreso just to feel good. I need to get back onto my portion control (THE rule of thumb I've found for weight loss), get pop back out of my diet, and continue/improve my exercise routine. I do a mix of cardio and weights. I should probably bump up my time with it, or start pairing the weights and cardio together rather than doing an either/or thing.

I hope come late summer that we've got a house and can buy an eliptical machine for the home. My wife adores those things and I really like them too. Nice run-like workout without the damage to the ankles/knees. It'd be nice to use one in our home too, putting in a movie or something, rather than having to go to the gym to use it.

I did 30 pounds in about 8 months last year... another 30 will get me to my goal. I think I can do it by 09. :)
Ahhhhh fuck it. I'll find the extra time in my day somehow...I'd rather do the long, low intense cardio over HIIT.

So I should be doing at-least 30 minutes of low intensity cardio at about 5mph?

My heart rate should be around 130 the whole time?
[quote name='seanr1221']Ahhhhh fuck it. I'll find the extra time in my day somehow...I'd rather do the long, low intense cardio over HIIT.

So I should be doing at-least 30 minutes of low intensity cardio at about 5mph?

My heart rate should be around 130 the whole time?[/QUOTE]

If you are doing 30 min, I would do the HIIT honestly. If you can manage 45-50 mins, do the low intensity long duration with your HR at 130.
According to what I've read, my max HR should be 192, meaning my target should be 124. That's my low on a given elliptical routine. My range is from 125-161. But, I've always had a faster heartbeat at rest, I can't explain why. I start ramping down if I hit 160, because I generally term that the upper limit of a safe zone.

I try to hit 2 miles in 30 minutes on the machine, that seems to be a fairly good intensity.

I really need to calculate my calorie/protein intake for tomorrow. I think I'm getting in a decent amount of protein even without the shake.
I want to only keep the good squeezable meat and get rid of the rest. I need to lose 50lbs by the summer. Im 5'5" by the way. Im also trying to go vegetarian too. We'll see how long it lasts. I might break down and join Jenny Craig.. I dont seem to get much support from the friends and fam.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']According to what I've read, my max HR should be 192, meaning my target should be 124. That's my low on a given elliptical routine. My range is from 125-161. But, I've always had a faster heartbeat at rest, I can't explain why. I start ramping down if I hit 160, because I generally term that the upper limit of a safe zone.

I try to hit 2 miles in 30 minutes on the machine, that seems to be a fairly good intensity.

I really need to calculate my calorie/protein intake for tomorrow. I think I'm getting in a decent amount of protein even without the shake.[/QUOTE]

Being in the medical profession, I have to tell you that heart rate is scary. Anything over 100 beats per minute is classified as Tachycardia. During exercise, your heart rate shouldn't go more than 20% higher than your normal rate. For adults a normal heart rate is 60-100 bpm. If a patient of mine gets over 130 bmp, its becoming symptomatic. Just be careful out there.
To be honest, I'd wager my rest HR is in the upper 80s or 90s. Going over 100 isn't a big deal to me.

My wife's a nurse, I'm sure she would have said something to me by now if it was a concern.
I think that finding an physical activity that you really enjoy is the key to losing weight and staying active. I hate activities where their is no competition involve like jogging and aerobics. I have always been into team sports because of the competitive nature is what motivates me to attend every practice and every game. For the past couple of years I have been playing soccer in the Spring/Summer and Ice Hockey in Fall/Winter. I find rotating between two sports allows me not to get burned out or tired of doing one activity. When I graduated from college I gained 25-35 pounds at one point. Then I got active again playing sports and I shed those pounds off and I am now a little over what I was in college. I still weigh a little bit more but I believe that is muscle that I have added as I am more fit than when I was in school now. The key is finding an activity that you can get addicted too that allows you to shed pounds.
[quote name='jousley']Being in the medical profession, I have to tell you that heart rate is scary. Anything over 100 beats per minute is classified as Tachycardia. During exercise, your heart rate shouldn't go more than 20% higher than your normal rate. For adults a normal heart rate is 60-100 bpm. If a patient of mine gets over 130 bmp, its becoming symptomatic. Just be careful out there.[/QUOTE]

My heart rate hits almost 190 during a high intensity run :lol:
Yesterday I did a long run and it felt GREAT!

I was on for 45 minutes, average speed of 4.4 mph, 3.26 miles, 338 calories burned, heart-rate stayed between 125-137

I also discovered I've been doing the deadlift incorrectly...well let me rephrase that. I've been doing the romanian deadlift. I just discovered what a regular deadlift is like, and I'm anxious to try it today.
Weighed myself last Saturday and I dropped from 178 to 175 which freaked me out a bit because I lost weight too fast and I wasn't starving myself, I just ate normal healthy meals while lifting and doing cardio. So this past week I did an experiment and had the pleasure of eating whatever I wanted while continuing the same workout regimen just to see what would happen and I still lost half a pound (now down to 174.5). Or maybe it was .25 pounds.

Eating whatever I wanted doesn't mean I ate fast food every day, but where as I would normally eat grilled breast meat, steamed veggies, and a baked potato, I'd have dark meat with the skin and fries. I also upped the portion amounts by 20 percent. I also ate 4 chocolate candy bars throughout the week which fucking rocked. :D

This week I'm going to try to find the perfect balance to drop just 1 pound a week.
Thought I would throw my goals in as well.

In 07 I was 196 lbs then with no diet or exercise dropped to 185(that is what getting the big D and moving cross country will do for ya ;))....

Anyways just got out a VERY ugly relationship with a girl so I started working out as revenge and I have not felt this good about myself since HS!!! Im 5 8 and my goal is to get back to around 160ish. Not Scary skinny but revenege skinny. Also working on toning myself back up and getting rid of the rest of the gut I have and on top of that Im also quitting smoking so I may come in here from time to time when Im jonesing to vent or what not. I started working out for around 1.30-2 hrs a day 7 days a week and I am on my 3rd week now. I do about 5-10 miles on a bike then walk another 1-2 plus I walk to the gym which is about a mile there and back. After the fat burning stuff I hit the weights for another hour or 30 mins depending on how hard I am breathing(damn smoker lungs!!!) anyways just thought I would tell all the CAGs good luck with your goals and it proves that not all gamers are fat and lazy slobs!!!
Actually kept up my excercising while in Texas thise week, took a short 5 mile jog in about 35 minutes one day, and worked out swimming with weights, and running a couple days as a guest in a local gym with my brother the other days (we has a good laugh over the youngest of the 3 brothers in my family, over his half marathon time of 2 hours...made the mistake of coming out too quick at the start and running out of juice later on)
My brother is an awesome runner, I was flattered my half marathon time of 1:37:13 2 weeks ago on a hilly, cold, windy course, matched up with his most recent half... he runs 5k's (3.1 miles) in 16-17 minutes pretty easily... while I JUST scored a PB of 19.34 before christmas which I was damn proud of with a 6:18 pace per mile

And to those looking to lose the midsection flab, pick up the pace on your jogs and lengthen the distance... preferably out doors where you can mix in different terrains and places to run... I am bored to tears on the treadmill... my midesction has regained most of its 6pack status from months of running and watching what I eat most of the time... plus I still do some ab work as well, but not as much as you might think... I seem to be working out to stay my current weight, while replacing some of the fat I have left with more muscle

What has kept me going is the chance to improve my race times, personal goals when you keep hitting them, keep you motivated to want to improve even more in the future. The racing is my thing, it is nice to come home with a trophy or some other prize from one of these runs to place on my shelves... and recently Ive been lucky to place between 1-3 in my age group in about 5 races in a row... with one 3rd place overall finish thrown in
I'm 5'9" and 140lb trying to get to 150 and more importantly tone up.

also is it ok for my body to run in the cold compare to the afternoon heat?
because i like to run real early in the morning or late at night so it does get cold.
[quote name='supraazn']I'm 5'9" and 140lb trying to get to 150 and more importantly tone up.

also is it ok for my body to run in the cold compare to the afternoon heat?
because i like to run real early in the morning or late at night so it does get cold.[/QUOTE]

Id love to run in the morning, but I have to be at work at 7 and sleep always wins out... Ive ran plenty in the cold, you have to dress accordingly, not too little obviously, but I know after a mile or so I am warmed up and wouldnt want to get too warm during my run...
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I've been sick the last few days and haven't been to the gym since Thursday. Ugh.[/quote]

I know the feeling not sick but for the first time in a month my body said no more so I took the night off. I feel SOO slack.....
Had a nice workout in training for a 5k on saturday... ran a semi slow 5k in about 23 minutes, did weights for about 25 minutes, and went back for about 25 minutes of one of the total body elliptical machines my gym had

Today I will run a minimum of 1 hour (8 miles) and tomorrow will do weights and light running

Friday: rest

Saturday morning is the race, looks like it is going to be REALLY COLD... guess I wont bother expecting a sub 20 min time
So upon returning to Japan and being dumped by my girlfriend via e-mail 2 days later, I've realized its time to get back into shape and meet some new, non-horrible, women.

I'm already back to my "only-water" drinking habit, I'm cutting out desserts/snacks, and I'm probably going to pick up WiiFit when I get my Japanese Wii in the next few weeks.

I've been doing really well with my routine for the most part. I've been hitting the gym everyday and keeping my super diet going, until the weekend comes. I've been having visitors and its hard for me to entertain them and resist from drinking some alcohol and going out. The things you will do for hot girls :(
[quote name='afedock']I've been doing really well with my routine for the most part. I've been hitting the gym everyday and keeping my super diet going, until the weekend comes. I've been having visitors and its hard for me to entertain them and resist from drinking some alcohol and going out. The things you will do for hot girls :([/QUOTE]

I do well with my diet on workdays, when I have a more set schedule... then I can get in smaller meals throughout the day... when I am on a trip or vacation like I was last week, although I worked out each non traveling day I was there, I reverted to 3 meals a day, and not always the best diet either, although I would choose things like grilled chicken whenever possible

I dont have the taste for alcohol that I once did, maybe this running thing has changed me, but the last thing I want after running 6 mile races is to have a nice cold beer...

Luckily being out of training for that half marathon I just ran allows for shorter training runs
Well I don't know about anyone else, but having 1 day a week to eat whatever isn't going to mess up a diet. It's not like youre going to gain all the weight back in a day. ...Well, as long as you don't go overboard.

I'm surprised, I'm actually doing really well. I've been having a weird breakfast all week.. apple slices w/ peanut butter (small amount) with toast (whole grain/wheat).

I haven't had this much fruit in such a long time.. I'm gettin so much fiber lately..oof..I know that because I've been on the toilet a lot ;(
[quote name='seanr1221']Yesterday was my last day at Ballys Total Fitness...back to the crappy school gym for me tonight :/[/QUOTE]

If you sign up for the National Body Challenge, you get an 8-week Bally's trial.
[quote name='lilboo']Well I don't know about anyone else, but having 1 day a week to eat whatever isn't going to mess up a diet. It's not like youre going to gain all the weight back in a day. ...Well, as long as you don't go overboard.[/quote]

True but I like to limit my cheating to one meal per week instead of one entire day to eat whatever I want. Losing weight is pretty much simple math, eat less calories than what you burn in a day. 3500 calories = 1 pound so in order to lose one pound a week, you have to cut 500 calories from your daily caloric needs per day.

For example, I require about 2300 calories based on my age, weight, sex, and daily activities so I eat 1800 calories a day. In 6 days, that is 3000 calories that you've reduced but if you have an entire day to eat what you want, you can easily wipe that all away by making two trips to McDonald's.
I've been sticking to my diet pretty well on weekdays, I eat a south beach diet cereal bar for breakfast (140 calories, 10 grams of protien, 15 carbs) and that fills me up until lunch, I then eat 1 can of progresso soup (the whole can is about 200 calories or so, depending on what flavor it is, I usually stick with something filled with veggies)

so by the time I leave work (5pm) I've only eaten 340 calories (give or take)

I try to eat sensibly at night, I'll have something like a grilled chicken breast, or a small steak (usually try to eliminate the sides like potatoes or something) and later on at night if I'm really hungry I'll either have another south beach diet bar, and or drink a few glasses of water.

on the 3-4 days a week I work out I try to keep the diet the same but I drink a protein shake when I get home (man those things fill you up, and its only about 300 calories or so including the milk I sue to mix it)

the hardest part for me is the weekend, when I'm not on any set schedule, I avoid teh traditional fast food (mc D's, BK , Wendys) if I'm really craving something, I'll eat subway, which isn't nearly as bad. I figure if I limit that to once a week I'll be doing ok.

What makes this all HARDER is my parents are redoing the kitchen, as of today we have no microwave, no stove, no cabinets and no counter.... its going to make it hard to not eat crappy food for dinner.

any suggestions on what I can do for the next few weeks?
[quote name='Drnick']I've been sticking to my diet pretty well on weekdays, I eat a south beach diet cereal bar for breakfast (140 calories, 10 grams of protien, 15 carbs) and that fills me up until lunch, I then eat 1 can of progresso soup (the whole can is about 200 calories or so, depending on what flavor it is, I usually stick with something filled with veggies)

so by the time I leave work (5pm) I've only eaten 340 calories (give or take)

I try to eat sensibly at night, I'll have something like a grilled chicken breast, or a small steak (usually try to eliminate the sides like potatoes or something) and later on at night if I'm really hungry I'll either have another south beach diet bar, and or drink a few glasses of water.

on the 3-4 days a week I work out I try to keep the diet the same but I drink a protein shake when I get home (man those things fill you up, and its only about 300 calories or so including the milk I sue to mix it)

the hardest part for me is the weekend, when I'm not on any set schedule, I avoid teh traditional fast food (mc D's, BK , Wendys) if I'm really craving something, I'll eat subway, which isn't nearly as bad. I figure if I limit that to once a week I'll be doing ok.

What makes this all HARDER is my parents are redoing the kitchen, as of today we have no microwave, no stove, no cabinets and no counter.... its going to make it hard to not eat crappy food for dinner.

any suggestions on what I can do for the next few weeks?[/QUOTE]

I think you would be well off to throw in some sort of healthy snacks between meals... Personally, every time I eat a can of soup for lunch I am starving in a couple hours, it goes right through me... if you HAVE to eat fast food stick with grilled chicken, my research showed a value meal from Wendy's consisting of the grillled chicken sandwich, chili side, and light lemonade was not only low fat but only around 600 calories total which is pretty good for fast food. Subway is always a good option if you keep it 6 inch subs, and little to no fatty condiments

What sucks for me is trying to maintain my weight... the weather kept me from the park for my jog like i wanted to, so I was stuck on the treadmill today for my long training run... went 8.5 miles burning over 1100 calories, had a protien shake as soon as I got home, then was only able to stomach half my meal tonight, and I had to force thatdown. Hoping I will get hungry in a little while, Im assuming the shake filled me up to the point of not wanting to eat.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']If you sign up for the National Body Challenge, you get an 8-week Bally's trial.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, but it's because I moved back to school today and it's 40 minutes from Ballys.
[quote name='Drnick']I've been sticking to my diet pretty well on weekdays, I eat a south beach diet cereal bar for breakfast (140 calories, 10 grams of protien, 15 carbs) and that fills me up until lunch, I then eat 1 can of progresso soup (the whole can is about 200 calories or so, depending on what flavor it is, I usually stick with something filled with veggies)

so by the time I leave work (5pm) I've only eaten 340 calories (give or take)

I try to eat sensibly at night, I'll have something like a grilled chicken breast, or a small steak (usually try to eliminate the sides like potatoes or something) and later on at night if I'm really hungry I'll either have another south beach diet bar, and or drink a few glasses of water.

on the 3-4 days a week I work out I try to keep the diet the same but I drink a protein shake when I get home (man those things fill you up, and its only about 300 calories or so including the milk I sue to mix it)

the hardest part for me is the weekend, when I'm not on any set schedule, I avoid teh traditional fast food (mc D's, BK , Wendys) if I'm really craving something, I'll eat subway, which isn't nearly as bad. I figure if I limit that to once a week I'll be doing ok.

What makes this all HARDER is my parents are redoing the kitchen, as of today we have no microwave, no stove, no cabinets and no counter.... its going to make it hard to not eat crappy food for dinner.

any suggestions on what I can do for the next few weeks?[/QUOTE]

Depending on your intensity of exercise, you need to eat more bro. It sounds like you are starving yourself. My MWF diet

wake up 9am
1 (maybe alittle more) cup of plain oats
2 scoops protein

2 pieces plain whole wheat bread
1 can of tuna or some lean meat of some kind (chx or turkey)
1 bag of plain spinach
1 scoop protein

2 pieces plain whole wheat bread or 1 sweet potato
lean chicken or meat (or eggs if im feeling lazy)
1 scoop protein

4~6pm workout

PWO shake which is 2 scoops of protein as well as other crap (carbs)

left over meat/chicken from 3pm meal
1 protein scoop
spinach/broccoli/green beans/something green

1 cup of cottage cheese
2 scoops of protein
tbsp of natty peanut butter
tbsp flax seed
all this blended up into a deliciously disgusting shake

[quote name='afedock']Depending on your intensity of exercise, you need to eat more bro. It sounds like you are starving yourself. My MWF diet

wake up 9am
1 (maybe alittle more) cup of plain oats
2 scoops protein

2 pieces plain whole wheat bread
1 can of tuna or some lean meat of some kind (chx or turkey)
1 bag of plain spinach
1 scoop protein

2 pieces plain whole wheat bread or 1 sweet potato
lean chicken or meat (or eggs if im feeling lazy)
1 scoop protein

4~6pm workout

PWO shake which is 2 scoops of protein as well as other crap (carbs)

left over meat/chicken from 3pm meal
1 protein scoop
spinach/broccoli/green beans/something green

1 cup of cottage cheese
2 scoops of protein
tbsp of natty peanut butter
tbsp flax seed
all this blended up into a deliciously disgusting shake


Hmm.. didn't think I was starving myself, haha. I'm not hungry at all during the day (the protein bar and soup are about all I need) I eat something bigger when I get home (either before or after the gym). but I'm still trying to keep it under 1800 calories for the day.

I always thought you wern't supposed to eat right before bed (I go to bed around Midnight, so I make sure I don't eat anything after 10pm.

what do you eat on tuesday and thursday (and weekends)

if I eat fast food (which is rare these days) I always go with grilled chicken, with nothing on it. for subway I usually get a turkey and ham, with just mustard (Yellow mustard is the BEST condiment ever.... tastes good and it has basically nothing in it)

I'm down a few pounds since I started this (about 231 from 235) so I've got 31 more pounds to lose. (or maybe 32, it would be nice to say I'm UNDER 200 for the first time since 9th grade) I recently moved form the treadmill to the elyptical (my ankles were hurting from playing basketball over the weekend). and let me say I'll never go back. I can program it on a "hill climbing mode" and lose the same amount of calories in my 30 minute workout but not be completley dead after (on the treadmill I'm always struggling after about 1/4 mile) I can enver seem to find my pace, I'm either way to fast, or way to slow.
I agree with Afedock, you need to eat more. Your metabolism is like a fire, you need to keep throwing good pieces of wood into it (healthy food) to continue the burn. If you throw a huge log in (unhealthy foods) or not enough wood, the fire will burn out.

My diet is similar to Afedock. Consistently drink protein, skim milk, whole grain cereals, whole grain bread, almonds, fruits, veggies, chicken and tuna. Eat throughout the day and keep that metabolism up :)
I've lost like 25 pounds since mid Oct. Mainly just from changing my diet due to some dental stuff. I could do a whole lot better with my diet too.
what sort of things should I eat throughout the day? right now 9am I eat a protein bar, 12pm I eat a can of soup, I assume I should throw something in at around 3pm to keep the "fire" burning. what should I eat? I'm in an office and all I have access to is a microwave.

I HATE veggies, I can only eat them in soup ro stew... (I don't know why but any of them raw, or steamed or anything I cant' stand)

fruit is ok (grapes, apples, bannanas, oranges)

any other suggestions?
New to the thread, but I've lost about 8 pounds since the 1st by basically following a modified Weight Watchers plan (My wife is on it, I'm not...but I have to do all the shopping and cooking-cuz I'm cool like that) everything I make has to be pretty healthy.

The biggest weight melter for me has been simply less crap. No donuts, only one Hershey's kiss, no chips, no fast food...except on Saturday where I absolutely do not stay on it AT ALL. I eat whatever I want with no restrictions. That way if I pass something up during the week and start to get that craving, I know that Saturday, I can have it if I'm still craving makes a diet/lifestyle change like this much easier to bear.

I already know that Saturday I'm having a Big Mac, and a few slices of deep dish Spinach pizza. But the rest of the week has been cod, salmon, chicken breast, broccoli, salad, an occasional packaged item (Lean cuisine-when I don't have the energy to cook meals)...

The best part of it all, so far, is that I haven't had to do any additional exercise yet. I'm sort of saving that up for Wii Fitness when it comes out...Started at 211.8, now at about 204, want to get down to at least 190...haven't seen the underside of 200 in quite a few I'm pretty excited about getting there...

For me, and my OCD style personality, having a day I know I'm going to not be dieting at all makes the rest of the week so much easier to stay focused. The way I look at it, most of the stuff I eat on Saturday, was stuff that I might be eating three or four times a week when my weight hovered at about I'm willing to do it the one day so as to have the six solid days....
I have been obsessed with red delicious apples w/ natural peanut butter. Ohh GODDD it's SO GOOD!! It's my breakfast everyday (along with a piece or 2 of whole wheat/grain toast)

And I'm not even getting bored of it. It's *SO* good!!
[quote name='Drnick']what sort of things should I eat throughout the day? right now 9am I eat a protein bar, 12pm I eat a can of soup, I assume I should throw something in at around 3pm to keep the "fire" burning. what should I eat? I'm in an office and all I have access to is a microwave.

I HATE veggies, I can only eat them in soup ro stew... (I don't know why but any of them raw, or steamed or anything I cant' stand)

fruit is ok (grapes, apples, bannanas, oranges)

any other suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Lowfat/skim cheese sticks have a decent amount of protein and can fill up your stomach for a little while;

almonds (high in fat, but SOOOO good for you), walnuts (the same),

lowfat yogurt another good source of energy.

Those are a few off the top of my's too bad about the vegetables though....
[quote name='loserboy']Lowfat/skim cheese sticks have a decent amount of protein and can fill up your stomach for a little while;

almonds (high in fat, but SOOOO good for you), walnuts (the same),

lowfat yogurt another good source of energy.

Those are a few off the top of my's too bad about the vegetables though....[/QUOTE]

Thanks... yeah I KNOW veggies are good for you... but I can't stand them... which is why I eat soup every day to at least get some of them into my body. (I really wish I could get hypnotized into liking them, lol)

so is this a good monday through friday eating schedule?

9am: protein bar
12pm: can of soup
3pm: fruit or yougert
6pm: light dinner or protein shake on workout days

in between I only drink water

I go to bed about midnight, should I eat something after 6? (so, on a workout day I'd have protein shake at 6ish, and then eat something light around 8-9)?
[quote name='afedock']Depending on your intensity of exercise, you need to eat more bro. It sounds like you are starving yourself. My MWF diet

1 cup of cottage cheese
2 scoops of protein
tbsp of natty peanut butter
tbsp flax seed
all this blended up into a deliciously disgusting shake


I noticed that a lot of lifters make sure to get a tbsp or two of peanut butter every day. What is the purpose of this? Is it because it is a "good fat?" I'm not complaining or anything, it seems almost like a treat for me. :D Or is it just that, a healthy treat?

Being busy with work only lets me to eat the traditional 3 meal day but it usually consists of:

Breakfast - Oatmeal, 3 eggs (one yolk), cup of skim milk.

Lunch - Tuna sandwich on whole wheat, salad.

Post-workout - Shake with one scoop of whey.

Dinner - Grilled chicken (or salmon), steamed broccoli and carrots, rice (or baked sweet potato), two tbsp peanut butter (or handful of peanuts/almonds)
Here's my "diet"

Weekday breakfast:
uber high wheat toast, 1/2 banana three mornings a week
cereal (high fiber one day/Captain Crunch the other)

String Cheese
One Hershey's Kiss

A Lean Cuisine Sandwich
One apple
One blood orange

Baked chips with salsa (nothing like salsa - tastes good, fat free, extra special)

Fish, chicken, or tacos with corn tortillas (avoid flour tortillas-lots of calories and fat)

No workout (standing in front of 7th and 8th graders all day and then coming home to my own 7 and 4 year old give me all the metabolic highs I can handle right now....)

Oh, and peanut butter is good because it is good fat, and it's filling, and it's high in protein (stick to natural/organic peanut butter most of the time...though I still prefer Jif or Skippy for happy fun eating time.)
Probably the best fat-loss program I've seen is "Cinch". I'm studying to be a naturopathic physician, and I've done a lot of research on nutrition. This seems to be a very comprehensive program, with a lot of science to back it up. It addresses many things that traditional/fad diets ignore. The website has more detailed information, testimonials, and an explanation from one of the head doctors that helped design the program:

I've actually had three family members (cousin, his wife, and mother-in-law) go on this plan, and all of them lost 25+ pounds and several inches off their waistlines. For my cousin (he just turned 50), the best part was he cut over 100 points off his cholesterol and was able to cut his Lipitor dose in half.

Other than that, obviously just eating right, cutting out processed/junk foods, and regular exercise (at least 20-30 min per day) are important.
I've been home since the beginning of December and damn.....

I was good about not eating junk food until about the 15th and since then, it's been down hill.

I've probably gained a good 5kg since I've been home.


My new job will be starting just after Chinese New Year (in Taiwan), so I'm hoping I'll be doing alot of bicycling while I'm there to get rid of my fat ass.
I just weighed in, I'm up to 208. So much for my losing weight diet. Ive gained about 6-7 lbs in the last week and 1/2, but I did load on creatine. But, I think I look leaner already, I'm feeling tighter and I'm already starting to see my obliques come in good.
I cant eat peanut butter... just the smell makes me sick... and pretty much the same with tuna (ate it as a chile, tried it a few times last year and had horrible results, even when trying to mix it into other foods like whole grain rice)

Breakfast: Oatmeal or Frosted Mint Wheats cereal with soy milk

Snack: Protein bar (finding a tasty one without peanut butter was a challenge) or beef jerky (high in protien and low fat)

Snack: Banana and cup of soy milk

Lunch: Pasta (low fat, high in carbs for my workouts)

Snack: Banana or something healthy

Workout: 5-6 time a week, never doing the same routine twice... today I rode the bike for 20 minutes, leg weightlifting and ab workfor about 20, ran 1 mile on max treadmill speed (6 minutes is the max on our machines), and did the stair machine for 10 minutes... trying to conserve energy for saturday

Dinner: Protien Shake, and dinner varies from night to night, not always low calorie, but my lifestye affords it and I dont want to waste away to nothing
bread's done