The 2008 MLB Season Thread (Update: Phillies Won)

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Well I'm happy the Mets did not make a move since I did not want them to give up any prospects. Hopefully they can pick up a decent reliever through waivers for cheap.
I don't fricken get this. The only thing the Sox got was a younger outfielder. But we are paying Manny's salary and giving up two prospects. I'm not onboard with this at all
[quote name='dafoomie']Its preposterous that they'd ask for the extra $2 million for Loria's back pocket. They're getting $30 million from revenue sharing, they're getting the national TV money, money, and merchandising money, which are split equally between all 30 teams, and they're getting whatever little they're paid for local TV and radio rights, and their gate.

Preposterous. The Marlins wanted the money, and Grabow.[/QUOTE]

Meh, I'd rather hold on to Hermida... and thankfully, we did.
Hopefully getting rid of the headache Manny has caused is worth the pieces that they moved. Its still surprising that they didn't address their bullpen issues. Maybe something comes through the waivers.
[quote name='DomLando']Well I'm happy the Mets did not make a move since I did not want them to give up any prospects. Hopefully they can pick up a decent reliever through waivers for cheap.[/quote]

im with ya on that. We dont have anyone to give up anyway. No way we are trading fernando,Niese,Kunz, parnell, or carp. We already depleted it last year thanks to Omar's moves in 07.

ya a set up man would be nice. Its the only thing lacking to get to Wagner. We cant find anyone who can pitch the 8th consistently well.

Cant believe Manny was actually dealt. Bay is all not that bad is he? He is having a good year with a sub par lineup and now he gets a better lineup to bat for. I think Hansen and Moss were ok to deal. The Farm is really deep within that organization as Ryanbph posted. I would have no worries there..but the 7 million sucks. the dodgers could well afford that.

Well Loria wins the official "You win a sucker" award. What an idiot and thank god manny is not in the east.
Wow, that sucked. We lose a pretty good reliever in Hansen, someone who is quite possibly going to be a great OF someday in Moss, and we lose Manny, all for Jason Bay? How does that make any sense at all?
[quote name='BoSoxFan900']Wow, that sucked. We lose a pretty good reliever in Hansen, someone who is quite possibly going to be a great OF someday in Moss, and we lose Manny, all for Jason Bay? How does that make any sense at all?[/quote]

It seems to be, at least from everything I've heard, addition by subtraction. So I guess the team getting rid of the headache means its ok to lose Manny? Golf on the October schedule for the Sox?

But come on, we've won 1 game since Big Papi has come back and I guess the front office wanted to shake things up.
I don't like the idea of moss,hanson and manny for bay. But without moving manny they would have been 3rd. IMO they didn't need bay. I wouldve taken the prospects. Moved you to of and called up chris carter to play 1b. Batted drew 3rd, and ortiz 4th. What bothers me most about this deal is the sox could have gotten texeria for youk and hanson. They balked because they didn't want to trade hanson. I don't understand the obsessions they had with bay. He appears to be a solid player, but we wanted 2 fucking months without ortiz in the lineup we could've done the same without manny for the last 2 months and used the prospects we got to get a young catcher in the offseason. If they had made the trade straight up with the marlins they couldve gotten hermedia or willingham and another prospect or 2 for manny. If they had done the texeria trade they would've probably had simliar if not better offensive production.
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Yes! Marlins get Arthur Rhoades!

Personally I like AR, and the marlins really need a reliever. I don't like the fact that he is going from AL to NL though, but that is better than going from NL to AL.
Considering the circumstances, I think Theo did well in getting some value for Manny. Jason Bay is a solid all-around offensive player with 30-HR power and career .375 OBP, basically like having another J.D. Drew in the lineup (and I mean that in a good way).

All I can say to the Dodgers is good luck. That's one crowded outfield now.
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Wow, Manny is playing for Joe Torre now. lol.
I think Jason Bay is a great player, and hopefully fans appreciate him in Boston.

Don't get me wrong, Manny was a good player, but he wasn't going to re-sign with the Sox next year anyways.

Hopefully next year the Sox look to add more power and Beckett's arm gets better so we can take back #1 again, because the rest of this season isn't bolding well.
If I had to rank it:

Pirates>Dodgers>Red Sox

Bay is a very good player....but come playoff time.....he doesn't scare me....i'd gladly walk Ortiz to get to Bay....or just throw heat at Bay if he bats before Ortiz...

Didn't Manny have a team-option in 09? I understand it's 20 Million....but that won't effect the Red Sox..

Isn't Bay a free-agent after this year? I read him and Texiera are looking for 100+
the sox held 2 years of team options, it wouldve been the redsox that said goodbye and not manny.

bay will be getting I believe $7.5 million for putting up similiar #'s in pitts, which I would assume had little/no protection surrounding him and not as many runners on basse. He is a free agent after 09

I have no idea what is wrong with beckett, besides missing location. His fastball is still popping in the mid to high 90's, his curve is sharp he is just missing where varitek is setting up.

I love how manny is with another former redsox clubhouse cancer in No mahh and derek long ball lowe.

I would rank is pirates > redsox = dodgers...the dodger have to deal with manny and if he ain't happy a week or 2 from now he will pull the same shit. Bay puts up same #'s as manny, and he didn't have the protection of drew, lowell and youk batting behind him like manny did. He also is a big upgrade defensively, and the clubhouse will be a much better place.
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It could be Lester has been doing so well that I think Beckett is doing meh. His numbers just aren't as good last year. But come playoffs we know Beckett > every other pitcher. The guy beat the Yankees with the Marlins single handedly almost.

I'm pretty sure the Sox will go after some more power next season, thats what im hoping. We already got a good pitching staff and young prospects, they just need to step up to the plate.
who could the sox get for more power...the only position they have to really fix is catching, and as far as I know there aren't any power hitting catchers available...they could improve over lugo, but I like what I see in lowrie, and would like to have him be the starting ss next year. Texeria and a few OF are available, but we have 4 OF's with drew, bay, cocco and ellsbury. Texeria would be nice, but then you would have to move youkillis. Pedroia and lowell aren't going anywhere.

The sox are 4th in runs scored this season. They have lost lowell for almost a month, they lost pappi for just under 2 months and varitek can't hit for shit anymore. Considering that and the fact that ellsbury has been somewhat of a bust, the fact that they are tied for 4th in the league in runs scored is remarkable. They have 118 homers and 223 doubles as a team. I would guess, looking quickly at a few other clubs, they are probably in the middle of the league in homers, and in the top third in doubles. They have more homers and doubles then the best team in baseball the la angels. The rangers who have scored the most, have 14 more homers and 21 more doubles.

The biggest issue for the sox this year has been hitting with runners on base on the road. They have similar BA and hits per game at home and on the road. Up untill this past week (due to manny) the sox home record was a hell of a lot better then the road. They were scoring almost a run a game more at home then on the road, even though they were still getting the same amount of hits. They lost 16 out of 17 in a row 1 run ball games on the road the end of june/early july. Not having pappi in the lineup for 2 months hurt them, but they were still in the ballgames on the road, and they still are in the race.

As for beckett, I dunno. He needs to find his locations before I would annoint him the savior if/when we make the playoffs. He had pinpoint control in the 2 playoff experiances he had in the past. He hasn't shown any of that this year, not even in spurts. If you take buckholz out of the equation then beckett has the worst era on the starting staff. Lester, dice k, wakefield, masterson and colon all had better ERA's. His hits allowed is 2nd worst amonst the starting staff. Only lester has more hits allowed, 5 but lester also has pitched 7 more inn which is another start almost.
Yeah, now that I digest the trades a bit, Fish didn't win as much as I thought they did. Roades is good and is a lefty, but he is also expensive. And he isn't THAT good.

Also, the red sox really won with that trade. Bay is a great player, but for the red sox he is a good deal. The sox are no stranger to big contracts, so I'm sure that they consider bay a tremendous find. They also didn't have to give that much in their opinion.

The dodgers have to hurry up and rid themselves of Andru Jones. He is not worth the big money they are giving him. The OF is crowded.
well youk, paplebon, pedroia, ellsbury, lester, delcarmen, masterson, are all dirt cheap players. So they are no strangers to quality players on the cheap...

as for winning the trade, most likely not, unless bay loves the green monster like lowell does and gets his stats padded by playing in fenway. But most people didn't think the sox won the nomar trade back in 04. The team was playing shitty and then had a nice long stretch vs mediocre teams and pulled it together to win the world series. The sox have gotten rid of the cancer in the clubhouse, they have 17 of there next 24 at home, vs sub par team like oakland (who without blanton and harden are weak), kc, toronto a couple of times and the orioles. The yanks still have 6 vs the angels, and of the 3 teams in the east the sox do have the easiest schedule with a lot more home games then tampa/ny
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Pirates got the better deal of the trade.. but still really doesn't do much for them.. there is a glimmer of hope.. but not much more than before... maybe in 2 years these risks will pay off but in the meantime we'll break the record for most consecutive losing seasons...
What really hurts is that Moss was the primary chip for getting bullpen help, and they had to use him up just to unload Manny. The Royals offered Ron Mahay for him, and they had several other offers as well.
well according to weei, the redsox feel that oki is out of his funk and he will be the 8th inn guy going forward. The sox feel delcarmen and masterson can handle the 7th.

lots of rumors speculate that bay will bat 6th...ortiz will go to the cleanup spot, jd drew will return the 3 hole, as he was crushing the ball in that slot in june. lowell will bat 5th, bay 6th and youk 7th (assuming that ellsbury leadsoff)
Won't know if the Pirates struck gold for a while, but the Littlefield nightmare is officially over. And for that alone, the team comes out a winner. It is sad to see Bay go, but the Pirates are not good enough now, nor will they be good enough when his contract comes up in two years. Teams like the Rays don't get good out of nowhere. You get better from talent evaulation, drafting properly and getting prospects.
Bay is in his prime years now and if he plays as well as he did in Pittsburgh, he will be a great replacement for the aging Manny.
I don't know what the Dodgers are doing- except that Colletti is among the worst gms in the league, so I guess he can't help it.
well the dodgers did very good in the trade...they have a decent/avg pitching staff...they have struggled to score runs. They added one of the best in the game into there lineup for the next 2 months, free of charge except for 2 prospects. At the end of the season, they will most likely let manny walk/not pay enough to keep him and they will get the 2 draft picks. They are in the hunt to win the weak NL central and adding a bat like that could push them over the top. Who know, no one thought the rockies would have represented the NL in the world series last year but they caught some lightening in the bottle and went on a tear.
I'd love to see my Diamondbacks win the division even with Manny there, but we'll have to wait and see. CoJack, Tracy, and Hudson are all hitting the ball quite well as of now. But last night's game we were pretty much even, add in a bat like Manny and there could be trouble.

They are starting him off tonight actually.
it will be interesting to see how manny fits into LA...they allegedly have issues between the older and younger players. Torre is easy going/players manager, but larry bowa isn't, and he is a coach that hates people that dog it when running to first.
[quote name='ryanbph']well the dodgers did very good in the trade...they have a decent/avg pitching staff...they have struggled to score runs. They added one of the best in the game into there lineup for the next 2 months, free of charge except for 2 prospects. At the end of the season, they will most likely let manny walk/not pay enough to keep him and they will get the 2 draft picks. They are in the hunt to win the weak NL central and adding a bat like that could push them over the top. Who know, no one thought the rockies would have represented the NL in the world series last year but they caught some lightening in the bottle and went on a tear.[/QUOTE]
I agree, the trade is at worst a wash for LA. Bryan Morris has had injury problems, and they didn't like LaRoche that much. They replace each of them with a 1st rounder, and get Manny for the rest of the year. They made out like bandits.

Jason Bay is hitting 5th, Lowell moves up to 4th and Ortiz stays at 3, according to WEEI.
If the dodgers make it to the playoffs, it will be a decent move
But if they don't, it will hurt them next year by having an additional hole to fill. Their defense, which was already poor, got that much worse.
And that they don't like laroche isn't a plus for them to give him up. For some reason, Torre likes veterans, rather than playing younger (and better talent). He is the wrong coach for that team.
what additional hole will the dodgers have to fill...they gave up 2 prospects, that most likely wouldn't be on the roster next year. They already have a ton of OF so losing manny won't be a big deal.

As for torre, no he doesn't usually go to younger players. But it wasn't just him that was down on laroche, the entire orgainization was down on him. They went out and got a poorly hitting casey blake
[quote name='ryanbph']They went out and got a poorly hitting casey blake[/quote]

.295 and batting .391 with RISP (1.180 OPS) is poor hitting these days? Blake's been big in the clutch this year which is a massive turnaround from last season where he was sub-.200 with RISP.
my mistake...he was on my fantasy league team untill early june, and he was hitting horrible at that time. I dropped him and haven't looked at him since. I just assumed that he was still hitting poorly, as he is a cheap player (a tad over 6mill) and no reason to dump him like clevand did considering prospect marte isn't hitting for shit.
Cleveland mostly unloaded him because he's going to be a free agent and they've been burned pretty badly in recent memories when they haven't traded those guys and just let them walk (Thome, Manny, off the top of my head). Better to get a semi-sure thing than some potential draft picks at the end of the year.
Another ho-hum day for Teh Freak/Teh Franchise/Cy Young...goes 7 full...1 ER...8 K's...bullpen blows it :(

The funny thing is for the Dodgers...once Manny comes in that forces Pierre to the bench along with Jones.....that's a combined 27 million a year...
After years of watching Manny demolish the Yankees, I get to see him ground into a double play in bottom of the ninth for the Dodgers.

Why now, Manny? Why now?

Oh, and to the guy who said Arod produces runs for the Yanks - fuck you. He really produced today by looking at two called third strikes. He's a cancer and he's never improved any team he's been on. I wish there was a way out of that ridiculous contract he has with the Yankees.

I dream all the time that he'll make me eat my words, but he hasn't been able to do it for the past four years and I doubt he'll start now.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']After years of watching Manny demolish the Yankees, I get to see him ground into a double play in bottom of the ninth for the Dodgers.

Why now, Manny? Why now?

Oh, and to the guy who said Arod produces runs for the Yanks - fuck you. He really produced today by looking at two called third strikes. He's a cancer and he's never improved any team he's been on. I wish there was a way out of that ridiculous contract he has with the Yankees.

I dream all the time that he'll make me eat my words, but he hasn't been able to do it for the past four years and I doubt he'll start now.[/QUOTE]
I'd take Manny at full petulance over Arod all week and twice on Sunday. I don't think there have ever been two such polar opposites on the same side of the infield as Arod and Jeter. I hate Jeter almost as much but I respect him tremendously as a player and a winner, even though he has the worst range of any shortstop in baseball and has that stupid smirk.

There is good news for the Yankees though, Tampa didn't get Bay and the Sox didn't get any bullpen help.
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[quote name='ph33r m3']Another ho-hum day for Teh Freak/Teh Franchise/Cy Young...goes 7 full...1 ER...8 K's...bullpen blows it :(

The funny thing is for the Dodgers...once Manny comes in that forces Pierre to the bench along with Jones.....that's a combined 27 million a year...[/quote]

i feel your pain on the bullpen. joe smith tagger for 3 runs against florida..and Heilman with another one of those gopher balls at the worst moment. But didnt help the mets could get a single runner when they had bases loaded either.
[quote name='integralsmatic']i feel your pain on the bullpen. joe smith tagger for 3 runs against florida..and Heilman with another one of those gopher balls at the worst moment. But didnt help the mets could get a single runner when they had bases loaded either.[/QUOTE]

Why is Heilman being put in key spots still?
taken from yahoo sports

In a surprising development, the Boston Globe's Gordon Edes today uncovered that Manny Ramirez actually lobbied to remain in Boston after learning he had been traded to the Los Angeles Dodgers, his agent telling the team his client would behave for the rest of the season if they didn't pick up his 2009 contract option. The Red Sox' response? Thanks, but no thanks. Here's an excerpt from the story: "Of all the Manny moments in Boston, the last ranks as one of the most confounding. Within an hour after Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein informed Manny Ramírez he had been traded to the Los Angeles Dodgers Thursday, Ramírez's agent, Scott Boras, called the Sox back, according to a source with direct knowledge of the negotiations. If the Sox dropped the option years on his contract — which they had agreed to do if they traded him — Boras said Ramírez would not be a problem the rest of the season.
"For the Sox, the source said, Ramírez's pledge of good behavior only served as a tacit admission that his disruptive conduct of the last couple of weeks had been calculated, and they had had good cause to suspect more was in the offing if they did not trade him. The Sox told him thanks but no thanks, what was done was done, and pack plenty of sunscreen."
[quote name='DomLando']Why is Heilman being put in key spots still?[/quote]

I dont know...they should know this guy doesnt pitch well in a pressure situation. but looking back at know things were going to go bad when you give up a home run to brandon backe no less.
Bay just jacked the shit outta one....

Pretty impressive debut for him....but i'd chalk it up to being invigorated playing for a new team...
besides that, a playoff team playing with a lot better protection behind him. Runners will be on base more, and the home ballpark that favors right handed hitters that pull the ball. While he is no manny, he has the potential to really incease his value by putting up solid stars going into free agency in just over a year. That and the fact he is going into the prime age of MLB players, I wouldn't be suprised if he is a 40 homer guy next year.
[quote name='ryanbph']taken from yahoo sports

In a surprising development, the Boston Globe's Gordon Edes today uncovered that Manny Ramirez actually lobbied to remain in Boston after learning he had been traded to the Los Angeles Dodgers, his agent telling the team his client would behave for the rest of the season if they didn't pick up his 2009 contract option. The Red Sox' response? Thanks, but no thanks. Here's an excerpt from the story: "Of all the Manny moments in Boston, the last ranks as one of the most confounding. Within an hour after Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein informed Manny Ramírez he had been traded to the Los Angeles Dodgers Thursday, Ramírez's agent, Scott Boras, called the Sox back, according to a source with direct knowledge of the negotiations. If the Sox dropped the option years on his contract — which they had agreed to do if they traded him — Boras said Ramírez would not be a problem the rest of the season.
"For the Sox, the source said, Ramírez's pledge of good behavior only served as a tacit admission that his disruptive conduct of the last couple of weeks had been calculated, and they had had good cause to suspect more was in the offing if they did not trade him. The Sox told him thanks but no thanks, what was done was done, and pack plenty of sunscreen."

Great... now it's a "fuck you Sox, I'm working hard for the Dodgers" now.

Manny actually showing effort out there in tonight's game, hopefully that's temporary.
[quote name='dafoomie']Bay has nice bat speed.

Were those the first two standing ovations Bay has ever had? A standing O from 300 people doesn't count.[/quote]

Is any one else worried about young pitches on bad teams? Aka Volquez, Halladay, Duschscherer and most of all Timmy Lincecum? (sorry for spelling mistakes)

Those teams really have no chance at winning their divisions yet I'm sure GMs and managers want to use their best guys. It just bothers me, that managers are not thinking of the future right now. Particularly Lincecum who didn't get into the majors for a long time for scouts fear of injuries. I understand the fans want to see their best players play, but they are hurting more then helping. At least it seems to me. Thoughts?

Lincecums last 2 starts have been 7 innings a pop btw.
[quote name='xl_prankster_lx']Is any one else worried about young pitches on bad teams? Aka Volquez, Halladay, Duschscherer and most of all Timmy Lincecum? (sorry for spelling mistakes)

Those teams really have no chance at winning their divisions yet I'm sure GMs and managers want to use their best guys. It just bothers me, that managers are not thinking of the future right now. Particularly Lincecum who didn't get into the majors for a long time for scouts fear of injuries. I understand the fans want to see their best players play, but they are hurting more then helping. At least it seems to me. Thoughts?

Lincecums last 2 starts have been 7 innings a pop btw.[/quote]

I'll just stop your insane post before it gets eaten up like a chew toy.

Lincecum didn't take a long time to get into the majors genius....he spent all 4 years at U-Dub....and get this...less than a year in the minors before being called up in April/May....

2nd....Lincecum is on a pitch count....he's a top pitcher but he has one inning which he struggles...he on average pitches about 11-13 pitches an inning...he goes 7...we give it to the pen...

How are Halladay and Duscherer young pitchers? Jesus....Duscherer is about to turn 30....
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