The 2013-14 NFL Thread

Lmao my thoughts after seeing that maser commercial.
Pretty hilarious considering how much of an enviromentalist Miyazaki is.

I am pretty sure these won't be sold in Japan.

EDIT: So the Seahawks game plan is to suck on 1st and 2nd down and somehow find a hole in the defense on 3rd down?
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horray for cheerios interracial comercial. i prefer the swifter one though.
check out we arw the 15%

so many car comercials.
That was the best anything with Tebow ever.

EDIT: O.O Optimus riding a dragon makes Transformers 4 an instant win.
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missed all the holds but saw the tripping lmao

edit: This is glorious, I hope peyton continues to play like ELI

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Once again Denver OL dont get flagged when they should have the play before.

Shout outs to being skunked in 1st half

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You got one Manning that only plays good in big games (Eli) and the other who likes to lay eggs (Peyton).

Oh well. He got to juice his stats all season by running up scores on medicore teams. At least he has that accomplishment.


You got one Manning that only plays good in big games (Eli) and the other who likes to lay eggs (Peyton).

Oh well. He got to juice his stats all season by running up scores on medicore teams. At least he has that accomplishment.
BUt but but but Peyton > Brady

Lol Peyton biggest QB choke of all time.

I ain't even going to say Seattle wins this game by their play more than Manning is doing what he does best in the playoffs.

Hell, anybody could do what Seattle is doing now the way he's playing. 

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Peyton obviously isn't having anything remotely close to what I would call a "good game". But you'd have to be a damned moron to not see that the entire team is playing terrible (and Seattle's defense looks great too). Denver's o-line is struggling (bad snap, false starts, etc), the defense can't get a stop on 3rd down and is making bad plays (Carter's pass interference in the end zone that would have brought up 4th down).

And the play calling on offense hasn't been that varied. Peyton hasn't been great at all...but he's not getting much help either. Seattle is just outclassing them on all levels right now.

Also, I wouldn't have gone for that 4th down at the end of the half. Even 3 points is a moral victory. You can't keep going down the field and coming up empty. I get that Seattle gets the ball to start the 2nd half, but the only way out of this hole is to ask your defense to carry you and keep chipping away. Leaving points on the board isn't going to get it done.

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I don't know how anyone can root for a team Newman roots for.

Wait, Newman was a mailman on Seinfeld. Wayne Knight delivered all the PEDs to the Seahawks!
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Yep, turning off the game now. Seattle's fanbase was all assholes before the game, now they will be worse than Yankee fans.
Haha..Percy Harvin took it to the house!

MVP! MVP! ...wait...Peyton doesn't play special teams? Well, it's still his fault! Oh...and Obama's!


The better team is just dominating right now. Wouldn't matter if Denver had TomBrett BradyFavre at QB.

Haha..Percy Harvin took it to the house!

MVP! MVP! ...wait...Peyton doesn't play special teams? Well, it's still his fault! Oh...and Obama's!


The better team is just dominating right now. Wouldn't matter if Denver had TomBrett BradyFavre at QB.
Manning's stats are ATROCIOUS.

But yes deflect some more.

bread's done