The Acolytes Protection Agency Wrestling Topic

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I think Steiner gets the award for having the most "a.k.a"'s at any one time.

Tonight, I must have seen like 7 different titles up there on the screen when he showed up.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Now... who can name all those A.K.As....[/quote]

We've got...

Big Poppa Pump
The Genetic Freak
The Big Bad Booty Daddy
Captain Steroids

and I'm out...
Just got done watching Impact... this one seemed even more fast paced than usual... somewhat disappointing. However, the main event made up for it. How awesome is this?
[quote name='mykevermin']Listening to Christian cut promos, they need to keep the belt on him for two reasons: to build him up as a believable main eventer (he's close, but not quite there) and to provide credibility to the NWA Championship. Jarrett holding it for ages just irritated the fans, b/c (IMO) the majority of TNA viewers are smart marks who knew why he held the belt (so it gave the belt nothing when he held it).

If they hotshot the belt offa Christian (which you *know* will happen because Russo can't let a champ hold a title for more than 15 minutes), giving it to Angle may or may not give it credibility, but it will ruin Christian.[/QUOTE]
I've been mulling this over, myself...

There are a lot of different ways this can go.

I'm thinking that's there's an off-chance that this is what's going to happen at the PPV:

Joe, who is the unofficial ring enforcer, will swerve and turn heel by way of joining in the mudhole stomping of Angle with Christian's new heel stable, fucking the match all up, causing Christian to come out on top.

It seems like a Russo swerve... and would be pretty entertaining, in my opinion.

(Remember, Christian never verbally stated that Scott Steiner was the enforcer. It could still be Joe.)
I finally got to see Hardcore Homecoming, and enjoyed it quite a bit.

It didn't feel as neutered as the One Night Stand PPVs, and the main event was incredible.

Terry Funk's little interview, at the beginning, was really touching, too. I love that guy.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I'm watching HHH vs HBK in a last man standing match from Royal Rumble 2004, my God what a blood bath.[/QUOTE]

HHH seems to have that fetish when it comes to his Royal Rumble match. Remember when he had that match with Foley? The whole fucking mat was practically red when they were done.
fucking AWESOME for those in town for Mania...I'll be there for this one:

The legendary Bruno Sammartino has agreed to appear on ROH's event in Detroit on March 30th. Sammartino will make an appearance on the show. The best part is that the beloved former WWWF Champion will be available for autographs. This is your chance to meet Bruno Sammartino!!! Tickets are now on sale at or by calling 215-781-2500.

Sammartino was very impressed with ROH's live product and fans. This true hall of famer feels that ROH is the future of pro wrestling and wants to lend his credibility to ROH on March 30th. Tens of thousands of wrestling and sports entertainment fans will be coming to Detroit from all over the world that weekend. Now they will get a chance to meet Bruno, get his autograph and witness a night of pro wrestling at its best.
Brak, which HH show did you buy? The June show (with the barb wire triple threat) or November Reign (Lynn-Polaco in the cage)? I don't recall the June show having a Terry Funk interview, but enjoyed that show a great deal. I loved the show-ending visual of Steiner, AJ, and Christian as well - it's one of the few caps from Impact that I kept.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Brak, which HH show did you buy? The June show (with the barb wire triple threat) or November Reign (Lynn-Polaco in the cage)? I don't recall the June show having a Terry Funk interview, but enjoyed that show a great deal.[/QUOTE]
The June show.

I bought the Platinum Edition DVD, if that helps. There were various sit-down interviews in between each match.

I'm gonna try to buy the pre-Platinum Edition November Reign DVD, as it has the actual main event included. (Team 3-D vs. Funk and Sabu) I heard that the commentating is horrendous, though.
Ah, okay, yeah, the interview cut-ins are great - they're from Forever Hardcore. You can find the November Reign DVD with the Team 3D match available on some torrent sites - that'd be better than just buying the same event over so you can see one match.
Man, I live me some Deuce N' Domino (evidently the "N apostrophe" is official WWE copyright now) - but if they aren't in the tag title match, a rematch of the most talked about tag title match in *years*, does it do any good to have them beat the champs do easily two weeks straight?
I don't know why I thought about this but just a quick question for everybody.

If you had to go a week without either playing games or watching wrestling, which would you choose? Me, I'll go without wrestling, no contest. BTW, I'm equating 6 hours of wrestling in a week with 6 hours of gameplay in a week.
[quote name='neocisco']I don't know why I thought about this but just a quick question for everybody.

If you had to go a week without either playing games or watching wrestling, which would you choose? Me, I'll go without wrestling, no contest. BTW, I'm equating 6 hours of wrestling in a week with 6 hours of gameplay in a week.[/QUOTE]

I think I would be better without wrestling for a week. Besides, I've rekindled my love for Guitar Hero (just plugged the PS2 back in to play that) and I'm in the middle of Hotel Dusk. So, no contest.
I could go a weekwithout gaming before a week without watching wrestling, and good lord was SD awesome tonight. We got a few good matches, some great pychology in the main event, and lots of quotable stuff from JBL.

JBL - “Look at his hairdo Michael, how do you explain anything he does?”
JBL - “It looks like I’m not the only one who hates the Miz - along with all the wrestling fans throughout the world, all the wrestlers, all the purists, and anyone who’s met with him socially!”
JBL - “Welcome to reality television, you jackass!”
JBL - “If he finished you off, that’d be two good things he did.”
JBL - “Is that a Thunderbird? There’s a hot bird right there!”
JBL - “Get a tape measure and measure exactly where Deuce and Domino beat London and Kendrick - it was right in the middle of the ring! What do you have to do to get a title shot around here?! Kiss Teddy Long’s butt?”
JBL - “It isn’t entertainment, it’s sadistic!”
JBL - “What you’re gonna see soon is the hot chick from Sonic bringing them the tag titles instead of their jackets!”.
JBL - “I’m moving to Paris.”
Booker - “And I wanna get paid!”
JBL - “Matt held Mercury’s head down while his brother Jeff jumped off the top rope and used the ladder like a teeter-totter, how was that not intentional? What in the Hell were you watching, Stevie Wonder!?”
JBL - “Taking a page from Mr. Perfect’s playbook!”
JBL - “How does he get here? How did he get to Omaha, Nebraska? In a post 9/11 world, does he check his worms, his staff?”
Cole - “You’ve been close to his worms.”
JBL - “Didn’t do too well.”
JBL - “Nobody’s been able to figure out the Boogeyman - I was world champ for almost a year and only lasted about two minutes!”
JBL - “Finlay loves to fight, we don’t know what Boogeyman likes other than worms!”
JBL - “I wasn’t scared, Michael, I’M A MAN!”
JBL - “Like I speak monster, or like I’m Charles Darwin and can explain this guy.”
JBL - “The leprachaun doesn’t deserve that!”
JBL - “We have a reached a new level here, it’s called the Twilight Zone.”
JBL - “How stupid is this guy? He had a walking ATM in the Great Khali and now wants to be cruiserweight champion.”
JBL - “Learn your history, Michael. They have middleweights, not cruiserweights, idiot!”
Cole - “Who were you talking about?”
Cole - “What was the question?”
JBL - “You been out drinkin’ with another intern?”
JBL - “I’m a better investor than the guy from Omaha, Nebraska, Warren Buffet!”
Cole - ‘Your wife helped a little.”
JBL - “I’ve heard cats getting kicked that sounded better than that!”
JBL - “Look at the greats who have never main evented WrestleMania, Haku, Bob Backlund…”
Cole - “I don’t think Kennedy call pull it off.”
JBL - “You’re a dumbass!”
JBL - “Dropkick, like Bill Irwin!”
I'd have to say without wrestling. Namely because of the fact that I can do a LOT of gaming within those six hours or so a week that is dedicated to wrestling.

Oh, and fuck you for cancelling an order of mine after saying it shipped out a week ago. fuck you.
I could live a week without gaming before a week without wrestling. I've been watching wrestling faithfully since I was three, so it's kind of an addiction.
I really don't do much gaming anymore... Been a long time since I picked up the controller. Still have Psychonauts I haven't played yet. I'll probaby get GTA:VCS for PS2 and play that though. So... I'd say I'd do a week without gaming before a week without wrestling. Although I could just torrent everything I missed the next week...
[quote name='PhrostByte']So did anything totally awesome happen during tonight's SmackDown? If not, I'll just skip this one.[/quote]
Taker squashed the living fuck out of Miz in the opening match.
wow do you guys really value the gaming over wrestling...

like obviously we are into games.. thats why we are here in the first place...but i find games to be more of the same with a diff storyline each time... i just think right now is sorta a dry spell for games and wrestling is heating up
As a gamer for 20 years and a wrestling fan for 17, I definitely spend more time watching wrestling than playing games.

I watch Raw, ECW, TNA, Smackdown, WSX, and luch libre every week, and that doesn't include online videos and DVDs. I don't even play video games every day.
yea its like i want to game but i dont have the desire like i used to... ironically i still like to buy games and i barely play them... i still havent beaten gears!!
[quote name='guyver2077']yea its like i want to game but i dont have the desire like i used to... ironically i still like to buy games and i barely play them... i still havent beaten gears!![/QUOTE]

Same here. Once I start, I can keep playing for a while, but it seems like I don't have as much desire to get started. Wrestling, I'll watch anytime.

RedvsBlue, I am in the same boat as you on that one.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Call me crazy but I'm more tempted to get that than I was to get the Wrestlemania box set.[/QUOTE]

There's no such thing as a bad RR match - the wrestling isn't great, but the booking's almost always solid and the match length (artificially) long. I'm going to read reviews on it to see how much damage they've done in the editing process with interviews, commentators, music, etc. They amount of chopping they do on their releases makes me sick to my stomach. I'll still buy it, but it's more or less the difference b/w waiting for it below $150 (few annoying edits) to below $90-100 (WrestleMania Anthology edits).
I hadn't seen this posted, but apparently TNA will be debuting a new type of match at March's "Destination X" PPV. The match is called "Elevation X", and will be a scaffold-type match featuring X Division wrestlers. Expect more news on it soon.
lol yea....i wish..

would of been awesome if they signed aki atleast for the portable games or something..

im actually playing wm200 right now with the 360 controller and it feels quite good
I've probably unintentionally gone weeks without wrestling before and not felt like I missed anything, so that doesn't bug me. I feel like I could definitely go a week without gaming as well, but I'd probably absentmindedly start up a game of Lumines or something.

So, I guess I'd take a week without wrestling.

However, worse than EITHER of those for me would be a week without movies & TV (or more specifically, DVDs/HD-DVDs). Lately, I've been using my 360 just for watching stuff instead of playing stuff, and I haven't played the Wii in at least a week.

[quote name='guyver2077']but i find games to be more of the same with a diff storyline each time.[/QUOTE]

And wrestling isn't?!?

That WM2000 clip reminds me of how fucking awesome 'Taker's Ministry themes were...even when in ultra-low quality, looped form.

The RR set is nice, but just thinking about the inevitable edits is a turn-off. It would be awesome if they included the first true Royal Rumble from 1986 (Junkyard Dog was the winner), but I don't think it was taped...I'll have to check that Observer again. It said the crowd shit on it anyway, so even if they had it they'd probably dub the hell out of it even if they did have it.
I've probably unintentionally gone weeks without wrestling before and not felt like I missed anything, so that doesn't bug me. I feel like I could definitely go a week without gaming as well, but I'd probably absentmindedly start up a game of Lumines or UMK3 or something.

So, I guess I'd take a week without wrestling.

However, worse than EITHER of those for me would be a week without movies & TV (or more specifically, DVDs/HD-DVDs). Lately, I've been using my 360 just for watching stuff instead of playing stuff, and I haven't played the Wii in at least a week.

[quote name='guyver2077']but i find games to be more of the same with a diff storyline each time.[/QUOTE]

And wrestling isn't?!?

That WM2000 clip reminds me of how fucking awesome 'Taker's Ministry themes were...even when in ultra-low quality, looped form.

The RR set is nice, but just thinking about the inevitable edits is a turn-off. It would be awesome if they included the first true Royal Rumble from 1986 (Junkyard Dog was the winner), but I don't think it was taped...I'll have to check that Observer again. It said the crowd shit on it anyway, so even if they had it they'd probably dub the hell out of it even if they did have it.
Most of these are old, but there's a few classics and a few I hadn't seen yet.

Blooper reel!!!

[quote name='mykevermin']There's no such thing as a bad RR match - the wrestling isn't great, but the booking's almost always solid and the match length (artificially) long. I'm going to read reviews on it to see how much damage they've done in the editing process with interviews, commentators, music, etc. They amount of chopping they do on their releases makes me sick to my stomach. I'll still buy it, but it's more or less the difference b/w waiting for it below $150 (few annoying edits) to below $90-100 (WrestleMania Anthology edits).[/QUOTE]

Stone Cold always managed to make the Rumble interesting when he was involved as well.
I hardly play video games at all anymore.

Although, outside of Raw I don't watch much wrestling either. Always miss SD now, after some dumbfuck decided putting on Friday nights would be a good way to boost ratings. I'll catch ECW maybe once a month, and I usually forget to watch TNA.

I do, however, watch a lot of wrestling dvds. I don't know if that counts for this survey or not, but either way I'd drop gaming as I pretty much already have.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Stone Cold always managed to make the Rumble interesting when he was involved as well.[/quote]

Maybe earlier on, but the last rumble he won made me sick.
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