The Andrew "Test" Martin Memorial Thread

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Here's another one:

[quote name='Matt Young']Truthiness from TSM?[/quote]
o_O No, what's a TSM?

[quote name='mykevermin']I'm tired of the "Wrestlemania banner as a character on the show" thing they've done for a few years now. Wrestlemania's important, you bet. But I'm far less convinced than the WWE is, apparently, that this is best conveyed by pointing and gesturing towards a big banner in the background.[/quote]
Just wait till they have Cena FU the sign, cause THE CHAMP IS GOIN TO WRESTLEMANIAAA! :wall:
[quote name='mykevermin']Just looked at some photos from SD.

I'm tired of the "Wrestlemania banner as a character on the show" thing they've done for a few years now. Wrestlemania's important, you bet. But I'm far less convinced than the WWE is, apparently, that this is best conveyed by pointing and gesturing towards a big banner in the background.

Saturating the product with merchandise and whatnot is annoying, but makes sense. This is repetitive and doesn't get across that this PPV is a big deal.[/quote]

Tell me out about it. Every time a guy comes out, he's either looking at the damn sign, or the camera is positioned so it's clearly visible. It's pretty stupid when they keep doing it every 5 minutes. Vintage WWE I guess. :lol:
It's too bad WM25 isn't this week since they've done enough MitB tag matches on pretty much every show for the past week or so that I'd like to see it happen already. I'm a bit disappointed with the lineup, as I don't think Kane and Mark Henry really fit the match and I'd rather see Finlay be somewhere else.

I think my personal choice for MitB lineup would be:

CM Punk
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Shelton Benjamin
Hurricane Helms (is he dead, injured, or did he piss somebody off to not be doing anything for the past few months?)
Chris Jericho

I'd have thought that the Orton/Triple H match would be Hell in a Cell after Triple H called for the cage to drop for his match against Cody Rhodes, especially since keeping out Priceless would be ideal for the whole revenge thing.

I was also thinking that the Undertaker/HBK match would be a Buried Alive match after seeing HBK's graveyard bit about burying the streak, or a headstone that said he'd win. Have they had a Buried Alive match recently or is it outlawed or something like that?
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']I thought this is the best place to mention this to the wrestling fans on here, even though it's kinda a deal, but FYE has 4 WWE tins with DVD sets in them for $20 with a mail in rebate to make them $10. The sets I saw were:

Legends 1: Bret, Pillman, Jake "The Snake" DVDs
Legends 2: Dusty Rhodes, AWA, Billy Graham
Icons: Vince, Piper, Hogan Anthology
ECW: One Night Stand 05, Bloodiest Matches, and December to Dismember (recent one)

I got everything except the ECW one.[/quote]

I haven't been following the WWE DVDs, but is the Legends 1 with the Bret 3 disc set, and the Pillman 2 disc one called Loose Cannon? If so, I'm totally going to FYE to buy that.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's too bad WM25 isn't this week since they've done enough MitB tag matches on pretty much every show for the past week or so that I'd like to see it happen already. I'm a bit disappointed with the lineup, as I don't think Kane and Mark Henry really fit the match and I'd rather see Finlay be somewhere else.

I think my personal choice for MitB lineup would be:

CM Punk
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Shelton Benjamin
Hurricane Helms (is he dead, injured, or did he piss somebody off to not be doing anything for the past few months?)
Chris Jericho

That would be a great MitB. That lineup would have a legit shot and stealing the show.
Wrestlemania is in 7 days and I, honest to god, haven't been less interested since I started watching pro wrestling somewhere between WMIII and IV.

I was even excited about WMIX and XI.
[quote name='mykevermin']Wrestlemania is in 7 days and I, honest to god, haven't been less interested since I started watching pro wrestling somewhere between WMIII and IV.

I was even excited about WMIX and XI.[/QUOTE]

I know, I feel the same way. I haven't even been watching much raw (watching 24 instead and living on the Smackdown recaps and looking online for results).

I disagree a bit on the sign though. Yeah, I'm sick of seeing it all the time too. But, I think it really does enforce the point that Mania is the hilight of the year. Not everyone starts gesturing towards a Summer Slam sign for months on end.

Every year, I get sick of the rediculous Mania push by now, and usually, after watching Mania, there is something on it that was worthwhile.

Personally, I'm getting sick of seeing Undertaker fight guys that can't possibly beat the streak. Sure, Michaels will put on a hell of a match, but he can't win. If they were going to throw the Moscow Mauler under the bus like they had, I wish they would have waited a month, and let him go undefeated into Mania. At least there's a chance he might have won (he could use the push). At least when Orton fought him a few years ago, he could have won. But, Michaels, who cares? He's a HOF either way, doesn't need the push, and won't get it. The match will feel like I'm watching it on tape, since I already know the outcome.
Well, to disagree a bit, the conclusion to any WM Undertaker match is known.

The journey to the finish, however, will be exponentially better with Michaels instead of Kozlov.

Kozlov would end up in the scrap heap of WM matches UT had with Gonzalez and Big Boss Man.

As far as the sign is concerned, it's not that they're pushing WM. It's that it's a boring, lazy, forced-down-your-throat go-to that I don't think is compelling. They can push WM in other ways. I kinda miss the "from the studio" segments they had at the end of WWF Wrestling Challenge when Lord Alfred Hayes would rundown the lineups for various PPVs.

Just picked up the last copies of the Legends 2 and Icons set, unfortunately the Legends 1 set was OOS. That ECW set is laughable.

So, no one cared that Gail Kim came back on Smackdown? I figured Demo Man would be all over that one.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']I thought this is the best place to mention this to the wrestling fans on here, even though it's kinda a deal, but FYE has 4 WWE tins with DVD sets in them for $20 with a mail in rebate to make them $10. The sets I saw were:

Legends 1: Bret, Pillman, Jake "The Snake" DVDs
Legends 2: Dusty Rhodes, AWA, Billy Graham
Icons: Vince, Piper, Hogan Anthology
ECW: One Night Stand 05, Bloodiest Matches, and December to Dismember (recent one)

I got everything except the ECW one.[/quote]If you bought these, how did you do the MIR? They say they want an original UPC, but it's a damn tin.
You know the divas are worthless when they go to the trouble of having 18 of them out there for a tag team match, only to have it end in two minutes.

At least Santino's there to make it more worthwhile.

Edit: Or not.
[quote name='JJSP']This really needs to get to 500 so we can have a proper Wrestlemania thread.[/quote]

Actually, this thread seems quite appropriate for this year's WM.
Effective tomorrow, Time Warner Cable (which serves most of the major markets in the US including NYC and LA) will no longer carry HDNet or HDNet Movies. In their place will be Smithsonian HD and MavTV HD.

That's going to be a huge setback for ROH.
[quote name='Genocidal']So, no one cared that Gail Kim came back on Smackdown? I figured Demo Man would be all over that one.[/QUOTE]

I haven't watched Smackdown in months. Gail did look pretty hot tonight on RAW from the whole 3 shots you saw her in during the ten trillion Divas match.
i liked the cena/big show match....the only entertainment so far

it's always funny how certain towns cheer/boo cena.
I know a couple of those dudes. You're comparing roller derby as a work versus roller derby as a sport.

It's akin to saying UFC sucks because I've seen TNA.
Damn, that bump Christian took into the guardrail was rough. I wouldn't be surprised if he was hurt the way the refs were acting.

[quote name='mykevermin']I know a couple of those dudes. You're comparing roller derby as a work versus roller derby as a sport.

It's akin to saying UFC sucks because I've seen TNA.[/QUOTE]

Did that post really need a ;)?
no. rollerjam was a work. roller derby, historically, has been a work (except for the Leo Seltzer version, which wasn't anything close to what we think of today).

It is no longer a work. You don't have to enjoy derby, but it is a legit sport, unlike what we discuss in this here thread, and it's not a bit like roller jam.

And, really. HDNet? Is that anything other than the "ROH channel" to y'all? I never understood why my cable carrier wanted me to pay for that shit channel before ROH was on it. And I'm certainly not paying for one program.
Roller derby as I understand it is essentially (NASCAR + BOOBS) + BEER - CARS. Would this be a fair statement?
why is vince and them standing like superheros on the entrance???
How many times has Randy said that winning a title would swing the balance of power his way for good? I believe he said that when he faced Triple H last time when he had the title.
[quote name='JJSP']Roller derby as I understand it is essentially (NASCAR + BOOBS) + BEER - CARS. Would this be a fair statement?[/QUOTE]

You live in SoCal, right? You got a lotta chances to see a number of good leagues play. Go to one and you tell me.

EDIT: I'm glad I'm not alone in noting how hammed-up Vince's pose was.
[quote name='mykevermin']no. rollerjam was a work. roller derby, historically, has been a work (except for the Leo Seltzer version, which wasn't anything close to what we think of today).

It is no longer a work. You don't have to enjoy derby, but it is a legit sport, unlike what we discuss in this here thread, and it's not a bit like roller jam.

And, really. HDNet? Is that anything other than the "ROH channel" to y'all? I never understood why my cable carrier wanted me to pay for that shit channel before ROH was on it. And I'm certainly not paying for one program.[/QUOTE]

Again, I was joking with the RollerJam comment. I couldn't care less about roller derby.

HDNet is also awesome for old PRIDE and DREAM/K-1.

Better question is what the hell is MavTV and what else do they have besides roller derby?
Hot ending to Raw. Not gonna lie... I got goosebumps seeing Vince, Shane, and the H's standing together on the stage.

And HDNet airs movies as well as old episodes of Smallville, which is cool.
Yeah, I watch a lot of MMA on HDNet on Friday nights. They have a lot of good DREAM shows and K1 shows on there, and some decent MMA upstarts, like Maximum (I think that's what it's called.) Are we actually supposed to take Super Vince and Super Shane seriously?
[quote name='Sporadic']Better question is what the hell is MavTV and what else do they have besides roller derby?[/QUOTE]

Honest to goodness, the only reason I know of them is because they distribute WFTDA programming.

What I've seen other than that is essentially a channel so "dude" it makes Spike TV look like Masterpiece Theatre.
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