The Avatar thread!!! A masterpiece :)

[quote name='javeryh']LOL. So what? It wouldn't make a difference because the "character" of Jake was completely devoid of any personality. The fact that he had no legs - didn't matter. The fact that he had a twin brother - didn't matter. The fact that he was an ex-marine... hmmm maybe that one mattered because you could see why he would listen to the general at first. Other than that one fact, I cannot think of a single character trait that this guy was supposed to have that meant anything. He didn't go through any sort of personal journey or overcome any hardships (on a personal level) - he was just there. The fact that he had no legs could have been interesting if they had dealt with it in any meaningful way but they didn't. It could have been anyone in that role - brilliant scientist, evil twin brother, an armless midget - it didn't matter because his character was horribly written! I felt absolutely nothing towards him (the Uhura Navi chick was much much better though - I actually related to her story arc).

One or two guys could maybe start hatching evil plans for world domination but is is just not plausible that they would get hundreds of corporate soldiers to follow orders to kill everyone and everything. It's just not. Maybe in an Austin Powers movie...

Wrong. I can suspend disbelief for just about anything - especially science fiction since it is by far my favorite genre - but everything has to make sense in the universe that is created for me to buy into the whole thing. Maybe if they had established what the conditions were like on Earth (or where ever the humans were from - I'm not sure it was ever stated but we are definitely led to believe that they are from Earth) or the motivation behind the mining other than for profit. Maybe the unobtainium cures cancer or some widespread fictional disease - I don't know - but something to give weight to what the "bad guys" were doing. I could buy into an entire armed forces acting this way to save the human race but to make some money (arguably - I'm not sure any could possibly be made considering the cost to get everyone and everything to Pandora)? C'mon - it is ridiculous. This movie completely fails.[/QUOTE]

WTF? There's aliens in the film and the part you don't buy is where one group attacks the other for their resources. You know the latter happens in our world right?
Also if we would go to another world what do you think one of the first things man kind will do. They will take and use what resources they can. If not for Earth it will be used for that planet.
[quote name='Matt Young']. I can't wait till 3D becomes the standard, and more old movies start getting redone in 3D.
No. No. No. No. No.
*insert 1000 facepalms*.
Avatar is terrific in 3D. Doesn't mean anything else should be in 3D, or that it should become the standard.
I'm sorry, but anyone who says this is a "masterpiece" needs to spend more time watching better movies. Just because it's a shiny new bauble doesn't make it automatically great. I was legitimately bored and wondering when it would be over through most of the movie. Can you really call it a "great" movie when it's out-written by any Pixar movie of your choice? For that matter, if anyone has revolutionized filmmaking over the last decade, it's probably Pixar.

At any rate, the 3D didn't enhance my appreciation of it. It was kind of cool, but I was more distracted by the general blurriness around all the edges. Sure, it's an improvement over the old 3D technology, but it's still not something I want to watch all the time.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']I'm sorry, but anyone who says this is a "masterpiece" needs to spend more time watching better movies. Just because it's a shiny new bauble doesn't make it automatically great. I was legitimately bored and wondering when it would be over through most of the movie. Can you really call it a "great" movie when it's out-written by any Pixar movie of your choice? For that matter, if anyone has revolutionized filmmaking over the last decade, it's probably Pixar.[/QUOTE]

Oh, puh-leeze. You're just replacing one stupid fanboyism (Avatar) with another (Pixar).
I think the story would have been better if there was a 3rd faction that the "Business" released that inhabited the world... then they must join together.....

anyways, story wasn't that great, been done before, nothing original.

Only thing not original was the visual style and the 3D effects. And for that Avatar gets that...

Unfortunately I watch movies for a story too.
[quote name='Matt Young']I can't wait till 3D becomes the standard, and more old movies start getting redone in 3D.[/QUOTE]

I can't wait til CAG is redone in 3D.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Oh, puh-leeze. You're just replacing one stupid fanboyism (Avatar) with another (Pixar).[/QUOTE]

I'd hardly say I'm a fanboy. I'm just saying that any one of their movies is better than Avatar and their contribution to digital film making can't be overlooked. I thought my even tone would have made it clear I wasn't humping John Lasseter's leg.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']I'm just saying that any one of their movies is better than Avatar and their contribution to digital film making can't be overlooked.[/QUOTE]

"X > Y" is ambiguous, no way to tell if you're undervaluing Y or overvaluing X (or perhaps both), so I won't pretend to draw any conclusions from this statement of yours, but I'll still call it hyperbole. Cars was pure shit, Up was pretty bad too. You may think Avatar was shittier shit, that's fine. But don't put Pixar on a pedestal it hasn't earned.

Pixar has put a lot of $ into R&D, RenderMan et al definitely cannot go overlooked, but you're comparing a single film to a 25 year old multifaceted company. It's like saying Sony has made a larger contribution to music than Dark Side of the Moon.
[quote name='Koggit']"X > Y" is ambiguous, no way to tell if you're undervaluing Y or overvaluing X (or perhaps both), so I won't pretend to draw any conclusions from this statement of yours, but I'll still call it hyperbole. Cars was pure shit, Up was pretty bad too. You may think Avatar was shittier shit, that's fine. But don't put Pixar on a pedestal it hasn't earned.

Pixar has put a lot of $ into R&D, RenderMan et al definitely cannot go overlooked, but you're comparing a single film to a 25 year old multifaceted company. It's like saying Sony has made a larger contribution to music than Dark Side of the Moon.[/QUOTE]

This is an amazing post. I 100% agree, and this is exactly what I wanted to say.
[quote name='Koggit']Pixar has put a lot of $ into R&D, RenderMan et al definitely cannot go overlooked, but you're comparing a single film to a 25 year old multifaceted company. [/QUOTE]

This might be a worthwhile point if graphics were literally the only standard to judge movies on. Are you going to tell me Pixar invented good writing in the past 25 years too?
[quote name='Strell']This might be a worthwhile point if graphics were literally the only standard to judge movies on. Are you going to tell me Pixar invented good writing in the past 25 years too?[/QUOTE]

irrelevant on several levels

foremost, my post was anti-pixar, actually dismissing them as an influential entity and only conceding their contributions to software. you cherry-pick that one concession and extrapolate that i must think pixar invented good writing? read before responding next time, you might save face.
You brought up some nonsense about how Renderman has been in development for a long time, and somehow related this to Avatar showing off some nice graphics and how therefore we can't really compare the two, because it's an inequality you pulled out of your ass and said was a nugget of truth.
I will be holding off till later this year for the 2d and will pick up the 3d when I have a 3d setup.
Watched it the other night. It was alright. Second half was a lot better than the first but it just felt kind of draggy and by-the-numbers at points. But hey, it looked nice.
[quote name='Matt Young']I'll be waiting for the 3D version in 2011 (which has been announced).[/QUOTE]

From what I have been told the 3d versions that are made for the 3d tvs will be around 50 or 60 bucks. They will have the from the sounds of things atleast 3 discs. They will be the 3d version, BD 2d version and DVD 2d version. That is not counting if they have an extra disc with well extras on it. This was however told to me by someone at best buy that also thought this release of Avatar was the release with the 3d. So take that for what it is worth. As of now only 3d BD out there that is made for this new 3d set up is aliens vs monsters and that comes in a gift set.
[quote name='sendme']From what I have been told the 3d versions that are made for the 3d tvs will be around 50 or 60 bucks. They will have the from the sounds of things atleast 3 discs. They will be the 3d version, BD 2d version and DVD 2d version. That is not counting if they have an extra disc with well extras on it. This was however told to me by someone at best buy that also thought this release of Avatar was the release with the 3d. So take that for what it is worth. As of now only 3d BD out there that is made for this new 3d set up is aliens vs monsters and that comes in a gift set.[/QUOTE]

No one at Best Buy knows shit about the 3D release. There are no price/content details available yet. But physically, it'll be a regular Blu-Ray, so, there is no reason for it to be unusually expensive.
bread's done