The Baron OTT

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I'm kinda digging this:

I'm glad the woman in RE5 can at least kinda defend herself. I get so sick of the helpless women they put in some of these games. My least favorite parts of RE4 involve ashley.
Anyone else have know anyone who is totally predictable? A friend of mine saw Watchmen. I knew he'd mention Dr. Manhattan not wearing pants before anything, sure enough. Just can't get past the blue penis.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I think that in order to be a good cheap ass gamer, you can't be lazy. You guys are always getting in on these deals and exploits, but to me, they just seem like a lot of work.[/quote]

I would be willing to try and get in on some of those exploit type deals (watchmen) or major trade in deals (blockbuster flipping or the massive hollywood video flipping thing from last year) if any of the places around me actually had anything I could get or were participating in the deal.

It especially bugs me about the trade in deals like the hollywood video thing because while you have some people making a couple hundred bucks in trade in credit from probably multiple locations and I have like 1 or two locations near me and both had jack shit/weren't participating in the deal.
[quote name='StarKnightX']I would be willing to try and get in on some of those exploit type deals (watchmen) or major trade in deals (blockbuster flipping or the massive hollywood video flipping thing from last year) if any of the places around me actually had anything I could get or were participating in the deal.

It especially bugs me about the trade in deals like the hollywood video thing because while you have some people making a couple hundred bucks in trade in credit from probably multiple locations and I have like 1 or two locations near me and both had jack shit/weren't participating in the deal.[/quote]

Exact same feeling here.


Also, I thought it was funny that you guys were talking about the "I'm on a Boat" in the last OTT. I just heard that song and I love it, I have been listening it a bunch. But I figured if I said it in here, you guys would make fun of me. :lol:
really wanted chili cheese fries tonight, but had no chili, so I made my own. Added a bit too much cumin, so it tastes closer to taco meat than any other chili I had, but overall, I make a good chili :cool:

Oh i also didn't have any ground beef so I busted out a t-bone I had been saving and pounded it/threw it in the blender. Best meat I've had in chili.
I could probably do pretty well if I got into flipping stuff on sales and such. (Seriously, look up the zip code 48186 on sometime - you can't see stores #3 and #2 because #4 is right on top of them. There's a GS in Westland Mall. One acroos the street and one on the corner. Plus another one about a mile away.) Plus, since I work so far from home, I'm constantly driving by various Meijers, Targets, Hollywood Videos, Blockbusters, etc.

The problem is time and planning. The planning bit isn't too hard, but it is time-consuming. And then it is a matter of of actually doing the flips from one place to another.

If I were single, it'd be more worth my time (or if the deal is good enough). I'm gone from the house 12 to 13 hrs a day as it is, I'd rather not spend the rest of my time chasing things down.
I'm really sick of having asshole friends who use me for my license. Is it wrong for me to not want to be a fucking taxi for them while they figure out who will let them stay at their house after they get drunk at a party that I'm not even going to?

Watchmen was good. I think I'll be able to appreciate the novel now that I've seen the movie.
[quote name='crystalklear64']really wanted chili cheese fries tonight, but had no chili, so I made my own. Added a bit too much cumin, so it tastes closer to taco meat than any other chili I had, but overall, I make a good chili :cool:

Oh i also didn't have any ground beef so I busted out a t-bone I had been saving and pounded it/threw it in the blender. Best meat I've had in chili.[/quote]

Sounds good. I'm a pretty good chili maker. I also like to make Mexican cornbread with it. :D
[quote name='darthbudge']Also, I thought it was funny that you guys were talking about the "I'm on a Boat" in the last OTT. I just heard that song and I love it, I have been listening it a bunch. But I figured if I said it in here, you guys would make fun of me. :lol:[/quote]

Budge - the key to happiness in life is not giving two shits and a fuck about what other people think about you.'re easier to make fun of than I am, for the most part. No offence meant.
[quote name='flowery']Watchmen was wonderful.

Someone brought a baby...[/QUOTE]

My Watchmen viewing was actually quite pleasant, because it started at 6:30 and none of the little emo fucks were there.

I swear to god, the guy sitting in front of me looked EXACTLY like the dude who got his
arms sawed off.

Did anyone else laugh when the
guy got the burning oil thrown on him?
I didn't mean to, so when it came out I'm thinking oh shit I'm going to piss everyone off, but then the rest of the theatre started cracking up. It was great.
[quote name='flowery']It started crying 5 minutes in...[/quote]

OMG, I fucking hate that. There should be some rule against that. People are idiots. The movie isn't going to be enjoyable for you if you have to shut up your crotch fruit.
I thought the key to happiness was a well-stocked fridge, Plume.

I want to go see The Get Up Kids, but tickets are almost $35.
I think someone suffocated it after awhile though...

Did anyone else notice the "Boys" folder on Adrian's computer? I chuckled.
[quote name='Mojimbo']You guys must not go out to the movies a lot.[/QUOTE]

I do, at least twice a month. It's all there is to do in this town.
[quote name='flowery']It started crying 5 minutes in...[/quote]


It is kind of like the whole Fight Club theory. The baby probably won't conscientiously (sp?) remember it. But they still saw it, and it is somewhere inside their brain.

[quote name='PlumeNoir']Budge - the key to happiness in life is not giving two shit and a fuck about what other people think about you.'re easier to make fun of than I am, for the most part. No offence meant.[/quote]

Nah, usually I don't care. But I have learned that sometimes it is better to not say anything at all. I mean it isn't a matter of super importance or anything.
[quote name='flowery']I think someone suffocated it after awhile though...

Did anyone else notice the "Boys" folder on Adrian's computer? I chuckled.[/quote]

I didn't see that. I was disappointed that Rorschach didn't say the line "Possibly homosexual, must remember to investigate." in the film.
That's why I made the connection...he likes boys haha. They never said anything because they probably didn't want to deal with the possibility of GLAD or anyone going crazy.
I didn't catch that.

You guys were right, the sex scene was way out of place. What a horrible choice in music for it too. I liked the rest of the soundtrack though.

What the fuck was that cat thing?
I think I'll wait till it comes out on Blu-gay before I see Watchmen, seems like a long movie to watch alone, since none of my friends are interested in seeing it. Most of the guys from work are afraid of catching Teh Gay from manhanttans little blue trio.
Depends on what it is stocked with, JJSP.

As far as movie annoyances, my personal "favorite" is the large black woman who seems to think that the actors can hear her. I swear, it is the same woman because she always sits in the front right of the theatre and she follows me, because I have experienced her "script enhancements" in multiple theatres.

I mentioned that she's black because, I swear to God, she is worse than any "sista" stereotype you see on TV and such. Pixie and I have been treated to every "Don't go in there, girl!" "Hmmm-mmm, you show him girlfriend," and "Why you be doing that?" line imaginable, followed by the chorus of "Shhhhhh's" from everyone else, which leads to her mumbling retort where she defends herself and trails off, "Well, I paid for the ticket and if I wanna say..." Silence reigns for a short while, until she forgets herself and starts yelling back at the movie.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I
What the fuck was that cat thing?[/quote]

Bubastas. lynx, snow leapord hybrid...tiger thing, Ozzy genetically engineered so he could look like a pimp.
[quote name='joe2187']I think I'll wait till it comes out on Blu-gay before I see Watchmen, seems like a long movie to watch alone, since none of my friends are interested in seeing it. Most of the guys from work are afraid of catching Teh Gay from manhanttans little blue trio.[/QUOTE]

There was nothing little about it.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I didn't catch that.

You guys were right, the sex scene was way out of place. What a horrible choice in music for it too. I liked the rest of the soundtrack though.

What the fuck was that cat thing?[/quote]

Bubastis. It was lynx hybrid that Adrian genetically engineered.
I usually always have something bother me in theaters. I am particular when it comes to watching films especially for the first time.
Anyone else remember when The Question read Watchmen, and thought Rorschach was totally badass (which is funny, since he was "based" on the Question) and tries to imitate him, only to get his ass handed to him?

My memory is weird sometimes...
[quote name='PlumeNoir']Depends on what it is stocked with, JJSP.

As far as movie annoyances, my personal "favorite" is the large black woman who seems to think that the actors can hear her. I swear, it is the same woman because she always sits in the front right of the theatre and she follows me, because I have experienced her "script enhancements" in multiple theatres.

I mentioned that she's black because, I swear to God, she is worse than any "sista" stereotype you see on TV and such. Pixie and I have been treated to every "Don't go in there, girl!" "Hmmm-mmm, you show him girlfriend," and "Why you be doing that?" line imaginable, followed by the chorus of "Shhhhhh's" from everyone else, which leads to her mumbling retort where she defends herself and trails off, "Well, I paid for the ticket and if I wanna say..." Silence reigns for a short while, until she forgets herself and starts yelling back at the movie.[/quote]

You know, I never experienced this stereotype at the movies before...until I went to the movies with one of my friends. I was so embarrassed. I kept repeating "STFU" in my head over and over again. I never went to a horror movie with her again.

I also hate eating out with her because 1) we normally go to chain restaurants here, which aren't that expensive and she's always trying to bargain like Chris Rock on In Living Color... "Can I give you $1 for a chicken wing" type of shit. 2) She applauds when they bring the food to the table. WTF.
Seeing Little Manhattan was like seeing Little Viggo in Eastern Promises, I knew it was going to be there so you couldn't help but be like...damn that is a penis every time it makes an appearance.
Actually the crowd was pretty good last night. There was one guy with the really annoying voice that kept talking kinda loudly in the begining, but he quieted down.

EDIT: Actually, I didn't really notice the blue penis like I thought I would...
Nina, that reminds me of another minor pet peeve - people who applaud at the end of movies. Who the fuck are they applauding? The projectionist? I doubt the director came all the way to Shitfuck, MI for your opinion of the movie.

Pixie usually has to take my arm when that happens, because I have been known to exclaim, "Why? Why is everyone clapping? Haven't you seen scrolling credits before?" She's afraid I'm going to get my ass kicked one day...
Greatest theater exit I ever heard was this guy at my mom's work who while exiting the theater after Valkyrie proclaimed..."The Holocaust never happened".

Edit: Also I was digging Mozart's Requiem Mass when they were at Ozy's Carnac.
[quote name='flowery']"The Times They Are A-Changing"[/quote]

That was the best track of them all... the lyrics, the tone, everything was just perfect about it. Shivers literally ran down my spine.
[quote name='DarthPuma']My Watchmen viewing was actually quite pleasant, because it started at 6:30 and none of the little emo fucks were there.

I swear to god, the guy sitting in front of me looked EXACTLY like the dude who got his
arms sawed off.

Did anyone else laugh when the
guy got the burning oil thrown on him?
I didn't mean to, so when it came out I'm thinking oh shit I'm going to piss everyone off, but then the rest of the theatre started cracking up. It was great.[/quote]

I was the ONLY person in the theater who laughed at that. I tried not to, but i couldn't hold it in.
[quote name='flowery']I think someone suffocated it after awhile though...

Did anyone else notice the "Boys" folder on Adrian's computer? I chuckled.[/quote]
I noticed that but I didn't make the connection that he was gay. I just thought it meant "his boys", meaning the Watchmen.
I like how he's the smartest man in the world, can build a weapon that kills millions, has a secret base in Antarctica and hangs around a mutant tiger but his computer takes floppy disks. I know it takes place in the 80s but I still think it's a bit silly :lol:
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