The Bill Goldberg Wrestling Thread - William Regal - New King of The Ring!

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[quote name='GuilewasNK']I've probably said it before, but your avatar is classic awesome. :D

I agree the King Booker stuff got old.[/quote]

Thanks, sir! I love Guile, too. We should go and make babies, or something. :drool:


Why are you running away? Wait!

I'll be flipping over during commercials of the Cavs/Wizards game while writing a paper. Basically multi-tasking my procrastination.

Also, holy crap about the whole Barack/Clinton. Maybe it might actually be more than that stupid Rosie/Trump garbage.
[quote name='Purple Flames']All this KOTR tal has me reminiscing about something:

Remember that Triple H was originally supposed to win the KOTR that Austin won, but went on to be buried after the MSG incident went down. Austin won, and during his coronation cut his infamous "Austin 3:16" promo, which became an overnight sensation and solidified his rise to superstardom. For all of Austin's fame and popularity, he owes it to a group of friends hugging each other goodbye in the ring.

Funny how things work out like that.[/quote]

i literally went over that story with my girlfriend last night, cause she never knew about it and is surprisingly a wrestling fan.
Those president promos aren't real are they? Thats taking it too far!

If you smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll what Barack IS COOOOKINGGG!!!!

Hey john what do you think about the war? IT DOSN"T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THE WAR!!!!!!

Barack is out kicking ass and taking names and old Hillary is cooking. Yep shes cooking up some pie. What kinda pie you ask? Well thats Bracks favorite pie of all time. ITS POON TANG PIE! Whoa down boy.

Bracks about to lay the smackdown on Iraqs candyass! Im going to take our nuckes shine them up real nice, turn them sideways, AND STICK EM STRIGHT UP THEIR CANDYASSES!!!



VOTE for PEDRO!!!!!!!
I'm still putting together a powerpoint for a lecture I'm giving next week, so looks like Raw's going to be on in the background instead of Lost Odyssey.

Y2J/MVP is a very nice way to start things off.

Clinton, Obama and McCain Wrestle for WWE Fans' Vote

The rasslin' ring is the latest stump stop. Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton, along with GOP presidential hopeful John McCain, will bring their campaigns to WWE Monday Night Raw tonight (8 pm/ET, USA).

Each candidate will address the audience in a taped message. For Clinton and Obama, the hope is that tonight's appearance could lead to a body slam in tomorrow's Pennsylvania primary. — J.R. Whalen
Maybe they'll play the Nation of Domination music before Obama's segment.
It looks like we're going to get what I expected when I saw the presidential candidates actually appear on this show - a wrestling-heavy show that doesn't have anything on it that will offend the candidates, and put on a show that holds up well if it gets mainstream coverage (IE - nothing too dangerous on it, no major swearing, no diva gimmick match stuff).
This has been great.

Punk/M. Hardy



Godamn it! Just as I started typing this, Khali's music comes on. Bah!
[quote name='Sporadic']Man, this is awesome so far. Hopefully they keep it up and don't shoehorn a hoss like Khali in.[/quote]

You cursed us Sporadic!
[quote name='Sporadic']Man, this is awesome so far. Hopefully they keep it up and don't shoehorn a hoss like Khali in.[/quote]You just jinxed it, dick. Hope he gets DQed or something.
[quote name='Sporadic']Man, this is awesome so far. Hopefully they keep it up and don't shoehorn a hoss like Khali in.[/QUOTE]

You just HAD to curse us now didn't you?
[quote name='Sporadic']Man, this is awesome so far. Hopefully they keep it up and don't shoehorn a hoss like Khali in.[/QUOTE]

Jesus, this is turning into a speak of the devil sort of thing.

Well, they better not let Obama give Hillary the people's elbow! ;)
You could fit Hornswoggle in between Finlay's dropkick and Khali. Zounds.

BTW, did they really just blow off all that "McMahon's illegitimate son" crap they built up for MONTHS with a passing 2 or 3 lines from JBL saying that Hornswoggle was Finlay's son? After all this fuckin' time? Man, they really "Bobby Ewing'd" that'un.
Calling it right now. Kennedy is going to either get a by into the finals or pick up an easy semi-finals victory against Finaly and beat Punk who will have a grueling match with Jericho.
YES! We're gonna see Regal-Finlay tonight! I love this show! Every other possible match in this tourney has the potential to at least be great - excellent show.
Hahaha that would be funny as hell if Obama came to the ring with The Rock's theme and entrance, climbing the turnbuckle and stuff.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']REGAL! We could see Finlay-Regal tonight - YES![/QUOTE]

You mean we could see a 3 minute match that focuses on the storyline elements of the KOTR and doesn't allow either fully capable wrestler to, y'know, wrestle?

If you want to cheer about that, be my guest. I have money on a "sportz entertainment" match between those two.

Can anyone tell if Regal's tights say "William" or "Villain" on them? I can see both at the same time.
wwe needs a star wars character. Kinda like the pirate or super hero gimmicks. A jedi wrestler would be funny. Or even a goldberg type that was a star trek nerd.
Wasting a spot in the KOTR with Hornswoggle was stupid. Would it have killed them to put in another ECW guy (Shelton, for example)?
Anyway, I know this has nothing to do with tonight's RAW, but why did everyone hate Carmella so much (2004 Diva Search)?
[quote name='mykevermin']Batista was pretty effective in this segment. He came across like a total fuckin' prick who should get his ass beat. Kudos to him.[/quote]

He looked like Eddie Kingston without the beer belly.
[quote name='lmz00']Anyway, I know this has nothing to do with tonight's RAW, but why did everyone hate Carmella so much (2004 Diva Search)?[/quote]
'Cause she was a whore, basically.

She didn't want anything to do with the business besides fame and money. In the end, she wound up being the "other woman" in then-Browns QB Jeff Garcia's love life and getting her ass beat in a Cleveland night club before marrying him.
mykevermin, I expect it to be a sports entertainment match, but I'm simply stoked about Regal-Finlay on WWE TV - no matter what kind of match it is.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']mykevermin, I expect it to be a sports entertainment match, but I'm simply stoked about Regal-Finlay on WWE TV - no matter what kind of match it is.[/QUOTE]

Whatever makes you happy, I guess.

[quote name='Zen Davis']Oh! Myke, Jay just called you a bitch!



Huh. I must have missed that one.
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