The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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The blockbuster near me has the Xbox360 Arcade console version with the Sonic Superstars bundle for $50. Has anyone seen this cheaper? Would you think this is a good deal? They also have a PS3 160gb (not a bundle or games included) priced at $399, has anyone seen this for a better price?
[quote name='Ebegebee']The blockbuster near me has the Xbox360 Arcade console version with the Sonic Superstars bundle for $50. Has anyone seen this cheaper? Would you think this is a good deal? They also have a PS3 160gb (not a bundle or games included) priced at $399, has anyone seen this for a better price?[/QUOTE]

every one ive been to says the ps3 isnt part of the sale. If it were, damnit id be on that.
[quote name='Ebegebee']The blockbuster near me has the Xbox360 Arcade console version with the Sonic Superstars bundle for $50. Has anyone seen this cheaper? Would you think this is a good deal? They also have a PS3 160gb (not a bundle or games included) priced at $399, has anyone seen this for a better price?[/QUOTE]

Just did a quick Amazon check and it seems like there's only a bunch of used models for 99.99$ each and 1 new one for 400 (yeah right..). Unless you're talking about the newer 4gb black model (but doubt it). Sooo.. for 50$ if it's brand new that's a pretty decent price for it if you don't already have a 360.
The only PS3's on sale are the bundles ones that come with a game IN the box.

The only (xbox or wii) point cards and xbox live cards on sale are the ones that come in a blister pack.
[quote name='The Punisher']how is the ps3 headset? is it good? how do u change the battery?

Can it be used with a cell phone?[/QUOTE]

It does a much better of not dropping than the 360's RF headset. But, it's uncomfortable as all hell in my opinion. Any longer than about 45 minutes, and my ear starts too hurt. It charges via micro-usb (included) and even comes with a dock. You can't change the battery - it's internal.
[quote name='mattcube64']It does a much better of not dropping than the 360's RF headset. But, it's uncomfortable as all hell in my opinion. Any longer than about 45 minutes, and my ear starts too hurt. It charges via micro-usb (included) and even comes with a dock. You can't change the battery - it's internal.[/QUOTE]

thanks for the info.

dont have a ps3 and was thinking of using it for the cell phone.

maybe jack bauer can do something with it
Went to a few other Blockbusters today and picked up:
x4 PS3 bluetooth headset - $5 each
x3 PS3 HDMI/USB cable pack - $4 each
x2 Blockbuster ONDEMAND boxes - $10 each
x2 Wii Turbo Wheels - $1 each
Xbox 360 512MB memory card - $3
Xbox 360 wireless headset - $4
Play & Drive Soft Sports Kit for Wii - $2
Gamechanger universal remote - $0.49
x2 Darth Vader plushes - $1 each
Chewbacca plush - $1
Sackboy plush - $1.29
x2 Sackboy Arrr plush - $1.29 each
Sackboy Chop Chop plush - $1.29
Sackboy Yukiko plush - $1.29
Twin Star Sabers for Wii - $2
Monty Python and the Holy Grail frame - $3
The Bad Guys (Sopranos, Scarface, Godfather, Goodfellas) frame - $3
Nightmare Before Christmas Trivial Pursuit - $1.29

And one of the employees told me how he sold a PS3 bundle for $80. I wish I had gone to that BBV earlier.
[quote name='The Punisher']@ super dawn- i agree as long as they purchase it at the end of day and not hiding it for the few weeks or over a month. I seen this happen often when they try to get it dirt cheap.[/QUOTE]

Yes only purchasing on that day. Not holding onto it for weeks. I know workers may try to get away with that but its almost impossible...managers or dm's would never allow that.

[quote name='IronZombie']What you're talking about is maybe taking 1 item and doing that.. what the rest of us are talking about is when they realize there's a deal to be had and take most of the merchandise and stick them in a holding drawer or hide them from customers. That IS wrong. I don't know what your definition of right and wrong is but this is certainly where you draw the line. What's the point of a sale if the customers come into the store and all the good sh**'s gone already? That's not fair marketing, and physically HIDING merchandise so the public doesn't see it and then purchase it.. I'm pretty sure BBV Corporate is strictly against that. You can twist the words any way you like it but there's no way they would agree to that.

And while we're on this subject, what about this whole refusal to scan thing? I admit I haven't run into this problem but several CAGs here have been denied permission to scan an item and were simply told "it's not on sale." They are pretty much misinforming the customers. I'm not saying all BBV employees do this, but the ones that do are definitely in the wrong. Don't try to justify their actions.

Also, I don't know anything about Hollywood Video but there are state laws that require you to have a lunch break if you work a certain number of hours. Perhaps you were working too few hours? Otherwise it's that company's problem if the employees aren't being given breaks. I'm pretty sure BBV gives breaks. There's no excuse to hoard things away so you can keep them for yourself like that.[/QUOTE]

I don't see what the difference is between me holding one item or twenty...I'm still buying them that day. These are clearanced items that have been on the shelves for years that bbv just wants to get rid of. It's not technically an advertised sale such as 5 for $20 dvd's or something where they may be trying to bring in customers. I'm sure they do not mind their employees also buying the items. Yes, I agree that corporate would want the product to stay on the shelves and be purchased right away. But I think most managers would be willing to let an employee hold on to a product to purchase after there shift or when it is possible to ring them up. Since I mostly worked by myself in the mornings I would have to wait till someone else came in so they could ring me up and confirm my purchase. I don't see it as wrong unless they are holding onto the product for more than that day.

Refusing to scan an item is wrong. I agree. It's hard to say what that employee is thinking when they refuse. It could be that they've already had people earlier today inquire about the product and have already scanned the price several times; thus knowing it off hand. OR they're being complete dicks. I dunno.

I actually work in human resources at my current job. There is NO law in Florida that requires anyone over the age of 18 to receive a break at work. This may be true in other states as well. I don't know. Some companies have there own personal policies that allow for breaks, but they are not required to. If an employee is under the age of 18, then they are required to take a 45 minute break every 4 hours of work in Florida.

[quote name='ev768']
Play & Drive Soft Sports Kit for Wii - $2
Chewbacca plush - $1
Twin Star Sabers for Wii - $2
Nightmare Before Christmas Trivial Pursuit - $1.29

Nice! I wish I was able to find some of these. Especially any Nightmare before Christmas stuff...I have a friend that goes crazy over that kinda stuff.
A great alternative to buying the lone ps3 bluetooth headset is to get the socom confrontation bundle or endwar bundle.

Blockbuster prices (NEW, on clearance):
Socom confrontation bundle: $8
Endwar bundle: $12

I went with the socom bundle b/c it was cheaper. I was surprised to see that the socom bundle also comes w/ both the stand and the micro usb cord so you're not missing out on anything.
[quote name='Ebegebee']The blockbuster near me has the Xbox360 Arcade console version with the Sonic Superstars bundle for $50. Has anyone seen this cheaper? Would you think this is a good deal? They also have a PS3 160gb (not a bundle or games included) priced at $399, has anyone seen this for a better price?[/QUOTE]

Don't tell me you're at the West Monroe BBV? I been looking at the same stuff every few days, can't get anyone to scan the PS3 but they keep telling me it's not on clearance.
Picked up:
Tron Legacy Poster x3 - $0.49
Tron Legacy Keychain x3 - $0.59
Little Big Planet 2 Chop Chop Plush - $1.29
Little Big Planet 2 Yukiko Plush - $1.29
Little Big Planet 2 Arr(pirate) Plush x2 - $1.29
Little Big Planet 2 Caesar Plush - $1.29
American Mcgee's Alice Framed Poster(24 x 38) - $1.99 (nice but not sure if I'll keep it or not)
Nintendo Samus Wall Graphic - $1.29
Nintendo Donkey Kong Wall Graphic - $1.29

If I grabbed multiples, the prices are for them each.

Hope to find a Sackboy and Voo Doo plush to complete the set but I don't feel like driving out further than I did to find the ones I did. Overall, a nice haul if I do say so myself.
Went to Blockbuster and Skate 3 PS3 rang up as $14.99. Someone reported it rang up as $7.50 for them. Are Blockbuster games prices different at every store?
[quote name='PublikDefender']A great alternative to buying the lone ps3 bluetooth headset is to get the socom confrontation bundle or endwar bundle.

Blockbuster prices (NEW, on clearance):
Socom confrontation bundle: $8
Endwar bundle: $12

I went with the socom bundle b/c it was cheaper. I was surprised to see that the socom bundle also comes w/ both the stand and the micro usb cord so you're not missing out on anything.[/QUOTE]
If you can't find either of those at Blockbuster and know of a Sears or Best Buy in your area with some older bundles in stock, then the Socom bundle is $15 at Sears and Endwar is $20 at Best Buy.

I've found one of each bundle thus far, but I ended up trading the game/headset from the Endwar bundle away.

Anyway, on with my haul from today:

Store 1:

*Heeltastic x3(giving one to my mom and seeing if a buddies family wants the other two for very early Christmas presents)
*Transcend Micro SD memory cards x5
*LBP2 Sackboys x3(regular sackboys, like I need MORE of these :lol:)
*Bendaroos x3(likely giving one pack of each to my buddies nieces when they come in)
*Marilyn Monroe Magnets(4 pack) x4
*Marilyn Monroe Keychain x2
*Very Special Charlie Brown Holiday CD x2
*Robert Plant-Band Of Joy x3
*Black Eyed Peas-Beginning
*Tony Bennett-Swingin' Christmas(Cd is flopping around inside package:cry:)

Grand total was around $25 for all of that. Not bad.

Store 2:

Nothing that I really wanted. :cry:

Now, onto the tally thus far for my Sackboy army:

8x Sackboy
3x Arrrr(Pirate)
5x Caesar
7x Chop Chop
3x VooDoo

and ONE lonely Yukiko:cry:

So 27 Sackboys thus far.:booty::razz:

Thing is, I may still hit the one store up the line again before week's end to see if the Caesar n other Sackboys are still there or not.:lol:

Ten of them are already spoken for though as I plan on giving my buddies' two younger nieces a full set of the five I have extras of.:D
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I'm not advocating bbv employees hoarding all I'm saying is that people that come in here hoarding and then bitching about bbv employees have no right to do so. It's the nature of the beast, if you do it expect others to. And while I think neither is right I would much rather the bbv person who makes shitty pay working at a shitty store getting the stuff. Obviously holding onto items for weeks at a time is wrong, but if someone walks into work, see's something they want to buy that day then more power to them for putting it out of view and holding it for themselves. After all, they let us hold items so why not employees. Just because they work there doesn't mean they aren't also customers.

As for the whole refusal to scan thing, I agree it's wrong however I have a strong feeling people here ask once and when they are told it's not part of the sale they lose the nerve to ask again and then come here and blow it far out of proportion. I was told that exact phrase when inquiring, I asked politely if they minded scanning it just to make sure and they obliged. It's all about being polite, don't act like you know more about their job and not expect to get attitude back your way. One dude got a fat ps3 on sale, I'll say it again the new slims are not part of this. All the bbv's I've been to have done a pretty damn good job of repricing this stuff as soon as the new sale prices hit so after a few clearance price cycles they know that they haven't had those ps3's as part of the sale, hence why they say so.
WTH, they still have the official sony PS3 Socom/endwar bundles floating out there somewhere. I've been searching for a year in my area and no site of a single one, sears/bb/bbv/ zelch.
So I stopped by one of the stores today I passed on going to on Monday.

Bad idea. I was told they sold 3 wireless 360 controllers yesterday @ $5 each. Ugh. They had a few new games... Bayonetta, Dark Void, and DJ Hero bundles... but even at 75% off, weren't great for me. $10 for the first two, and DJ Hero about $17.50.
[quote name='nixmahn']WTH, they still have the official sony PS3 Socom/endwar bundles floating out there somewhere. I've been searching for a year in my area and no site of a single one, sears/bb/bbv/ zelch.[/QUOTE]
The Sears by me still has it(Socom bundle) in stock according to the Google shopping thing.;)
OK i have a question... because i haven't been paying much attention to this thread and don't wanna go digging through pages: Are these blockbusters u are finding these deals at closing/clearances or is this regular stores dumping this stuff. Thanks in advance for your answer.
Also to note to everyone who's been finding cds:

Apparently FYE buys the Taylor Swift CDs for $4. At least that's what I've been told. Haven't experienced this myself, but not a bad flip at $1 to $4.
[quote name='xskaxninjax']Also to note to everyone who's been finding cds:

Apparently FYE buys the Taylor Swift CDs for $4. At least that's what I've been told. Haven't experienced this myself, but not a bad flip at $1 to $4.[/QUOTE]

You can look up their tiv here - or
[quote name='sgr76']OK i have a question... because i haven't been paying much attention to this thread and don't wanna go digging through pages: Are these blockbusters u are finding these deals at closing/clearances or is this regular stores dumping this stuff. Thanks in advance for your answer.[/QUOTE]
First off, you really should pay attention more.:razz::booty: Second, these sales are from stores that're remaining open(for now, since Dish Network plans on closing another 600 or so stores apparently:cry:).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']First off, you really should pay attention more.:razz::booty: Second, these sales are from stores that're remaining open(for now, since Dish Network plans on closing another 600 or so stores apparently:cry:).[/QUOTE]

Thanks much (for the info not the teasing :bouncy: ) Gotta check out my local store. Will update u guys if i find any gems.
I notice that they have 2 different PS3 bluetooth headset.

One is bigger then the other.

Which one is better??? Does it hurt the ear if left in ear for long period of time?

Any differences between the two?

Is it worth it for $5? Was thinking about use for cell phone

[quote name='sgr76']Thanks much (for the info not the teasing :bouncy: ) Gotta check out my local store. Will update u guys if i find any gems.[/QUOTE]
I try to help out when I can, the chop busting is just an added bonus.;)
If any of these stores are closing in the near future, what kind of deals are they giving? I had one by my house close down but I was out of the country for the past 6 months so I never got wind of this and didn't get to go. What would I be able to expect if I'm around one of these store closings?
Does anyone else feel like they ate too much and are slinking away from the table..... I have just started putting some of this stuff away and I cannot believe what I bought over the last few days. Great prices - but I am sure I went too far......
[quote name='IronZombie']If any of these stores are closing in the near future, what kind of deals are they giving? I had one by my house close down but I was out of the country for the past 6 months so I never got wind of this and didn't get to go. What would I be able to expect if I'm around one of these store closings?[/QUOTE]
If you've ever been to a store closing sale before, then you already know what to expect.

But for the laypeople who haven't yet experienced the fun that is a store liquidation sale, here's how it goes.

Everything typically gets marked up to MSRP or close, then they begin to discount items from there. It starts around 10% off, then goes to 20, 30 and so on.

The best time to try and hit one of these sales is during the last week or two of business, but as of late whenever one of these sales pops up people grab everything at 20-30% off like it's the best deal EVER anymore.:roll:

Best bet if you want one or more of the DVD boxsets they have during the closing sale, buy up random discs from it early in the sale and then wait till much later and come back to buy the rest at the higher discounts.;)

At least that seems to be the strategy many use, as I would always find disc sets with one random disc missing out of it.:bomb:
[quote name='gripper']Does anyone else feel like they ate too much and are slinking away from the table..... I have just started putting some of this stuff away and I cannot believe what I bought over the last few days. Great prices - but I am sure I went too far......[/QUOTE]
But then again, I came to the table with an empty stomach and I've taken a bit of a break, so maybe I'll go back in for another round.:lol:
[quote name='gripper']Does anyone else feel like they ate too much and are slinking away from the table..... I have just started putting some of this stuff away and I cannot believe what I bought over the last few days. Great prices - but I am sure I went too far......[/QUOTE]

Yeah add me to the list. I really have been doing way more buying than playing but there are some games i have been waiting for a deal on (Still) so i don't feel so bad. My family is going away soon and i will have some quiet time to get through some of these. I think some serious trading is in my future. I will most certainly need to make some room for the fall games.
[quote name='The Punisher']I notice that they have 2 different PS3 bluetooth headset.

One is bigger then the other.

Which one is better??? Does it hurt the ear if left in ear for long period of time?

Any differences between the two?

Is it worth it for $5? Was thinking about use for cell phone

I found both of them in BBV store and have them both scanned. The biger one is on sale for $5 the smaller one ringed full price
[quote name='super_dawn']Oh yes! I am stuffed!! ;)[/QUOTE]

Not only am I stuffed, I think I need help. I can't leave a BBV without buying something on clearance :lol:
[quote name='gripper']Does anyone else feel like they ate too much and are slinking away from the table..... I have just started putting some of this stuff away and I cannot believe what I bought over the last few days. Great prices - but I am sure I went too far......[/QUOTE]

I was full when the 5 for $20 blu ray sale started. I was full when the B1G1 Video game sale started. I was full when the $.99 cent blu-ray sale started. I was full the 50% off sale started. I was full when the 75% off sale started. Now I'm about to explode. I still spent a hell of a lot of money (for a CAG) on all the sales. I think around $600 in total.

I didn't post what I got during the 90% off sale because there's just too much stuff to post. Almost everything was less than a $1 and I spend around $140. I have enough artwork and posters to fill up every wall of every home in my neighborhood. I spent about $140 on 90% off stuff (posters, stuffed animals, cables, headphones, books, CDs, as seen on TV stuff, etc). That $140 worth of crap was $1,400 MSRP. Thats almost what I paid for my first car :lol:.

It's cool how a lot of older stuff was marked down and then marked down again 90%. For example, the avatar framed art was marked down 50% off a long time ago from $29.99 to $14.99. The 90% off applied to the $14.99 price, so it ended up being $1.49 for something that was originally $29.99. Insanity. I love how a lot of the framed art, books, and cds were like this.
[quote name='Ebegebee']The blockbuster near me has the Xbox360 Arcade console version with the Sonic Superstars bundle for $50. Has anyone seen this cheaper? Would you think this is a good deal? They also have a PS3 160gb (not a bundle or games included) priced at $399, has anyone seen this for a better price?[/QUOTE]
There are 2 xbox 360 Arcades on clearance.
1 with Sonic and extra for $50
1 with no game for $37.xx
I passed on both of them.

There are 2 SLIM PS3 160 GB at FULL price.
1 will ring up as $299
1 will ring up as $399
I have no idea why or what the difference are.

There are 2 clearanced PS3 (FAT and SLIM)!!!!!!!
1 is the FAT 80 GB bundle (Really big box with Click and Transformer) for $87.50. (i got this)
1 is the SLIM 120 GB (no extras) for $75 now. (someone bought it 1 day before the 75% sale for $150) The employee told me that she told him that it would be $75 tomorrow and he said he didn't want to risk it. :roll:

Hope this info helps.
[quote name='Ebegebee']*Heeltastic x3(giving one to my mom and seeing if a buddies family wants the other two for very early Christmas presents)[/QUOTE]
I got one of heel thingy for .79 cents and it's not that good.
Even if you use it lightly, it leaves greasy heelprints all over my hardwood floors.

Don't give this to people who you like.
[quote name='Yanksfan']Holy crap, it would have been hard to pass on those 360's. You are a stronger person than me.[/QUOTE]
My wife would kick my ass if I bought another new game console. She doesn't mind the PS3 too much since it's a blu ray player....but if I bought the xbox, it would be very very bad.:cry:
I may head to some out-of-the-way BB's this weekend. Hopefully will have some good pickups but ill probably be left with rags.

I have 2x360's 120gb slim black sitting sealed in my home that I need to sell off.
[quote name='Readthepost']My wife would kick my ass if I bought another new game console. She doesn't mind the PS3 too much since it's a blu ray player....but if I bought the xbox, it would be very very bad.:cry:[/QUOTE]

Lucky dog! We have a used game cube at our local store (no idea why or how), no PS3/360 bundles any of the 8 or so in driving distance though. Nephew would have exploded if I found him an arcade system or ps3 for that price.... since they are only a wii family and it kills him.
Has anybody seen any new clearance show up? I heard that the stores that were moving lots of clearance were getting stuff shipped to them from stores that were slow. One store I was at made the comment that he was shipping out everything that was left on Monday (6/20).

It's petered out a lot around here.

picked up the usual, batteries, lbp's, Angry Birds!, cables, usb sticks, headphones. I did score an xbox 360 120 gig drive for $15.
[quote name='Readthepost']There are 2 xbox 360 Arcades on clearance.
1 with Sonic and extra for $50
1 with no game for $37.xx
I passed on both of them.[/QUOTE]

Damn, no way would I have passed on those. I would have gotten a second 360 as a "Halo playing machine" for my son, if for no other reason.
Yeah, at $40-50 for a New Xbox 360 Arcade, I'd pick one up just to have as a spare if my 120GB Elite gives up or give to my little brother, so he can play some of the exclusive 360 games I have.
anyone know how well the sony ps3 bluetooth headset 1.0 work on cell phones? What up with the noise cancellation? what does that do?

i want to get this for my cell phone. heard its hurt in the ears? any way to fix that part?

Anyone know the difference between the 1.0 and 2.0? is the size the only difference?
I spent way too much money at this sale.

Portable DVD for the GF's card, portable DVD player for my Dad's car, Father's Day gifts, Christmas Gifts, a $2 pillow pet for my daughter, God of War III sealed - $7.50, PS3 bluetooth headset ($5), Wii Play w/controller ($12.50), Wii Sports Resort w/Wii Plus ($12.50), Wii controller charging station ($2), Silly Bands (5 cents a pack), band bottle openers (50 cents), stickers (9 cents), books (average 50 cents), As Seen On TV Sweeper ($4 down from $40), Portable TV, MP3 players, SD cards galore, batteries, DVD cleaner, headphones, media player, more headphones, framed art, LBP dolls. When stuff hit 75% off I bought a lot...when it hit 90%, I went crazy.
[quote name='Rictor']I spent way too much money at this sale.

Portable DVD for the GF's card, portable DVD player for my Dad's car, Father's Day gifts, Christmas Gifts, a $2 pillow pet for my daughter, God of War III sealed - $7.50, PS3 bluetooth headset ($5), Wii Play w/controller ($12.50), Wii Sports Resort w/Wii Plus ($12.50), Wii controller charging station ($2), Silly Bands (5 cents a pack), band bottle openers (50 cents), stickers (9 cents), books (average 50 cents), As Seen On TV Sweeper ($4 down from $40), Portable TV, MP3 players, SD cards galore, batteries, DVD cleaner, headphones, media player, more headphones, framed art, LBP dolls. When stuff hit 75% off I bought a lot...when it hit 90%, I went crazy.[/QUOTE]

same here. during the 75% deal, i got a ds lite $50, iron man 2 frame $7.5, fleece blanket $3.74, finding nemo $3.74, disney $2.49.
During 90% i got like 8 frames from marvel, x2 boondock saints, cod black ops, clockwork orange white frame, jla frame, clash of titans $1.49, and alice long frame for $1.99.

How do u like your sony headset? i dont have a ps3, but would like to use for cell phone. im on the fence thinking of getting it. they have about 4 left along with a dreamgear wii charger set for the remote? any good?
bread's done