The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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89 (100%)
Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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I have to do a final tally, but I definitely have 'extras' of some of the Sackboys.;) Thing is, I wouldn't even begin to know how to ship these guys cheaply enough to make it a reasonable amount for anyone wanted one for cost + shipping.

If I ship it in the packaging I'd need a small box for it and chances are I'd have to use Parcel Post rate for shipping, since I'm sure it's over 13 oz for one of these to ship with box/packing materials and what not. So unless someone wanted to ship me a box with pre-paid shipping label slapped on it, I have no clue how I'd ship these guys out.

Either way, I'll do a final tally and post on the BBV clearance trade thread I created last week when I get it all sorted out.
This was a great sale. End of an era. I didn't finish my sackboy collection (missing voodoo, sackboy and the yukkio).

However, the logitech remote. wow! I can control my A.C. with it and i'll be buying an IR light switch for $35 that the remote can control. It shall be amazing.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']It kinda sucks that this clearance stuff is likely all going away at the end of the day today.

Now my wallet has a chance to rest till the July 4th BOGO sale starts.

It is a shame to know that the products(including multiple Tivo HD's and Blockbuster On Demand boxes) being returned may likely end up in a compactor rather than someone getting some use out of them though.:cry:[/QUOTE]

WHen does the bogo start? offical or just a rumor for now?
stores were wiped out last nite when i went to the 4 in town.... nothing was left except silly bands. what a great sale didnt manage to get a ds but was able to obtain a psp one lbp plush and some .29 cent batteries to go along with a framed poster. hopefully the fourth of july sale is true or the 5 for 20 is back with them dropping the 12.99 titles to 9.99.
[quote name='nas6034']This was a great sale. End of an era. I didn't finish my sackboy collection (missing voodoo, sackboy and the yukkio).

However, the logitech remote. wow! I can control my A.C. with it and i'll be buying an IR light switch for $35 that the remote can control. It shall be amazing.[/QUOTE]

Until your Logitech breaks (one day) and you cant turn off your light or AC... Happened with my friend and his remote ceiling fan...
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Whoa. You got a PSP from the sale? How much was that? I've wanted one but definitely not willing to pay $130 for one.[/QUOTE]

I think someone here said they got a PSP 2000 for $80. Not bad since its new and can play :roll:
[quote name='The Punisher']I think someone here said they got a PSP 2000 for $80. Not bad since its new and can play :roll:[/QUOTE]
I think you meant to do the wink smiley and not the eyeroll one.:D Anyway, I only wanted it for something to do when I go outta town for work n my boss doesn't lemme go deal hunting with his road car.:cry:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I have to do a final tally, but I definitely have 'extras' of some of the Sackboys.;) Thing is, I wouldn't even begin to know how to ship these guys cheaply enough to make it a reasonable amount for anyone wanted one for cost + shipping.

If I ship it in the packaging I'd need a small box for it and chances are I'd have to use Parcel Post rate for shipping, since I'm sure it's over 13 oz for one of these to ship with box/packing materials and what not. So unless someone wanted to ship me a box with pre-paid shipping label slapped on it, I have no clue how I'd ship these guys out.

Either way, I'll do a final tally and post on the BBV clearance trade thread I created last week when I get it all sorted out.[/QUOTE]

Damn Gamer,
U are building a army. I wish I could got one, but was gone during 75% sale. I did get the 3 PS3 headset 1.0.
I think I used about $150 buying at BBV. Got a nice Ds lite for $50 until they can improve on the 3DS.
[quote name='wafflepacman']Are the 99 cent films going to be back on July 4, or is it just B1G1 games?[/QUOTE]

I think the .99 sell is coming July 4th, but hasnt been confirmed yet.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I think you meant to do the wink smiley and not the eyeroll one.:D Anyway, I only wanted it for something to do when I go outta town for work n my boss doesn't lemme go deal hunting with his road car.:cry:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, use the wrong one. Man, with the .99 blu ray sale, I now need a blu ray player.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']i posted the change about 2 weeks ago. so yes you did miss out unless you want some funky bandz which we have a ton of at my store.[/QUOTE]

Dang that sucks... I wanted the batteries and flash memory
Stopped by one on my way to visit the grandparents to see what was left. Not much, but things I haven't seen at my stores such as Toy Story pens and a couple new pieces of framed art.

I got a bunch of the art that was left. They were all 95% off! I was quite surprised when I got the Star Trek one at $0.49 and Terminator Salvation at $1.49. The other things we scanned were the normal 90% though.

Or, instead of being 95% off, they were reduced before the 90% stacked on. Which would make sense because they seem to be older.
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[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Kmart has a Magnavox one for $59 on clearance or you could always buy a PS3 and use that for playing BR's.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking of a PS3, but the xbox 360 has a better game lineup.

I did like LBP and other Sony games, but most of it is already on xbox. I have a Wii too and cant understand why people try to own all 3. Its difficult to play all these games (backlog) on the 360 alone.

Besides, the PS3 looks ugly (too fat and takes so much space. only if it was a bit smaller) and is a huge brink. I was looking for a thinner blu ray player. Maybe I should wait until Black Friday??
[quote name='The Punisher']I was thinking of a PS3, but the xbox 360 has a better game lineup.

I did like LBP and other Sony games, but most of it is already on xbox. I have a Wii too and cant understand why people try to own all 3. Its difficult to play all these games (backlog) on the 360 alone.

Besides, the PS3 looks ugly (too fat and takes so much space. only if it was a bit smaller) and is a huge brink. I was looking for a thinner blu ray player. Maybe I should wait until Black Friday??[/QUOTE]
Actually the slim isn't too bad on taking up space in my opinion. It also guzzles less power than the fat PS3's, so that's an added plus right there too. But it still throws out a LOT of heat and ends up warming up whatever room you're playing in by a bit. That's not such a bad thing in the winter, but in the summertime if it's already hot then it'll seem to make it like a sauna.:cry:

But I definitely agree with the bulk of games on PS3 also being on 360 thing and most of the 'exclusives' really are just rehashes of other games(omg I'm fighting aliens....for the umpteenth time:roll:) that are out.

I definitely agree on the backlog thing too, since I can barely keep up with the games I buy on the PS3. I could only imagine how bad it'd be if I had the other two systems to try playing games for too.:whistle2:#
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Actually the slim isn't too bad on taking up space in my opinion. It also guzzles less power than the fat PS3's, so that's an added plus right there too. But it still throws out a LOT of heat and ends up warming up whatever room you're playing in by a bit. That's not such a bad thing in the winter, but in the summertime if it's already hot then it'll seem to make it like a sauna.:cry:

But I definitely agree with the bulk of games on PS3 also being on 360 thing and most of the 'exclusives' really are just rehashes of other games(omg I'm fighting aliens....for the umpteenth time:roll:) that are out.

I definitely agree on the backlog thing too, since I can barely keep up with the games I buy on the PS3. I could only imagine how bad it'd be if I had the other two systems to try playing games for too.:whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

Most game consoles I leave flat. My Wii is the only one standing. Im not sure which is better for the long term, leaving it flat or standing.
I guess flat makes since the disc is not spinning too hard?

With CAG, its difficult to pass up a game when its too good of a dead. Shoot, I have Capcom 3 game set that I got from Toys R us for $12 and havent got to it yet. I probably never get to it anytime soon sine gears 3 is coming
[quote name='The Punisher']Most game consoles I leave flat. My Wii is the only one standing. Im not sure which is better for the long term, leaving it flat or standing.
I guess flat makes since the disc is not spinning too hard?

With CAG, its difficult to pass up a game when its too good of a dead. Shoot, I have Capcom 3 game set that I got from Toys R us for $12 and havent got to it yet. I probably never get to it anytime soon sine gears 3 is coming[/QUOTE]
Since I only have the PS3 out right now(have a PS2 from Target n an old school Xbox stored in my closet) I leave it flat. Then again I've always positioned my consoles in the 'traditional' way(flat).

But yeah, I definitely know how it is with the game deals on CAG, since I just picked up that Chronicles Of Riddick game from Sears for $7 last week, as well as Rogue Warrior and one of the Socom bundles.

I figure I can probably just sell the BT headset from Socom and basically get all three games I bought for free after selling it, since I doubt I'll ever use one of those in-ear headsets.
Please let the July 4th BOGO rumor be true. I still have stuff from the last BOGO I haven't touched, but I want MORE before Blockbuster dies.
Upset at myself, one of the bbv in nj that is near my other job had a ps3 for 87.50 that sold on Friday. I was suppose to go last Monday but forgot. When I went today I just heard them talking how they sold it.
I may bite on Ninety Nine Nights 2 since its finally under $15. Too bad I missed the accessory sale. I haven't been on here in a while and looks like I missed out. :(
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[quote name='Denbo32']Upset at myself, one of the bbv in nj that is near my other job had a ps3 for 87.50 that sold on Friday. I was suppose to go last Monday but forgot. When I went today I just heard them talking how they sold it.[/QUOTE]
Are you kidding ?
These were sold out looks like everywhere else by Tuesday last week , if any was available. In my area BBV do not have PS 3 in couple of years .
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Whoa. You got a PSP from the sale? How much was that? I've wanted one but definitely not willing to pay $130 for one.[/QUOTE]

The Punisher is right i ended up with the psp for 80:)
That's a pretty insane deal. I still wish I had $15 on me when the one dude who 'didn't have his ID' offered me his PSP that the local shop wouldn't take cuz of the no ID thing.;)

And yes, I realize it was probably hot as hell, but a PSP for $15. That's why I try and keep at least $20 real cash on me at all times now.;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']That's a pretty insane deal. I still wish I had $15 on me when the one dude who 'didn't have his ID' offered me his PSP that the local shop wouldn't take cuz of the no ID thing.;)

And yes, I realize it was probably hot as hell, but a PSP for $15. That's why I try and keep at least $20 real cash on me at all times now.;)[/QUOTE]

You are now a loser in my book....

LOL, you of all people had a chance to get a psp for $15 and couldn't make it happen w/ the deal falling in your lap?

[quote name='Rhl']Please let the July 4th BOGO rumor be true. I still have stuff from the last BOGO I haven't touched, but I want MORE before Blockbuster dies.[/QUOTE]

Die? They just got bought by dish.
[quote name='aznhero913']You are now a loser in my book....

LOL, you of all people had a chance to get a psp for $15 and couldn't make it happen w/ the deal falling in your lap?

I know. I had like $5-10 of the $15 on me and I tried everything to get the guy to go lower, including telling him he could keep the 1-2gb memory stick he had in it.

I also tried bumming the $5-10 I was short off a relative I was with at the time to no avail.:bomb:

If you think that's bad, then I shouldn't tell ya that I missed out on picking up about 10 NES top loaders brand new for $15 each from a temp Wally World they put in an old store down here a long while ago(10 yrs).

It was middle of the night and I decided to go down there for a walk(bout 6-7 blocks from my house) and there they were on an endcap all neatly stacked n shit.

I went back a couple days later to try and grab them and they were long gone.:cry:

So yeah, I've failed on getting insane deals a couple of times.:whistle2:#
[quote name='aznhero913']You are now a loser in my book....

LOL, you of all people had a chance to get a psp for $15 and couldn't make it happen w/ the deal falling in your lap?

That's not too bad...I got more unlucky during the TRUS clearance sale a while ago. I dropped my wife, my sister-in-law and my 2 kids at the mall so that I could go to TRUS freely and get a lot of B1G1 games. My wife ask me for a few dollars (don't know why....she has many CCs) and I gave her my money clip without thinking (because I was thinking about the B1G1 sale).

As I walked into TRUS, a man and his son are at the CS. They had a box with a lot of xbox 360, Wii, PSP, and PS3 games sticking I walked over and start a casual conversation with the man....shooting the shit and I told him that you could get more GS and he said he doesn't want more games for his kid and with TRUS, he could buy other things. I looked in the box and there were some sealed games (Xbox Black Ops, Wii punchout, PS3 Black Ops, etc). I asked about them and he told me that they were gifts, but his kid isn't allowed to play violent games.
I asked him, what if I offered cash? He said for cash, he would discount some from the TRUS estimate. The Estimate was a little over $100 and he told me $80 cash for about 15-17 A+ games.....jackpot!!!!! (I owned most the games already, but 8-10 games were sealed)

I reached into my money clip....only my wallet with CCs.
I asked him if he could wait a minute while I went to the ATM and his son started to whine because they had been there for about 20 minutes.

Conclusion- Man couldn't wait and sold to TRUS!:cry:
And this was the only time I didn't have my money clip.:cry:

Mine is more an EPIC fail.
[quote name='ivos']Are you kidding ?
These were sold out looks like everywhere else by Tuesday last week , if any was available. In my area BBV do not have PS 3 in couple of years .[/QUOTE]

No reason for the manager to lie to me, heck she the one who brought it up to me when I picked up a pair of HDMI cables.
clearance sale is ongoing at 90% in case any stores still have stuff. we havent received any notice to transfer for destroy anything yet.

also stores are stock balancing stuff as we got in 300 more $.99 movies and 300 $5.99 blu rays along with some misc clearance junk.
HB, what exactly is include in the 90% off clearance at this point? I just got back from a BBV here in FL and nothing was marked down although I didn't actually try to get anything scanned. I'm particularly interested in the Sony brand PS3 remote if i can grab it for cheap. I saw it for 24.99 at my BBV.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']clearance sale is ongoing at 90% in case any stores still have stuff. we havent received any notice to transfer for destroy anything yet.

also stores are stock balancing stuff as we got in 300 more $.99 movies and 300 $5.99 blu rays along with some misc clearance junk.[/QUOTE]

All clearance items in my area have been transferred to a special store. All the regular stores I visit have zero clearance stuff.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']clearance sale is ongoing at 90% in case any stores still have stuff. we havent received any notice to transfer for destroy anything yet.

also stores are stock balancing stuff as we got in 300 more $.99 movies and 300 $5.99 blu rays along with some misc clearance junk.[/QUOTE]

Omfg more 5.99 blurays!?!?!? Amazing. Did they give u a schedule yet as to when they are dropping to 4.99, 2.99, .99, etc? Sometime around July 4th? Also are they the same part number that u posted during the memorial day sale? That helped me find the motherload last time.

Once again thank you hawaiiboy. You are the best.
[quote name='Staraang21']HB, what exactly is include in the 90% off clearance at this point? I just got back from a BBV here in FL and nothing was marked down although I didn't actually try to get anything scanned. I'm particularly interested in the Sony brand PS3 remote if i can grab it for cheap. I saw it for 24.99 at my BBV.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry to tell you that the remote is still $24.99 for some stupid reason. There's too much stuff on clearance to list but if it's not a bluray, DVD, or preowned game, there's a good chance it's on clearance. Posters, toys, books, keychains, smuggles etc are a few examples. Maybe someone can repost a more complete list for u. Sorry I'm trping all of this from my iPhone right now.
I would certainly be interested in the B1G1 sale.. whenever that starts. I know we've all been saying July 4th weekend but is there a particular day it starts? Would like to get there early if I can get my hands on some stuff before the vultures get to it lol.

Right now I'm definitely in for SWFUII and I'm hoping Dead Rising 2 and Mafia II drop to 15$ by the time this sale goes into effect. If that happens then I just have to look for one more game and I'll be set. 4 awesome games for 30$ isn't bad..
Did they give u a schedule yet as to when they are dropping to 4.99, 2.99, .99, etc? Sometime around July 4th? Also are they the same part number that u posted during the memorial day sale? That helped me find the motherload last time.

no details yet on what or when the sale starts. yes, the blu rays have the same part # as the memorial day sale.
Will BB be having more .99 cent blu rays around July 4th? missed out on it last time and I just now have a PS3 so would love to get some blu rays to watch
It would make sense if the 99 cent sale went the way it did when they did it on memorial day with starting on Friday and the 4th of July being the day that they hit 99 cents. Hawaiiboy are they stores that got the blu-rays last time the same ones that got them this time as well?
are they stores that got the blu-rays last time the same ones that got them this time as well?

stores didnt get any new shipments of blu rays or $ .99 titles its just stores within our district stock balancing inventory as i imagine all districts are doing. slower stores shipping out items that arent selling to higher volume stores.
malden ma bbv had

a dozen or so Yoosters, still debating whether the green screen is worth $25, since it looks like it comes with a stand.

tons of tivo dual tuners, not the HD version. tons of wireless adapters for tivo.


games, I should have taken a photo with my camera, but they had lego indy 360, guitar hero aerosmith, bioshock2 and a few others for a ps3 and 360. no wii games and one star wars clone wars for psp. they were in a sealed case, and I am assuming they were 75% off. Also, they had a bunch of transformers for ps3, whatever the original game was.

I went to the store, but the other night, I actually called and they were pretty good about telling me what was in the case.
will my store that had hundreds-thousands of .99 cent dvds+blu rays, but shipped them all off somewhere else, be getting any of those back in for july 4th sale? cus i only was able to grab a few movies, they only had them there for like 2-3 days and when i went back they were all gone and they said to me "we werent supposed to have those", wth lol.
I remember reading that all new and sealed games were being clearanced out. I nabbed modern warfare 2 PS3 for $15.50, I also saw Marvel Vs Capcom 3 sealed in the cage they had, asked the clerk to ring it up and see how much it was. He said $59.99. Did I just get scammed, or are newer titles still full price?
[quote name='Ebegebee']I remember reading that all new and sealed games were being clearanced out. I nabbed modern warfare 2 PS3 for $15.50, I also saw Marvel Vs Capcom 3 sealed in the cage they had, asked the clerk to ring it up and see how much it was. He said $59.99. Did I just get scammed, or are newer titles still full price?[/QUOTE]

You should have waited. Ashton Kutcher might have came out.

I didn't find much at the one store i still know exists. Few games on sale (nothing to bat an eye at). Some clearance stuff....Patches, keychains and stickers etc.
[quote name='Denbo32']Upset at myself, one of the bbv in nj that is near my other job had a ps3 for 87.50 that sold on Friday. I was suppose to go last Monday but forgot. When I went today I just heard them talking how they sold it.[/QUOTE]

Curious, which NJ blockbuster did you go to?
[quote name='hawaiiboy']no details yet on what or when the sale starts. yes, the blu rays have the same part # as the memorial day sale.[/QUOTE]

Thanks again for keeping us informed. I'll have to to some reconnaissance work at my local stores this week. I'd even pay $5.99 to complete some of my finds from the .99 cent sale (damn Sarah Conner Chronicles Disc 1, Girl w/ Dragon Tattoo, SAW movies, etc.).
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']I'm sorry to tell you that the remote is still $24.99 for some stupid reason. There's too much stuff on clearance to list but if it's not a bluray, DVD, or preowned game, there's a good chance it's on clearance. Posters, toys, books, keychains, smuggles etc are a few examples. Maybe someone can repost a more complete list for u. Sorry I'm trping all of this from my iPhone right now.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like all the good stuff is not on clearance. I guess I'll have to keep a close eye for when those items do go on sale.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']stores didnt get any new shipments of blu rays or $ .99 titles its just stores within our district stock balancing inventory as i imagine all districts are doing. slower stores shipping out items that arent selling to higher volume stores.[/QUOTE]

Hey hawaiiboy, do you know if all BB are clearing out their older but still new / sealed games? I've seen a couple but they are not marked clearance.
do you know if all BB are clearing out their older but still new / sealed games? I've seen a couple but they are not marked clearance.

all the older stuff should be at 75% off even if they arent marked that way. our store had about 6 different older titles and they were all 75%. LBP is $7.50, darksiders $10.00 thats all i can remember.
bread's done