The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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[quote name='soccerboy09']With these closing store will the 3 for $14.99 and 5 for 24.99 still work?[/QUOTE]
Nope!!! You only get 10% and so forth the regular price. I was at one store doing a liquidation sale where the manager said that they received all the inventory from closed stores. I looked at the piles of games and saw a bunch of $14.99 and under games. It seems like BBV knows they can get more out of a liquidation sale than the 3 for 15 and is shipping games to that one particular store. The manager even said he had stuff coming from out of state.

Also before I left I asked an employee if I can use gift cards and he said no. Not sure if that info is correct since I do not plan on purchasing anything unless there is something left before the store closes, which is unlikely because we all know that once it hits 20 - 30 percent all the soccer moms and ill informed buy everything.
[quote name='wolverinefactor']stores are closing based on when leases on buildings are up, not on sales. The busiest Blockbuster near me closed due to the rent getting jacked way up, the next busiest just started it's closing sale. Thankfully the other one i know of has its lease until 2013[/QUOTE]

It amazes me that in this economy landlords keep trying to jack up rent on businesses. 95% of these Blockbuster locations closing due to, at least in some part, the cost of rent will end up sitting vacant for one or two years minimum. Bringing down the value of the property of other stores located within the same strip.

[quote name='dgwillia006']Checked my store today and it made me laugh, all the prices were so jacked up it wasnt even funny. (And i had just been there the week before).

Used copies of Duke Nukem without the cases for 19.99 each, and a few other games that usually sold for 6.99 were jacked up to 14.99.

It makes me sad how stupid they think people must be to fall for it[/QUOTE]

Wow, this reiterates how odd the one closing near must be then. Yeah, a few games were $49.99, such as Zelda, but most were tagged at their normal used sale price. I.e. Duke and Brink were $9.99, which I know was their price before the liquidation. Several others as well. Even some of the newer titles were $5-$10 below MSRP.
News is slowly trickling out about Blockbusters' latest round of store closings.

If you Google Blockbuster store closing list 2011, you'll find a LOT of results from different areas of the country regarding closings.

For example:,0,4779144.story

For those CAG's in the Lehigh Valley(PA) area the above article states that 3 out of the 4 stores down there(Allentown, Palmer Township and Phillipsburg(NJ)) are all closing.

Google results:,cf.osb&fp=fa3c99a38456f4b5&biw=800&bih=485
[quote name='grecianfox']Someone a page or 2 back stated they traded Space Marine for $22 yesterday.[/QUOTE]

Cool, did not see that. Thanks for that man.
I'm been too busy playing my rental of Saints Row the Third the past couple weeks to head back over and check. Do any CAGs know if the store at 6th St & Bell in Phoenix, AZ is closing? That's my main BBV. Really hate to see that one go if it is.
25 days left until the only blockbuster in reasonable driving distance (about 20-30 minutes) closes :(

I really really hate to see this store gone, been going there for years. but when is usually a good time to go on to find decent-good discount prices? would love to get one more good bunch of deals there, one last time.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Yeah. You should be able to use it during the store closing sale. I know I used some credit when the one BBV around here shut down a year or two ago.

That makes me feel better. I drove by one of the two remaining Blockbusters in my area and saw the closing signs. I don't have much credit at that store, but I'd still hate to see it go to waste. I'm sure I won't find any deals on games, but I'll just use it on cheap movies.
does anyone know if you buy a previous viewed game at blockbuster and you don't like it, if you can bring it back
[quote name='jr7936']does anyone know if you buy a previous viewed game at blockbuster and you don't like it, if you can bring it back[/QUOTE]
Policy is returns of defective items only.
ah cause i got white knight chronicles, little big planet and dead to rights retribution, for 14.99 and after reading some of the reviews I don't think i will play them that much
Went to one location by me yesterday...they are closing down and would not take trade ins anymore, but were able to give me a couple of TIVs:
(360) - FEAR 3 - $17
(360) - Transformers DoTM - $19
yea im wondering too if the return policy is exactly the same even tho a store is closing? a couple of the games i bought need to go back / be switched for other copies since they're defective, do i still have 30 days or am i stuck with them since they're shutting down?
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']yea im wondering too if the return policy is exactly the same even tho a store is closing? a couple of the games i bought need to go back / be switched for other copies since they're defective, do i still have 30 days or am i stuck with them since they're shutting down?[/QUOTE]

all sales are final when they start the closing sale, so you will be hard pressed to exchange anything, but go sooner than later to even have a chance
So is there a certain procedure or schedule for the closing stores? I assume it starts off at 10% off. Do they typically sell all the rental games or ship them to other stores?
so the manager was able to exchange the games for movies. Instead of the games I wound up with the 1st 2 narnia's on blu ray and machete on blu ray.
Much better deal I think, but the best deal was at best buy.
For LA Noire and singstar + dance previously viewed 28 dollars for both, and the singstar includes 2 microphones
[quote name='Phrozenspite']The bbv in laconia nh area is closing
Have yet to check concord or the 2 manch locs for any cags that frequent there[/QUOTE]

Well my BBv in staten island NY put there CLOSING SIGN today & couldn't find any good game because there offer is 10% off on all video games. I'll wait until next week to see if it goes to 40% off.
[quote name='The_cheapest_Daddy']Well my BBv in staten island NY put there CLOSING SIGN today & couldn't find any good game because there offer is 10% off on all video games. I'll wait until next week to see if it goes to 40% off.[/QUOTE]

No way it goes from 10% to 40% in one week. It's much more likely to be 15% (20% at most). If you're waiting for 40%, you'll have to wait about a month. But by then most everything will be gone.
[quote name='mattcube64']The store in Lee's Summit, MO is closing down. Sad that it's one less store I can hit during crazy sales; but it's like 30 minutes away, so I've only hit it like three times per year.

Still have the two in Blue Springs, and one in Independence. I can't complain. Hopefully they stay for at least a couple more years.


Are you saying the other three Independence stores are closing, or just that you normally only hit up one of them?
Well I found out why there's no games for 15 or under at my store... I had though the managers pulled them just because they wanted to stealth not participate in the sale, but went by today on my way to Chipotle and BAM... FREAKING STORE CLOSING SIGN UP.

Now not only are the sales not valid but most of the games and movies are MORE expensive than they just were! WTF oh well.

It seems like there's a huge round of closings and I know people have said that it's based more on rent than sales but I still find this hard to believe. This store has been there for a LONG time and is almost consistently busy. It's also in a part of town where there's more and more empty buildings (for instance nothing ever moved into the Hollywood Video after that closed).
[quote name='JKSonic']
It seems like there's a huge round of closings and I know people have said that it's based more on rent than sales but I still find this hard to believe. This store has been there for a LONG time and is almost consistently busy. It's also in a part of town where there's more and more empty buildings (for instance nothing ever moved into the Hollywood Video after that closed).[/QUOTE]

From what I've heard about my local store it was neither rent or sales. They had cheap rent, were always busy, are the only video rental place within miles, and were supposedly the only profitable store in the district. So who knows why they chose to close it.
[quote name='dinovelvet']So is there a certain procedure or schedule for the closing stores? I assume it starts off at 10% off. Do they typically sell all the rental games or ship them to other stores?[/QUOTE]
My "favorite" BBV is closing. Don't know why. Cheap rent, only store in a 15 mile radius, always busy and turns a profit. 10% off sale started yesterday. Manager claimed they made 10K in sales since the sign went up yesterday. Why weren't all these folks buying stuff during the sales? Manager tipped me off to the fact that they were boxing up all their rental games and sending them to the store closest to me and another store I frequent about 15 miles away. Hopefully these stores will lower the price and sell them.
So, I have a game out on my pass. Did they ever intend to let me know about it or anything? How does that work? Can I return it and get a refund on my pass? Or at least cancel the damn thing?

And yeah, it is always disappointing to see how much these stores sell when they mark everything back up and then make it 10-20% off. They had great deals for years and years that went mostly unnoticed, but as soon as they put up liquidation/closing sale signs people pay more for stuff :roll:.
Went to a different store today (Apparently 2 of the 3 in the area are closing....).

Their deals were pretty decent, quite a few good games that seemed to be the same price as before the closing sales.

Nearly grabbed a copy of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (9.99) for DS, but then i realized they had like 4 copies, so im gonna wait and see if i can get it lower.
I went to transfer my combo pass at my closing store and they just canceled it and refunded me the difference of days left until the next billing cycle, so I'm gonna get $3 and change back. I asked why they were closing and I got the high rent excuse, but I doubt that as well. Next closest BBV is only 10 minutes away from my house, but if that one shuts down (which I fear won't be long the way things are going), no more combo pass for me.
ugh, tried to go to my local bbv after work today only to find it had closed early and see all these store closing signs all over the windows. and this is the store i have $60 in credit to and i doubt they'll let me transfer it to a gift card/another store. :(
[quote name='Frosty The Batman']My store is definitely staying open. I know there is a CAG in my area. The shelves are $14.99 game free and there are rows of Space Marine, LA Noire and FEAR 3.[/QUOTE]
Is Fear 3 $14.99? On what platform? Is it $14.99 on ps3?
I got Singularity, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Turning Point Fall of Liberty, Alan Wake, Brink, and Dead to Rights at 2 different BBV in VA. I did notice a CAG in area, there was 5 copies or so at both stores of Kinect Adventures. lol
[quote name='dinovelvet']So is there a certain procedure or schedule for the closing stores? I assume it starts off at 10% off. Do they typically sell all the rental games or ship them to other stores?[/QUOTE]

dont waste your time, liquidations are a total scam

all prices are jacked back up to full msrp retail then they slowly start the discounts, by the time it reaches 40-60% off is when it finally gets back to normal sale prices of non-liquidating competitors

so the only time you actually get a deal is when it hits 60-80% off and by that time nothing good is left because all the simpletons have been suckered and cleared most of it out
[quote name='thegreatjuanito']dont waste your time, liquidations are a total scam

all prices are jacked back up to full msrp retail then they slowly start the discounts, by the time it reaches 40-60% off is when it finally gets back to normal sale prices of non-liquidating competitors

so the only time you actually get a deal is when it hits 60-80% off and by that time nothing good is left because all the simpletons have been suckered and cleared most of it out[/QUOTE]

This is normally true, but as myself and at least one other person have pointed out, not all stores are doing this. Many games were marked simply with what they normally sold for used, but in many cases the games haven't been available used for some time due to them simply keeping the only copy they had left for rental. This is most true in older/cheaper games. Worth stopping in to take a look. You won't be finding MW3 for $15 or anything though.

Of the two closing in my area, both have done this with their games. One had a huge wall of $.99 movies for sale, the other jacked up their DVDs to like $12.99, so obviously not every store is being closed the same way.
[quote name='King Madness']Picked up Crackdown, UFC Undisputed 2009, and FEAR 2. Not bad, but I don't like FEAR 2 so I may return it.[/QUOTE]Returns are difficult at BBV.
[quote name='PublikDefender']Is Fear 3 $14.99? On what platform? Is it $14.99 on ps3?[/QUOTE]

He ment no 14.99 games left but ppl fliped alot of fear 3 and space marines from best buy sales i picked up fear 3 like a week ago new at best buy for 5.00 during there deal of the day
[quote name='skin21rip']He ment no 14.99 games left but ppl fliped alot of fear 3 and space marines from best buy sales i picked up fear 3 like a week ago new at best buy for 5.00 during there deal of the day[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I went to my BBV the first day of the sale and got some stuff for me and my brother. (one flip) Then the next day almost all the $14.99 games were gone. I talked to my friend at Best Buy and he said he got a ton of Harry Potters and other games from BBV. Now BBV is stalked with all the recent sales from BB.

I'm glad my store is staying open. I used to hate these BBV threads when I lived in Massachusetts. Nearest store was over an hour away. Then I moved and had 3 around 15 minutes of me. Now it's just the one. I only buy games for myself or gifts but was guilty of the KA trades. (just 3)
There was a drop at my BBv store today. Homefront for both ps3 and 360 dropped to 14.99 also L.A. Noire dropped to 14.99. These fell in to the 3/15 and 5/25 sale.
[quote name='royalbliss1']There was a drop at my BBv store today. Homefront for both ps3 and 360 dropped to 14.99 also L.A. Noire dropped to 14.99. These fell in to the 3/15 and 5/25 sale.[/QUOTE]

I asked about LA Noire when I was at my store not 20 minutes ago. They said $29.99.
[quote name='adamgould']Ok, so was hawaiiboy abducted? His posts are the only reason I look at this thread.[/QUOTE]
I can't believe he took some time off around the holidays instead of sticking around to give us updates on a weeks old sale. What a jerk, maybe they can drop the ban hammer on him for not valuing our needs rather than his own.
[quote name='BudzMcGee']This is normally true, but as myself and at least one other person have pointed out, not all stores are doing this. Many games were marked simply with what they normally sold for used, but in many cases the games haven't been available used for some time due to them simply keeping the only copy they had left for rental. This is most true in older/cheaper games. Worth stopping in to take a look. You won't be finding MW3 for $15 or anything though.

Of the two closing in my area, both have done this with their games. One had a huge wall of $.99 movies for sale, the other jacked up their DVDs to like $12.99, so obviously not every store is being closed the same way.[/QUOTE]

I saw stickers on a LOT of stuff but most times the stickers contradicted what the signs right above them said. For instance there were tones of blurays for 7.99 on the wall but above them there was a sign for 12.99. Same with the games, quite a few had different prices but they also had a sign above that said "10% off original price" wtf that means I don't know. I guess if I get time it's worth asking...but I'm still getting screwed when at non-closing stores you can do the sale going on now.
Back to work and what a nice surprise. Price drops effective today 12/29.

Call of Juarez: the cartel $19.99
Captain America $19.99
Deux ex human revolution $19.99
Fear 3 $19.99
Green lantern $19.99
Homefront $14.99
L.a. Noire $14.99
Red faction Armageddon $19.99
Warhammer 40k $19.99


Call of Juarez $19.99
Deus ex $19.99
Fear 3 $19.99
Gears 3 $39.99
Green lantern $19.99
Homefront $14.99
La noire $14.99
Operation flashpoint red river $29.99
Red faction Armageddon $19.99
Warhammer $19.99

Just a reminder all $14.99 and under titles qualify for the $3 for $15 and 5 for $25 sale and this is supposed to be the last week for the sale. I believe it will run thru close of business on monday but not 100% on that. If its not ringing up properly at ur store ask them to accept the price changes. Any manger can do it and takes like 30 sec
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[quote name='hawaiiboy']Back to work and what a nice surprise. Price drops effective today 12/29.

Call of Juarez: the cartel $19.99
Captain America $19.99
Deux ex human revolution $19.99
Fear 3 $19.99
Green lantern $19.99
Homefront $14.99
L.a. Noire $14.99
Red faction Armageddon $19.99
Warhammer 40k $19.99


Call of Juarez $19.99
Deus ex $19.99
Fear 3 $19.99
Gears 3 $39.99
Green lantern $19.99
Homefront $14.99
La noire $14.99
Operation flashpoint red river $29.99
Red faction Armageddon $19.99
Warhammer $19.99

Just a reminder all $19.99 and under titles qualify for the $3 for $15 and 5 for $25 sale and this is supposed to be the last week for the sale. I believe it will run thru close of business on monday but not 100% on that. If its not ringing up properly at ur store ask them to accept the price changes. Any manger can do it and takes like 30 sec[/QUOTE]

When did the sale change to include $19.99 and under games? Today? I'm going to head over to BBV immediately and pick up some games...
bread's done