The Boycott Circuit City Thread

[quote name='speedy1961']I never have although there are some who now see fit to vilify me as some mad criminal mastermind.

A Cease & Decist would have worked rather nicely in this instance but CC is "demanding" a witch-burning on this one.

And lest we forget, I had been doing this reporting type thing for 2 years with none of the Big 3 complaining.

It's bad enough that I have to move. :cry:[/QUOTE]

whoa I didn't notice this response til now. I am sorry to hear that a C&D order wasn't given instead. That would have been a slap on the wrist but some fuck heads at CC and Sony Corp. want someone to burn...and that's not nice to pick on the little guy like that. I really hope they just leave you alone as you got the message (rudely I may add :( ).

CC just needs to fucking grow up... just cause BB is making more money then them it doesn't mean that they have to start bitching everytime something like this happens.
[quote name='Terabyte7']This really made up my mind whether to apply for a job at Circuit City or not...

On another note...I say we all make t-shirts that read "Free Speedy" and walk around CC wearing them. :)[/quote]

I pondered having several different types of shirts made up a while ago, including the following:

For use when going to Gamestop: "An opened game CANNOT BE CONSIDERED NEW!! "

For when going to Circuit City: "One of (number of fired long time employees), boycott Circuit City!"

I also thought of making a shirt that simply said CAGs site with this slogan on the back: "WHY pay retail for your games and movies?" But, I figured that it might attract more FW type hoarders here, so I didn't do it.

Of course, I WASN'T one of the long time CC employees, so I wouldn't dare wear a shirt like that, but THAT is the reason I stopped shopping there.

Although, just recently, I PM'd a receipt from Best Buy when I bought a copy of the God Of War II guide for a penny at one of their stores.

Now, imagine if anyone who bought a copy of that guide from BB were to PM and buy up ALL of CC's copies of the same guide for a cent each? $17.98 per book in losses EACH.

Multiply that by even 100k copies and that's almost 2 mil in losses. :whistle2:D Just an idea....not that it'll work, since you'll get the 'we're not gonna PM something for a penny' employees like I got the last couple times. But, it's worth a shot and a way to 'stick it to them' that would probably work better than an all out boycott.

[quote name='electronicmaji']Shitty as Best Buy? Well Best Buy has always been great to me. Heck I brought a iPod and got a 3 year warranty; good thing too because I had to have it replaced 3 times because I accidentally left them in my pants.....and they went throught the wash[/quote]

How the HELL do you forget an Ipod not once, not twice but three fuckin times in your pants? All of my expensive electronic gadgets are always well looked after and I've never forgotten anything(outside of the usual pocket change or in one or two instances a pack of gum)in my pocket before tossing my clothes in the wash.
I'd like to point out, as an employee of Circuit City, that I've never heard management complain about any of this... It seems to only be a few whiners up in corporate. Boycotting all the CC retail stores will honestly accomplish very little-- Contacting corporate is the way to go.

Each store is run by different people... some are really shitty, but the store I work at doesn't warrant a lot of the complaints I hear. We're well trained, encouraged to learn more about the products we sell, and we generally love to make our customers happy. Sure, we're a business, but our store chose to not sacrifice customer service and common decency. I honestly only chose to work here due to the service I received as a customer. And no, this hasn't hurt us...we're consistantly number one in practically everything for our region.

So if your CC is shitty, shop at a store with good customer service in your area: BB, a better CC, or a smaller retailer. Support stores that deserve it. Blanket statements like "CC sucks!" just shows how ignorant people can be. I certainly wouldn't want to help someone with an attitude like that in my store (Although I would anyway :).)

If you're pissed about this situation, like I am, write to corporate! Don't punish those employees (like me!) who really enjoy helping and educating customers.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I pondered having several different types of shirts made up a while ago, including the following:

For use when going to Gamestop: "An opened game CANNOT BE CONSIDERED NEW!! "

You should change it to, a used title should be marked 50% off a brand new current title... NOT 5 bucks off, when the poor bastard who traded it in got 10 bucks for it while you sell it for 3 times that much USED.
[quote name='mail5009645']They're really just as shitty as best buy. If only there was a decent electronics shop here in the states! :roll:[/QUOTE]
Fry's really is the premiere electronics store. I went to the one in Sacramento when I was on vacation and you can't even imagine how amazing that place is. Its too bad that they haven't expanded beyond the southern and western US but then again with an increase in size its likely that they could go the way of Best Buy and Circuit City and just be yet another mega-corporation...
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Fry's really is the premiere electronics store. I went to the one in Sacramento when I was on vacation and you can't even imagine how amazing that place is. Its too bad that they haven't expanded beyond the southern and western US but then again with an increase in size its likely that they could go the way of Best Buy and Circuit City and just be yet another mega-corporation...[/quote]

It's funny that you say that because that same Fry's does suck in the customer service area, when looking for CDs, DVDs, games... But for bigger priced items, hell you got the attention of a rockstar... Now that I live in between the San Jose & Sacramento Fry's, I tend to head out to the SJ Fry's... Items are usually at the same price and I dont feel like I'm out of place there...
Alright, we all know that Bioshock is gonna be a big game and I'm sure many on this board will be buying it. Looking at the ads, if you want to buy it at a BM it looks like Circuit City has the best deal. I encourage EVERYONE to price match it at a competitor, and send an email or letter to circuit city telling them you did it. With the recent legal actions taken against the almighty Speedy, we need to unite in a boycott. With price matching this can easily be done. I also suggest that we start some kind of petition online, that states if any legal action is taken against Speedy we will no longer shop at their stores and anytime they have a better deal on something we will price match it somewhere else. Encourage you friends, family, other forums, and anyone who will listen to do the same. Granted this won't have any immediate results, but between this site, FW, SD, and other sites we can make our anger heard and felt. We need to let them know that they have woken the sleeping giant that is the consumer. :bomb:
[quote name='ITDEFX']You should change it to, a used title should be marked 50% off a brand new current title... NOT 5 bucks off, when the poor bastard who traded it in got 10 bucks for it while you sell it for 3 times that much USED.[/quote]

For every moron who will accept $10 for a copy of Bioshock that was only played once, another moron will come in and buy that same copy of Bioshock for $54.99 just to save a couple of bucks.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']For every moron who will accept $10 for a copy of Bioshock that was only played once, another moron will come in and buy that same copy of Bioshock for $54.99 just to save a couple of bucks.[/quote]

That's NOT me, though I guess many just don't give a fuck, since I offered the one guy who was getting $15 in trade credit for God Of War II $20 for it CASH on the spot right IN a Gamestop LAST weekend. He said NO and went to look for a game or two for the 360 he was getting with the credit from his games and the extra $$$ he was gonna be paying on TOP of that.

Ahhh well...I'm just annoyed that I didn't have the patience to wait for a copy of The Godfather for Xbox, since I think it's like $9 @ TRU now. I paid $36ish from Gamestop when I had an assload of credit. Mind ya, I only bought it used because that way EA doesn't get a fuckin dime of my money, even though the equally evil Gamestop gets it all.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']That's NOT me, though I guess many just don't give a fuck, since I offered the one guy who was getting $15 in trade credit for God Of War II $20 for it CASH on the spot right IN a Gamestop LAST weekend. He said NO and went to look for a game or two for the 360 he was getting with the credit from his games and the extra $$$ he was gonna be paying on TOP of that.

Ahhh well...I'm just annoyed that I didn't have the patience to wait for a copy of The Godfather for Xbox, since I think it's like $9 @ TRU now. I paid $36ish from Gamestop when I had an assload of credit. Mind ya, I only bought it used because that way EA doesn't get a fuckin dime of my money, even though the equally evil Gamestop gets it all.[/quote]

I'm just glad at times I'm such a tight wad that I balk at sales GS has (like the B2G1 Used game sale they had a while back).

I laugh when I go in and see a used copy of Harvest Moon DS for $29.99 when I can goto Best Buy and get a new copy for $9.99.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I pondered having several different types of shirts made up a while ago, including the following:

For use when going to Gamestop: "An opened game CANNOT BE CONSIDERED NEW!! "

For when going to Circuit City: "One of (number of fired long time employees), boycott Circuit City!"

I also thought of making a shirt that simply said CAGs site with this slogan on the back: "WHY pay retail for your games and movies?" But, I figured that it might attract more FW type hoarders here, so I didn't do it.

Of course, I WASN'T one of the long time CC employees, so I wouldn't dare wear a shirt like that, but THAT is the reason I stopped shopping there.

Although, just recently, I PM'd a receipt from Best Buy when I bought a copy of the God Of War II guide for a penny at one of their stores.

Now, imagine if anyone who bought a copy of that guide from BB were to PM and buy up ALL of CC's copies of the same guide for a cent each? $17.98 per book in losses EACH.

Multiply that by even 100k copies and that's almost 2 mil in losses. :whistle2:D Just an idea....not that it'll work, since you'll get the 'we're not gonna PM something for a penny' employees like I got the last couple times. But, it's worth a shot and a way to 'stick it to them' that would probably work better than an all out boycott.

How the HELL do you forget an Ipod not once, not twice but three fuckin times in your pants? All of my expensive electronic gadgets are always well looked after and I've never forgotten anything(outside of the usual pocket change or in one or two instances a pack of gum)in my pocket before tossing my clothes in the wash.[/QUOTE]

iPod nano; tiny as fuck and doesn't weight shit. Secondly I didn't do the load those times my mom did. If I had I probably would of caught it ....also before I had an iPod I had a sansa mp3 player and the same thing happened to it but I didnt have a warranty on it....

no ones perfect....I do everything else well but when it comes to small mp3 players in pants pocket...sometimes I forget mmmmmmmmmmk
I think I've only bought two things from circuit city in my life, so never going back won't cause me any problems.
Devil's advocate here. Albeit an ignorant one.

I always figured Speedy was someone who at the very least was working for a company that did business with CC. Assuming this, I'm sure there was some sort of rule or NDA in place at said company that said "don't leak this."

Why should we be upset that CC is protecting their private information? Leaking this information hurts their business. Can you blame them?
You know, if you think CC is right for going after Speedy, that's one thing. But threating legal action against Cheapy? That's over the line.
Not only have I gotten a lot of shitty costumer service from CC, they are stupid, last time i'll ever go there.
[quote name='sdp']Not only have I gotten a lot of shitty costumer service from CC, they are stupid, last time i'll ever go there.[/QUOTE]

Both CC's in my area are run by attractive females who know nothing about what they are selling. So yeah, you usually get pretty crappy service.
I've stayed out of this but a boycott is just silly. If the PS3 is where the line was drawn isn't it safe to assume it is Sony bringing the hammer down? Wouldn't your fight be better served by boycotting Sony and burning all your games?

The tiny amount of people boycotting is infinitesimal to CC and does nothing to help speedy or cheapy. And as pointed out by Cheapy, CC ad supports this site which in turn helps pay the legal bill. So in a sick-twisted-roundabout way, buying at CC helps more than boycotting.
I usually buy things from them that they lose money on, now I'll make sure I only buy things if they're losing money. That's the best I can do. :p I hardly ever go anyway....

Hell I'll boycott Sony too, I don't buy anything from them anyway.
Picked up my copy of DOA4 for $19.99+tax today, after a bit of waiting. Turns out the UPC on the flyer is for the PC games, so it took a bit of searching by CC employees to find the XBox360 code, which they never did. Instead they just manually knocked off $10. Got the Non-GH copy too :).

As for Speedy/CC, the issue hasn't amounted to much aside from CAGs choosing sides. Need I remind you all that taking sides and not shopping at CC does NOTHING for Speedy, we've all done nothing but bicker at one another on whether or not we're affecting CC's sales.

WHO fuckING CARES. A fellow CAG is the one that needs our help. Instead of not spending your money at CC, why not donate to helping Speedy's cause. I'd rather see a lawyer defend Speedy successfully than us attempting to hurt CC's bottom line and Speedy paying the price from our lack of unity.

Shop at CC, be a CheapAssGamer to the core, it's what we are, it's what unites us. But rally behind Speedy, rally behind the effort to support him, a single man, a single CAG. Boycotting CC is NOT doing that, but donating to a "Save Speedy" fund (if one exists, or if donating is your thing) will.

Thank CheapyD for jumping to Speedy's defense, and help out. Rally behind Speedy and CheapyD, and let's fight this as a community...not in CC's bank account or store floors, but in court, where the REAL FIGHT is, and the REAL CONSEQUENCES WILL BE DEALT.

[quote name='HotShotX']Picked up my copy of DOA4 for $19.99+tax today, after a bit of waiting. Turns out the UPC on the flyer is for the PC games, so it took a bit of searching by CC employees to find the XBox360 code, which they never did. Instead they just manually knocked off $10. Got the Non-GH copy too :).

As for Speedy/CC, the issue hasn't amounted to much aside from CAGs choosing sides. Need I remind you all that taking sides and not shopping at CC does NOTHING for Speedy, we've all done nothing but bicker at one another on whether or not we're affecting CC's sales.

WHO fuckING CARES. A fellow CAG is the one that needs our help. Instead of not spending your money at CC, why not donate to helping Speedy's cause. I'd rather see a lawyer defend Speedy successfully than us attempting to hurt CC's bottom line and Speedy paying the price from our lack of unity.

Shop at CC, be a CheapAssGamer to the core, it's what we are, it's what unites us. But rally behind Speedy, rally behind the effort to support him, a single man, a single CAG. Boycotting CC is NOT doing that, but donating to a "Save Speedy" fund (if one exists, or if donating is your thing) will.

Thank CheapyD for jumping to Speedy's defense, and help out. Rally behind Speedy and CheapyD, and let's fight this as a community...not in CC's bank account or store floors, but in court, where the REAL FIGHT is, and the REAL CONSEQUENCES WILL BE DEALT.

I wish I could fit that into a sig.

I belive a photoshop is in order:
[quote name='Doomed']I wish I could fit that into a sig.

I belive a photoshop is in order:
[/quote]Someone did that already, I think.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Someone did that already, I think.[/quote]

If they did, it deserves a place of honor in my sig! REVEAL YOURSELF!:D
[quote name='ITDEFX']unfortunitly no one knows who "Speedy" is outside of Cag :([/quote]

Sure we do, little guy runs around alot yelliing "Arribba, Arribba"...

"Speedy knows your sister."
I read over CC's complaint and....I can't believe an attorney would take their case.

CC is basing their lawsuit on....message board posts? Where is the "loss of revenue" they talk so much about? Either provide month-to-month sales data/graphs or don't bother with a suit.
[quote name='guyinga']I read over CC's complaint and....I can't believe an attorney would take their case.

CC is basing their lawsuit on....message board posts? Where is the "loss of revenue" they talk so much about? Either provide month-to-month sales data/graphs or don't bother with a suit.[/QUOTE]
The general consensus is that CC's strategy is being masterminded by a 2L. :D
[quote name='ITDEFX']unfortunitly no one knows who "Speedy" is outside of Cag :([/QUOTE]

I'd say he has a bigger following over on DVDtalk where he posts basically the entire ad, not just game deals. He initially posts movies and games, but will post anything anyone requests, which usually entails all the tvs and or computers.

[quote name='HotShotX']

Thank CheapyD for jumping to Speedy's defense, and help out. Rally behind Speedy and CheapyD, and let's fight this as a community...not in CC's bank account or store floors, but in court, where the REAL FIGHT is, and the REAL CONSEQUENCES WILL BE DEALT.


:lol: You do realize that he was stealing corporate information and providing it to the masses, which could be construed as providing it to the competitors as well. If they find out who he is, there will be no "real fight" and the only "real consequences" that will be dealt will be the judge's gavel coming down on Speedy. It only sounds frivolous now because no one has a clue who he is or where to find him. Once they do, he is fucked.

I appreciate the guy's work, but I'm not ignorant enough to ignore the fact that he was in the wrong. Even he knew that. I wish him luck though. I can't blame CC for wanting to protect their investments. They may be going about it wrong, but they are in the right, not Speedy. So boycotting is quite naive.
Darn.... i found out about the boycott too late. I just bought a 1080p HDMI dvd player. Not a bad deal, 60 bux. DAMN YOU! CHEAP CHINESE LABOR!!!!
I was on the fence about the boycott until today. I read the complaint and motion to quash posted on the frontpage. If CC is going to release the sharks, they should at least hire ones with teeth! 2L is a bit of a compliment, IMHO.

I'm boycotting CC and SONY and asking everyone I know to do the same. Yes, I know it doesn't amount to much, but every little bit DOES help.

In fact, I just got back from a trip to CC to get the CEO/Corporate PR Intern email addy from the manager (and scope out the situation, natch). While I was waiting for the manager to look it up, a 20 something guy was going to pick up Forza 2. I told him about the BestBuy $49.99 sale price starting Sunday-he was skeptical. I explained about CAG and the early deals, explained the legal attack on Speedy and why I was there. He asked once more if I was sure he could get it for $10 cheaper if he waited until Sunday at BB. The manager overheard and told him that if he bought it today, CC would PM for 30 days. The guy laughed and walked out, saying, "I guess he's right about the price. Screw Circuit City-Information wants to be free."

The look on the magager's face as I took the printout from his hand was what pushed me into the boycott column. Each one teach one and it will grow exponentially. You have no power except that which you choose to exert.
Since you people that are so passionately boycotting CC are surely going to do it all the way - not just selectively and as a matter of convenience, I take it that the rest of us won't be graced by your presence on this site?

I mean after all, CC is a CAG affiliate - right?
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Since you people that are so passionately boycotting CC are surely going to do it all the way - not just selectively and as a matter of convenience, I take it that the rest of us won't be graced by your presence on this site?

I mean after all, CC is a CAG affiliate - right?[/quote]

Nope I believe Cag relies heavily on google ads. The ads tie to the content on the pages and since the word circuit shitty is all over the site of course they come up more. CC probably has a min bid per 1000 impressions for tons of words and actually so cag is just collecting more money from cc now through google. If it wasn't cc it would be someone else...
[quote name='vectorscalar']I was on the fence about the boycott until today. I read the complaint and motion to quash posted on the frontpage. If CC is going to release the sharks, they should at least hire ones with teeth! 2L is a bit of a compliment, IMHO.

I'm boycotting CC and SONY and asking everyone I know to do the same. Yes, I know it doesn't amount to much, but every little bit DOES help.

In fact, I just got back from a trip to CC to get the CEO/Corporate PR Intern email addy from the manager (and scope out the situation, natch). While I was waiting for the manager to look it up, a 20 something guy was going to pick up Forza 2. I told him about the BestBuy $49.99 sale price starting Sunday-he was skeptical. I explained about CAG and the early deals, explained the legal attack on Speedy and why I was there. He asked once more if I was sure he could get it for $10 cheaper if he waited until Sunday at BB. The manager overheard and told him that if he bought it today, CC would PM for 30 days. The guy laughed and walked out, saying, "I guess he's right about the price. Screw Circuit City-Information wants to be free."

The look on the magager's face as I took the printout from his hand was what pushed me into the boycott column. Each one teach one and it will grow exponentially. You have no power except that which you choose to exert.[/quote]

Only problem I have with this is....are you teaching a CAG or a future fuckin hoarder who will steal every damned copy of every last clearance game and Ebay them, leaving none for those who might PLAY them?

There has to be a balance in teaching some about CAG or not. You have to be a good judge of character, young grasshopper.

For if you are not, then this site will turn into the next SD or FW, with hoarders and lurkers galore.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Only problem I have with this is....are you teaching a CAG or a future fuckin hoarder who will steal every damned copy of every last clearance game and Ebay them, leaving none for those who might PLAY them?

There has to be a balance in teaching some about CAG or not. You have to be a good judge of character, young grasshopper.

For if you are not, then this site will turn into the next SD or FW, with hoarders and lurkers galore.[/quote]

Do people still hoard video games?
I was boycotting Sony already this gen because I don't like their business plan or some of their advertising ideas. I would jump on the boycott CC bandwagon but the local Best Buy is never stocked with anything while CC has just about everything I need all the time.
[quote name='kjauburn']Nope I believe Cag relies heavily on google ads. The ads tie to the content on the pages and since the word circuit shitty is all over the site of course they come up more. CC probably has a min bid per 1000 impressions for tons of words and actually so cag is just collecting more money from cc now through google. If it wasn't cc it would be someone else...[/QUOTE]

Exactly. The ads also help pay for the lawyers, so CC is funding CAG's defense.

I've been advocating for a couple of weeks now NOT to boycott CC. We're the smart consumers, the ones who know what to buy because it's a great price. We're not consumers who go in for something and have a high attach rate. We see something on sale, and we buy only what's on sale. So if we stop shopping there, while CC's overall sales might drop a percentage or two, the profit margin will actually rise. Do we really want that?

If someone really wanted to hurt CC, they would reduce their buying from them to PMing to get the extra 10%, anything to dip into the profits. Buy loss leaders, and loss leaders only. What you would be looking to do is dive into the profit any way you could. A more extreme example would be to go in and out of the store or keep the doors open to keep AC or heating bills high.

But, you know, I'd never advocate doing stuff like that at all.
bread's done