The CAG Backlog Support Group.

I just finished Resistance. It really holds up for such an 'old' game. I didn't get any glitches or crashes. My only complaints are the no health recuperation/refill issue on the 1st level and the lack of trophies. It was a pretty smooth playthrough on normal. It would be fun to play co-op on hard.

I should rent fighters at Gamestop. None of them seem worth it to me or just avoid them all together. Tekken 7, UMC I, Street Fighter V, Blazblue etc.

Anyone else think about becoming a PC gamer. I find that while I do play exclusives on my PS4 and 3DS I spend more time on my PC and since I purge my collection for the next console wave I am constantly rebuying games on PC I want to keep. Then again I usually pay $.25-9 for the PC games.
I don't know if you've tried Injustice 2 yet, but that is probably the best fighter in terms of content now. The Mortal Kombat games are really good too. I thought Tekken 7 was great, but it did appeal to the hardcore crowd a bit more. The single player content was kind of barebones. And Blazblue/Guilty Gear are usually filled with single player stuff, it's just really niche-like and seems low budget.

So you really just have to know where to look, like Injustice is your best bet. But Street Fighter V and MvCI are by far the worse value and have the least content for their price.

I actually have the complete opposite feeling. I recently bought a gaming laptop. Not the best specs but it'll run everything better than a console can. But I still have a lingering desire to keep gaming on PS4, just because it's so convenient, everyone I know is there, my trophies and game collection is there, and I've already established all my communities and stream and stuff.

Also, I beat Firewatch today. I don't know what the deal is with all the praise this game gets. I mean it looks pretty and it's really artistic and stuff. But the story and gameplay just doesn't do it for me. It's one of those really Artsy games that everyone seems to love but I don't get the deeper meaning of. I guess it's like Abstract Art for me, maybe I need an art/literature major to explain it to me.

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Anyone else think about becoming a PC gamer.
YES!! Just point me in a direction where I can purchase a good/powerful starter rig (something that is better than any console on the market) that is easily customizable. My budget is up to $2000. ALSO, I will be using my 4K Samsung KS8000 as a monitor - so no need for an additional screen.

UPDATE on Backlog progress:

Beat -

Battlefield Hardline

Mortal Kombat X

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

No, I have not forgotten about Dragon Age: Origins and will definitely play later - I don't have an Xbox One anymore but will in November. : )

I will be off all next week so I will definitely have some time to knock out the's just hard to decided what to play next.

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I finished resistance 2 on "difficult" yesterday. I'm going to take a long break before playing 3. I might doe some trophy cleanup eventhough a platinum is no longer possible. Two games in a week is a lot for me, so I probably won;t be playing much anytime soon!

Wow, Red Faction 2 sucks. The controls are worse than the first game and I'm at a point where the graphics made it look like I'm surrounded by smoke and I'm getting shot at from all over the place. All this after the annoying start screen where I have to select the level where I left off instead of just continuing. 

I hope Armaggedon and Guerilla are better than those PS2 Red Faction's.

Yooka Laylee has been sitting in my backlog for months now. Any thoughts on it? I was really interested in it for a long time, but it feels like it's slowly becoming a permanent part of my backlog well I get distracted by new games. Every time it comes off the shelf I get distracted by something new. This time it was Danganronpa V3 (Which is fantastic) and then with Cuphead Friday I just don't see it happening anytime soon. Is it worth putting some time into?  

Beat Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 3. Wondering if I could of recruited more people with my choices but it wasn't bad 1 hour or 1.5 which is the usual.

Beaten 32
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Purchases

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Steamworld Dig 2 Super Mario Odyssey

Oct Layton's Mystery Journey The Evil Within 2 South Park: The Fractured but Whole

Nov Sonic Forces

Could easily build a 1060 rig for less then $1000 if you want to buy prebuilt that would be easy enough to.
YES!! Just point me in a direction where I can purchase a good/powerful starter rig (something that is better than any console on the market) that is easily customizable. My budget is up to $2000. ALSO, I will be using my 4K Samsung KS8000 as a monitor - so no need for an additional screen.
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Lemme just check my Steam profile on HLTB real quick...


Yeah, no.

Playing the new XCOM expansion and just started Metroid last night. 

regarding xcom ... war of chosen: The game crashes and my file got corrupted. 30 hours lost. Started a new file ... grumble. The game is great, and I'm really upset, but what you going to do? 

Metroid is just wow. So much fun to play that thing while hanging out in bed watching tv. 

Sept. 29 is SNES Classic release. Likely I won't open mine for a few months because that's something I apparently do for whatever reason. Likely the backlog. 

Beat Steamworld Dig 2. Short think it was 6 maybe 7 hours was planning on getting on PSN but could not find it so I went PC was not really worth it in my opinion. It was a great game but the content was lacking. Was thinking about buying Ys 8 on PS4 but the news about all the DLC has me thinking PC might be better and moddable. Waiting on Ys 8 release on PC and Layton on 3DS October 4th.

Beaten 33
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Purchases

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Super Mario Odyssey

Oct Layton's Mystery Journey The Evil Within 2 South Park: The Fractured but Whole

Nov Sonic Forces
Finally beat Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void campaign, effectively finishing the entire Starcraft 2 trilogy. Pretty nice ending to it that wraps everything up. It doesn't end on a cliff hanger, so we might have to way more than 10 years for the next game. Definitely one of the hallmarks of space sci-fi though.

I finished resistance 2 on "difficult" yesterday. I'm going to take a long break before playing 3. I might do some trophy cleanup eventhough a platinum is no longer possible. Two games in a week is a lot for me, so I probably won;t be playing much anytime soon!
ok I lied. I did my trophy cleanup on Superhuman and ended up finishing the game again to get the "very rare" trophy. It was the same as "difficult" except some boss hits are 1 hit kills and there are more enemies.

OK so as I near the end of this vacation the only game that I have been frustratingly playing is Horizon Zero Dawn. I say frustratingly because 1. This game is surely a time sink and 2. the reason why it has been a frustrating time sink for me is because I have been playing this game all wrong - adding an unnecessary challenge, making this game harder. I might be half way through this game and I have been playing it without using Concentration - a skill that I added in the very beginning but did not know I did. I honestly do not know how I missed that. I have died SOOO many times and raged so much that I was about to quit this game.

Now I love it and REALLY want to start this game all over again knowing what I know now.
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Been awhile so I posted in this thread. I beat mass effect andromeda. I did the main campaign and all the relationship and planet side missions. It was a relatively enjoyable time that was made less enjoyable every time I thought of all the other games I could have been playing in the back log. I don't know my playtime but I've definitely been chipping away at this for the past 3 weeks- month give or take.
Got Batman Episode 2, Ys 8 PS4 and Layton's Mystery Journey came in from my online order. Really wish the PSN drop said new episodes were coming out. Might beat Episode 2 tonight and play some Layton to decide if I should trade it in.

Keeping it well a 40 hour 60 hour and 2 hour game with 5 20 hour games incoming and probably a ton of 2 hour telltale game episodes. So 220 hours worth of gamss

Beaten 33
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Layton's Mystery Journey
Future Purchases
Super Mario Odyssey
Oct The Evil Within 2 South Park: The Fractured but Whole Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Nov Sonic Forces Mario Party Top 100
Dec Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition
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been sick for the last several weeks so haven't played much. I'm finally getting around to the resistance games since it fits October. The first resistance is actually really fun so far. Also pretty difficult.

So, I finally beat XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. This is the new expansion version of the game. I got it for PS4 and there's a lot here to justify the price, IMO. 

However, this game is totally broken for the PS4. Freezes happen often, game play comes to crawl often as well. The camera can be a pain, too, but that doesn't happen a lot. 

I initially did an Ironman run, which means once your troops die, they die for good. It's intense playing on Ironman, but it's also a lot of fun. Here's the thing: About 25 hours in, the game froze and when I reloaded my save was corrupted. In Ironman, you cannot save scum, as you get one save only.

This meant I had to start over. I made a rant/vent on XCOM over at Reddit and members told me I was a cry baby and "that's XCOM," which is kinda funny, but also infuriating after losing 25 hours of play. 

But starting over isn't that bad. During my second run, I was now familiar with the game mechanics and could optimize early game building, strategy, priorities, etc. I did not enable Ironman on my second run; no way I was risking another 25 hours. What really sucks about this game is the vast majority of the time, if you restart, it's not because of a bonehead move you made, but because of a glitch from the game. 

Add in the factor that loads take 5 - 8 minutes (!) and it gets really frustrating. 

It's crazy, though, that despite these game-breaking bugs, the game is still a lot of fun.

There is nothing with this much granularity in terms of strategy. You have to build structures, research weapons, spend money on gear, raid alien bases -- every one of these decisions comes with PROs and CONs. More so, the biggest reason this game is so popular with people is you cannot top the satisfaction you get when you come up with a creative solution to get yourself out of a jam. It almost feels like you have all the tools to escape -- and maybe you need some luck -- but your approach is life or death for your team. 

The new units that join with you are a lot of fun, too. I liked the Reapers, which are the stealthy version of units you get. These guys are awesome and can completely turn the tide of battle in your favor. The new content in War of the Chosen really shines early to mid game. As you near end game, however, XCOM 2 suddenly feels like the one that came out in 2015. The right move would have been to add a new final stage, as the new stuff you get (like ultimate weapons from Chosen) make the final stage a lot easier.

Also, this is easily one of those games where time flies so fast it's insane. All too often I'd start playing at 3pm on a Saturday and before I know it, I haven't eaten, everyone is asleep and it's 2am lol. It's that addicting. 

Conclusion: Extremely buggy game for the PS4 (I'd get for X1 if it was option, or PC ideally), but it is perhaps the best strategy game ever created. Yea, that's how I feel and I love my strategy games. 

Highly recommend if you really enjoyed Vanilla XCOM 2, but be prepared to get frustrated at times. 

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Beat Batman Episode 2 and will start Ys 8 until episode 4 of Guardians releases Tuesday. The episode was 1-2 hours didn't time myself and had some major decisions. I think the inclusion of late game percentages on character interactions should be added to other TellTale Games. I feel I made some major mistakes but most of the time the changes are superficial at best so I am not to worried about it.

Beaten 33
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
Future Purchases
Super Mario Odyssey
Oct The Evil Within 2 South Park: The Fractured but Whole Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Nov Sonic Forces Mario Party Top 100
Dec Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition 

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This is that sad point of year where my backlog grows and grows because I can't stop playing Madden. Madden has to be the biggest cause of my growing backlog and my lack of working through it over the years...

This is that sad point of year where my backlog grows and grows because I can't stop playing Madden. Madden has to be the biggest cause of my growing backlog and my lack of working through it over the years...
Stop buying games and get them cheap. I question my backlog I am enjoying the games I have less and less because of how I play them. I try to beat games ASAP because I know there will be another in a week or two only to learn the game takes a day or 60 hours to beat only to be stuck with nothing but Overwatch.
Stop buying games and get them cheap. I question my backlog I am enjoying the games I have less and less because of how I play them. I try to beat games ASAP because I know there will be another in a week or two only to learn the game takes a day or 60 hours to beat only to be stuck with nothing but Overwatch.
I really don't buy many (and with a few exceptions never pay more than $30 for one) it's more that missing out sense of games I know I should be playing or going back to.

Finally beat the main story of Batman Arkham Knight (not the entire story, just the Arkham Knight one) and wow, I was completely blown away. This is a great action game, and a terrific Batman game too. I would consider it one of the top 5 games on the PS4, tied with The Witcher 3 and Persona 5. It's been in the backlog for a while and I'm glad I finally got through it.

It came out early on in the PS4's lifespan, so I'm really surprised it looks so damn good, better than most recent games. The psychological tone, the crazy action, great sound track, awesome story, the game is an utter masterpiece. One of the greatest I've ever played.

Conclusion: Extremely buggy game for the PS4 (I'd get for X1 if it was option, or PC ideally), but it is perhaps the best strategy game ever created. Yea, that's how I feel and I love my strategy games.
Umm, this is really late, but have you tried loading up the back up save from PS+? Since those saves get backed up automatically.

And I've been wanting to get into that series. Should I play the 1st one first? Or does it have no impact if I start with the 2nd? Thanks!

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Umm, this is really late, but have you tried loading up the back up save from PS+? Since those saves get backed up automatically.

And I've been wanting to get into that series. Should I play the 1st one first? Or does it have no impact if I start with the 2nd? Thanks!
Yep. There is no workaround, which is messed up given how often the game crashes.

Ironman mode is unplayable on the PS4, IMO, and a lot of others.

I still need to jump back into XCOM 2 and play the new DLC. I keep hearing how great it is. Personally, I would recommend the first XCOM, simply cause its really good, but if you'd rather just jump into 2, there's not much of a story impact that isn't explained. If you go to XCOM 1, I would recommend the Enemy Within version, since it has everything in the Enemy Unknown and adds a bunch of stuff.

I've also still got the last two Arkham games in the backlog (Origins & Knight), and I need to get back to them eventually too.

I've been playing thru some older Resident Evil games for this month. I started a Whesker run in RE0, and I've also finally gotten around to playing RE6. I like the movement and shooting controls better than RE5, but this does not feel like a Resident Evil game at all. For an action game, its okay, but there's nothing survival horror about RE6.

Other than that, I've been throwing a lot of time at Suikoden V on the old PS2. I'm about 20-some hours in, and finally got my castle HQ. Really great RPG, and it might be my favorite of the series so far.

Beat Guardians Episode 4 was 2 hours long. Back to Ys 8 PS4 and Overwatch PC. Might wait to pick up Evil Within 2 until I beat Ys 8.

Beaten 33
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
Future Purchases
Super Mario Odyssey
Oct The Evil Within 2 South Park: The Fractured but Whole Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Nov Sonic Forces Mario Party Top 100
Dec Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition 

Has anyone here played Stardew Valley? 

I never got into the Harvest Moon games, but the way people talk about this game makes it sound like anyone could get addicted. It's only $15 and was thinking of snagging. 

Apologize for the late response to these.

Been going back and forth over these two so Injustice or Tekken?
Injustice has a better story mode, but I think Tekken is overall a better game.

What did you think of Yak 0?
First Yakuza game I've ever played and it was cool, but I ran into a stupid design thing that I didn't understand. At one point, early in the game, you get an item that has a very vague description. This item actually causes the enemies to become extremely difficult and every battle feels like a boss fight. I played with this for about 5 chapters and I was super confused about what was going on. With that being said, it was fun, but I recently finished Yakuza Kiwami and I liked it way more.

Disliked the Ys demo so am returning that hoping Gamestop allows the return. Trading in Evil Within 2 not liking the stealth and the new cover system. Prey will probably be my GOTY loved everything but GUTS section. I dislike Stealth based games. The Order and Vampire ps3 game were the worst offenders.

Beaten 33
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Purchases
Super Mario Odyssey
Oct South Park: The Fractured but Whole Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Nov Sonic Forces Mario Party Top 100
Dec Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition
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Just finished Horizon Zero Dawn! Wow what a game. Contrary to others, I absolutely loved the story. I suggest taking time to read as many data logs and listen to as many audio logs you can find because they give the story some much needed weight.

Back to playing Horizon Dawn. Feels strange playing a game that isn't a buggy, broken mess.
Awesome! The only thing I did not like too much was the conversations among NPCs. They feel like they can go on and on without any true purpose. They feel like Mass Effect and KotOR convos done wrong - there is rarely an opportunity to reply with a certain attitude. I recommend turning on the subtitles so you can read faster than they talk.

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Just finished Horizon Zero Dawn! Wow what a game. Contrary to others, I absolutely loved the story. I suggest taking time to read as many data logs and listen to as many audio logs you can find because they give the story some much needed weight.

Awesome! The only thing I did not like too much was the conversations among NPCs. They feel like they can go on and on without any true purpose. They feel like Mass Effect and KotOR convos done wrong - there is rarely an opportunity to reply with a certain attitude. I recommend turning on the subtitles so you can read faster than they talk.
Awesome, congrats! It's one of my favorite games too, my pick for GOTY after Persona 5.

I too loved the story, and I actually don't understand why people say it's bad. It's way better than say Uncharted or something, which gets a crazy amount of praise. I'm gonna guess the haters are actually just a loud minority. The story is so good, I can see them making an entire movie trilogy out of it.

Yeah, the data logs/audio logs/holograms, add so much to the story it's insane. Even some of the hidden Easter eggs, or little details in the environment, like the graffiti or objects scattered on the ground, have a purpose. Piecing it all together, the sub-stories are really impressive. Some of the set pieces in this game are awe-inspiring. That's just the story too. Gameplay, graphics, and soundtrack are also top-notch, a nearly perfect game.

I agree, there's a couple of details I didn't like and could nitpick about. Everyone seems to agree the dialogue needs work. They seem to go on a little too long, without much humor or purpose most of the time, just too much backstory and descriptions said out loud. Also, I don't know if it's a glitch or not, but the characters have little to no facial expressions to me. Like I rarely see laughter or anger or sadness even when they say something that should be emotional.

Awesome, congrats! It's one of my favorite games too, my pick for GOTY after Persona 5.

I too loved the story, and I actually don't understand why people say it's bad. It's way better than say Uncharted or something, which gets a crazy amount of praise. I'm gonna guess the haters are actually just a loud minority. The story is so good, I can see them making an entire movie trilogy out of it.

Yeah, the data logs/audio logs/holograms, add so much to the story it's insane. Even some of the hidden Easter eggs, or little details in the environment, like the graffiti or objects scattered on the ground, have a purpose. Piecing it all together, the sub-stories are really impressive. Some of the set pieces in this game are awe-inspiring. That's just the story too. Gameplay, graphics, and soundtrack are also top-notch, a nearly perfect game.

I agree, there's a couple of details I didn't like and could nitpick about. Everyone seems to agree the dialogue needs work. They seem to go on a little too long, without much humor or purpose most of the time, just too much backstory and descriptions said out loud. Also, I don't know if it's a glitch or not, but the characters have little to no facial expressions to me. Like I rarely see laughter or anger or sadness even when they say something that should be emotional.
QTF!!! Spot on - that’s it! So I’m playing Injustice 2 and I’m like WTF!? If only Guerrilla Games could have hired a consultant from NetherRealm, HZD would have been perfect.


Finished Injustice 2 last night and started on Until Dawn. The plan is to play a few short seemingly linear, non-open world, non-rpg games before starting another time sink.

As for Injustice 2, Nether Realm really knows how to make a damn good fighting game campaign. Capcom can definitely learn a thing or two for these guys.

Out of all the characters, for me, surprisingly Harley Quinn stole the show. I also like Flash’s new moves.

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Just an update from me here ... ended up snagging Evil Within 2 after reading a couple of reviews. I had a $25 GC from BB and it was Friday the 13th so I bit. 

Long story short: This game is a 10/10. It is amazing and the open world, exploration is really what makes it. Will provide more insight here later. Totally loving this game right now. 

Just an update from me here ... ended up snagging Evil Within 2 after reading a couple of reviews. I had a $25 GC from BB and it was Friday the 13th so I bit.

Long story short: This game is a 10/10. It is amazing and the open world, exploration is really what makes it. Will provide more insight here later. Totally loving this game right now.
The open world element somewhat ends at Chapter 3 then becomes more linear. Stealth sequences do not end with it though. I am going to beat this game despite the stealth.

Got South Park Evil Within 2 is going on the back burner. Sold Ys 8 got passed Mr flamethrower and am nearing the end of the game. Just figured out who the major villain will probably be.

Beat Evil Within 2. The game gets more and more linear. Same chase and hide from boss sections was hoping it end with the Chainsaw guy which it did sort of. Honestly if it was not for the combat and upgrade system I would of gave up a while back. Not a bad game by any means but I hate Stealth and QTEs. Will probably beat South Park in two three days. Heard it is a 15 hour game but despite the QTE I must play it for the story.

Beat South Park was going to get Wolfenstein 2 but I am tired of single player shooters. One of the things I don't understand is how the kids damage each other. I know Mysterion says only you and him have powers but how do you take down the adults and other enemies. Questioned the first game as well.

Waiting on Sonic Forces. Going to be a long wait sadly. Might go back to Overwatch.

Wondering if Kirby 3DS is the last 3DS game that is decent. To play my Switch or wait for a possible revision.

Beaten 35
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Super Mario Odyssey
Nov Sonic Forces Mario Party Top 100
Dec Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition
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Started Until Dawn after beating HZD. A few times I almost quit because it seemed like an endless walking sim but I’m SO glad I didn’t. The game started to pick up more towards the middle chapters. I still have 2 chapters to go.

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I beat bioshock remastered today with the save all little sister's ending. This was my first time through the game. It was a moderately interesting story with a solid twist. I'm happy to be moving on to something else though.
I beat bioshock remastered today with the save all little sister's ending. This was my first time through the game. It was a moderately interesting story with a solid twist. I'm happy to be moving on to something else though.
I remember when that game first came out. Beat it over a weekend and played it non stop. Such a memorable game for me, but I can see how it may not have aged well.
Finished Until Dawn. Good game but slow at times. I’m eager to play it again making a few different choices but I want to continue knocking down my backlog first. I honestly have no clue what I want to play next...maybe I’ll give one of the Metro games a try.

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Bioshock is the best game of all time, except for the original legend of Zelda. I will fight someone over this.

I've been playing Murdered: Soul Suspect. It is an interesting concept, but you don't need any detective skills (despite your character being a detective) and trying to get the game to register when you are behind an enemy is pretty annoying. Basically you just run around looking for stuff to pick up.I like the audio stories you get for collecting items, but it is disappointing because it had potential to be a decent game.

Got Mummy Demastered. Have a decent percentage right now and it is a great Metroid like game. I already prefer it more over Metroid 3DS. Will probably beat it soon due to my map percentage though. When I beat this I hope I find another neat indie game to tied me over till November 7th. It is $19.99 and given my current percentage and playtime it is short. I have a feeling it may be my game of the year if Sonic Forces isn't great. I would pick Prey but I disliked the Guts section and space sections in general. 

Beat it would not recommend the bosses generally have easy patterns and are beaten upon learning them problem is every time you die you have to fight yourself and you do not full hp. I spent at least half of my play time gathering HP to refight the bosses. This is exact thing I hated in Super Metroid somewhat except in this there is no room to refill your hp. My god is it a pain getting 3-8 bars of hp when a health drop is either 5 or 20 each bar is 100 points and you also get weapon drops despite being full. I am so pissed right now. 8 hour game 3-5 hours getting hp.

Beaten 36
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Super Mario Odyssey
Nov Sonic Forces Mario Party Top 100
Dec Resident Evil 7: biohazard - Gold Edition 

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Just finished Golf Story for Switch. Great little game for $15 and about 20 hours of gameplay. I totally recommend it for anyone that likes golf games.

Beat spec ops: the line today. Solid shooter with a good story. Only took me just over 5 hours to beat it, but I think I only paid something like 5-6 bucks for it on steam so I think I got my money's worth.
Finally getting around to Metal Gear Solid V.  I played Ground Zeroes on the PS3 when it came out, but I put off Phantom Pain for when I got a PS4. I grabbed the Definitive Edition on Black Friday last year, and stuck it in the backlog, where its stayed until now. I did a quick replay of Ground Zero, and then finished the prologue chapter.

I also put about 12 hours into No Man's Sky, and that's about as much as I care to do for this game right now. Really kinda boring, and I can easily see why it got all the hate when it launched. There's so little to do, and what there is to do is stupidly repetitive and very unrewarding. I'm glad I picked the game up for as cheap as I got it, and would have really felt ripped off if I had spent more than I did. For $13, its not terrible, but I really feel sorry for the saps who paid $60 for this.

I beat the story part of Mario Odyessy only to realize there's a bunch more game left. Without spoiling anything the post game has a cool surprise world.

Finally getting around to Metal Gear Solid V. I played Ground Zeroes on the PS3 when it came out, but I put off Phantom Pain for when I got a PS4. I grabbed the Definitive Edition on Black Friday last year, and stuck it in the backlog, where its stayed until now. I did a quick replay of Ground Zero, and then finished the prologue chapter.

I haven’t played Metal Gear Solid V but I have played Ground Zeros. One of the things I disliked most was that there was no map on the hud like the other MSG I’ve played - I had to download an app on my phone to obtain a live in-game map but it was too inconvenient imo. Does this change in MGSV or do I have to download another app?

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No map on the HUD, you still have to press Option button to see the map, as far as I've seen. I've only done the prologue and the 1st mission so far, and just now learning how to run Mother Base.  I also really miss the map, especially since it showed enemy positions, but I haven't downloaded any phone app, so I'm not sure about that.

bread's done