The CAG Backlog Support Group.

to me it is, but I can honestly see why some people might not think that it is worth the full 60 bucks. Personally I have gotten my moneys worth, and the game is just really fun. yes there may be limited maps right now, but with today's update they added a new map and weapon. I would recommend it even if the modes and maps are limited for now. Plus they will add a lot more things later on via updates, and I have had the most fun with this game so far for this year than any other game.

ps. yes the wolf among was great and I was debating on finding the rest of the fable things to get the platinum but I got distracted lol.

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[quote name="Corgstradamus" post="12719197" timestamp="1433143584"]If you played SR3 you would probably like it. It's not as a good as 3, but it's fairly cheap now if you have a ps4 the digital copy with Gat out of Hell is like 15 something. I haven't played Gat out of hell yet though.[/quote]
I nought it today and am downloading now. Can't wait
[quote name="Acd" post="12720730" timestamp="1433218662"]Anyone else think about just dumping their 360 and PS3 and going next gen entirely? Backlog is at 110 and is increasing.[/quote]
I'm to the point that i don't play my old systems but i wknt get rid,of them
Anyone else think about just dumping their 360 and PS3 and going next gen entirely? Backlog is at 110 and is increasing.
I got rid of my 360 because I had no games on it. I still have my PS3 though and working through the backlog on it. Made it a point to make at least every other game I play a PS3 game. At this point it's not worth that much so I figure I'll just keep it at least until I'm done with the games I already have.

Finished Resident Evil Revelations 2 and Platted Gat out of Hell.  Not sure what I am going to play next, probably going to focus on PS3 stuff. 

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My game playing has slowed to a crawl with the summer months.  Last played Fallout 2 weeks ago and that was for a half hour.  Before that, I hadn't had my PS3 on in a month.  Too much other stuff I'm trying to do in the summer months while it's warm.  Maybe I'll get the itch back but I'm not going to make it a task. 

I'm about 50% through Saints Row Re-Elected. Probably would have finished it but Clash of Clans is taking up too much of my time.

With this type of game I am drawn to do the sude missions but they are kinda wearing on me at this point.
It's starting to feel like a chore, like playing through the first Assassins Creed game.
I'll do some more as I don't want to start anything new Arkham Knight comes out next week. However if I can't finish it by then I'm not sure if I'll ever go back to it.
We're halfway through the year and I don't even think Im close to half the games I would have finished. My backlog has started to get out of hand, but i'll get through it eventually. I think what I'll end up doing is focusing more on the games that I've actually paid for instead of free PS+ games. 

I'm trying to play whatever I feel like but I'm not including free games from PS+ or GwG in my backlog. I'm only including games i have payed for.

I feel i am doing alright this year compared,to the last few.
It's hard to not add new games though and i find myself adding new ones just because i can get them at a great price.
That's my biggest struggle
We're halfway through the year and I don't even think Im close to half the games I would have finished. My backlog has started to get out of hand, but i'll get through it eventually. I think what I'll end up doing is focusing more on the games that I've actually paid for instead of free PS+ games.
I'm right there with you. I was going good and then work issues arose so that at the end of the day I just didn't feel like doing anything but turning off my brain and watching tv. Then I got caught up playing older games with friends on Steam L4D2 for example. And now the FFXIV expansion has released. My plans are being shot down left and right lol.

[quote name="Corgstradamus" post="12766112" timestamp="1435159594"]I finished South Park Stick of Truth last night. Going to do a little bit of post game trophy clean up and trade it in.[/quote]
I really need to finish playing this. I think i just beat genghis but that was a year ago lol
I started professor layton diabolical box and ff8 but just don't seem to have the time to play them with working so much this week D:

I started professor layton diabolical box and ff8 but just don't seem to have the time to play them with working so much this week D:
My goal was to get 3 FF games done this year as I've only played 11(mmo), 13, 14(mmo). I've been stuck on disk 3 of FF9 for 2 months now because I just don't have the time to invest where I can actually get into it.

My goal was to get 3 FF games done this year as I've only played 11(mmo), 13, 14(mmo). I've been stuck on disk 3 of FF9 for 2 months now because I just don't have the time to invest where I can actually get into it.
Play the shorter ones like Mystic Quest, Legends and others.

Well 47 360 games to go. This is getting painful but I'm doing it.

[quote name="Acd" post="12773616" timestamp="1435503906"]Play the shorter ones like Mystic Quest, Legends and others.
Well 47 360 games to go. This is getting painful but I'm doing it.[/quote]
I'm going to make a list of my backlog and try to update it. I know I'll never get through it but I'm curious lol.
Started Arkham Knight. I should have this beaten in a week or two so i can go back to finishing off saints row 4 and then start probably Dragon Age
Trying to clear my digital backlog.  Working on Demon's Souls right now on my first playthrough.  Trying to justify, if I should invest anymore time in New Game +?

My physical backlog still gathers dust, still I mustn't forget the digital one I have stupidly amassed.

Trying to clear my digital backlog. Working on Demon's Souls right now on my first playthrough. Trying to justify, if I should invest anymore time in New Game +?

My physical backlog still gathers dust, still I mustn't forget the digital one I have stupidly amassed.
Demon's Souls was addictive to me. I quit a few times but found myself going back. Finally finished it and immediately wanted to do a new game +. After you finish, I recommend looking up some of the lore. There were some things I missed that I wish I just took the time to observe.

Tried to play The Saboteur but was done with it after a few hours.

Now I've been working on Okami HD and I was loving it but now I'm finding it to drag a little. When I think it's about to end they announce that the story is only beginning. This has happened twice so far. I enjoyed the first part. The second part was good too but I couldn't wait to finish! Then when I thought it was over the story is just beginning...again!? I'm damn near 36 hours into this game.

Should I continue? Is there anything SUPER worth while left for me to finish?

I made it to the robot boss after getting the siren summon from the flying boss.  I kinda wish I had grinded a bunch of double spell cards as they are pretty nice :(.

Alright I'm back in.  Intrigued once again!  I think maybe I just needed a break.  It seems from this point (I'm in the snowy place) that I'm almost done...  

Went to GS on the 4th after picking up groceries to take advantage of the B2G1.  Picked up Dark Souls II (sealed), Deception IV and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace for PS3.  Got around to putting them on the shelf last night only to realize I already had Deception and Ragnarok. 

I have a problem.

Went to GS on the 4th after picking up groceries to take advantage of the B2G1. Picked up Dark Souls II (sealed), Deception IV and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace for PS3. Got around to putting them on the shelf last night only to realize I already had Deception and Ragnarok.

I have a problem.
This happens to me sometimes when I go to playstation blog and I see a sale. Something will be like $5 and I think what a steal! Then I go to buy it only to find I bought it who knows when.

Quick update: I finished Shadow Warrior for PS4 and if anyone has it in their backlog, I promise you won't regret playing through it.

Went to GS on the 4th after picking up groceries to take advantage of the B2G1. Picked up Dark Souls II (sealed), Deception IV and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace for PS3. Got around to putting them on the shelf last night only to realize I already had Deception and Ragnarok.

I have a problem.
Took the games back to GS, they said the only thing I could do was exchange them for items of equal value or return them since the sale was over. Traded for Persona 4 Arena and Armored Core Verdict Day.

I started professor layton diabolical box and ff8 but just don't seem to have the time to play them with working so much this week D:
The Diabolical Box is my favorite Layton game. Highly recommend you give it a shot.

Welp, my progress in my backlog has been disastrous so far. Social Media, NBA Playoffs and Splatoon have completely destroyed my backlog goals.

However, now that I'm controlling the time I spend on my phone and that the NBA is over, I'm starting to get into a rhythm. I'm almost finishing Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, and starting to play some 3d sega classics. Now let's hope things keep going smooth...

plays 4 hours of triple triad aka ff8. spent another 4 today.  my playtime is exactly 9 hours.   :rofl:

Totally gonna beat this game someday.

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Played some more triple triad then I advanced the story and got diablos.  Damn that was a tough boss.  Though I think its mostly because of its completely nuts attack order.  The guy derped out for about 6 turns and kept on casting curaga or whatever on Selphie.  It was pretty easy going the 3rd try until he decided to double spam gravaga then quickly double attack zell and selphie killing them.  Managed to get lucky an trigger squalls limit break at just the last second to finish off the boss.  Then back to moar triple triad.  Found A girl walking her dog by the pier that when defeated gives 4 cards.  Beat her twice but didn't get any new cards out of it :/.

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Played some more triple triad then I advanced the story and got diablos. Damn that was a tough boss. Though I think its mostly because of its completely nuts attack order. The guy derped out for about 6 turns and kept on casting curaga or whatever on Selphie. It was pretty easy going the 3rd try until he decided to double spam gravaga then quickly double attack zell and selphie killing them. Managed to get lucky an trigger squalls limit break at just the last second to finish off the boss. Then back to moar triple triad. Found A girl walking her dog by the pier that when defeated gives 4 cards. Beat her twice but didn't get any new cards out of it :/.
Ya you got to like how enemies level with you and random instances of bosses casting their best attacks can wipe you out without the proper setup. Well backlog is at 60 now Bastion is a great game for 360. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon so far is much better then Far Cry 3 in my opinion. Well hopefully 4 will even be better.

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I already knew about enemy scaling going in so I haven't leveled my characters at all.  But I also haven't leveled up my gfs much either so that probably isn't helping.  Just beat the zombie boss a few hours ago which was waay easy.  I actually took my time and draw grinded on it getting 200 or so doubles and close to 300 esunas. squal also got 100 berserks.  didn't have time to go for zombie since the boss berserked my party enough for them to nearly kill him.  I hit him with a cure spell thinking I had time to just leave one character to cure spam while the others continued drawing but I guess not.

Also got the angelo and zell cards and now rinoa has forced herway into my party.  Not like it matters much as so far stats and junk seem more determined by junction set up.

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Now I just finished the temple/tomb where you get the brothers summon.  Brothers were so easy I actually took time to farm life shell protect and such off them since aero with double in effect was doing 700 damage per hit. And thats without magic increasing skills like 20-40% and higher junction to magic.  

So I have 6 summons and was finally able to increase my 3rd party members hp.  The other two have had hp increase junction and skills for a little while now so theirs was in the 700-1500 range while the 3rds been stuck at 400-600.  And to top it off life death quake tornado and blizzaga really increase the amount of hp so now rinoa has about 2300 hp while squall has 3500 and irvine who just joined has 2500.  

I also finally got most of the item refine abilities, card refine and mid magic refine.  Meanwhile I didn't know quistis learned blue magic from items so now she has a couple of those but I haven't used her in battle yet.

I've been mostly sticking to squall rinoa and selphie since squall is balanced build wise, rinoa has high magic but garbage attack for card farming and selphie has high attack and low magic.  Though I could give her magic increase skills but I'm using those slots for strength +1 on level up and hp increase.

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Well at least your making some progress 57 to go for me and The Wolf Among Us on the 360 has horrible horrible lag. I'm just going to trade it in and rebuy on another system.

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Finished Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright. Good crossover but the ending was a bit disappointing. I'm in my Layton mood so I'll probably play The Azran Legacy next and eliminate it from the backlog.

Beat edea at the parade and biggs an wedge again.  I really hated that the bosses after that were mostly just common mobs in forced battles.  farmed some full cures, curagas, confuse, reflects slows and hastes off the common mobs.  The timed tank boss was stupid since alot of that time is wasted via scenes and I didn't have power spells set up on my b team so I failed to beat it the first time.  Mashed through the dialogue and used thundara/daga instead of gfs and water the second time and beat it with exactly 3 minutes to spare.

Also the prison dungeon sucked since the path inbetween the stairs didn't work all the time and I had to go around despite a few floors where it let you.

I finished Heavy Fire: Afghanistan and actually got the platinum trophy in about 4-5 hours. Going to play Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear next don't know if I am going to go for the plat though.

beat norg and now I'm working on getting all the new cards that popped up.  Galbadia gardens headmaster has alot of enemies that were bosses as his cards.

I just beat batman arkham knight earlier and it was a disappointing game but I managed to get through it and traded it in. I plan on getting back to wash dogs but there are also other games I like to start as well.

I just beat batman arkham knight earlier and it was a disappointing game but I managed to get through it and traded it in. I plan on getting back to wash dogs but there are also other games I like to start as well.
Damn dirty dogs cutting into game time! ;)

About to dig back into Fallout 3 after setting it aside for awhile. Currently have 45% of the trophies and at level 27. This is taking forever!

[quote name="Bobby777" post="12811191" timestamp="1437108464"]I just beat batman arkham knight earlier and it was a disappointing game but I managed to get through it and traded it in. I plan on getting back to wash dogs but there are also other games I like to start as well.[/quote]
I started the game but hate the batmobile and the amount you have to use it.
Also i can't stop playing clash of clans
I finished Metro 2033 Redux and I started my 7 day trial of PS Now today because I have the day off tomorrow so I'll probably try to finish a couple or two from that service so I don't have to buy them. Woot Madagascar 3, Rise of the Guardians, and Adventure Time here I come!

Figured why make another post for this, I finished Heavy Fire Shattered Spear. Definitely not going for the trophies in this one. 

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Now I finally got my party back minus selphie and I'm off to balamb the harbor city to fight edeas goons.  Squall has like 6k hp now and I got all but 2 cards I think from martine.  I just couldn't take the slow ass way he plays on top of rng on whether the damn sphinx and red giant would appear.  I really wish there was some mechanic that forced your opponent to play cards you don't have yet or are out of and every card battle allowed you to take as many cards as you wanted.  It would make things go much more efficiently.

I started the game but hate the batmobile and the amount you have to use it. Also i can't stop playing clash of clans
yes using the batmobile got really annoying and the voice actors were horrible especially the arkham knight once you find out who he is and the boss fights were very seldom and lame and the game starts off really slow and became unbearable at times. However the only part of the game I liked was playing the red hood story pack and the harley quin story. They were both really short but I enjoyed it and also the scarecrow missions were fun as well.

yes using the batmobile got really annoying and the voice actors were horrible especially the arkham knight once you find out who he is and the boss fights were very seldom and lame and the game starts off really slow and became unbearable at times. However the only part of the game I liked was playing the red hood story pack and the harley quin story. They were both really short but I enjoyed it and also the scarecrow missions were fun as well.
Same I just gave up at one point because of it and will probably never play Arkham Knight again since I watched the ending(Youtube). Well playing Diablo 3 right now and I like how the Templar says you have to know he will betray us. Going to laugh if he doesn't but him being a achievement for beating really ruins it. Honestly they should of hid the trophies and achievements for beating bosses because the last boss seems like sort of a surprise due to the events of the second game.

bread's done