The CAG Backlog Support Group.

This year I'm gonna put off spending money on games unless it's something I've wanted for a while or a deal that's too good not to buy. There were way too many times where I saw games going for way cheaper than the price I bought them last year, and most of them I had barely touched.
I'm with you, too. My goal is to push down my game buying significantly this year. Plan is to buy only 5 games this whole year.

I buy a ton of games via indiegala and humblebundle to fluff up my steam library, i'm up to 800+ games i haven't really played now, but I'm using my youtube channel as incentive to actually do some of these things at random now. I use whatshouldiplayonsteam a steam library randomizer and just play whatever it gives me typically til the end. I think it's a neat gimmick for me, and maybe could be something that works for someone else

I completed 0 games in 2015. But I am 354 hours into Fallout 3. I will complete it ........ some day.
Hey come on Invicta! You gotta finish - hell, you helped me to start the game last year and I ended up finishing it and then some. YOU CAN DO IT.....unless you are in school full time, work full time, and have a wife and kids - YEP, no game time at all. I would definitely understand.

Well, I kicked the new year off pretty good if I may say so myself! COMPLETED:

Vanquish - Awesome game! One of those must-play hidden gems that I wanted to start over again after finishing it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Loved it! What a great way to end the trilogy!


New semester just started and I honestly don't know if I will have time for games yet again. :whistle2:(

Well, my issue is that I work full time and have other things that keep me busy.  Also, I'm doing every side quest and exploring every square inch of real estate going for the platinum without using the guide or online videos.  Usually I get to play in 7-8 hour spurts every 2-3 weeks. On top of that I pretty much don't game during the summer.  My OCD and lack of time is a bad combination.

Well, my issue is that I work full time and have other things that keep me busy. Also, I'm doing every side quest and exploring every square inch of real estate going for the platinum without using the guide or online videos. Usually I get to play in 7-8 hour spurts every 2-3 weeks. On top of that I pretty much don't game during the summer. My OCD and lack of time is a bad combination.
I'm doing the same. I have 1 location I can't find. It is driving me nuts!

Vanquish - Awesome game! One of those must-play hidden gems that I wanted to start over again after finishing it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Loved it! What a great way to end the trilogy!
Both excellent games. That last boss in Vanquish though was kicking my ass. Modern Warfare 3 is my favorite COD. It's seriously like playing a movie.

I've been working on Akiba's Trip and am really surprised how much fun it is.

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almost done with chapter 4 in cold steel.  phantom thief quest sucked and to make matters worse the trigger for the bench wasn't working until I reset the game. Reans harem only continues to grow larger -_-

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Both excellent games. That last boss in Vanquish though was kicking my ass. Modern Warfare 3 is my favorite COD. It's seriously like playing a movie.
Yeah that last boss took me a minute and surprisingly I didn't die. I swear luck was on my side.

I don't understand the hate for MW3. Maybe it's the multiplayer but the campaign was amazing! I plan to replay all of the Modern Warfare games as soon as I get a good dent in my back log.

So right now I've started Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and I am so glad I did not get rid of it earlier. So far, in my opinion, it is better than Assassin's Creed II as far as gameplay and flow.


Spoke too soon about Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. The opening was great but after Desmond and his crew are situated, the gameplay and flow falls right back into familiar territory. Now I remember why I got away from this series - those annoying glyphs or rifts or whatever "The Truth" story clues that you have to find to round out the story. Puzzle within a puzzle within a puzzle - no thanks! I hope these are not in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.


Gave AC:B another shot and it's actually not that bad. Love blowing up the towers and the game is absolutely stunning for a last gen game. I'm going to go ahead and stick this one out.

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I have a lot of games to complete in 2016. Mainly I want to get into The Witcher 2 and then the Witcher 3, and work from there. 

Currently playing through Persona 4 Golden and this game is just daunting to me.   I'm 7 hours in or so and still only in the first week of May.  This may have to be a game I just play for an hour here or there throughout the year as I focus on other games.

Thinking about starting the following:

Metal Gear Solid 1

Last of Us

Resident Evil: Remake

Wind Waker

Gonna flip a coin I guess and go from there lol

Depends.  If you just do bare bones stuff besides the story you can get through p4 in considerably less time.  Try to max links and such and you are looking at close to 120-200 hours.

Just about to start the practical exam in cold steel for chapter 6 so I am almost done with the game.  Just the field mission and chapter 7 and that will be that.  Games too fricken long very similar to persona 3/4 in many ways but with less social links and the links are much shorter to do.  As of right now I have 

fie maxed

laura emma machias jusis gaius at rank 4

millie alisa elliot rank 3

crow rank 2

Most of them I did 1 or 2 bonds with max. The ones with 3 or less I didn't do any with sans millie who's starts out at 2.

Beat around 50+ games 2015 and hope to beat around 30 this year. Played a bit of Star Wars Battlefront and I have to say it is lacking. I beat Witcher 3 finally and decided to beat Fallout 4 but missed most of the content. 3 games down and yes I'm including Star Wars Battlefront. Going to get FF Explorers soon hoping I like it.

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IDK. I just know I am missing 1. IIRC. IDK if it was for a trophy or just my own piece of mind, but somehow I know I am missing one of them. I've walked the across the wasteland for hours. I may cave and look online and find it.
I had a difficult time finding Rockopolis. Not marked on the map and you have to be really looking to find it.

I may cave also and start using the book just to get through it faster. I have a PS4 with Fallout 4 purchased October that I haven't opened yet, at the rate I'm going I'll never open it. Also, the guys at work are talking about getting the COD zombies group back together after a 3 year hiatus so time will become even more scarce.

Finished AC: Brotherhood a couple of nights ago and started AC: Revelations.  So far so good.  I'm looking forward to seeing how this all ends for Ezio.

working on ff tactics psp.  so far just started chapter 3.  Major thing that bothers me is the party limit is so low.  Wish I had a cheat code to at least limit it to 10.

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Finished Akiba's Trip (totally worth playing if you like JRPGs,) Z-Run, Angry Birds Star Wars, and Kick and Fennick. If you have a Vita you should give Kick and Fennick a shot. 

I started Muraski's Baby and Geometry Wars 3. I'm really working on my Vita game backlog right now, so far it's going pretty well. 

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About 91.5% done with GTA V.

I bought Street Fighter V for preorder but I figured I buy it now and play a little bit each day as a palate cleanser so to speak and to collect coins.

Thinking of either going to Gravity Rush or going back to Xenoblade X after I beat GTA. I also want to play through Witcher 3 but waiting on that last DLC to start it.

Finished Geometry Wars 3's adventure mode now I am doing a few trophy attempts. Started up Hyperdimension Neptunia PP because I thought it was a rhythm game and I was incredibly wrong. It's an idol simulator, but I'll still finish it. I started up Bastion on the Vita because sometimes Hyperdimension can be embarrassing to play on the train into work, but the game keeps crashing at the same point. I'm deleting and reinstalling to see if that will fix it. 

So far in 2016, I have only completed 2 games this year.  My backlog, especially my digital backlog needs to go.

I just can't get myself to complete a game right away.  I finished Vanquish today and I wanted to rage quit so many times.

 I think I should really hold off on buying games at this rate.

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So far in 2016, I have only completed 2 games this year. My backlog, especially my digital backlog needs to go.

I just can't get myself to complete a game right away. I finished Vanquish today and I wanted to rage quit so many times.

I think I should really hold off on buying games at this rate.
I'd say look to see if you have a few short games (2-4 hours) that you could knock out fast. That might help you feel better about your digital backlog.

ugh stupid summon boss is a total wall.  I will try one more time and if I can't beat it then screw it and start lost dimension.

So far in 2016, I have only completed 2 games this year. My backlog, especially my digital backlog needs to go.

I just can't get myself to complete a game right away. I finished Vanquish today and I wanted to rage quit so many times.

I think I should really hold off on buying games at this rate.
I haven't finished any this year. I'm in episode 3 of TWD season 1 but haven't touched it since mid January probably.
I have fought my urges to buy recently but I did buy in January and now I regret all those purchases.
GOW3 remake, the handsome collection, mad max, Witcher 3.
I still haven't touched Dragon Age inquisition and am only 15 hours into fallout 4.
Walking dead season 1 episode 3 done. I guess that is halfway when counting 400days.
Going to try to make it through this by the end of the week so I can start on season 2.
I'm really enjoying the f'd up nature of the game and the decisions
Just got past the hospital tube section for cyber sleuth and now I have a decent sized party.  Got the red dino from the 3rd series and the bunny who can evolve into angemon from the first series.  I mainly just want angemon ladydevilmon and angewoman.

Walking dead season 1 episode 3 done. I guess that is halfway when counting 400days.
Going to try to make it through this by the end of the week so I can start on season 2.
I'm really enjoying the f'd up nature of the game and the decisions
Michonne is out as well.

Beat SuperHot. I liked the idea but unlocking the mods is painful and the game is short. Decided against Far Cry Primal so my backlog is empty for now.

Michonne is out as well.

Beat SuperHot. I liked the idea but unlocking the mods is painful and the game is short. Decided against Far Cry Primal so my backlog is empty for now.
I won't pick up Michonne until after the full game is out, hopefully by the time I finish 2
made it to chapter 2.  now I have a dragon thingy that will evolve into angemon so I can have patamon evolve into gatoman then make that evolve into angewoman, got guilomon, veemon and guardomon.

I might dive back into the wasteland. I need to find all the bobbleheads in F3. I will have to use a guide though. I am thorough, but somewhere I missed one or two.

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I might dive back into the wasteland. I need to find all the bobbleheads in F3. I will have to use a guide though. I am thorough, but somewhere I missed one or two.
If you have already been through Ravenrock and didn't find it, you will not be able to have all of them unless you go back to an older save before you went there.

Working my way through Metro Last Light on PS4 then going to probably get some trophies in Dead or Alive 5 and then decide what to do from there.

If you have already been through Ravenrock and didn't find it, you will not be able to have all of them unless you go back to an older save before you went there.
Thanks for the heads up. I think I have the energy weapons bobblehead already, but I will double check. I'll probably have to do a new game anyway to get those karma trophies eventually. (My save is from 2010 lol) I know I have all the SPECIAL bobbleheads b/c I found the one I was missing last night.

Thanks for the heads up. I think I have the energy weapons bobblehead already, but I will double check. I'll probably have to do a new game anyway to get those karma trophies eventually. (My save is from 2010 lol) I know I have all the SPECIAL bobbleheads b/c I found the one I was missing last night.
I started to give up on doing it without the guide, it just takes more time than I have available. With the guide I'm still looking at a minimum of 30-40 hours to hit platinum. I still haven't made it up to the North East corner of the map. My first save is from 2010 also. :wall: Time to get through it.

Also, I finally hooked up my PS4 to play BO with co-workers. We dropped that and started playing Destiny, certainly no help in killing the backlog. Still haven't opened Fallout 4, which is what I got the PS4 for in the first place.

Finished episode 4, can't seem to find the desire to play any games today. Maybe later tonight I'll knock out episode 5 and then just have 400 days left to complete.
Got the bobbleheads trophy. IDK if I posted this, but I finally got the kamboom trophy that gliched on the AC game too. I had to start a new game and get to that mission for it to work.

currently in chapter 9 of digmon cyber sluts.  I can tell this is gonna be a long game.  I like it though.  Finally got lady devimon.  Now I have a party of her angiwoman myotismon.  Once I get some more space I can put whatever exveemon and sting mon fused into back in the party along with megaangemon and wisemon.  I thought about evolving angewoman but I don't like the dragon thing she evolves into.  I also finally got a platinum numemon.  His ability description doesn't seem any different than sukemons so I may not bother using it since it costs like 16 capacity and that extra 10 could be better used for something good.

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bread's done