The CAG Backlog Support Group.

This thread was started nearly 3 years ago and I don't think I've finished a game since then. But my backlog has doubled.

I got bored of Overwatch too. It's not a bad game at all, and I played it many, many hours. It became extremely samey and when I started noticing the same characters being chosen on the maps over and over, I was like yeah let me put this one away for a while, maybe permanently.

I know I'm trying to platinum Criminal Girls 1 before 2 comes out....also want to play DQ7 when it is out. My backlog is extreme, but a little at a time and I'll get through. 

I got bored of Overwatch too. It's not a bad game at all, and I played it many, many hours. It became extremely samey and when I started noticing the same characters being chosen on the maps over and over, I was like yeah let me put this one away for a while, maybe permanently.
Yeah, it's a terrific game, possibly game of the year for me, but it wears out fast if you play it for long stretches of time. Like I've said, two big ways they could really improve it is, 1) Add a bit of single player content like a mini campaign for each character, something to cool you off after you're tired playing a few matches. 2) Add another level up/progression system so it doesn't feel like all you are doing is grinding loot boxes and competitive points. Maybe a level up bar for each character, and also challenges (get a certain # of kills, revives and get a lootbox.)

Finished Murasaki Baby, Resident Evil 5 HD + the DLC, MonsterBag, & Call of Duty Black Ops III. Working on Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 and Resident Evil 6 HD. Also trying to decide on what to play on my Vita but I started up Flying Hamster HD and that's supposed to be under an hour. I got distracted with trophies which happens to me occasionally. Now that I'm back to just finishing games and not worrying about trophies I should be able to knock out some more games. 

I do have a bit of good news too! I was looking at my digital collection of PS Vita games and realized that I've finished over half of them. I don't have any exact numbers or anything, but considering I've had my Vita since launch and my digital collection is fairly large I feel that finishing over half is an accomplishment! 

Well I'm back to playing Heroes of the storm. Also recently I reached legend rank in hearthstone so that was a huge accomplishment. Right now I've been playing a lot of town of salem.

Beat The Battle Cats Pop on 3DS, Deus Ex Mankind Divided PC, Kirby, Metroid Prime Federation Force and The Final Station PS4. 27 Games this year and going to start Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice. Then my backlog is empty till Final Fantasy XV releases or another indie game catches my eye.

Edit: Minecraft Story Mode Episode 8 aka the last episode releases tomorrow. Guess I'll be beating that first then Phoenix Wright.

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Beat The Battle Cats Pop on 3DS, Deus Ex Mankind Divided PC, Kirby, Metroid Prime Federation Force and The Final Station PS4. 27 Games this year and going to start Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice. Then my backlog is empty till Final Fantasy XV releases or another indie game catches my eye.

Edit: Minecraft Story Mode Episode 8 aka the last episode releases tomorrow. Guess I'll be beating that first then Phoenix Wright.

28 games this year and unto Phoenix Wright. Disliking the first episode with Phoenix being in a far away land with the DCA.

Beat Minecraft Story Mode. Assuming there is a season 2 the choices at the end will hopefully make a meaningful impact same as with the Walking Dead Season 2

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Well, my latest attempt at focusing on my backlog has pretty much come to an end. I finished one game.

For the past week and a half I've been grinding in Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 because they're having a 3x XP bonus event. A couple days after this event ends Urien and daily challenges will be added to Street Fighter V. Then maybe a Halloween event will start next month in Overwatch.

Ugh, I've complained about this before but I still haven't beaten The Order 1886. I know everyone says it is a really short game, but it seems so long and tedious to me. Half the game you have to sit through unplayable cutscenes. The actually gameplay with exploring is so slow and your character runs like a turtle. Then the stealth elements just take me forever to beat. The story is also so predictable, going back and forth with easy to guess twists.

Beat Phoenix Wright Spirits of Justice. Going to play Batman Episode 2 then back to Overwatch. I really need to find something to tide me over for the meantime.

Ugh, I've complained about this before but I still haven't beaten The Order 1886. I know everyone says it is a really short game, but it seems so long and tedious to me. Half the game you have to sit through unplayable cutscenes. The actually gameplay with exploring is so slow and your character runs like a turtle. Then the stealth elements just take me forever to beat. The story is also so predictable, going back and forth with easy to guess twists.
I think I beat the order within 2 nights. The game gets a lot of shit but I liked it. Then again I only paid $10 for it. Visually the game looks amazing. If anything play it for that.

Wow, I jinxed the shit out of myself. Right after I complained about The Order 1886, I finished the game in my next playthrough in only 20 minutes. I had no problem with the length of the game, but the way it ended. No spoilers here, but I was not satisfied at all by that ending, and I thought I had a broken game or a demo or something. That tease at the end too... This game didn't sell very well or receive good press, so I doubt they will make a sequel, especially with the focus being on God of War again. So I guess no Order 1887, or at least not anytime soon.

I do like the game though, reflecting back on it. I think a lot of the gameplay is really stiff and not thought out, I was thinking it would be like GoW with guns, but its more like Beyond Two Souls. I have to agree though, the graphics are amazing. From my perspective, Uncharted 4 has the best video game graphics right now (at least for consoles), but this game is really close and seeing that it was released a year or two before, the graphics are definitely an impressive feat. 

I got sick of trying to plat fallout 3. I think I have 2 easy trophies left, but I dropped it a couple months ago. I just strated playing games again, so now I am working on the ACIV multiplayer trophies. I'm so glad they added wolfpack mode. I think I will work on AC3 multiplayer too after this.

I got sick of trying to plat fallout 3. I think I have 2 easy trophies left, but I dropped it a couple months ago. I just strated playing games again, so now I am working on the ACIV multiplayer trophies. I'm so glad they added wolfpack mode. I think I will work on AC3 multiplayer too after this.
Yeah I know that feeling, I have only 1 trophy in The Division left, and it's the damn multiplayer one. It sucks that the longer you wait to get these, the harder it is to do so. Also, is your CAG title related to Smug?

Yeah I know that feeling, I have only 1 trophy in The Division left, and it's the damn multiplayer one. It sucks that the longer you wait to get these, the harder it is to do so. Also, is your CAG title related to Smug?
I'm old, IDK what "Smug" is. I changed it after birdman said it on the radio.

Beat Batman Episode 2. I figured the choice at the end would be meaningless due to Batman lore but apparently I was incorrect in my assumption because there are two endings. Well my backlog is once again empty. I might get Azure Striker 2 3DS later. Here is to hoping Final Fantasy XV is great.

Edit: Beat Sonic Boom Fire and Ice 30 games this year. Very short game 6 worlds but only 5 have stages. Takes about 1-2 hours to 100% each world depending on your speed and the bosses are not very difficult. Still cannot find the last pico pico hammer in the damn castle though.

Edit: 100% Sonic Boom except for buying all those racing items from tails and the Sonic Boom Season 2 promo items. There is no secret ending or party scene like in the previous game unless you have to buy everything which is unreasonable.

Edit: Bought River City Tokyo Rampage was going to buy Azure Striker 2 but heard it River City was a good game. It is good so far.

Edit: Beat River City Tokyo Rampage but may have to replay to beat the Rover quest. I assumed he was in that area but it just locked me into beating the game sadly.

Edit: He was up above in one area. Replayed a game with stronger enemies just to see how it ended. Apparently you also get to fight Gold Lion this time so it was worth it.

Edit: 100% it base stats max out at 255 but equipment can let you surpass it. Level 99 is the max level, Bought Azure Striker 2 then my backlog is empty again and another short cinematic game called the bunker 33 games this year.

Edit: Beat Azure Striker 2 making 34 games this year but my backlog is sadly empty.

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I finished the multiplayer trophies for ACIV. I only have the DLC (which I do not own) and the 100% trophy left. I'm not sure what my next goal will be. I might run through deadpool or something from the backlog.

Been really kicking ass on my backlog lately. Finished Velocity 2x (great game,) Resident Evil 6 (PS4,) Day of the Tentacle, MeIQ, Amnesia: Memories, Warriors Orochi 3 and Criminal Girls 2. I'm working on Headlander and A Virus Named Tom. Probably could have finished Headlander last night, but decided that sleep was more important and I'm about 12 levels away from finishing A Virus Named Tom, which is actually a pretty difficult puzzle game. 

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How do you handle all of the free games each month on PSN and XBL in backlogs?
Personally this is tough for me to answer. The question I have is do I count them in my backlog or not, because I didn't actually buy them. I go back and forth with this so I don't have a definitive answer, but I do try to finish at least 2 of them a month. I very rarely do finish 2 of them, but I am currently working my way through A Virus Named Tom and finished Amnesia: Memories which were both PS+ games.

All that being said, I like putting priority on the games that I actually purchase. I'll give higher priority to the physical games that I've bought to maximize trade value (gotta support that habit.) I have also taken a major step back from purchasing games and crossed my fingers that the PlayStation Plus games are decent and I don't own or have owned them in the past. This can all be thrown out the window though for good months. I really enjoyed some of the past Transfomers games and definitely want play through Devastation sooner than later.

In an ideal world this is how my priority would break down.

1. New games that I purchase for full retail or almost close to full retail
2. Games I've started but haven't finished
3. Games that I've had for quite some time that are collecting dust
4. Games that have been on my radar that I've picked up for a good deal
5. Free games

As I mentioend I've taken a step back from buying games for my Vita and PS4 for the most part (although I'm about to go wild when the PSVR comes out) but I still have a massive PS3 collection building up because I never play it. I'm not sure when I'll get around to playing these games, but I fully plan on it. This is just an on going struggle that we're all facing in some way and I hope this helped.

Edit: I forgot about games that I've started, but haven't finished. Those should be given almost top priority. It bothers me when I have a bunch of games that I've started on my trophy list that I haven't completed. Gives me this terrible incomplete feeling.

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Yeah the trophy list of shame plagues me as well. Though I think you can hide those now. I made the mistake of installing a few games and never playing them, so they look bad on my gaming report card. lol

Finally beat Just Cause 3, not even gonna go for the platinum or any of the easy trophies. The credits are all I need to see. Not a bad game, I felt like my expectations from playing JC2 wasn't met, but there were many fun moments in the game though. I felt that it could've used a lot more polish and it would've been a great game. 

Either going to start Guilty Gear story mode next, or finish up P4G. 

And I forgot to post this before, but I have a lot of trophy lists with like 1-2% as well. I honestly look more at my overall trophies and level rather than % now, just because I buy so many Japanese games and have no idea how to play them. It's true that a high completion rate means a very dedicated gamer, but one with many trophies also means they are very active and likes to branch out a lot. Basically, I don't think it's really a bad thing if you have a low completion rate. Mine used to be like 38%, now it's gotta be like 25%.

Just started Devil Survivor 2 on 3ds, the version with essentially 2 games.
40 minutes in and I kinda miss the characters from the first but I'll give the new ones a chance.

Can't seem to get into any console games when I do have time to play so I'll focus on hand held and just plod through that

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Someday though..... someday, you will.
Nope, but I did get The Last of Us on sale and added it to my queue. I even unwrapped it, they say that's the first step.

At this point I'm pretty sure I'm going to just train my kids to take over my gaming pile...they're my only hope.

Just started Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City's single player campaign.  I think I'm going to have to hold off of buying a PS4/XB1 until I get this backlog under control.  I really don't want to force myself into trading in games that I never got a chance to finish that I actually would like to finish.

Just started Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City's single player campaign. I think I'm going to have to hold off of buying a PS4/XB1 until I get this backlog under control. I really don't want to force myself into trading in games that I never got a chance to finish that I actually would like to finish.
I still have games that I bought during 2014 Black Friday that I haven't played yet.

When I actually DO try to play them, I probably would have to wait for hours to allow of the 2 years worth of updates to finish downloading :wall:

Finally beat Just Cause 3, not even gonna go for the platinum or any of the easy trophies. The credits are all I need to see. Not a bad game, I felt like my expectations from playing JC2 wasn't met, but there were many fun moments in the game though. I felt that it could've used a lot more polish and it would've been a great game.

Either going to start Guilty Gear story mode next, or finish up P4G.

And I forgot to post this before, but I have a lot of trophy lists with like 1-2% as well. I honestly look more at my overall trophies and level rather than % now, just because I buy so many Japanese games and have no idea how to play them. It's true that a high completion rate means a very dedicated gamer, but one with many trophies also means they are very active and likes to branch out a lot. Basically, I don't think it's really a bad thing if you have a low completion rate. Mine used to be like 38%, now it's gotta be like 25%.
Finish P4G!!!

That was the first PS Vita game that I platinum'd and I enjoyed every second of that game! The only trophies I felt needed diligent tracking were the ones for maxing out characteristics and hearing all of Rise's battle dialogue.

If you have the time I highly recommend milky the game for all its worth! Since you played it already I'm sure you already know how great of a game it is :D/

I am 4 levels away from finishing A Virus Named Tom and boy howdy does it get tough! I also started up Loading Human for the PSVR and really enjoying it.

As far as my backlog goes I went a little PSVR crazy and picked up Batman, RIGS, Eve, Battlezone, Rez (physical copy,) Until Dawn, PlayStation Worlds, Loading Human, and I'm 99% sure I'm going to get the Assembly. 

Because of the Overwatch Halloween event and my infatuation of the Mercy skin, I think P4G is gonna stay on the shelves for a long while.

I got Mafia 3 when it released, and decided to give it a go before it drops in price. I kind of want to wipe this off the backlog early, which is something I tend not to do. I honestly did not really like the game for the first hour or two. I really was expecting a more GTA V feel, and I think GTA V spoiled me and I've been wanting an experience like that since I finished the game for the 2nd time. GTA V imo was ahead of it's time, and Mafia 3 feels more like GTA 4, which was great in it's own right but would feel outdated now.

A few more hours in, and I think the game started to grow on me. I really like the music and the story of the game. And actually, I think it corrected a lot of the flaws that GTA V had. The game has a more personal environment, a lot more  indoor-spaces, also the stealing cars, and police chases seem a lot more refined than GTA V. Basically, maybe I judged the game a little too soon, and am gonna continue this one till it's off the backlog. Hope it convinces others to try it as well.

Because of the Overwatch Halloween event and my infatuation of the Mercy skin, I think P4G is gonna stay on the shelves for a long while.
Well at least the Mercy skin isn't like the Summer Games skins. 3000 credits is quite a bit though. Did you beat it the Brawl on hard yet? I cannot seem to find a group capable of finishing off Mercy, Junkrat and Roadhog at the end.

Edit: Do you play on PC might be nice being able to form a group. I usually start playing when I get off at 4PM EST.

I am 4 levels away from finishing A Virus Named Tom and boy howdy does it get tough! I also started up Loading Human for the PSVR and really enjoying it.

As far as my backlog goes I went a little PSVR crazy and picked up Batman, RIGS, Eve, Battlezone, Rez (physical copy,) Until Dawn, PlayStation Worlds, Loading Human, and I'm 99% sure I'm going to get the Assembly.
Damn nice still on the fence if I should get PS VR though.

Well beat some Steam games and played some others. I really have bought a lot of games I will never play though. I am at 38 games this year and have gotten Gurumin 3D for the 3DS. Never got around to play the PSP version of Gurumin.

Edit: Beat Severed on 3DS. Gurumin might have some lag problems when starting a area. Overall it seems to be a decent game so far.

Edit: Giving up on Gurumin not my cup of tea unfortunately and my backlog is once again empty.

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Finished A Virus Named Tom, Batman Arkham VR, Loading Human, and The Assembly. Batman VR was incredible despite only being about an hour long. Loading Human and The Assembly were both really interesting. Not sure if they would be good outside of VR (not that they exist outside of VR) but were both enjoyable. On to the next ones!

I made the mistake of staying on the walking dead theme and I finished survival instinct. I would avoid it at all costs. The best part is you have a crossbow, but you have no way to get more ammo for it, so once it is out, it stays out. Oh and it takes up an inv slot. Really bad game. You can't pickup shotgun ammo for an empty shotgun without dropping something else.

Darksiders will be next.

Like another previous poster, I have also been playing overwatch a lot more to get the new mercy skin. I might just buy more loot boxes if I'm unable to get the new skin before the event ends, also the reaper skin looks good as well as the junkrat skin.

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Assassins Creed III done. Finally done with all the last gen ones.
Congrats Which was your favorite?

I finished all the trophies I'm going to get in the infinite runner, Corridor Z. Also, finished The Park. The Park is a one hour game with 14 trophies including a gold so it was a quick and easy 100%.

I'm working on The Brookhaven Experiment, but I'm getting my ass kicked on the 6th level. All the other levels seemed to be pretty easy, but this one is a serious pain.

Congrats Which was your favorite.
I liked Revelations the best. I played all 5 on the 360 over the past six months or so. It was interesting to see the improvements they made with each subsequent game.

Will eventually start Black Flag on XB1 but will probably play something else first.
I liked Revelations the best. I played all 5 on the 360 over the past six months or so. It was interesting to see the improvements they made with each subsequent game.

Will eventually start Black Flag on XB1 but will probably play something else first.
I still have to get through III, Brotherhood, and Revelations. Black Flag is easily my favorite of the series.

Assassins Creed III done. Finally done with all the last gen ones.
Did you play the DLC loved the powers given to you. Though the bug freezing the game forcing you to skip a cutscene was never fixed. Beat Batman Episode 3 and currently playing King's Quest Chapter 4. Kind of wish the steam store and PSN told you of new episode releases. I didn't know chapter 4 and 5 of King's Quest released and had the same problem with Minecraft Story Mode.

Did you play the DLC loved the powers given to you. Though the bug freezing the game forcing you to skip a cutscene was never fixed. Beat Batman Episode 3 and currently playing King's Quest Chapter 4. Kind of wish the steam store and PSN told you of new episode releases. I didn't know chapter 4 and 5 of King's Quest released and had the same problem with Minecraft Story Mode.
I'm actually halfway through chapter 2 of the DLC. just got my 2nd power. It's cool.
bread's done