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There were reports earlier that the WWE was staying away from surprise entrants in the RR and instead focusing on featuring current talent. Whether or not we can believe that remains to be seen.

Has anyone noticed that the hook for this year's Rumble is "Any WWE Sooperstar is eligible to enter?" I don't quite understand what that means. In the past, were people who fought in the undercard matches always excluded from the Rumble?
[quote name='JP']I want to see this happen. WWE vs Marvel. Something, this needs to happen.[/QUOTE]
DO IT UP! I want a Ryder/Deadpool crossover, STAT!
[quote name='Ugamer_X']There were reports earlier that the WWE was staying away from surprise entrants in the RR and instead focusing on featuring current talent. Whether or not we can believe that remains to be seen.

Has anyone noticed that the hook for this year's Rumble is "Any WWE Sooperstar is eligible to enter?" I don't quite understand what that means. In the past, were people who fought in the undercard matches always excluded from the Rumble?[/QUOTE]

It probably means we will have about 4-5 women in the Rumble. Even looking at the current talent roster I can't think of 30 people I actually would care to see. Granted the Rumble isn't a showcase of great wrestling but you still should want to care about the people in it.
Seems like they need to have Goldust in there to throw Cody out if the plan is to have them go against eachother at Elimination Chamber.
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']
IF Lesnar returns anytime soon my money is on a match between him and Orton. He shows up at the Royal Rumble as a suprise entrant and eliminates Orton, who LOSES it and re-enters, eliminating Lesnar. They brawl to the back. Put them both in the Elimination Chamber and have Orton Eliminate Lesnar, then have Lesnar cost Orton the match. Now, in theory, they are both 1 and 1 over each other, which would lead us to a Wrestlemania match.

Again, this is a BIG if. I don't see Lesnar returning this soon, but it would be a smart decision on his part.[/QUOTE]

Plausible depending on Lesnar's financial situation.

He's claimed to be a guy that is happiest being alone, or at least just around his family. If he was smart or hired someone who was smart to manage his UFC money, he can spend the rest of his life just being a redneck up in Minnesota.

If he was not fiscally clever, he needs to stay in the spotlight as stepping away from it will make his return less lucrative. If he jumped to the WWE for the Rumble or even anytime before WM, it would be mainstream sports news. If he takes a great deal of time off, the public will, at least to a degree, start to forget about his freakish UFC run. Even today it's hard to recall a time when he was seen as a phenom in MMA.
My issue with Lesnar being a surprise is that, in theory, he needs to come back strong. Getting eliminated from the Rumble has an almost guaranteed chance of killing that.

Plus, Lesnar should be a huge deal upon his return, or it's a waste. Looking at the WM plans, I don't see a ton of room for him in the current direction. So, it's a one-time Rumble pop, which makes no sense, or a full-fledged return (until Mania, at least) where he gets lost in the shuffle of the already three headlining matches. This Mania doesn't need the pop, so my best guess is he stays gone until at least closer to WM29. That's my take on it, anyway.
If THQ really does go belly up maybe Capcom could pick up the WWE license. One can dream.
I also read that THQ is done with all the Kiddie games it was making. I'm sure that only includes the Nickelodeon license, but WWE is TV-PG.
[quote name='Habbler']If THQ really does go belly up maybe Capcom could pick up the WWE license. One can dream.
I also read that THQ is done with all the Kiddie games it was making. I'm sure that only includes the Nickelodeon license, but WWE is TV-PG.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping this means that WWE Brawl fighting game won't see the light of day.
[quote name='007']My issue with Lesnar being a surprise is that, in theory, he needs to come back strong. Getting eliminated from the Rumble has an almost guaranteed chance of killing that.[/quote]

Not necessarily. The RR can be used to establish new threats, but it's not a zero sum gain game where 1 guy gets over and 29 are de-pushed. In the case of a Lesnar return, if he is eliminated (as he should be, he doesn't need to be thrust right into the title scene), it could work. WWE has pretty savvy ways of people being eliminated but also getting them over. The giant-sized dudes always need a ton of people to get eliminated, for example. Being eliminated by someone who was already tossed over, but then jumps in quickly and attacks from behind to get a 'vengeance' elimination is another. Someone above proposed that very idea. Getting eliminated cheaply puts heat on the person who threw them out and sympathy on the person who was thrown out.

EDIT: This comes to mind.

Plus, Lesnar should be a huge deal upon his return, or it's a waste. Looking at the WM plans, I don't see a ton of room for him in the current direction.

I don't know that I have ever disagreed with you as much as I do here. This statement assumes that there is a surplus of top-card talent in WWE right now. There isn't. There's not a dearth, sure, but given ratings trends, WWE sees the need to boost their upper card.

Looking at their roster, here's the list of "upper card" guys (my opinion only):
Big Show
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
John Cena
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Triple H

After that, you have a lot of people on the cusp (Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan) and people who can fit into a main event role at any other given PPV, but not at WM (Kane, Mark Henry, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley maybe).

Say you go with the scenario of Lesnar returning and eliminating Orton then being eliminated by Orton. Feud right there. Lesnar-Orton is money (to my chagrin). Have Orton win the belt at EC because, let's face reality: Daniel Bryan will not be holding the Big Gold Belt™ come Wrestle Mania.

Cena's tied up with Rock (who is hilariously not on the WWE Sooperstars™ page). Mysterio is injured (right?) and won't be ready for WM (right again?). Undertaker gets his 20th win, likely in Undertaker-Triple H 3. That match doesn't inspire as much interest as an UT WM match should (since we've seen it twice now). CM Punk is likely to defend versus Jericho as we have predicted.

Which leaves the Big Gold Belt™ as both unoccupied and undefended. D. Brine gets demoted to MITB match where he doesn't win. Sorry, we're not playing by my rules, but double-double-ee's.

Now, don't mistake me. I truly doubt that Lesnar will show up tomorrow, let alone before WM, let alone this year. He'll be back when it's in his financial interest to do so.

But my money is on Orton winning the BGB™ at EC and going on to WM to fight...well, someone. Big Show? Ugh. But doesn't he have Shaquille O'Neal?


tl;dr? Shaquille O'Neal has a match at WM. There's plenty of room for Lesnar.
[quote name='mykevermin']Not necessarily. The RR can be used to establish new threats, but it's not a zero sum gain game where 1 guy gets over and 29 are de-pushed. In the case of a Lesnar return, if he is eliminated (as he should be, he doesn't need to be thrust right into the title scene), it could work. WWE has pretty savvy ways of people being eliminated but also getting them over. The giant-sized dudes always need a ton of people to get eliminated, for example. Being eliminated by someone who was already tossed over, but then jumps in quickly and attacks from behind to get a 'vengeance' elimination is another. Someone above proposed that very idea. Getting eliminated cheaply puts heat on the person who threw them out and sympathy on the person who was thrown out.

I don't know that I have ever disagreed with you as much as I do here. This statement assumes that there is a surplus of top-card talent in WWE right now. There isn't. There's not a dearth, sure, but given ratings trends, WWE sees the need to boost their upper card.

Looking at their roster, here's the list of "upper card" guys (my opinion only):
Big Show
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
John Cena
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Triple H

After that, you have a lot of people on the cusp (Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan) and people who can fit into a main event role at any other given PPV, but not at WM (Kane, Mark Henry, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley maybe).

Say you go with the scenario of Lesnar returning and eliminating Orton then being eliminated by Orton. Feud right there. Lesnar-Orton is money (to my chagrin). Have Orton win the belt at EC because, let's face reality: Daniel Bryan will not be holding the Big Gold Belt™ come Wrestle Mania.

Cena's tied up with Rock (who is hilariously not on the WWE Sooperstars™ page). Mysterio is injured (right?) and won't be ready for WM (right again?). Undertaker gets his 20th win, likely in Undertaker-Triple H 3. That match doesn't inspire as much interest as an UT WM match should (since we've seen it twice now). CM Punk is likely to defend versus Jericho as we have predicted.

Which leaves the Big Gold Belt™ as both unoccupied and undefended. D. Brine gets demoted to MITB match where he doesn't win. Sorry, we're not playing by my rules, but double-double-ee's.

Now, don't mistake me. I truly doubt that Lesnar will show up tomorrow, let alone before WM, let alone this year. He'll be back when it's in his financial interest to do so.

But my money is on Orton winning the BGB™ at EC and going on to WM to fight...well, someone. Big Show? Ugh. But doesn't he have Shaquille O'Neal?


tl;dr? Shaquille O'Neal has a match at WM. There's plenty of room for Lesnar.[/QUOTE]

In regards to the Rumble, I view surprise entrants such as Booker and Nash being able to take the tossing because they aren't being built for anything. I'm of the opinion that if Lesnar returns, he initially needs to be pushed *gigantically*, which getting tossed from the Rumble (regardless of the how) doesn't do. It just seems like a waste of a pop to me if he isn't going over. Surprises like Nash and Booker just don't have the upside of Lesnar, making him a special case.

We'll have to agree to disagree here. I think, though, my problem is that I'm looking at it from a business standpoint. Sure, it'd be great to add Lesnar/Orton to a fairly stacked card, but that's the problem... this card is already stacked. WM28 will be successful based almost solely on Rock/Cena. WWE's next marquee match-up will be HHH/Taker (w/HBK involvement). Third tier is the returning Jericho vs. Punk (which, as an aside, I'm curious to how involved Johnny Ace is. Jericho/Punk simply doesn't need him.). Even disregarding Punk/Jericho as more of the IWC money-match, Lesnar/Orton is the third tier match on the card. Since it's the WHC, it's pretty much fourth by default, no matter what. Lesnar, money-wise, is worth much more than that.

Random points... One, I guarantee that if Lesnar returned, he'd been on Raw. No question. Two, with the media exposure Lesnar's return will get, there's a huge case to be made for holding him back for a more 'showcase' PPV. Three, think about card placement for those four matches listed above... one of them is curtain-jerking. Go ahead, pick one and tell me any of that would make sense.

So, I completely agree that there's a dearth of top-tier talent in WWE right now, but this is not the time to bring Lesnar back. WM28 simply doesn't need him, and they could easily milk a ton of money out of a smaller PPV for his first appearance. Ultimately, the Lesnar interest group so overlaps with ones that are ordering WM for those first three matches that it makes no sense not to hold off. Again, I'm not arguing in any fashion that I wouldn't love to have an Orton/Lesnar mach on the card... but just like that fateful Nitro in Atlanta, it's leaving a fuck-ton of money on the table.

As a fan, I agree with you completely. Objectively thinking, I can make zero argument as to why Lesnar should be brought back now.
[quote name='diddy310']Seems like they need to have Goldust in there to throw Cody out if the plan is to have them go against eachother at Elimination Chamber.[/QUOTE]

I want to see that at Wrestlemania, not at No Way Out (fuck you, WWE. Call it what you want, but the February PPV will always be No Way Out to me).
[quote name='Scorch']I think I'm going to try to avoid any potential Rumble spoilers. I want to be surprised.[/QUOTE]

The only surprise you're going to get, is the surprise realization that you thought you might actually get surprised.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I want to see that at Wrestlemania, not at No Way Out (fuck you, WWE. Call it what you want, but the February PPV will always be No Way Out to me).[/QUOTE]

I would too but I have a feeling Cody is getting the briefcase at WM.
[quote name='JJSP']

Hulk Hogan could have been in Metallica.[/QUOTE]

I never would have pegged Hogan as a Stone Roses fan.
[quote name='007']In regards to the Rumble, I view surprise entrants such as Booker and Nash being able to take the tossing because they aren't being built for anything. I'm of the opinion that if Lesnar returns, he initially needs to be pushed *gigantically*

I think, though, my problem is that I'm looking at it from a business standpoint. Sure, it'd be great to add Lesnar/Orton to a fairly stacked card, but that's the problem... this card is already stacked. WM28 will be successful based almost solely on Rock/Cena.

As a fan, I agree with you completely. Objectively thinking, I can make zero argument as to why Lesnar should be brought back now.[/QUOTE]

Ratings are down. They'll want to stack Wrestlemania until it tips over. That way the ratings leading up to it will hopefully get better.

Orton would be great at goading Lesnar. Lesnar will say that he made a return as a one night only deal, but Randy will be pissed that Lesnar cost him his chance at a main event and continously taunt him until he agrees to step into the chamber.

Orton takes a cheap victory over a distracted/injured Lesnar at Elimination Chamber and wins the belt. (Laurinitas will have innocently made Lesnar the first entrant in the Chamber to wear him out, or course) After his title victory Orton now claims he has nothing to prove and NOW we start pushing Brock Lesnar. He'll have to jump through hoops to get his title shot with Orton as Orton will have fully-sided with Laurinitas at this point. (a re-hash of the corporate champion scenario) We will even have a Lesnar/Punk tag match along the way (They ARE Paul Heyman guys, after all) but Lesnar won't get his hands on Orton one-on-one until he "earns" it, which will happen at WM.

Sprinkle in a possibility of a Heyman and or Vince appearance and there you go.

What they decide to do with him afterward is anyone's guess, but that'd be my ideal sceario if I had to pitch it.
Here are the current rumored Rumble surprise entrants from the dirt sheets:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan (probably as a throwback to the first Rumble, even though this isn't actually the 25th Anniversary; Duggan canceled an indy appearance at the last moment.)
Road Warrior Animal (Dunno why he'd appear randomly)
The Road Dogg (He's an agent backstage now, but he got no reaction at the Slammys)
Here's how I think they'll write him in right now: Lesnar, Mark Henry, and Orton last 3 in the ring. Henry throws out Lesnar while he's distracted by Orton. Lesnar still looks like a beast who was screwed over and loses none of his momentum. Orton eliminates Henry while Lesnar is screaming at him on the outside. Henry says Lesnar cost him his title shot and that he should be the number one contender still. Lesnar vs Henry (if Henry is still hurt, write a bullshit story as to why) - Lesnar earns a spot in the EC match. Lesnar wins the title at EC - goes into WM as the champ vs Orton. Huge money for an already guaranteed to sell ppv (which WM is their biggest draw, so why not) and Lesnar comes back in time to still be relevant in both WWE and UFC fans minds. Lesnar with the belt = ratings to see where he goes with it going into WM. Bringing him back now, even if only short term (as in he decides just to cash out instead of stick around) they can have him go into WM as WHC, have Orton beat him (say what you will about Orton, but I think he's got it in him to carry Lesnar to a 5 star match), and chalk another one up to the "Legend Killer", re-cementing Orton as a dominant champion (instead of making him look like Super Cena-NeverLose).

If they hold him, they can make a huge deal about his return with vignettes airing non-stop and it being a big deal. The problem is, like stated earlier, if he shows up at RR going into WM, it becomes national news and likely gets mentioned on ESPN and the likes. If they wait too long, he becomes irrelevant and an afterthought. Bringing him back now looking like a monster is also a huge pro because what's fresh in everyone's mind is watching him crumble as Cain Velasquez crushed him like a fragile little chump. They're going to watch if for no other reason than to see how he looks.

There's just too many pros to having in come in now, and making this WM the biggest seller in history, etc.
If Lesnar goes to WM against anyone other than Undertaker he MUST win, especially to erase the stink that was Goldberg/Lesnar from WM 19. I can't see it any other way. Anyone else on the roster can survive a loss to him, Lesnar needs a serious push to make him look like a monster again, especially after how his UFC career ended. (Not speaking ill of him, but just saying) He needs to be pushed and should seriously go into WM as a face.
[quote name='kodave']Here are the current rumored Rumble surprise entrants from the dirt sheets:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan (probably as a throwback to the first Rumble, even though this isn't actually the 25th Anniversary; Duggan canceled an indy appearance at the last moment.)
Road Warrior Animal (Dunno why he'd appear randomly)
The Road Dogg (He's an agent backstage now, but he got no reaction at the Slammys)

Animal is john laurinaitis's brother, so it's not super random
[quote name='Scythe']
Animal is john laurinaitis's brother, so it's not super random

his son plays for the rams as well.
I understand the idea of stacking the card, but why waste a quick booster when you simply don't need it? It doesn't address any of the true roster problems, but using Lesnar AFTER The Rock leaves seems like a much better business move. Why boost one PPV when you can boost two?

Which, let's be fair, is the real issue with this WM... of those top three matches, half of the participants are likely to disappear immediately afterwards (Rock, HHH, Taker). This line-up might pop ratings and a buy rate, but it doesn't just not address the roster issues... it completely runs in the opposite direction. I'm less interested in what WWE is planning for Rumble to Mania than I am in what in the fuck happens in April. The Rock is going to bring people back for WM... but what is WWE going to do in order to entice them into staying after he leaves?
I could be wrong here, but after his last UFC fight, doesn't Brock have a mandatory time off period enforced by the athletic commission? Even though he is no longer fighting for the UFc wouldn't he still legally have to abide by the ruling from the commission on that matter?
I'm not sure why I'm doing this to myself, but I'm currently rewatchng the '95 Rumble. Like I've said before: 90% jobbers were present in this thing.

EDIT: And Aldo Montoya just entered the Rumble, and I can't stop laughing.
I could see Lesnar coming in after 'Mania to help out the usual post-WM lull. Bring him in for a summer run through Summerslam.
After reading the 1995 Rumble lineup, I have to agree: holy fuck, '95 sucked for WWF fans. Well Dunn, The Blu Twins, Jimmy Del Rey, fucking
Would be cool if they played up the "any wwe superstar is eligable" angle and they had daniel bryan or cm punk win the rumble, essentially setting up a undispited championship match at wm.

The brand extention is nearly 10 years old and on its last legs. Might as well put the whole thing to bed at wm.
In keeping with WWE's MO of elevating guys who don't need it and wondering why the main event is barren and uninteresting:

Foley wins the Rumble, Ziggler wins at the Rumble and defends at Elimination Chamber. Foley vs Ziggler in some gimmick match at WM that puts Ziggler over and gets him out of the midcard. If you want to stack the card for Mania, Punk vs Jericho sells without the title on the line; make it a #1 Contender's match if needed.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Would be cool if they played up the "any wwe superstar is eligable" angle and they had daniel bryan or cm punk win the rumble, essentially setting up a undispited championship match at wm.

The brand extention is nearly 10 years old and on its last legs. Might as well put the whole thing to bed at wm.[/QUOTE]

Now there's a compelling thought...

It's hard to tell from the youtube clip, but I recall Doug Gilbert's theme (I ordered the 1996 Rumble, or rented it on video from Blockbuster, I don't recall) sounded essentially like the chicken dance. It was pretty obvious (even at the time) that they were just taking a giant dump on him. Not sure why, but back when I was a mark, it was that obvious.

It's more the intonation of "who's that?" - it sounds like how you would ask the question if you saw someone who wasn't supposed to be where they are.
I frequently cite Hennig's "Who's that...?" "...all right!" as my favorite RR commentary moment ever. Takao Omori's entrance in the same match is also hilarious, running down there like a fucking maniac while the WWF "generic Asian theme" (aka Orient Express theme) blares in the background.

[quote name='advanced']He sells exercise equipment on HSN.[/QUOTE]

Even better:

I was going through this series of videos (watch 'em when you have time, pretty cool to see heel Vince in '93), this seems oddly similar to the video that played at the beginning of Nitro when they bought WCW.

That same guy has some pretty nice other playlists as well, including a pretty good run of Kaufman vs Lawler feud stuff and Bret's heel run in USWA.
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Wow. Winning Tough Enough really does wonders for a young wanna be wrassler doesn't it? Maybe And Levine should get Maven's number from someone.
[quote name='Genocidal']In keeping with WWE's MO of elevating guys who don't need it and wondering why the main event is barren and uninteresting:

Foley wins the Rumble, Ziggler wins at the Rumble and defends at Elimination Chamber. Foley vs Ziggler in some gimmick match at WM that puts Ziggler over and gets him out of the midcard. If you want to stack the card for Mania, Punk vs Jericho sells without the title on the line; make it a #1 Contender's match if needed.[/QUOTE]

No offense but that just sounds terrible.

Foley shouldn't be anywhere near a world title. Didn't we learn that lesson in TNA? And Foley winning the Rumble? Jesus.

Plus Foley will get Ziggler over just fine like he did Edge and even Orton (though for some reason I remember Orton having the IC title, but that's much different than a world title).

Punk vs Jericho for the title because both claim to be best in the world or whatever is most logical.

Could you imagine how buried on Raw Ziggler would be as World Champ if they're selling and promoting a Smackdown world title match, Rock/Cena, Jericho/Punk, and possibly something like Big Show/Shaq? Ziggler/Foley would fall below all of those in terms of promotion. Might as well give Swagger the WWE Title because that's how relevant the title will be on Raw leading up to Mania on Ziggler.

I like Ziggler but its not his time yet. He's very talented in the ring, solid on the mic (he seems to do better on Z!TLIS though), but he's not there just yet in terms of carrying the world title seriously. Hopefully by the end of the year though.
I've long wanted a decent photo of this bizarre moment. Up until now I've had to settle for a 320x240 grainy screencap.

Thanks to - NO LONGER.

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Wow. I haven't thought about that in years.

That was from the Survivor Series, yes? Was it that UT was going up against Ludvig Borga's team? Nothing's more American than a Betsy Ross flag on the inseam of a trenchcoat worn by a quasi-living man wrestling in order to demonstrate the superiority of American industrialism and pollution over some goddamned Scandinavian Liberal Communist Hippie.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.
[quote name='mykevermin']Wow. I haven't thought about that in years.

That was from the Survivor Series, yes? Was it that UT was going up against Ludvig Borga's team? Nothing's more American than a Betsy Ross flag on the inseam of a trenchcoat worn by a quasi-living man wrestling in order to demonstrate the superiority of American industrialism and pollution over some goddamned Scandinavian Liberal Communist Hippie.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. from the build-up to SS '93. 'Taker came out during that promo to replace Tatanka, who was injured by that pollution hating Ludvig Borga to show those foreign bastards that THESE COLORS DO NOT RUN.

That was also the only time I ever remember Finkel conducting an in-ring interview.
I would rather see Foley accidentally cost Ziggler his title match by going after Lauranitis, then Ziggler returning the favor in the Rumble and getting rid of Foley - then you go from there.

Here's what I'm thinking for WM..

Triple H/Undertaker w/ HBK as ref
Punk/Jericho - WWE Championship
Orton/Bryan/Sheamus/Barrett - World Championship
Money in the Bank - R Truth, Kofi, Ryder, Christian, Del Rio, Rhodes, Miz, Kane
Big Show/Shaq
Swagger/Brodus Clay US title
Divas title match

Just not sure where to put Mark Henry in there (if his injury isn't too bad)
Not sure about the rest of the roster...maybe a Battle Royale to get an MITB spot?
[quote name='kodave']No offense but that just sounds terrible.

Foley shouldn't be anywhere near a world title. Didn't we learn that lesson in TNA? And Foley winning the Rumble? Jesus.

Plus Foley will get Ziggler over just fine like he did Edge and even Orton (though for some reason I remember Orton having the IC title, but that's much different than a world title).

Punk vs Jericho for the title because both claim to be best in the world or whatever is most logical.

Could you imagine how buried on Raw Ziggler would be as World Champ if they're selling and promoting a Smackdown world title match, Rock/Cena, Jericho/Punk, and possibly something like Big Show/Shaq? Ziggler/Foley would fall below all of those in terms of promotion. Might as well give Swagger the WWE Title because that's how relevant the title will be on Raw leading up to Mania on Ziggler.

I like Ziggler but its not his time yet. He's very talented in the ring, solid on the mic (he seems to do better on Z!TLIS though), but he's not there just yet in terms of carrying the world title seriously. Hopefully by the end of the year though.[/QUOTE]

The point is it was supposed to be terrible.
So, Austin/McMahon St. Valentine's Day Massacre finish for the cage match tonight?

Big Show throws Bryan into the cage and that side falls off giving Bryan the win.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I've long wanted a decent photo of this bizarre moment. Up until now I've had to settle for a 320x240 grainy screencap.

Thanks to - NO LONGER.


Thanks for this.
Why is Rick the only guy reacting despite being the least likely to see what the hell Taker's revealing? Could've been a banner reading "fuck Michigan" for all he knew.
Some random videos I found:
This was actually the second wrestling event ever that I watched
Hall and Nash are great in that they don't even try and cover for Sid
Raven is gold in that he doesn't even care
What idiot is crazy enough to try and legit fight the Macho Man? The match also sounds like it would have been great on paper
[quote name='ced']Why is Rick the only guy reacting despite being the least likely to see what the hell Taker's revealing? Could've been a banner reading "fuck Michigan" for all he knew.[/QUOTE]

Ha ha! Steiner you idiot!


Mildly considering going to a bar that's only about 6 miles away to watch the Rumble. Never actually watched a (WWE) PPV at the bar before.
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I'm on my iPad. Are there any sites that do audio and not video? I would at least like to listen to the rumble.
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