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[quote name='onetrackmind'](and i've been to some truly shitty events i.e. rosie vs. donald raw.)[/quote]


I hate to be that guy but I don't think I'll ever attend another WWE event until drastic changes happen.

Eh. I went to a Raw in December and I was just so...meh about the whole thing. It's not about shitting on the product, it's just that the product has potential but almost nothing to get excited about.

[quote name='Scorch']Holy Christmas crunch (sorry Myke)[/QUOTE]

Hey, use it. Not my copyright. ;)
[quote name='mykevermin']Oooh. Friend of mine just suggested that Jericho should have eliminated himself last night.[/QUOTE]

I actually thought he was going to do exactly that - when they were circling each other for an extended period I thought Jericho was just going to jump over the top rope and leave.

That backdrop he took from Sheamus over the top prior to his actual elimination was incredibly convincing, thought for sure there was no way he was going to catch himself.
I missed the first half of the show apparently.
Nice to see a guy have a match that's 1/3rd as long as his entrance.

Punk/Ziggy didn't do anything for me at all.

That handstand was pretty amazing.

The comedy bits were kind of fun and makes me realize that I really do miss "fun" wrestling as opposed to this "serious people talking about serious things in serious voices but all PG-13" BS that seems to be floating around now.

Kharma looks weak in her return since her only "elimination" was a guy running away and being pulled off the apron by the other announcers.

The only salvation of Jericho taking the silver medal I can see is something of a sabotage of Sheamus or opening a storyline where he can go against Punk. Punk's character feeds off of the commentary of others, if Jericho remains quiet he can fluster Punk while they both maintain their current face/heel roles. The thing could even open with Jericho sabotaging Sheamus on his "road to WM" in some way shape or form and Punk wanting to "honour the code" of wrestling or whatever and protect the #1 contender to the other belt. Maybe the 3 of them could do something interesting at EC that puts Sheamus going for the WHC and pits Jericho against Punk for the spinner belt at WM since that's what everyone wants to see anyways.
Or maybe I'm giving too much credit to the creative staff...
[quote name='nasum']Kharma looks weak in her return since her only "elimination" was a guy running away and being pulled off the apron by the other announcers.[/QUOTE]

You mean besides pressing Hunico over the ropes? The Ziggler Implant Buster spot wasn't an elimination but was definitely a highlight of the match.
So, do y'all think WWE will be forced to turn Sheamus heel again in light of reactions to his win?

Or are we a vocal minority of smart marks, and the rest of the WWE Universe™ loves the idea and will cheer him on to WM?
[quote name='mykevermin']So, do y'all think WWE will be forced to turn Sheamus heel again in light of reactions to his win?

Or are we a vocal minority of smart marks, and the rest of the WWE Universe™ loves the idea and will cheer him on to WM?[/QUOTE]

My gut tells me that they won't turn him, but who the hell knows. Sheamus was a dark horse to win because he's really the only partial-main-eventer that I can't even come up with a world title scenario for. That's not just from a booking standpoint, but I echo whoever said it earlier... I just don't care. There's no one on the roster you could tell me is going to face Sheamus that would make me give even a modicum of a shit.

Still, I think it would be a mistake to turn him, if only because even though there is a lack of heel main eventers, and the category Sheamus is in (guys that are upper echelon, but aren't quite main event) is fucking overflowing with heels. Miz, Ziggler, Rhodes, Barrett, Bryan, Del Rio, Christian... all heel. Because of the stranglehold Cena and Orton have had on the main event spots, the upper-mid-card faces aren't viewed anywhere near as ready as that heel list. So, in my opinion, there's no reason Sheamus should turn heel. There just isn't. Now, if the crowd turns on him, go for it... but I think that's unlikely. I think it's more disappointment, but not to a level that will turn the crowd on Sheamus.

Even from a 'smart mark' perspective... I don't hate Sheamus. I just think that was a poor booking choice. He's bland, but nothing about last night makes me suddenly go 'fuck that guy!'. He got handed the Rumble when he didn't deserve it. I can't put any blame on him... I mean, what, he's supposed to turn it down?

One of the things that shocks me coming out of last night is this weird idea that people seem to think Sheamus could be in the WWE title picture. Look, him in the WHC scene doesn't make a ton of sense, but there's literally zero place for him on the Raw side. That would involve ditching Punk entirely, giving the belt to a heel, and creating a new story between Sheamus and said heel. In two months. Worst case scenario, they add Sheamus to water down the standard face/heel WWE title match, which I don't think anyone wants.

I'm expecting a face Sheamus to take a run at a heel WHC. The problematic thing there is that I have no fucking clue who that would be. In fact, the only reasonable scenario would be to make the WHC a multi-man match. If they ditch Bryan like I expect, I could see an Orton/Barrett/Sheamus match with Orton taking the belt at the EC. Or, depending, make it a four way with Bryan. Either way, I don't see a strong face/heel singles match with Sheamus... then again, I'd actually be okay with a Sheamus/Bryan match, but I zero faith that WWE would let that happen.

I... oh, dear god I need shorter posts. I was just about to start another paragraph. Jesus. I'll save that thought for a later post.

tl:dr ... No, I don't think they'll turn Sheamus. The kids don't give a shit about how the Rumble went or who was 'supposed' to go over.
[quote name='Scorch']It's on the website now.[/QUOTE]

In other news Vince is on a plane somewhere over Missouri right now headed to kick someone's ass at TMZ for stealing his thunder from announcing it on Raw.

We doin' chat tonight? With the GF out of town I'm thinking I might watch Raw for the first time in a couple months.
[quote name='KaneRobot']You mean besides pressing Hunico over the ropes? The Ziggler Implant Buster spot wasn't an elimination but was definitely a highlight of the match.[/QUOTE]

I didn't see her toss Hunico over, must have been grabbing a beer. The buster was out of place though. Who does their finisher in the middle of the ring during a rumble but then doesn't bother to toss the finished opponent? It was just kind of odd. Nice to see that Ziggy will take as much abuse as his cartoon counterpart. Then to have her kayfabe lay there for 2 minutes after being tossed over further serves to make her look like she can't hang with the boys.

I don't see a heel turn for Sheamus either, this isn't ImpacTNA after all...
I don't think they'll turn Sheamus. They'll just demote it to the "unimportant" major title match we always get. The focus is going to be on Rock/Cena, whatever 'Taker does, and whatever Punk does.

[quote name='nasum']I didn't see her toss Hunico over, must have been grabbing a beer.

The buster was out of place though. Who does their finisher in the middle of the ring during a rumble[/QUOTE]
Austin? Big Show? Hennig? HBK? Santino? RVD? Jericho? A ton of people have done it through the years.

but then doesn't bother to toss the finished opponent? It was just kind of odd.

...Vickie got up to yell at her/distract her immediately after she did the move, which didn't seem odd to me at all. You must have jumped up to get that beer pretty fast, since the Cole elimination was followed 10 seconds later by the implant buster, which was followed less than 15 seconds after that by Hunico getting tossed.
I'm not upset about Sheamus winning. I'm upset about the build up to Sheamus winning. I mean, really? Going from a Jinder Mahal feud to winning the Rumble is insanely ridiculous. I'm glad WWE threw us a curveball, although I wasn't too excited about it initially.
Hey, someone mentioned the WHC, which is enough of a segue for me.

Anyway, one of the big reasons that Sheamus is a surprise is that... well, I assume we can all agree that Orton is basically second to Cena, right? That's not counting part-time people like Taker and HHH, obviously. My point is, will they actually go three years in a row without putting Orton in a title match at WM?

The last title match he had at Mania was WM25. 26 was the Legacy match, and 27 was Orton/Punk. It just seems out of the realm of possiblity that they'd book WM28 and not put Orton in a title match again. It's not even like he's had awesome reasons the past two years... he wasn't facing Taker or having marquee match-ups with guys like HHH or HBK. DiBiase, Rhodes, Punk. Looking at the roster climate both of those years, that's almost like a punishment. Not even well written punishment, sadly.

It's why I expect Orton to still end up in the WHC match. I mean, what, just give him a random Orton/Barrett match? For a guy that they push to the moon for most of the year, they seem to forget about him once WM time comes.

I also just realized that this is (as of now) Cena's first WM without a world title match since WM20. Seven WMs in a row have featured a Cena title match. Orton, in the same time frame, has had 3. Which is irrelevant, but still.
[quote name='mykevermin']Yeah, I'm not dumb enough to think D. Brine is walking into WM28 with that title.

MITB or dark match for him.[/QUOTE]

My guess is MITB or random match with Big Show or Mark Henry since he dark matched last year(w/ Sheamus no less). But this is the WWE, who likes to do the opposite of what everyone else thinks just for the fuck of it.

edit:forgot Big Show is supposed to have a match involving Shaq
Never thought WWE could make one of the worse rumbles possible but they succeeded. Its not even that hard to mess up a RR but goodness wtf was that. Time to see Raw disappoint, watch me be wrong.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I don't think they'll turn Sheamus. They'll just demote it to the "unimportant" major title match we always get. The focus is going to be on Rock/Cena, whatever 'Taker does, and whatever Punk does.

Austin? Big Show? Hennig? HBK? Santino? RVD? Jericho? A ton of people have done it through the years.

...Vickie got up to yell at her/distract her immediately after she did the move, which didn't seem odd to me at all. You must have jumped up to get that beer pretty fast, since the Cole elimination was followed 10 seconds later by the implant buster, which was followed less than 15 seconds after that by Hunico getting tossed.[/QUOTE]

Like I said beer was involved, this leads to distracted thinking and making sure I'm not knocking over a guitar at that guy's basement. Seriously, who keeps all their guitars just laying about? At the very least get some stands...
Well now that the I guess it's Elimination Chamber time again I have a thought: remember that time Edge jumped Kofi on his way to the ring and took his spot? After seeing that I wondered why no one else has ever tried that if it's a thing you can apparently just do: "Oh hey look! That guy is making his way to the ring for his match. I guess I can go ahead and jump him and the refs will replace him with me. It worked for Edge that one time."

Wrestling logic is weird.
I see the WWE clearly thinks Sheamus is a bigger deal than we do. Here's a pic a Facebook friend posted from the show last night.

I laughed so fucking hard when I saw that photo, I knew I had to show you guys. How in the hell they're putting stock in this guy is beyond me. I don't mind Sheamus, but he's not the kind of guy who can carry the company.
[quote name='xilly']I laughed so fucking hard when I saw that photo, I knew I had to show you guys. How in the hell they're putting stock in this guy is beyond me. I don't mind Sheamus, but he's not the kind of guy who can carry the company.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how you can possibly say that. The dude is still very early in his career despite being a former two time WWE champ. He only moved from ECW to Raw at the end of October of 2009, winning his first WWE title in December that year. Too much too soon definitely, but we're like 2.5 years into Sheamus' WWE run counting WWECW. His future potential is unlimited.

He's already doing the great John Cena style charity work with their anti-bullying campaign. Kids love the new fan friendly Sheamus. Crowds pop for him constantly despite him not having an actual long term feud since joining Smackdown. Sheamus did absolutely fantastic in his media appearances on Jimmy Fallon and on Conan. Way better than The Miz does on Conan, which is frankly embarrassing. I'm sure the dude has huge international appeal too. He has a unique look that stands out from the pack so he's marketable visually.

He might never be "John Cena popular" but I have no doubt that he could at least be "Randy Orton popular" over time, and seeing how Orton is the #2 guy in the company that's not so bad.
Fun fact: that photo was taken at night without a flash.

Raw Elimination Chamber sounds good, already think Kofi is going to get jumped again.

Barrett's not so good new theme...

Thought it was funny that Barrett said he finally got to pick his theme after winning that "Talk The Talk" challenge on NXT season 1.
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[quote name='kodave']His future potential is unlimited.[/QUOTE]

This is true of almost anyone who steps in the ring, and the only part of your post I agree with.

In the meantime, please point me to a solid Sheamus promo and/or note some great matches he's had.

It's not that he's no good, it's that he's fucking *dull*. He's not a bad wrestler, but let me digress for a moment.

A true "Sooperstar™" is someone that a good portion of the fanbase (a) buys tickets to see or (b) gets upset if he's not on a show, or notices that they're not on the program.

That's the metric I'd use, at any rate. We remember fairly frequently that Undertaker has been gone for a long time, and the same can be said about Rey Mysterio (and perhaps even Christian, though I'm open to disagreement there).

How long does it take to notice that the Usos aren't on television? Or Tyler Reks? Curt Hawkins? There's a lot of people in WWE who, certainly, some of us thought were released months ago. That says something about their character. Simply being remembered for being in the WWE doesn't make one a superstar. Some of us remember "Brakus," even though he never had a tv match (I think). Kronik had exactly two matches in WWE. We can think of other examples.

But there are a lot of people who don't show up week to week on WWE tv, or even those who do show up every week - but we still won't notice if they're not on. Sheamus feels that way to me. Perhaps it's because he's been booked to be the "whatever, fuck it" match winner on Raw (no storyline, rushes through enhancement talent, doesn't do anything new to establish his character). I might notice if Sheamus isn't on the air, but I don't think I'd honestly worry about it too much. I wouldn't have asked for my money back if Sheamus wasn't at the WWE Raw I went to in December, but I would have been upset if Punk wasn't there, or Daniel Bryan, or Zack Ryder.

To that degree, Sheamus is not a Sooperstar™, and therefore someone who should not be competing for the Big Gold Belt™ at the biggest show of the year. WrestleMania is supposed to showcase top-level talent, not make them top-level talent.

Sheamus vs anyone for any title at WM screams to me "bathroom break" or "throwaway match that fans don't care if they miss." WWE felt that way 12 months ago at WM27, when they gave away Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan as the dark match.
I think people were booing Jericho losing more than Sheamus winning if that makes sense. I dig Sheamus and I was actually excited to see him win last night because it showed WWE was willing to throw up a curveball since everyone expected either Jericho or Orton to win.

Personally I think they should keep building Sheamus as a face while meanwhile building up Bryan as a mega annoying obnoxious heel (like he did with some of his antics last night) Build it up to the point where people can't wait to see Sheamus kick Bryan's head off. I don't have any problem with two new main eventers fighting for the title at WM along with the mega hyped matches we already have.

Besides, those of you are complaining about Sheamus winning, would have complained "WWE is doing the same old shit" if Orton had won.
[quote name='ZForce']Besides, those of you are complaining about Sheamus winning, would have complained "WWE is doing the same old shit" if Orton had won.[/QUOTE]

This. I'm willing to see where the WWE goes with Sheamus winning. I got that feeling its not going to end up well. Dunno how to explain really beyond just what I'm feeling at this point.
[quote name='ZForce']Besides, those of you are complaining about Sheamus winning, would have complained "WWE is doing the same old shit" if Orton had won.[/QUOTE]

Ohhh yeah. My thoughts exactly.

I see Sheamus falling into the "Batista role" for a little while. No way he reaches Orton status when it comes to popularity, though.

I thought the Rumble as a whole was quite wasteful in its spots (had a feeling Booker was entering, but Cole/King? Meh.), but it entertained me enough to watch the entire thing. Something I haven't done in years.
Is there anything on the Smackdown side that can compare hype/ticket selling wise to the H/Taker, Rock/Cena, Punk/Jericho trio? Even one of those matches?

Orton is getting into that title match somehow because he's the only true main event player on the entire show. Still betting on it being a 4 way with Orton/Sheamus/Barrett/Bryan. There's enough backstory in that group to build up a match aside from Bryan/Orton. (Sheamus/Orton, Barrett/Orton, Barrett/Bryan all have history to build from)

Maybe they move the belt to Orton or Sheamus in the Elimination Chamber or have a questionable finish to it to set up the 4 way.
Glad I wasn't the only one who liked seeing Sheamus as the winner. Hell, my top three were Sheamus, Jericho, and Wade so I was happy.

Speaking of Wade, really? That's his new theme? I really hope they reconsider.

Last year's Rumble was better, but this wasn't bad - just weird.
Sheamus wins the Rumble - "WTF, the dirt sheets hadn't even reported/made up a WrestleMania feud/program for us to get overly excited about even though there's a lot of time to build up a proper title program for him. The guy is two and a half years into his career and has gotten over huge as a face despite not doing shit since moving to Smackdown other than kicking midcard heels in the face after spending two years being a horrible heel and shoved down our throats. Lets put the nail in the coffin of this guys' career already. He's no Orton and Batsita who two years into their careers were playing midcard muscle for Triple H in Evolution even though we all knew they were clearly the future of the business and would be the #2 and #3 men in the company once Taker, HBK, and HHH all stopped playing full time. Besides, him and Bryan got dumped from the show last year, and this year I'm supposed to pay to see them fight over the world title! Yeah right! And who wants to see Bryan with the title? Its not like he's even pulling 5 star matches out of his ass like I've read about him doing in ROH, so who wants to watch this vanilla midget. fuck WWE. Worst. Rumble. Ever."

If Jericho won the Rumble - "This was telegraphed miles away with his recent return and his 'end of the world' promos. They couldn't have thought of a more original way to do this? Besides, why does Jericho need a Rumble win at this point in his career? And who wants to see Jericho vs Punk after all of the needless hype and speculation the internet has pumped into this as of now non-existent feud? This is going to end up more underwhelming and disappointing than the 'Summer of Punk' which was botched and destroyed the night after Money in the Bank. Go back to Fozzy, Jericho."

If Orton had won the Rumble - "Wow this stinks of the same old shit WWE always does. Never giving anyone else a chance. I mean, what's going to be his match at Mania? Dragging out this pointless feud with Barrett, who isn't ready for the main event, just so Orton can demolish him too? I guess WWE is too scared Mania is going to fail despite running Rock/Cena so they have to shove Orton into another title match even though he might do something completely different."

Nothing ever pleases most fans who post about wrestling on the internet.
[quote name='mykevermin']In the meantime, please point me to a solid Sheamus promo and/or note some great matches he's had.

It's not that he's no good, it's that he's fucking *dull*.[/QUOTE]

That sums up my thoughts about Sheamus.

And I LOL-ed at "Sooperstar™".

Shame Danielson won't walk into 'Mania with the title. Would've been nice to have Punk and Danielson unite the titles.
Can't believe that Bryan/Punk match ended the way it did.

I also can't believe that Cole was not only toned down during the match, but him and King WERE ACTUALLY CALLING IT AND PUTTING BOTH GUYS OVER.
Title unification is a thing of the past, sadly. At this point in time, The Big Gold Belt is essentially this generation's US Belt, while the "real" US belt has turned into something resembling the TV title or even the godforsaken European title.
Had a feeling 'Taker might show up once the overrun started getting beyond the usual 6-7 minute mark. His hair looked weird. Or his hat did. Maybe both.

Sad to see the old theme back but it wasn't surprising.
Venkman might be correct with the Sheamus-Undertaker idea. But then again, WWE does pretty good storytelling for Undertaker's yearly match, so we'll see if Triple H and Undertaker is booked for WM.

And Undertaker's hair did look curly like doll hair.
Undertaker is WWEs Punxsutawney Phil. If he sees the wrestlemania signs shadow, winter storylines will end early.
I do like WWE's actually showed some consistency tonight with Triple H not letting personal issues cloud his judgment. Now I wonder if Taker will keep goading him into a match until Trips finally breaks.
Have to say I'd be quite impressed if they actually stuck to HHH's reaction tonight and basically made Taker go searching for an opponent since it has always been people coming after him in the past.

Not giving them the benefit of THAT doubt though. The only twist I'd even half expect is HBK as ref for their match.
I'd be down with Sheamus using the Royal Rumble win to fight the Undertaker since Taker's match usually is "the real main event".

[quote name='Purple Flames']I do like WWE's actually showed some consistency tonight with Triple H not letting personal issues cloud his judgment. Now I wonder if Taker will keep goading him into a match until Trips finally breaks.[/QUOTE]Does that mean Taker is going to beat up Aurora Rose to get Triple H to fight him at 'Mania?
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