The Civil War Comic Book Discussion Thread

[quote name='red flare graf']Wolverine sucks so bad right now. So bad.[/QUOTE]They should phase him out. They've got Girlverine now. Give Wolverine a break for a decade, Marvel. We've seen it all from him anyway.
Fantastic Four has gone up tremendously in quality ever since JMS got off the book. I'm not sure if McDuffie will hit Waid-level for me but he definately is off to a good start. It's nice to be picking up the 616 fantastic four again. thank you thor
[quote name='red flare graf']Wolverine sucks so bad right now. So bad.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't have said it better. My favorite character for over 20 years is having some rough time. Between his ongoing title and Wolverine Origins, it's like Marvel has run out of ideas with the character. You know your in trouble when a fantastic writer like Jeph Loeb writes a five issue fight with Sabretooth! That's a 15 dollar know how much 15 bucks will get you in Mexico?!! The only good dosage I get of Wolverine is when they actually put out Astonishing. X-23 is so much more interesting now. As far as FF, I'm glad JMS is off the book and when WWH starts, I'm hoping to see a New Fantastic Four reunion!
I would hardly describe Loeb as a fantastic writer any more. The man has been on a cold streak since issue 11 of Hush. I can understand how the passing of his son has probably shaken him, but I wasn't fond of his work even before Sam issue. Superman/Batman was just horrible and rarely ever worth the delays
I enjoyed the Fantastic Four issue. It's a nice dynamic with Storm and Black Panther as new members of the team. It seems to me that T'Chuck is acting a lot like Batman (pre-Infinite Crisis). Batman had his protocols for taking down the JLA and being very supicious of anyone with powers. Seeing Black Panther placing a bug on Tony Stark just sceamed Batman to me.

What was up with Tony Stark wearing that SHIELD uniform?

Batman was particularly good. I have really warmed up to Mr. Kubert's art. I was very dissappointed with the last PROSE issue by Morrison. Please don't do that any more, Mr. Morrison!

Checkmate is what a SHIELD series could be. I think this title is extremely well written and the art is just great.
ive enjoyed FF lately too, still warming up to storm and the panther.

the hulk lady friend is pregnant? thats a good twist. i hope she survived that explosion at the end of that issue. it'd be good for the hulk to have a chick besides betty ross. could the hulks kid be banners way out? that would work for me. it did in earth x(except the diaper). im so hyped for WWHULK. he'll destroy all fifty of tonys super teams.

i re-read the civil war and...
i love the thor clone. yes i said it. thor as a bad ass MFer was really fun.

i read CAP 25...
uhh. why kill my fav guy? i hope the rest of this arc doesnt suck. boy could it ever suck.

does wolvie suck now? didnt know that. i dont read any X books.

hey do this math...
$3.00 x 52 x... say...500,000 copies? DC is rolling in it. me? im waiting for TPBs
[quote name='IronMan2020']

hey do this math...
$3.00 x 52 x... say...500,000 copies? DC is rolling in it. me? im waiting for TPBs[/QUOTE]

The 52 issues are $2.50 each, but yeah DC got the right idea rolling! There are going to be four trades. With 13 issues in each trade for $20 each. I really hope they release an Omnibus edition later down the road that would be one thick-ass book!
[quote name='IronMan2020']ive enjoyed FF lately too, still warming up to storm and the panther.

the hulk lady friend is pregnant? thats a good twist. i hope she survived that explosion at the end of that issue. it'd be good for the hulk to have a chick besides betty ross. could the hulks kid be banners way out? that would work for me. it did in earth x(except the diaper). im so hyped for WWHULK. he'll destroy all fifty of tonys super teams.

...and then still have something left for Professor X and the X-men.
I was at a comic book convention last month. I was able to pick up a long run of Fables. I originally picked up the first 30 or so issues and then dropped it. I finally wanted to pick it up again and I regret dropping it. It is such a great concept and it is executed very well.

I also went to my local comic shop and picked up issues 94 - 99 and 101 - 104 of the Incredible Hulk. Looking forward to WORLD WAR HULK!
[quote name='RedvsBlue']...and then still have something left for Professor X and the X-men.[/quote]

hulk would stomp the xmen

you think the ilumunati could defeat hulk? thats the shwdown im waiting for:applause:
Now, I've never actually read the Hulk, but wouldn't someone like Rachel Summers/Grey be able to severely fuck him over? Wouldn't an Omega-level telepath be able to just psychically shut his brain down, or at least the part that controls his transformations? Maybe this has been answered before in the comics.

Also, anyone wanna make the new topic?
hulk has a little resistance to telepathy. that is why has had so muchtrouble with repressed emotions. plus, dont forget...

the madder he is the stronger all his powers. so his resistance would be all the more greater in a fight

so take the situation that caused his exile, all thats happened since. (maybe) his lady friend and child dying(i doubt since she is super tough and strong and you know the baby is too), him finally getting back to earth and finding out that he is the biggest unregistered threat ever so he'll be hounded and attacked 100 times more than ever, oh and his buddy Mr. rogers has been murdered. he is going to be soooooooo strong(pissed).

and john romita jr doing the art! bonus!
i have goose bumps

new topic? um... how about "the office is the best show ever"

hey how do you get your gamer card on here? that is cool
Yeah, but I feel like the mixture of the fact that she's Omega level plus houses part of the Phoenix force in her would trump any amount of resistance the Hulk has. I mean, I remember that Jean shut down the Bruce part of his brain easily when they needed him to be pure Hulk against Onslaught. Though it wouldn't be much of a mini-series event if literally once he landed Rachel just mind-raped him and took him out, :lol:.

Also, by new topic I mean the fact that we typically close topics once they reach 500 posts here on CAG, so we need to start a new one. If no one else wants to, I'll start the next one up, but I figure somoene else might want a shot before I make a second in a row.
didnt hulk let her do that voluntarily? its been a while i dont really remember.

i dont see what it would hurt if started up a new one.
Is this going to be like the Wrestling Topic where the creator gets to put in information about the topic title?
I picked up Justice League of America 7. Awesome issue!
Chomping at the bit for 52 to end. Wasn't to keen on this week's issue. Still don't like a Hispanic, lesbian, loner, alcoholic, former cop becoming the question. Don't like one bit. (I am Hispanic myself)
Looking forward to Nova #1, next week.
this is to evil omar...

a saw the spidey 3 trailer before i saw the 300. you know i hate the spidey movies but i think i'll like this one. i know i wont like the "yuppie" goblin snowboarder gag, but venom will be cool only because sam riami(however you spell it) loves creepy\horror\fright\sight-gag stuff. im sure the story is ridicuolus but im sure the action will be great. as it is with EVERY comic movie.

is the guy who did the art for the first ten or so IRONMAN comics(the latest regular series) the one doing the new NOVA series? or is it just that one pic i've been seeing? that dude is awesome. they do his coloring and shading PERFECTLY. thats what i loved about those first few IRONMAN issues.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']
check my sig (link) for my creations.

On another note...Transformers/Avengers...

Looks like Capt. America is I'm sure this happened before Civil War ;)

Also...How's Avengers: Initiative, is it worth checking out?[/QUOTE]

Those crossovers usually exist completely outside normal continuity. I wouldn't be surprised if him and Iron Man are arm in arm in it really.

Avengers Initiative is pretty good. It kind of reminds me of the first few issues I read of New X-men Academy X only a little more interesting. Also the ending is f'ed and reminds you that the pro-reg side is still worth hating.
[quote name='IronMan2020']this is to evil omar...

a saw the spidey 3 trailer before i saw the 300. you know i hate the spidey movies but i think i'll like this one. i know i wont like the "yuppie" goblin snowboarder gag, but venom will be cool only because sam riami(however you spell it) loves creepy\horror\fright\sight-gag stuff. im sure the story is ridicuolus but im sure the action will be great. as it is with EVERY comic movie.

is the guy who did the art for the first ten or so IRONMAN comics(the latest regular series) the one doing the new NOVA series? or is it just that one pic i've been seeing? that dude is awesome. they do his coloring and shading PERFECTLY. thats what i loved about those first few IRONMAN issues.[/QUOTE]

You'll see the light one day my friend LOL even though Hobgoblin looks like an SSX reject. Sean Chen is the artist on Nova. So to answer your question, no Adi Granov will not be the artist on the book, just the covers. You really don't want that guy drawing the book anyway. It took him two years to do the first six issues of Iron Man. Pretty to look at, but the guy doesn't need a monthly title. Speaking of Nova, I love quoting Erik Larsen: "Every time they bring Nova back, they always give him a new costume...cause you know that was the only thing holding the character back ;)"

Avengers/Transformers will have to be taken out of continuity. Marvel no longer owns the rights to Transformers so it's like a company crossover. Otherwise Spider-man would be giving a shout out to Bumblebee.

Justice League 7 was finally the issue I wanted to read from this series. I thought the first six issues were so horribly padded and I think we have enough Bendis wannabees out there. Dan Slott's initiative was okay, but I think I will stick with his funny stuff instead. And 52 is still a fun read, can't wait till WW3 and Countdown. So anyone starting a new topic?
granov kicks butt but youre right, those first IRONMAN books took forever.

is that the artist doing the AVENGERS\T-FORMERS? i forget his name but i remember the style. that is a good looking promo splash aint it?

start the new topic WWHULK 'cause you know thats what we'll be talking about.
bread's done