The Civil War Comic Book Discussion Thread

I stand by my statement that Black Goliath won't be back solely cause no one really cares enough about him for him to come back. And where has Uncle Ben come back? He was alive in House of M but that was an alternate reality, so that doesn't really count, since it was promptly undone by Scarlet Witch.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Warpath aint so dead :)[/quote]

Sorry meant Thunderbird.
Uncle Ben is in the new Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman Arc. Yes they find out it is an alternate reality version, but still why even bring any version of Ben back.
I agree with your thought on Black Goliath, but if it fits some writers arc, then they will find some reason to dig up his massive ass grave.
[quote name='vrs1650']Sorry meant Thunderbird.
Uncle Ben is in the new Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman Arc. Yes they find out it is an alternate reality version, but still why even bring any version of Ben back.
I agree with your thought on Black Goliath, but if it fits some writers arc, then they will find some reason to dig up his massive ass grave.[/quote]

Well there's your answer right there. Not only was it an alternate reality version, it was in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. No one actually reads that comic, so they could do whatever they wanted to and no one would know. They could be like "What if we made Peter Parker into a bumblebee, who still has the powers of a spider, have him get squashed, and make Mary Jane the new Spider-man? This sounds like genius!" and no one would have any idea it happened.
[quote name='karsh']Well there's your answer right there. Not only was it an alternate reality version, it was in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. No one actually reads that comic, so they could do whatever they wanted to and no one would know. They could be like "What if we made Peter Parker into a bumblebee, who still has the powers of a spider, have him get squashed, and make Mary Jane the new Spider-man? This sounds like genius!" and no one would have any idea it happened.[/quote]

True I guess that fact that I read too many damn comics has finally caught up with me. I want to stop some of them, but what if something good happens and I miss it.
Damn I sound like an addict.
hey i think i got...

CAP is alive in the cosmic cube.
they used his life energies to fuel the cube.
hang on im still working on it.

im out of work so now who knows how much im going to miss...dammit

CAP is alive... in the COSMIC CUBE!
they used his life energies to fuel the cube!
well...let me think a little longer and ill figure this out. hang on...
Heres the deal on cap 25...

Marvel took the amount of issues ordered + small amount of overage and then doubled that number and printed that many. They only bound the half they knew they where getting paid for. The other half stayed in the wareouse without staples, waiting for either the upsurge we got, or to be pulped if no one cared.
The book will at first be about his death (Autopsey et. all) and then will be about his friends/acquaintances (Bucky, Falcon) and how they deal with his death and trying to figure out who killed him (above crossbones) and why.
The thing that kills me is I've actually been keeping up with Cap's title and all for awhile now, and apparently the next issue (26) isn't coming out till May. That's just sucks. I want more Cap now dammit.
[quote name='karsh']The thing that kills me is I've actually been keeping up with Cap's title and all for awhile now, and apparently the next issue (26) isn't coming out till May. That's just sucks. I want more Cap now dammit.[/quote]

That's the thing I adored about 52.
The story just kept rolling and rolling, and the next issue was ready for you... next week.

It's given me a reason to make my stops at the local comic shop weekly instead of bi-weekly or monthly.

I have to say that it's a series, and a format, that I'll miss when it's gone.

(Though, I probably will feel stupid when the entire thing is collected and sold for less than $50 when I dropped $130 or so on single issues... but hey, that no big deal for a year long thing, right?)
[quote name='JSweeney']That's the thing I adored about 52.
The story just kept rolling and rolling, and the next issue was ready for you... next week.

It's given me a reason to make my stops at the local comic shop weekly instead of bi-weekly or monthly.

I have to say that it's a series, and a format, that I'll miss when it's gone.

(Though, I probably will feel stupid when the entire thing is collected and sold for less than $50 when I dropped $130 or so on single issues... but hey, that no big deal for a year long thing, right?)[/quote]

Doesn't Countdown start almost immediately after 52 is done and it's the next weekly series DC is doing?
Countdown starts the week after 52 #52 as Countdown #51. It's in modern continuity, goes by months (whatever issues are in june take place in june, no more Day 1-7 per issue), and is of course weekly.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Countdown starts the week after 52 #52 as Countdown #51. It's in modern continuity, goes by months (whatever issues are in june take place in june, no more Day 1-7 per issue), and is of course weekly.[/quote]

Well, shows how closely I follow things, eh?
Any idea if Groo the Wanderer is gonna make an appearance. I was hoping he would be in Marvel Ultimate Alliance, but I was disappointed to discover otherwise.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Dark Horse has the Groo license[/quote]

Do they? Is Sergio Arragone still involved? I heard he died. Seriously, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the heads up! I loved this comic in the mid 80's and I have the first 27 issues that Marvel released.

Sorry for the threadjack...carry on!
I can't wait for the trade paperbacks I ordered to make it here tomorrow. I ordered Ion: The Torchbearer Vol. 1, Justice Vol. 2, and Seven Soldiers of Victory Vol. 1 for my flight down to Tampa. I wanted more Zatanna stuff to read but the only thing I could find was Seven Soldiers, so hopefully it'll be good. I have faith in Morrison.
Its really unfortunate that titles like Marvel's own Annihilation is being completely overlooked. I picked up Annihilation Book 1 and am really looking forward reading it. There is also a second wave of Annihilation minis coming out soon featuring StarLord, Wraith, Quasar, etc.

I am very looking forward to World War Hulk. I just want the Hulk to kick the living crap out of Tony Stark.
This should prove real interesting. Marvel posted this on their website:


With the tag line "Is this the next Captain America?" attached to it. It looks to be a variant cover for Punisher War Journal 7.
Holly fuck. I wonder if they'll be doing this with a few different characters as well and to keep us guessing and then at the end one will actually come forward. Not like the Superman's Dead/revival variations, but I mean variations in advertisement only. It'd be cool.

EDIT: Who will be using the shield since it was stolen?
[quote name='karsh']This should prove real interesting. Marvel posted this on their website:


With the tag line "Is this the next Captain America?" attached to it. It looks to be a variant cover for Punisher War Journal 7.[/quote]

Purely fucking Awesome. If they run with this story line it would be great. I hope they don't do the Superman/Spiderman arc of like four different Caps. Just have one person replace him.
I have a feeling it's gonna be something like instead of having multiple new Captain Americas at once, it'll end up being either successive people trying to fill in for Cap in a row, or they'll instead have a series of covers much like this Punisher cover, showing different people being the new Captain America, and keep this up until the actual issues come out, when there'll be one true Captain America.
Now all we are missing are the Truth, the last son of WW2, Cyborg Cap, and Boy America for the Reign of the Catpains to start! I just hope he doesn't come back and have the same crappy resurrection that Captain Marvel had. I say by the end of the sixth part we get a little glimpse of where Steve Rogers is (whether he is still Cap or not).
Captain Punisher? get the f out of here. thats ridiculous. you are not cap unless you have the shield. i say Luke Cage should be the new cap. he is a shield.

doesnt captain america represent something? freedom? liberty? fighting the good fight and never giving up(except the civil war). frank castle represents none of these.

steven colbert is cap now 'cause he has the shield. i saw him read joe quesadas letter on youtube. that was awesome.

i still say cap's life energies have fueled the cosmic cube and he's in there.

p.s. that costume looks retarded. if they are serious about all this stuff...then until reed richards becomes a porn star, make mine darkhorse

p.s.s does any one else think that the voice of the main character in gears of war sounds just like optimus prime? is it peter cullen? sounds just like him to me.
Captain punisher? thats retarded. Cap represent america and freedom and blah blah. castle represent none the things that cap does.

that costume is a joke.

you cant be cap unless you have the shield. luke cage should be cap. he is a shield.

anyway steven colbert is cap now. i think thats a good thing, afterall,we are a nation at war.
[quote name='IronMan2020']

p.s.s does any one else think that the voice of the main character in gears of war sounds just like optimus prime? is it peter cullen? sounds just like him to me.[/quote]

Never thought about it, he always reminded me of Keifer Sutherland (Jack Bauer on 24)
There will an "official" Cap chosen by Ironman, and the unregistered side will have thier own version.

Registered have the shield
Unregistered have the mask
Just read The Confession. I'm glad Cap went to his grave calling Tony out on what a phony asshole he is.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']There will an "official" Cap chosen by Ironman, and the unregistered side will have thier own version.

Registered have the shield
Unregistered have the mask[/quote]

Is this your theory or have you heard this from sources?
For anyone looking to keep track of their comic book collection, their was an ad in Civil War: Confessions for a program at that is free to download and use. I checked it out, and all you have to do is register and download it. It's easy to use, and visually simplistic. But then again, it is free.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Is this your theory or have you heard this from sources?[/quote]

Stuff pulled together from multiple interviews and Newsarama stories.
So I finally got around to reading my comics my friend picked up for me while I was in Florida this past week. Personally, I loved The Confession. I think it did an amazing job at really humanizing Iron Man. It was one of the first times the entirety of Civil War where I really felt sympathetic towards Tony. It reminded me how amazing a writer Bendis can be when he really gets down to it. Plus you can't go wrong with Maleev's artwork, as it was absolutely gorgeous.
I enjoyed the Spider-Woman issue of the CW arc also. That's partially cause I love Jessica Drew, but it was a pretty awesome issue. But if no one's seen it yet, Marvel is starting to hype up June's New Avengers 31. Apparently the cover shows only the first major thing and the last page they claim is "the most important last page of any Marvel comic this year!" I'll believe it when I see it, but it defintely looks interesting. Here's the link to Newsarama's little article on it:
[quote name='karsh']So I finally got around to reading my comics my friend picked up for me while I was in Florida this past week. Personally, I loved The Confession. I think it did an amazing job at really humanizing Iron Man. It was one of the first times the entirety of Civil War where I really felt sympathetic towards Tony. It reminded me how amazing a writer Bendis can be when he really gets down to it. Plus you can't go wrong with Maleev's artwork, as it was absolutely gorgeous.[/QUOTE]

How can you say that Tony Stark is sympathetic. More like pathetic. How can you call someone sympathetic when they call a friend a loser and gloat about their current situation?

Can't wait for the HULK to kick Iron Man's sympathetic @$$!
[quote name='karsh']I enjoyed the Spider-Woman issue of the CW arc also. That's partially cause I love Jessica Drew, but it was a pretty awesome issue. But if no one's seen it yet, Marvel is starting to hype up June's New Avengers 31. Apparently the cover shows only the first major thing and the last page they claim is "the most important last page of any Marvel comic this year!" I'll believe it when I see it, but it defintely looks interesting. Here's the link to Newsarama's little article on it:[/QUOTE]
Well at least it's not going to break the internet in half....oh wait that didn't happen either. I'm assuming the reason they are hyping this book up is for retailers to order multiple copies, so they can't complain like the whole Cap 25 fiasco. All that is missing from that description is "nothing will ever be the same"!

I miss the old days where they just spent time writing good stories instead of hyping books up. Is anyone really going to care if Elektra or Echo die? Because they can come back by the way of the Hand. If the big ending of this book is nothing more than to reveal that Hawkeye (Clint Barton) is really Ronin, that's just as lame. I have no idea why new Marvel keeps thinking Hawkeye is such a great character (I personally love the character) . They never really gave a crap about him till Bendis killed him off. Of course Marvel isn't really the only company hyping things up with all the posters of Countdown that DC is pumping out, they are just as bad. But, at least with them, you don't get a clue as to which issue is the most important book of the year.
Is it bad I really enjoyed the new Fantastic Four team? It was a bit weird seeing Storm and Black Panther on the team, but by the end of both issues, it really seemed like they fit perfectly with Johnny and Ben. Also, I loved that Ultimate Spider-Man focused more on Peter and less on Spider-man. Seriously, the fact that almost the entire issue was about Peter dealing with MJ and Kitty was great. The ending to Batman this week was kinda cool also, since I did not expect that character to show up for some reason.
[quote name='karsh']Is it bad I really enjoyed the new Fantastic Four team? It was a bit weird seeing Storm and Black Panther on the team, but by the end of both issues, it really seemed like they fit perfectly with Johnny and Ben. Also, I loved that Ultimate Spider-Man focused more on Peter and less on Spider-man. Seriously, the fact that almost the entire issue was about Peter dealing with MJ and Kitty was great. The ending to Batman this week was kinda cool also, since I did not expect that character to show up for some reason.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I never read FF before Civil War and now I've read all the tie-ins and will probably continue picking it up with the new team. I've also been picking up Black Panther lately and while I initially didn't like the Storm and T'Challa marriage it really seems to fit the more time that goes by.

That's really not the first time we've had a Peter-focues issue and with just about any other book I'd probably be pissed that they're focusing on the non-hero, drama stuff but it really works for Ultimate Spider-man.

At the end of Batman, who was that anyway?
Bane? I thought he was kind of a "good guy" now, or at the very least a "neutral guy".
I also loved when Batman was talking about his parents and he mentions that he got over their death. It was a nice tie-in to Infinite Crisis and the beginning of 52 where they went through everyone's history's and how it changed.
bread's done