The General 360 Owners/Buyers FAQ Thread (Updated 1/15/10)

You can't use a Debit Card without a Visa Logo on it. I had a Debit Card without the Visa Logo and it wouldn't be accepted anywhere online but I got a Visa one and now it works everywhere!
Yeah, you should check if you have a Debit/Chek Card. If it is just a debit card normally it would not be accepted I would think, since you have to input your PIN.
Ok just bought the 360 120 gb hd and now I need to get a migration kit. How do I go about getting one. Some people have said they have gotten Microsoft to send them one for free. What exactly do I need to tell them to have that happen? If that does not work, is ebay the only option. Seems pretty insane you can not just buy one for a reasonable amount, the last auction on ebay is over 40 dollars with a day left.
I bought one of the hard drives from gamedailydeal and now I need to figure out how to transfer the data from my old 20 gb. Can these migration kits be used more than once? I know that once you use it the 20 gb will be wiped but can it be used on other 20gb to transfer data. Basically can i use a migration kit that has already been used. Also how do I go about getting one, they seem to be insanely overpriced on ebay. Thanks for the help.
Before you buy one, try to get Microsoft to send you one. They are only suppose to do it when you are upgrading to an Elite, but it's worth a shot. You might get a CS rep that will do it for you.
The transfer kit will copy the contents of a 20GB drive to a 120GB drive, then wipes the 20GB clean. It won't do anything with trying to copy a 20GB to a 20GB or a 120GB to a 120GB.

The kit itself is usable more than once, though only for the type of copy above.

As bigdaddybruce44 said, you could call Microsoft about it, though expect them to tell you no. All it would cost you is time.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I have a question, if I buy a Play and charge kit, can I plug my 360 controller into my PC and play roms with it while it's connected?[/quote]

No, unfortunately. The the PnC Kit is only for powering. It doesn't rely data, which is why when it's plugged into the 360, it's still a wireless connection.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']No, unfortunately. The the PnC Kit is only for powering. It doesn't rely data, which is why when it's plugged into the 360, it's still a wireless connection.[/quote]

The wired controller will work via USB in Windows, correct?

If you want to use the wireless controllers you need the wireless Gaming Receiver:

It retails for $19.99 but I picked one up for $5 on clearance at Target and I believe they were clearanced pretty cheap at KMart too so you might want to check at those stores.
If anyone has a migration cable and disc I can use to transfer my 20 gb to the 120 gb I just bought I will pay 10 dollars plus ship it back to them when i am done. So basically I will pay 10 dollars to rent it out:) I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out. Thanks
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']The wired controller will work via USB in Windows, correct?

If you want to use the wireless controllers you need the wireless Gaming Receiver:

It retails for $19.99 but I picked one up for $5 on clearance at Target and I believe they were clearanced pretty cheap at KMart too so you might want to check at those stores.[/quote]

Yeah, the wired controllers works. Wish I Would have picked up one of those receivers when they were on clearance. :whistle2:\

Thanks for the help.
All right, I'm not exactly knowledgeable with issues like this but recently I've notice I'm not getting the full picture from my Xbox on my TV. It seems like the picture is zoomed in a little too much. For example on Grand Theft Auto I can only see 5 stars instead of the six that are supposed to be there. I wouldn't have even noticed this but after switching to another TV it is painfully obvious!

I'm using a 30" Sony Trinitron Television that supports up to 1080i. I've tried messing with every setting on the TV and on the 360 to no avail.

Does anyone have any advice for me or knowledge about this issue?
Your TV doesn't have a zoom function, or some sort of picture size option?

Example mine has like a screen size option of:


or something to that extent
[quote name='mr ryles']Your TV doesn't have a zoom function, or some sort of picture size option?

Example mine has like a screen size option of:


or something to that extent[/QUOTE]

Yeah I have those options but none of them fit correctly. This is rather annoying and seems like a strange problem to me so hopefully someone can help me out with this.
It is a common problem on CRT TV of overscan. You can try to fix it using a service manual but that isn't the easiest thing to do if you don't know what you are doing.
[quote name='spoo']It is a common problem on CRT TV of overscan. You can try to fix it using a service manual but that isn't the easiest thing to do if you don't know what you are doing.[/quote]

Yeah, this is a problem that I have with my CRT television. In the past, I looked online for the service manual, but never found the right one (for free...and I'm certainly not paying for one).

Eventually, I just accepted it, as it doesn't bother me with most games. This is most likely the problem you are having, if the above options didn't help you. If you can drudge through the complicated menus, and can find the service manual for your TV, it's worth a shot.
What is this service manual everyone is talking about? It's my roomate's TV and I don't want to mess anything up.

For the oldboy post I'm using just the cords that it came with, but HDMI I had the same problem. It's also a CRTV
On the odd chance you missed it, after you change all the appropriate settings console wise (or rather, before you do it), you need to also reach behind the console, and flip the switch on the A/V connector from TV to HDTV.

Aside from that, I'd say you need to change your TV's settings.

I have the same problem with my 57" RP HDTV (via component). I've basically accepted it at this point but haven't really looked into a fix. A friend has the same tv and the same problem.
It is definitely an overscan issue which is pretty common with CRTs. I have the same issue with my CRT set but only with GTA 4 so far. It bothered me enough that I just dropped the resolution to 480p and played it that way. I don't have any issues with running CoD4 in 1080i and none of the demos I have played have given me issues at 1080i either.

As others have stated, the only way to fix it would be to go into the service menu and tweak the settings. I have the codes and service manual stuff for my TV, but it really isn't worth the effort to me. I'm hoping to pick up a nice big LCD next year.
[quote name='mr ryles']Your TV doesn't have a zoom function, or some sort of picture size option?

Example mine has like a screen size option of:


or something to that extent[/QUOTE]

Shut up.
[quote name='spoo']You have been here for almost five years and this is your first post? :whistle2:k :lol:[/QUOTE]

I have my posts set to stealth.
[quote name='FrankySox']All right, I'm not exactly knowledgeable with issues like this but recently I've notice I'm not getting the full picture from my Xbox on my TV. It seems like the picture is zoomed in a little too much. For example on Grand Theft Auto I can only see 5 stars instead of the six that are supposed to be there. I wouldn't have even noticed this but after switching to another TV it is painfully obvious!

I'm using a 30" Sony Trinitron Television that supports up to 1080i. I've tried messing with every setting on the TV and on the 360 to no avail.

Does anyone have any advice for me or knowledge about this issue?[/QUOTE]If it bothers you enough, try and find a service manual and it should have settings to adjust for overscan. Only thing is be sure to only modify the settings that you are 110% sure relate to overscan, otherwise you might do permanent damage to your set. I have a 1080i CRT and it was really simple to do.

I went from this:


To this:


Definitely worth looking into for me.
I went to play today, and when trying to connect to Live, it doesn't work, and when I do the network test, it says that there's no connection, and to check the ethernet plug.

Everything is fine though, I tried different wires, and using that same wire on the PS3 still works. So it's gotta be the system, but I've never heard of anyone having just the internet part of the system die on them.

I've had the system for about 6 months, will my warranty cover this for free?
I'm not sure what to do. :(
Sounds like your ethernet port is toast. Try plugging your PS3 into the ethernet port that the 360 is currently plugged into on the router, and make sure the port just didn't die. If it still works, then call MS because you need a replacement.
I've tried different wires, ports on the router, and a direct connection to the modem, with the same sad results each time.

Modern electronics suck. I miss the days when all you had to do was blow in games/systems and they'd work again.
i have a semi serious problem with my 360, currently i have a 20gb HD attached to my system and all my games work currently except for halo 3. The game only loads multiplayer but not single player, but heres the catch thats only when the harddrive is attached, when its not attached halo 3 single player is playable. Anybody have any idea how to fix this? i've tried clearing the cache and it doesn't work.

Possible solutions:???

buying a new 20gb and replacing my current one while using a memory card to transfer the data?


just buy a new 120gb hd w/kit ?

any suggestions would be appreciated.
Quick ?
About to pick up an Elite to replace my Pro and was wondering if there have been any further revisions to the hardware? My local BB has a couple manufactured in Feb '08 and the rest are from May '08. Anyway to tell which would be a better unit? Thanks!
[quote name='devildr1ver']i have a semi serious problem with my 360, currently i have a 20gb HD attached to my system and all my games work currently except for halo 3. The game only loads multiplayer but not single player, but heres the catch thats only when the harddrive is attached, when its not attached halo 3 single player is playable. Anybody have any idea how to fix this? i've tried clearing the cache and it doesn't work.

Possible solutions:???

buying a new 20gb and replacing my current one while using a memory card to transfer the data?


just buy a new 120gb hd w/kit ?

any suggestions would be appreciated.[/quote]

I had a similar situation happen to me a long time ago with halo 3. Worked fine then one day I got a DRE. From that point on every time I tried to load any map (MP or single) my 360 would lock up on me :(

Turns out it was a corrupt sector on my hard drive :(
Hey guys. After 3 360 systems, I am once again experiencing a faulty system. It is not the red ring. Recently, the screen of my console has become abit static througought the games I play. This time, only one quadrant of the 360 ring is lit, the bottom right one. A screen also appears, stating that "System Error". Any idea as to what the problem is? Will they repair it, my first console purchase about 1.5 years ago, but have been replaced and repaird about 3 times before. Thanks.
I believe you can check Microsoft's support site for all the error codes/lights and find out exactly what it is. More likely than not you are going to end up being charged for the repair.
Wha?? They sent me this older piece of trash when they replaced my newer one, in fact, it's a lot older. I'm going to fight them if that's the case. We're talking 4 systems in 1 and a half years.
1 red ring of light / 1RoL, basically a variation of the RRoD. Contrary to what Moose said, I don't think you'll be charged. They rarely, if not, never charge people if it's a RRoD problem.

Oh, and uh.. good luck fighting the system. :whistle2:k
I called. Lots of yelling, convincing and being hung up on. 2 hours later and my 4th console is now in the process of being sent to me.
Hey guys im selling my 360 on Wednesday =( And I wanna know how do you go from paying monthly gold xbox live to silver? I wanna keep my gamertag because I plan on rebuying a 360 in the coming months but I dont know how to downgrade my status so I dont get charged when I dont have my xbox.
[quote name='devildr1ver']i have a semi serious problem with my 360, currently i have a 20gb HD attached to my system and all my games work currently except for halo 3. The game only loads multiplayer but not single player, but heres the catch thats only when the harddrive is attached, when its not attached halo 3 single player is playable. Anybody have any idea how to fix this? i've tried clearing the cache and it doesn't work.

Possible solutions:???

buying a new 20gb and replacing my current one while using a memory card to transfer the data?


just buy a new 120gb hd w/kit ?

any suggestions would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]

Format your current harddrive, but it will erase all of your saves and DLC, so you would need to back those up somehow.
Got the E74 system error message Saturday night. Have to send it in. I looked up the code. People were saying it could be the AV cable or the AV chip. Tried two AV cables and still received the error. This will be my 3rd. First was three RROD.
HEADS UP!!!! Not covered in the 3 year warranty. The 3 year RRoD warranty is for 3 rings only. I had to pay $99 to have shipped and repaired with the same problem. E74 is 1 light and means graphics card. Once they know there's E74 you'll get charged.

I've read the way around it is to overheat your unit on purpose which qualifies it for warranty.;)
[quote name='funkflexmctough']HEADS UP!!!! Not covered in the 3 year warranty. The 3 year RRoD warranty is for 3 rings only. I had to pay $99 to have shipped and repaired with the same problem. E74 is 1 light and means graphics card. Once they know there's E74 you'll get charged.

I've read the way around it is to overheat your unit on purpose which qualifies it for warranty.;)[/QUOTE]


haha, that's a good idea. But after my first RROD I bought the Microsoft extended warranty.

Coffin should be here Wednesday. I love my 360 and I am a Microsoft fan but damn this thing is a piece of crap.
[quote name='SoNiC1023']Hey guys im selling my 360 on Wednesday =( And I wanna know how do you go from paying monthly gold xbox live to silver? I wanna keep my gamertag because I plan on rebuying a 360 in the coming months but I dont know how to downgrade my status so I dont get charged when I dont have my xbox.[/quote]

If you never entered any credit card information (for those who relied solely on subscription and points cards) into the system, you don't have anything to worry about. If you did, you have to call Microsoft and have them remove your CC info.
[quote name='shinryuu']1 red ring of light / 1RoL, basically a variation of the RRoD. Contrary to what Moose said, I don't think you'll be charged. They rarely, if not, never charge people if it's a RRoD problem.

Oh, and uh.. good luck fighting the system. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

I was just going off what Microsoft and other 360 owners have said: the extended warranty only covers the three red light issues. Luckily for the OP (or, unluckily since he still has to send it in) it sounds like he is getting it fixed for free. I was not speaking from personal experience, of course. So far I have only had a red light associated with the system overheating from being in a confined space. *crosses fingers*
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']If you never entered any credit card information (for those who relied solely on subscription and points cards) into the system, you don't have anything to worry about. If you did, you have to call Microsoft and have them remove your CC info.[/quote]

:wall: I heard getting them to remove your info is a bitch
bread's done