The General eBay Rant Thread

It went to what I assume is his apartment. Been about 8 days so far. No response to voicemail, email or eBay message. I'm going to send him multiple ebay messages reminding him and just one stating that is not allowed on ebay to just not pick up a package, etc.
Who knows why this dude isn't picking up his stuff but if you've emailed him, ebay messaged him, left him voicemails, etc. - he knows. You can't force him to pick it up. I understand you're going to be out a few hundred bucks on the re-sale but you probably need to accept your fate on this. If I were in this guy's shoes, rightly or wrongly, I'd be annoyed and maybe even pissed if you just started spamming me with ebay messages. And if he does pick it up you're risking him leaving you a neg or filing a claim over the smallest thing because of how in his face you're being. Just let it go.

Advice please this may be nothing but...

I'm still new to selling on eBay. Shipped an item 8 days ago and it finally went into "Out for Delivery" this morning. But now it says "Forwarded." What does this mean?

Advice please this may be nothing but...

I'm still new to selling on eBay. Shipped an item 8 days ago and it finally went into "Out for Delivery" this morning. But now it says "Forwarded." What does this mean?
The person moved so the package is being forwarded to the new address they left with the post office. They should probably update their shipping info with eBay/PayPal.

Who knows why this dude isn't picking up his stuff but if you've emailed him, ebay messaged him, left him voicemails, etc. - he knows. You can't force him to pick it up. I understand you're going to be out a few hundred bucks on the re-sale but you probably need to accept your fate on this. If I were in this guy's shoes, rightly or wrongly, I'd be annoyed and maybe even pissed if you just started spamming me with ebay messages. And if he does pick it up you're risking him leaving you a neg or filing a claim over the smallest thing because of how in his face you're being. Just let it go.
I'm honestly not too concerned if he is annoyed. Im going to send him 1 or 2 more ebay messages. Over the almost 2 weeks I have sent him two ebay messages, an email and a voicemail. Hopefully that combined with violating ebay buyer protection gets me somewhere. If he leaves me a negative I don't care. Maybe I will be able to charge him a hefty restocking fee. I did see on the ebay forums that a few people have managed to win cases in their favor with people being jerks trying to screw the system
So I sold a couple of beanies on eBay and i had an interested buyer message me on and on about trying to get it at the initial price i had it for.  So long as the margin is good enough, what I'll typically do is match the lowest available price on eBay.  I intentionally avoid undercutting listings by a stupid penny so that I can avoid a listing war with other sellers.  It's a waste of time and I have the basic understanding of supply and demand that i'll eventually sell my item at a higher price in a few days anyway than to sell it within hours at the expense of lower profits. 

Our conversation:
Him: Can you do it for $14.99 like u had it beforw?
Guy finally picked it up. I don't know why he waited ten days, ignored my messages and voicemail. As long as he picked it up that is all I care at this current point.

People on ebay are the biggest idiots. Mainly buyers, but sellers included too. He brought up the seller war thing, and that happens all the time. I just don't get it. Don't people want to make money? When I sell an item, what I usually do is go back 30 days and find the lowest an item sold for and the highest. Then if they are pretty close together, I average out the median and sell it for that.

Anyone ever have this happen:

I hate when I list an item as as quantity of, say, 5 that only has like 2 other sellers selling it at $59.99, and say I list it for $59.99 also. Then if I sell one in the first 24 hours, one of the other sellers moves it to $57.99. Then if I sell another one in the next day or two, the same seller moves it to $54.99.

It's like, dude c'mon. Are you really that jealous that I just sold two of them that you are trying to compete with me? Just leave your price at $59.99 and yours will sell in due time. But with some morons they care more about competing than making money. Plus, it screws up the whole market value just because one jackass is so jealous that you sold two and he sold zero in like two days. No patience at all.

Here is a personal story that happened to me before. I was selling an item on ebay a few years ago and I wasn't sure what category to list it in and there was only one other seller selling them at the time. He had a large quantity(more than 10). I had I think 6 of that item. Put them up for $69.99. My item was very niche and it was removed for miscategorization of items. I called ebay and they told me that someone reported my listing(which was weird, because they usually don't give you that information). I knew it was the guy. As revenge, I reported the other seller that reported me. I found something wrong in his listing(forget what it was) and reported him and his listing was removed. During the time it was removed, I relisted it under the correct category and sold 3 of my items. He relisted it $10 lower. I reported him again and his listing was removed again, because he kept the listing the same.

He then relisted it again and put it another $10 lower, but didn't fix his listing AGAIN. So I reported it a 3rd time and it was removed again. Then hours later he listed the item for $4.99 and his listing said something like "Because jackasses want to report me on ebay, it's a major liquidation sale! Grab em while it's hot and before they sell out!"

I was like what a jackass. He is so spiteful that instead of making money, he cuts an item that goes for like $70+ to $5. Such a child. I decided to just leave him be, but I checked back a couple days later and his listing was removed again, but I didn't report it.

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People on ebay are the biggest idiots. Mainly buyers, but sellers included too. He brought up the seller war thing, and that happens all the time. I just don't get it. Don't people want to make money? When I sell an item, what I usually do is go back 30 days and find the lowest an item sold for and the highest. Then if they are pretty close together, I average out the median and sell it for that.

Anyone ever have this happen:

I hate when I list an item as as quantity of, say, 5 that only has like 2 other sellers selling it at $59.99, and say I list it for $59.99 also. Then if I sell one in the first 24 hours, one of the other sellers moves it to $57.99. Then if I sell another one in the next day or two, the same seller moves it to $54.99.

It's like, dude c'mon. Are you really that jealous that I just sold two of them that you are trying to compete with me? Just leave your price at $59.99 and yours will sell in due time. But with some morons they care more about competing than making money. Plus, it screws up the whole market value just because one jackass is so jealous that you sold two and he sold zero in like two days. No patience at all.

Here is a personal story that happened to me before. I was selling an item on ebay a few years ago and I wasn't sure what category to list it in and there was only one other seller selling them at the time. He had a large quantity(more than 10). I had I think 6 of that item. Put them up for $69.99. My item was very niche and it was removed for miscategorization of items. I called ebay and they told me that someone reported my listing(which was weird, because they usually don't give you that information). I knew it was the guy. As revenge, I reported the other seller that reported me. I found something wrong in his listing(forget what it was) and reported him and his listing was removed. During the time it was removed, I relisted it under the correct category and sold 3 of my items. He relisted it $10 lower. I reported him again and his listing was removed again, because he kept the listing the same.

He then relisted it again and put it another $10 lower, but didn't fix his listing AGAIN. So I reported it a 3rd time and it was removed again. Then hours later he listed the item for $4.99 and his listing said something like "Because jackasses want to report me on ebay, it's a major liquidation sale! Grab em while it's hot and before they sell out!"

I was like what a jackass. He is so spiteful that instead of making money, he cuts an item that goes for like $70+ to $5. Such a child. I decided to just leave him be, but I checked back a couple days later and his listing was removed again, but I didn't report it.
Sellers dont really get jealous.. They just want to move products as quickly as possible while still making a profit..
Also it seems like you were the one who took it overboard with the other seller when you had no proof that they were the people who reported you.
Sellers dont really get jealous.. They just want to move products as quickly as possible while still making a profit..
Also it seems like you were the one who took it overboard with the other seller when you had no proof that they were the people who reported you.

I've never in my years on ebay noticed these seller wars, but maybe I don't pay attention enough. Every few weeks I generally just go through and drop everything 25 cents or 50 cents. I don't want to clutter up my place with 1000's of items. Maybe by doing this I'm causing eBay wars and having other sellers hate me. hah

Also, real ebay fulltime businesses/companies probably want to move things relatively quickly to keep cash flow moving and everything liquid. They don't want to have a small warehouse full of millions of items not selling or they will be out of business quick.

I will admit, I probably did take it too far, but whatever.

There are definitely sellers that get jealous, though. I know some personally. Most sellers do want to move items as quickly as possible, which is as idiotic in its own right. Like for example if Amazon had a price mistake and put Shin Megami Tensei IV up for $3.99, then flippers would load up on them and sell them on ebay for $12.99. I know, I've seen it. It happened with The Last Stories when Amazon had them for $8 and they were the LEs too. People put them up for $14.99. Smart sellers waited, and can sell them for upwards of $80 now. I got 3 of them from Amazon and sold them for $74.99 each months ago. But they killed the market early in the going, because they are idiots are care more about clearing inventory than making money.

There are exceptions of course. Some people may need fast cash extremely quickly, and if you have to wait, say, 3 years for the market value to rise, then you might as well just sell the items right away. But otherwise, there is no reason to sell items significantly below market value just to sell them quickly other than stupidity or if you feel like running a charity.

Sellers absolutely get jealous, though, and try to compete with other seller prices when they see those sellers are selling their items and the aforementioned seller is not. Just keep an eye out for it. If you ever sell an item in large quantity when there are only a few others selling it. If you sell a bunch in a short amount of time, watch the competing sellers drop their prices to compete with you. You know damn well they are banging their fists against their desks "DAMMIT! He just sold 3 of them in the last 3 days when mine is listed at the same price! **** this, I'm lowering mine by $5!" Then depending on how dumb the sellers are, they can get on the whole price dropping see saw, which has its end depend on the stubbornness of the sellers.

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Agreed with Shadow. There are certainly fellow sellers who are usually guilty of reporting to eBay. I do it back as retaliation whenever I get provoked. Sometimes they learn their lesson. Sometimes they don't.

Child's Play is open for donations. I figure this thread is as good as any to challenge the followers in this thread since everybody here has benefited hundreds if not thousands from cag. Hopefully ya'll give it some consideration. Chipping in a few is miniscule compared to your gains.
I hate the flippers who kill the market early on. When BB had pokemon white and black 2 for 15 I remember they were going for 24 shipped. I waited a month and sold mine for 35 shipped each. When that happens I'd rather just trade them in to get instant credit rather than dealing with listing and shipping stuff
I don't often see these "seller wars." But what I see killing sales is just your average person who is just clearing out their stuff and doesn't care how much money they make. When someone has a rare item (they may or may not know it is rare) that they list starting at 99 cents on a 3 day auction that ends on a Wednesday at 3 AM, the thing is going to sell for a fraction of even the low end of the usual market spectrum. Then everyone looking at "Completed Listings" sees that and it ruins the market value for people running BINs.

The other thing I don't understand is how buyers get swept up in bidding wars. On occasion I've seen items go at auction for a higher price than BINs for the exact same item/condition/shipping. I thought for sure it was international buyers who couldn't get international shipping on the BINs and the auction was offering international shipping, but that's rarely been the case when I've looked at the details. I guess some people are just not very good at eBay.

Like usual this holiday season is a pretty crummy time for selling. Everyone and their mother was clearing out their unwanted stuff to try and make some extra cash without caring about the potential value of the item while buyers want rock bottom discounts and deals. Thankfully January is around the corner.

Some sellers I just don't get. Say the Tales of Symphonia Chronicles completely sells out when it is released(unlikely, but just assume it for this example). It is $99.99. To make a profit worth flipping, you'll need to list it at least at $125. Otherwise, you will only make like $5 or so, if that, minus all the fees and shipping.

But the first day the game comes out, the market will be flooded with people selling them for $104.99. I just don't get it. Unless they have some ebay fee exemption or they stole the items or bought them at a discount, they are LOSING MONEY. Not only that, but killing the market.

That is why flipping is such a hit and miss thing and you can't rely on it. So many sellers kill the market that way and you never know which item the idiots will do it to. Some items everyone jacks up the prices, and with others sellers list them at market value.

The so called sellers wars is one of the main reasons I don't like buying retail to flip, its too volatile. I much prefer buying older (5 years or more) used games at good prices because the value has relatively stabilized and the stock online is consistent (or diminishing).  That way I get to play the game for a good while, have my fun with it, and still sell it for a profit.

I do admit I like to price things on the lower side (not the absolute lowest, but lower than most) because the quick sell is always attractive. I may have lost out on some profit on each listing, but at least the buyer gets a good price (compared to the other listings, that is).

I don't think it's difficult to gauge the market at all... and I've NEVER once returned something I bought to resell because I made an error in judgement.

But it helps if you sell internationally because it increases your audience ten fold.

For CE's preorder them when they are first made available on a site like AZ that doesn't charge in advance and do three separate orders of three. Then a few weeks out, prior to release, create your listings. If you don't get any bits on the Thursday or Friday before release (assuming it's a Tuesday) cancel your orders. Not hard to do.

I think some people just can't get away from a preorder if they see it's sold out on AZ. I think a lot of poeple did that with the SRIV GOTG edition even though many were correctly pointing out that franchise is fool's good and isn't nearly as popular as people think it is.

Good discussion going on, good points all around.

Something we can all agree on though, sellers who steal your pictures for their listings are bastards. Sure, you could put a watermark or something on the picture but it's ridiculous that people are too lazy to take their own damn pictures. And, even worse, they put "pictured is exactly what you will receive" in their description. I report them every time...not that it does anything.

To the ones that sell or have sold DLC codes on eBay, can I have some advice? I have some codes that are worth some pretty good prices on eBay and while I never sold codes before, it's tempting. I know that mailing the code out is in accordance to eBay policy. I'm fine and all with that, but I just worry that someone will simply put the code in, say it doesn't work and try to get their money back or give me a negative.

I have around a 550 feedback score on eBay and no negatives. I was thinking I could maybe list the codes and place some buyer restrictions on them - maybe require the seller to have at least 50 feedback or something. As for delivery of the codes, I could print them out on a piece of paper and mail it to the buyer, as well as email them the code if they ask for it early. What do you think?

All I gathered from the last few post is that people are hating because they can't make money right away, patience has it's own reward, you've said it yourself SA, speculating that you can keep an item inflated can bite you in the butt.

@STEVE05, somebody could still use it and mail the paper back. I think people who do this are just being spiteful  due to the fact that people are selling them for sooo much. Personally I would never overpay but that's just me.

As for delivery of the codes, I could print them out on a piece of paper and mail it to the buyer, as well as email them the code if they ask for it early. What do you think?
i put the single line "i will email the codes early if you wish" and ebay pulled my auction for "copyright violation." As I think I posted previously, I am certain it was thanks to a certain buyer who got all uppity about me sending them via USPS instead of just emailing him. So I guess I would tell you to phrase things carefully, but I would bet that as long as you send the item hopefully ebay will side with you.

ebay won't side with the seller for DLC. It's a risk, but so are a lot of things in life. Every time you hop in a car to drive somewhere is risky. At the end of the day, 90% of people just want their content and won't try to scam you, but there is always a risk. Just make sure you put NO GAME in the title and listing, and make sure you list it correctly. Don't mention messaging the codes or ebay could remove the listing.

Personally, that irks me. Everyone today is way too uptight about copyright laws, but that is a different discussion for another time. It gets me angry when I talk about it.

I typically sell every DLC I get to recoup the costs for games. It makes a difference. I basically get like $15 off every new game I buy that has DLC, because of it. I also have a friend that doesn't have an ebay account, so he gives me his DLC to sell for myself when he doesn't want to use it. The most money I ever made off DLC was the Ni no Kuni Wizard Edition. I sold mine for $70. Since the game was $100, that basically gave me back 70% of the costs.

My biggest ebay regret was also DLC related. It was Saints Row 3 and I held onto my DLC for a bit until the market faded. I had mine to sell and my friend's. I waited until there were like 10 listings left on ebay and sold each for $30. I went back like 5 days later and there were only 2 listings left on ebay with Saints Row 3 DLC and they were selling for $150 a piece.

I could have made $300 off two friggin DLC codes that to me I had zero interest. Basically would be the price of a brand new console. I really regretted not waiting a few days, but such is life.

I'm losing my patience with a seller who probably should've refunded me for an item I sent back to him 2 weeks ago assuming USPS did their job right. I'm pretty sure that I'm screwed if he never does since the messages we had state I refused the package. Though he never put up a tracking number on eBay.

Meanwhile, this item I bought on eBay is being sent through FedEx who seems to be either screwing with me or in desperate need of a GPS or a map. It's being sent to me from 20 miles away and it went to a city that's 50 miles away, and now in a place that's 32 miles away.

But back to eBay, I was planning to sell my LoZ: ALBW code on eBay, but after reading the last few posts, unsure about selling it through eBay.

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Question. I purchased a bundle of games off of eBay. He used an eBay label. I was worried Monday, so I checked the tracking and it says it was delivered Saturday. Yea...not to me. I have tried calling USPS multiple times, but get put on hold for so long that I am forced to hang up (not helping that I work all mids this week). Any other way to find out what happened?
If you spam "0" enough at the 1800 ASK USPS number you should reach a live rep.

You could also ask for more information at your post office...sometimes their computers can see more then what is shown at the website.

It is also possible that it was a misscan and will actually be delivered on Monday.

USPS is by FAR the worst place to get on the phone with someone ever. You need to trick it to let them connect you to someone.

Misscans have happened a lot to me recently. More in the last month than my entire life combined. So it could be that.

I'd call your local post office too(where it was sorted and sent out for delivery) and see if they have a clue. All the USPS 1 800 number will do is open a case, tell you you should hear from them in 3-5 business days, and then you never hear from them again.

Good discussion going on, good points all around.

Something we can all agree on though, sellers who steal your pictures for their listings are bastards. Sure, you could put a watermark or something on the picture but it's ridiculous that people are too lazy to take their own damn pictures. And, even worse, they put "pictured is exactly what you will receive" in their description. I report them every time...not that it does anything.

To the ones that sell or have sold DLC codes on eBay, can I have some advice? I have some codes that are worth some pretty good prices on eBay and while I never sold codes before, it's tempting. I know that mailing the code out is in accordance to eBay policy. I'm fine and all with that, but I just worry that someone will simply put the code in, say it doesn't work and try to get their money back or give me a negative.

I have around a 550 feedback score on eBay and no negatives. I was thinking I could maybe list the codes and place some buyer restrictions on them - maybe require the seller to have at least 50 feedback or something. As for delivery of the codes, I could print them out on a piece of paper and mail it to the buyer, as well as email them the code if they ask for it early. What do you think?
I hate the flippers who kill the market early on. When BB had pokemon white and black 2 for 15 I remember they were going for 24 shipped. I waited a month and sold mine for 35 shipped each. When that happens I'd rather just trade them in to get instant credit rather than dealing with listing and shipping stuff
Most of the time the price will restabilize and go back up. It's the CAG/SD effect and I find myself holding onto my hauls more lately depending on the item and selling them a month later than immediately. Some cags dont' care about the profit margin but some really have no idea about supply/demand and margin maximization either. Newbs.

Good discussion going on, good points all around.

Something we can all agree on though, sellers who steal your pictures for their listings are bastards. Sure, you could put a watermark or something on the picture but it's ridiculous that people are too lazy to take their own damn pictures. And, even worse, they put "pictured is exactly what you will receive" in their description. I report them every time...not that it does anything.

To the ones that sell or have sold DLC codes on eBay, can I have some advice? I have some codes that are worth some pretty good prices on eBay and while I never sold codes before, it's tempting. I know that mailing the code out is in accordance to eBay policy. I'm fine and all with that, but I just worry that someone will simply put the code in, say it doesn't work and try to get their money back or give me a negative.

I have around a 550 feedback score on eBay and no negatives. I was thinking I could maybe list the codes and place some buyer restrictions on them - maybe require the seller to have at least 50 feedback or something. As for delivery of the codes, I could print them out on a piece of paper and mail it to the buyer, as well as email them the code if they ask for it early. What do you think?
My personal rule is any DLC's greater than $25, I ship with tracking. Anything less, I just directly email the buyer. I have been scammed before on DLC's but they are few in between. My rationale is that I've saved more on shipping costs ($2 shipped with tracking each listing) for my cheaper and various DLC listings combined ($25) than by the time I've run into a Paypal claim that my item was "not received" and lost a case. So my threshold is from a cost/profit perspective.

However, when you do get scammed it really crawls under your skin. Last time, I lost a $20 claim case and I was so angry that I've taken down the buyer's information and will be retaliating and signing up the buyer for a shit ton of magazine subscriptions in a few months. I'm more upset about him ripping me off and using the code than the $20 of lost profit. The time invested and spent with the buyer itself on my end was worth more than $20 already so the cost is negligible. It's the principal that has me so up in arms. I also recently sold a Ghosts Season Pass for $47 shipped and USPS did a misscan and didn't show it delivered. Buyer luckily wasn't a scammer and gave me positive feedback after Xmas.

Anyone a member of that Ebay Bucks reward program?

If so they are changing it starting Jan 1st. They have it where you need to earn min of 5 Ebay bucks to get rewarded for the qtr. If you fail to earn 5 Ebay bucks it does not roll over into the next qtr. Thats kinda BS.

Everybody who uses eBay is a part of the program, lol.

But yeah, total horseshit changes.

They're already getting blown up on Facebook and the forums, so join in on the fun!

Everybody who uses eBay is a part of the program, lol.

But yeah, total horseshit changes.

They're already getting blown up on Facebook and the forums, so join in on the fun!
So a bunch of people who don't spend at least $250 a quarter (the amount needed to earn $5 in eBay bucks at the standard 2% earning rate) are complaining? I don't think eBay is going to care.....

And just to add some perspective... I'll earn over $144.xx this quarter in eBay bucks.

It doesn't affect me personally either as I spend thousands a year on eBay, but still sucks for those it will experience the effects, but of course that's not going to change what eBay is doing anyways even if people are mad.

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Ughh some buyers...

About tw weeks ago I sold an HP all-in-one computer. It was in good condition except for sticker residue on the bottom (my girlfriend  tried and failed to remove the sticker all the way lol). I took pictures of the sticker residue and underlined it in bold on the listing. Sold it, shipped it, person received it... thought I was all good.

But buyer leaves a negative feedback: 'terrible condition!!!! had sticker residue but seller didn't describe!! baddd

Buyer immediately opens a case and demands a refund...  :censored:

Needless to say I ended up winning the case. I could almost see the ebay rep looking at the case and being like  :bs:

It is also possible that it was a misscan and will actually be delivered on Monday.
When I said Saturday, I meant December 21st, not December 28th.

And the last time I tried to talk to the local post office about something similar, all they could do was provide tracking info.

Usually I end up getting other people's packages. The mailman even knows me on sight even though I only see him once or twice a year.
I have a question about modded consoles. I tried putting on a Playstation 2 system with the Swap Magic flip top mod on eBay and it got taken down within 5 hours. I was surprised by this because people have been able to sell a PS2 with Swap Magic recently. I wonder if I'm just unlucky. I wasn't including any software, just the system and power cord. I assume since there's no games this is legal to do?

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I have a question about modded consoles. I tried putting on a Playstation 2 system with the Swap Magic flip top mod on eBay and it got taken down within 5 hours. I was surprised by this because people have been able to sell a PS2 with Swap Magic recently. I wonder if I'm just unlucky. I wasn't including any software, just the system and power cord. I assume since there's no games this is legal to do?
All depends on luck, and how you worded it. ;P

People have itchy fingers when it comes to stuff like that, so if it's blatant, and if someone who doesn't like that stuff sees it, they'll most likely cause trouble for you.

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The eBay Bucks $5 limit threshold is a little upsetting to me, as I'm not a big spender on eBay (though I do buy somewhat regularly).  I've been able to score free (or at least close to free) games with those meager $3-4 amounts I earn some quarters, so it'll stink to see those go to waste.

Also, do others on here use the Bill Me Later for the extra 1% in eBay bucks?  I know that it's basically another line of credit, but I pay off any balance pretty much immediately anyways after using it.

I sold a Sega Genesis (Model 1) and was left a neutral feedback, why? Because it didn't include an AV cord and I should have mentioned that. It did have come with an RF adapter which was clearly noted.

This makes me wonder if anyone ever dealt with something like this but more extreme, say being left a neutral or negative feedback for something sold because didn't come with a 20 dollar bill and not mentioning it. 

I sold a Sega Genesis (Model 1) and was left a neutral feedback, why? Because it didn't include an AV cord and I should have mentioned that. It did have come with an RF adapter which was clearly noted.

This makes me wonder if anyone ever dealt with something like this but more extreme, say being left a neutral or negative feedback for something sold because didn't come with a 20 dollar bill and not mentioning it.

I've gotten a neutral feedback rating before. It was a listing for a DS game that was clearly labeled and photographed as cart only. Buyer received it and messaged me if he could return the game back for a full refund. I said yes since I have a return policy so long as it's at the buyer's expense. He never ended up mailing it back to me and left me a neutral feedback along the lines of "I like this game." Odd.

I was confused but since it wasn't a negative, I figured it didn't hurt my score so I just left it alone.
All depends on luck, and how you worded it. ;P

People have itchy fingers when it comes to stuff like that, so if it's blatant, and if someone who doesn't like that stuff sees it, they'll most likely cause trouble for you.
Is these another place I could sell it? I assume CAG doesn't allow it on the trading page.

I sold a Sega Genesis (Model 1) and was left a neutral feedback, why? Because it didn't include an AV cord and I should have mentioned that. It did have come with an RF adapter which was clearly noted.

This makes me wonder if anyone ever dealt with something like this but more extreme, say being left a neutral or negative feedback for something sold because didn't come with a 20 dollar bill and not mentioning it.
Sometimes I think people do this because they want a partial refund and try to make it your fault.

Does the Genesis require an AV cord? If not I wondering if calling eBay to remove the neutral feedback would be worth a try. I've done it before and it worked.

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Most people want an AV chord since they produce a better signal over an RF unit, it worked really well 20 years ago but the technology is pretty archaic by today standards. In theory what you are suggesting may work since he did deliver a fully functional unit just as long as everything was photographed correctly and described to a T.

Speaking of feedbacks, one of the dumbest things ebay has ever done was remove the ability to leave buyers a negative feedback. If that wasn't a sign they were headed toward a ridiculously buyer-favored policy, then I don't know what was. That is what started it all, then the ball just got rolling from there.

I saw a lot of people do this, and I started doing it now. When a buyer is an ass or doesn't pay, I leave them a positive, but put a negative comment in there. I don't know if it is against ebay policy, and frankly, I really don't care. I'm going to continue doing it.

It's useful, because if you have an auction style format for an expensive item, and don't want deadbeat bidders wasting your time, you ca check their feedback and cancel their bids. Especially if it is a time-sensitive sale. So the fact that ebay removed that is a joke in its own right, but leaving negative comments under a positive feedback can give sellers a little heads up.

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Speaking of feedbacks, one of the dumbest things ebay has ever done was remove the ability to leave buyers a negative feedback. If that wasn't a sign they were headed toward a ridiculously buyer-favored policy, then I don't know what was. That is what started it all, then the ball just got rolling from there.

I saw a lot of people do this, and I started doing it now. When a buyer is an ass or doesn't pay, I leave them a positive, but put a negative comment in there. I don't know if it is against ebay policy, and frankly, I really don't care. I'm going to continue doing it.

It's useful, because if you have an auction style format for an expensive item, and don't want deadbeat bidders wasting your time, you ca check their feedback and cancel their bids. Especially if it is a time-sensitive sale. So the fact that ebay removed that is a joke in its own right, but leaving negative comments under a positive feedback can give sellers a little heads up.

It's against policy and sellers have gotten violations which have led to their accounts being banned. A buyer must report you for doing that though.

There are all kinds of threads in the eBay forums that discuss this further but they are purging seller accounts to the tune of about 10,000 per month. There have been sellers with 100% positive feedback and 4.9's or better as DSR scores that are getting their accounts banned because of 1 or 2 buyers that accuse them of selling fakes or because they have been getting reported for leaving false positives (Granted these sellers were calling buyers names like "idiot" and what not).

I've gotten a neutral feedback rating before. It was a listing for a DS game that was clearly labeled and photographed as cart only. Buyer received it and messaged me if he could return the game back for a full refund. I said yes since I have a return policy so long as it's at the buyer's expense. He never ended up mailing it back to me and left me a neutral feedback along the lines of "I like this game." Odd.

I was confused but since it wasn't a negative, I figured it didn't hurt my score so I just left it alone.
I once had someone message me about a game boy they got from me and said that it didn't work so I asked them what was wrong with it and it was giving no picture according to them so I responded back making sure that they adjusted the contrast dial and IIRC said that if that doesn't work that they could return it. They never replied and left me a neutral feedback in which they misspelled thanks. I tried to politely get a hold of them about removing said feedback thinking it could have been an error but they never responded. eBay customer - basically their hands were tied to the whole matter and they could only say they understand and tell me they were sorry. Some google fu told me that English wasn't the buyer's first language.

Sometimes I think people do this because they want a partial refund and try to make it your fault.
Sometimes I wonder if these people do this because they are having buyer's remorse. In this case with the Genesis and a few other times these buyers that leave odd neutral feedback, they never bother to get a hold of me first. I might try and see if CS can do anything but I'm not very optimistic about it, I figured I'd get the same I understand what your saying and I'm sorry but I can't do anything about it from CS.

Does the Genesis require an AV cord? If not I wondering if calling eBay to remove the neutral feedback would be worth a try. I've done it before and it worked.
Most people want an AV chord since they produce a better signal over an RF unit, it worked really well 20 years ago but the technology is pretty archaic by today standards. In theory what you are suggesting may work since he did deliver a fully functional unit just as long as everything was photographed correctly and described to a T.
Nope and IIRC only the Model 3 Genesis came with a mono AV cord when you bought one new. IIRC Sega made AV cords that you could buy separately but it seems like all of the AV cords you see on eBay are after market and I've never seen or got a used model 1 or 2 Genesis that had an av cord with it which makes the complaint on my neutral seem ever dumber.

bread's done