The countdown HAS ENDED, what will or has happened?

This is my own pure speculation:

Has anyone else read any of the Ender's Game books? In the second/third/fourth books of the series, there is an AI entity known as Jane. Jane be thought of as entirely analogous to Durga at this time - she can access any and all information, she is lightning fast, can affect any computer mainframe/device, etc. Essentially she is a computer program that acts entirely human, with intelligence to survive and to react.

Now then, regarding the fire, we hear that the sensors do *not* detect anything.

This leads to one of two conclusions, both with the same end consequence - either Durga can block the transmission (something that Jane does in the EG books several times) or she can actually access and commandeer the emergency system itself.

If it's the first assumption, then why would emergency be dispatched, especially if the message is deleted before being received? Answer: Durga blocks it once, then allows it through the second time. Perhaps she is merely demonstrating her power to Jersey, or maybe he's deliberately testing it himself.

This seems highly unlikely - I can't imagine Jersey doing this for any specific reason, and if Durga's main initializations have the fundamental idea of survival, then she would be able to understand that humans want to survive also...

Unless she is a malicious program and just isn't aware of her intentions, and is merely going by pure subcoincious routines. Also, Jersey could have a reason for blocking the transmission.

The second conclusion - that Durga controls the unit - seems more likely. She could be manipulating the controls to possibly hide evidence only she knows about, or perhaps is merely demonstrating to Jersey.

I beleive the fire begins after Jersey is aware of what he has. There is no reason for the police station to go up in flames unless him and Durga initiated it ("Let's keep you a secret...") *OR* if James James did it himself (a very real possibility). Perhaps even J2 knew that evidence needed to be torched - the urine sample from Jan - and has military connections, and asked for the building to be torched. Jersey could have monitored all output, and Durga could have started the fire herself without proper authorization, in an effort to "help" the military, or for other motivations.

Here's the point -

Why does the building get torched? Has to do with Jan and her evidence (urine sample).

Who did it? James James must have.

Why? Hiding identity?

COA? Military, or Durga, or working in tandem, torch the building.

Analysis? James James has connections and must know something we don't. All of this has to go back to Durga. Perhaps he is aware of her.

Aiden could have smuggled him in. Perhaps they are operatives for Earth or the Covenant.

K my head hurts, have fun all.

P.S. Don't you hate it when you intend to write something short and to the point, and then it ends up opening new speculations AS you are writing? Ow.
BTW: If you are not playing the game, you should. It's a great time waster for those who work office jobs or inbetween classes
haha, that was pretty cool of you to put that up there robogriff. if you alls don't have a chance to get to one of the payphones, you can experience it through his clip :p
i wanna play this game

but i have about 4 braincells left and need them for school starting in a week

but this whole thing is crazy cool, nice of to share with us homie G
[quote name='Tide123']it's complete! all axons are blaaaazing!

what now.. :shock:[/quote]

It's complete?

So.. what happens next?

We all die?

Ah, we can definitely put PILLOW right before WALKAWAY_GIRL.

I think Jan is running a decoy operation while her father does the real damage setting the fire and setting it up so the sensor net fails to alert the personnel.
[quote name='epobirs']Ah, we can definitely put PILLOW right before WALKAWAY_GIRL.

I think Jan is running a decoy operation while her father does the real damage setting the fire and setting it up so the sensor net fails to alert the personnel.[/quote]

I don't think Jan intended to get caught or run decoy.

James J: Honey, this isn't a matter of 'did you break a rule' and 'should I ground you'. There are certain kinds of trouble we can't get in. (law_abiding)
James J: You knew that. You knew. Maybe not in so many words, but you knew. Didn't you? I should've said. It's on me. My unit. I should've controlled the situation.
Jan: I'm sorry.
James J: You're 17. For god's sake it's not your job.
Jan: Is something bad going to happen?
James J: I'll take care of it. (you_knew)

Her father is upset because he wants the family to stay low-key and avoid any trouble. Or perhaps she caught wind of his operation, and was trying to carry it out without her father's knowledge ("'s not your job"). In either case she doesn't realize the gravity of the situation.
Seems to me that while the security is tightly focused on Jan another party could get up to all kinds of mischief. In the later segment where the fire is being called in the caller doesn't seem to think it was arson even though Jan's escapades were surely the #1 item of gossip immediately after. This suggests to me that they didn't think she was out of view and in unknown locations long enough to be the culprit.

This also makes for plausible deniability. Nobody saw Mr. James enter those areas of the station oe any other when he wasn't in full view of personnel. Likewise, if during her escapade Jan was on camera frequently enough to be off the hook for the arson and sensor hacking the assualts on the offiers is something they're unlikely to want to publicize. After all, how many cops do you know would want to testify in court as to how a cute 17-year-old girl kicked their butts?

Alternately, Jan was working with Durga, who handled the sensors and possibly overloaded some equipment to start the fire. Either way, despite her remarkable abilites (hiding on the ceiling, for instance), she had to have someone handling the dirty end or the numerous living witnesses would only make things worse. Getting rid of evidence isn't much help if you've announced very loudly you have something to hide.
[quote name='epobirs']Seems to me that while the security is tightly focused on Jan another party could get up to all kinds of mischief. In the later segment where the fire is being called in the caller doesn't seem to think it was arson even though Jan's escapades were surely the #1 item of gossip immediately after. This suggests to me that they didn't think she was out of view and in unknown locations long enough to be the culprit.

This also makes for plausible deniability. Nobody saw Mr. James enter those areas of the station oe any other when he wasn't in full view of personnel. Likewise, if during her escapade Jan was on camera frequently enough to be off the hook for the arson and sensor hacking the assualts on the offiers is something they're unlikely to want to publicize. After all, how many cops do you know would want to testify in court as to how a cute 17-year-old girl kicked their butts?

Alternately, Jan was working with Durga, who handled the sensors and possibly overloaded some equipment to start the fire. Either way, despite her remarkable abilites (hiding on the ceiling, for instance), she had to have someone handling the dirty end or the numerous living witnesses would only make things worse. Getting rid of evidence isn't much help if you've announced very loudly you have something to hide.[/quote]

Wouldnt this be funny to watch if it was played out by grunts dressed up :)
[quote name='Wshakspear'][quote name='epobirs']Seems to me that while the security is tightly focused on Jan another party could get up to all kinds of mischief. In the later segment where the fire is being called in the caller doesn't seem to think it was arson even though Jan's escapades were surely the #1 item of gossip immediately after. This suggests to me that they didn't think she was out of view and in unknown locations long enough to be the culprit.

This also makes for plausible deniability. Nobody saw Mr. James enter those areas of the station oe any other when he wasn't in full view of personnel. Likewise, if during her escapade Jan was on camera frequently enough to be off the hook for the arson and sensor hacking the assualts on the offiers is something they're unlikely to want to publicize. After all, how many cops do you know would want to testify in court as to how a cute 17-year-old girl kicked their butts?

Alternately, Jan was working with Durga, who handled the sensors and possibly overloaded some equipment to start the fire. Either way, despite her remarkable abilites (hiding on the ceiling, for instance), she had to have someone handling the dirty end or the numerous living witnesses would only make things worse. Getting rid of evidence isn't much help if you've announced very loudly you have something to hide.[/quote]

Wouldnt this be funny to watch if it was played out by grunts dressed up :)[/quote]

Have the Red vs. Blue guys do it in machinima!
I went to an axon, answered the phone and heard the escape.wav message today. There were a group of about 20 yesterday but we were at the wrong phone.

Here's my theory on Jan.

Jan is the center of the new story. Jersey is obviously somewhat infatuated with her(asking durga for pictures..)

She is the one fleeing from a military base after taking a joyride in a razorback(some kind of military vehicle, like a warthog, the security mentioned her by the military motor pool) which ended up being "turtled".(flipped) It's also possible that she and some friends flipped it, since she has such extraordinary abilities.

I think that the reason for jan being here could be nothing more than being dared by friends and her pride in her abilities to "walkaway" from any situation.

She is cought despite jumping off a 3 story building, sticking to walls, and passing straight through locked doors. She is escored by Military Police to a local police station, where she is interrogated. Of interest is how the lie detector seems to spike whenever her father is mentioned. Anyway, her father JJ comes along, very upset with this interrogation, and takes jan home.

The "skew from baseline" leads me to believe that JJ is not her real father but raises of her as a member of his super secret forces military unit.(Spartans?)

During the ride home, JJ shows he is very upset, not just about the arrest, but more about the implications of jan's actions. He says he will take care of it, and the Police Station ends up burning to the ground.

The reason no alarms or sensors went off is that whatever Super Secret Forces JJ is or was a part of simply did not want them to go off until they were assured that the data at the police dept was nothing but ashes.

I have theories about Jersey and Durga also.. but too much typing.. if anyone wants to read, i'll type em.
jer, that was really interesting. Rereading that part, I didn't realize that Jan was doing those Spider-Man type stunts. If you don't mind, would you type your other theories? Those are some great insights you have there.
Basically I think that the .wav files we're getting are fragmented memories from The Operator's previous life in the future, before she was thrown to our time into the ilovebees server. As the game continues and more of the xxx/777 are revealed, we will have further memories that will reveal how The Operator crashed and became trapped on the Ilovebees server.

Okay, here's my theory on Jersey and Durga.

I'm not sure what to make of Durga, or where that AI came from. I don't think she's the same as The operator/melissa. (The AI that screwed and is making the axon calls) While The Operator had difficulty even creating a voice, Durga seems to be able to instantly access information on anyone.

My Speculation is that Durga somehow became a part of The Operator, and thats why those memories show up. Durga is much too methodical, malicious, and procedural to be the same as the Operator, who seems mischievious and uncomfortable with her new voice or surroundings.

Jersey stumbles upon a foreign object on his PC. (Think popups or ad software) He tried to remove the foreign object with his personal AI jeannie, but Durga took over. (think running adaware, but instead you get something that forcibly takes over your entire OS and hardware) Jersey tries to restore the system but is somewhat indirectly threatened by Durga. (just a little sting)

Perturbed by this AI effortlessly "wetting" itself onto his entire system, he digs to find more. He finds out by inquiring about himself that his mother is having an affair every other thursday at waterfront hotel while his father is on a tour of duty. We also learn that she had tuna for dinner.(important later)

The AI can access information on anyone else, but is programmed to be unable to know its own identity. I think this is reason to think that it is a spying/hacking AI for military or government use. I don't think that the military would want a captured spying AI to be able to identify itself to enemies.

Another inquiry leads to information about James James, or non-information. Seems everything she can access about him is fake or fictional, and his previous Identity is very heavily guarded. Jersey is much more interested in pictures of Jan though. Durga promises "much better than that" (ghosting?)

Next: Kamal and Aiden's girlfriend (spying story thread)
Okay Kamal, Aiden, and Aiden's Girlfriend.

Some of the sound clips here sound a lot like the bad date, but the ones with AG(Aiden's gf) and Kamal have music playing in the background.

Anyway, I think this is also a date that Kamal has had arranged for him by his mother with AG. Thats why it starts out with her saying she's sorry and he's a nice guy but she's seeing someone. She goes through with the arranged date because she can't tell her mother about her boyfriend Aiden. Aiden is a shady charachter who makes his living bypassing earth immigration, it seems.

I speculate that Aiden will play some role in the covenant finding earth or spying on us. It is significant that he gets people on earth illegally.

Anyway, They continue talking about how their mothers react to bad situations (how AG's mom would freak if she knew about aiden) Also they both seem to have grown up on some other planet or colony (or military base?) named Coral, but they live on earth now.

The thread continues with the walk home where we hear the story of how Aiden was 4 hours late for AG's birthday. Kamal upsets AG by suggesting that Kamal was faking an emergency room visit while being at another girlfriend's house. Kamal admits that in a past relationship his jealousy and suspicion led to "ghosting" his exgirlfriend.

Explanation: It appears that in this time, there is something called the chatternet which everyone is connected to. I would compare it to cell phones today, exept these seem to be implanted in almost everyone. (perhaps inner ear implants?) "ghosting" as kamal talks about it is the process of hacking the chatternet to be able to listen in on people. (Think if someone was able to hack cell phone networks to not only tap calls but to be able to tap any sound made near the phone, or implant, in this case)

AG is very intrigued by this and wants to know more. Kamal uses AG as a demonstration. He bypasses her "not completely pathetic" encryption and as she's talking, her voice comes through his computer. The idea of using this to spy on her boyfriend comes up, due to past cheating incidents and gifts that come across very guilty to her.

The phone messages happen sometime later, when Kamal has been ghosting Aiden, and has sent about 30 hours worth to AG. Her first two messages are just asking how to filter out irrelevant audio. Then she becomes very distressed and tearfully asks Kamal to ghost a woman named Selene Jefferson. We assume this is Aiden's mistress.

AG's plan is to humiliate Aiden in front of Selene. While spying on Selene and Aiden, Kamal notes that their is tuna(which appears to be a very extravagant delicacy in the future) on the menu.

This shows a connection that means its possible that Jersey's mother would be at this same hotel/restaurant during her affair.

Basically AG sends her voice to Selena and Aiden's table and makes a comment about Aiden's Doctor calling to say his "rash" should clear up in about a week with loose pants and ointment..

thats all I got! I wrote everything down as much for you guys as for me.. before I forget all this ive come up with tonight..
Wait I didn't discuss the Bad Date story thread.. its short, don't worry.

It begins with Cyrano (the guy on the date) talking with his friend Hiro(short for something I can't spell) about an arranged date he is going on with one Sophia Basadan.

I speculate that Sophia Basadan is related or is siblings with Kamal from the ghosting thread. They both have arranged dates by their parents(a middle-eastern tradition, i think.. could be wrong on that. There's also the joke about four goats being traded to pay for the date, sounds like an old middle eastern tradition) and Sophia's last name, Basadan, sounds middle eastern and connects well with the first name Kamal. This is a pretty weak connection, but just something I noticed.

Next fragment Sophia is gone. Hiro is counseling him with a "dating for dummies" type book through his chatter implant. Cyrano is some kind of medical student or doctor... all facts, no personality. Apparently Cyrano's comments about intestinal parasites scared Sophia away. The waiter delivers something to cyrano.. and the bill. Sophia is gone.

Back home, Cyrano drinks beer and talks about another date. This one is arranged by his mother. That is a very confusing part. Cyrano, Kamal, and AG all have parents back on Coral that still have quite a lot of control over their personal/dating lives. I don't know what the importance of this is..

Last speculation: Hiro suggests Cyrano choose a cheaper restaurant next time. This connects Jersey's mother, Cyrano, and Aiden. It is possible they were all at the same extravagant restaurant, with the expensive tuna on the menu.
I like that whole concept of hacking into the Chatternet system...its going to give me that whole errie feeling when I pick up my cell

For what it's worth, the "Secret Halo 2 Document" on the webcam at has the halo figure slighty's still REALLY dark so I can't tell if anything else has changed..just something to keep a look at
Good nights. I have found 3 or 4 pages.
About me.
Click on Bee
Restoration Pge 2
Click on Bee again
Rest Page 1
Click on Bee again
Rest Page 0

Does each page have that?

[quote name='epobirs']Seems to me that while the security is tightly focused on Jan another party could get up to all kinds of mischief. In the later segment where the fire is being called in the caller doesn't seem to think it was arson even though Jan's escapades were surely the #1 item of gossip immediately after. This suggests to me that they didn't think she was out of view and in unknown locations long enough to be the culprit.

This also makes for plausible deniability. Nobody saw Mr. James enter those areas of the station oe any other when he wasn't in full view of personnel. Likewise, if during her escapade Jan was on camera frequently enough to be off the hook for the arson and sensor hacking the assualts on the offiers is something they're unlikely to want to publicize. After all, how many cops do you know would want to testify in court as to how a cute 17-year-old girl kicked their butts?

Alternately, Jan was working with Durga, who handled the sensors and possibly overloaded some equipment to start the fire. Either way, despite her remarkable abilites (hiding on the ceiling, for instance), she had to have someone handling the dirty end or the numerous living witnesses would only make things worse. Getting rid of evidence isn't much help if you've announced very loudly you have something to hide.[/quote]

You and a few others need to get out and get a little sunshine, my brother. i'm enjoying this as much as most here, but you and Jer7583 have obviously got too little to do, with too much time on your hands. Take a break, download some porn. It's all good...
The whole Craze has blown the Halo2 Board on so out of Ridiculous :shock:
[quote name='simpsonps121']How can you tell that it is a secret Halo 2 Document?


you can tell it's the "secret halo 2 document" because the last couple of days the picture gets "brighter". Check in a couple of hours and it'll most likely be brighter again..and on the document is a sticky note with the big words "SECRECT Halo 2 doc"...only problem is no one can read whats on the actually document intself
[quote name='simpsonps121']Good nights. I have found 3 or 4 pages.
About me.
Click on Bee
Restoration Pge 2
Click on Bee again
Rest Page 1
Click on Bee again
Rest Page 0

Does each page have that?


Most of the pages have this, when you click on one of the bee images it takes you to previous versions of the page.. from phase2, phase1, and normal. It's just so we can read the messages that were left before the axon phase
[quote name='6hitman9']

You and a few others need to get out and get a little sunshine, my brother. i'm enjoying this as much as most here, but you and Jer7583 have obviously got too little to do, with too much time on your hands. Take a break, download some porn. It's all good...[/quote]

You might want to rethink that statement. Anyone who's on a internet message board for cheap videogames isn't in any place to be judging anyone's wasting time.

And the sheer stupidity of suggesting downloading porn to be a better use of time than deducing a story connected to one of my favorite games(something that actually takes a little brainpower, rather than just your wrist muscles) Although I'm sure you're going to be just reeling in the ladies with your nasty porn habit. I've already made contact with someone who works at a newspaper that I'd like to intern or work at through this, and have made friends out of a few local halo fans. What has pornography gotten you?

If you don't like ilovebees or something you're obviously in the wrong thread. Go away, stop trolling, and leave us to tend to our bees.
[quote name='bluenatas09']UPDATE:
For what it's worth, the "Secret Halo 2 Document" on the webcam at has the halo figure slighty's still REALLY dark so I can't tell if anything else has changed..just something to keep a look at[/quote]

Where on the Bungie site is that webcam?
That "halo 2 secret document" is just a joke by bungie.. its poking fun at all the people who watch those webcams so closely.. Its probably just some email about a meeting or something he had sitting on his desk..
[quote name='jer7583'][quote name='6hitman9']

You and a few others need to get out and get a little sunshine, my brother. i'm enjoying this as much as most here, but you and Jer7583 have obviously got too little to do, with too much time on your hands. Take a break, download some porn. It's all good...[/quote]

You might want to rethink that statement. Anyone who's on a internet message board for cheap videogames isn't in any place to be judging anyone's wasting time.

And the sheer stupidity of suggesting downloading porn to be a better use of time than deducing a story connected to one of my favorite games(something that actually takes a little brainpower, rather than just your wrist muscles) Although I'm sure you're going to be just reeling in the ladies with your nasty porn habit. I've already made contact with someone who works at a newspaper that I'd like to intern or work at through this, and have made friends out of a few local halo fans. What has pornography gotten you?

If you don't like ilovebees or something you're obviously in the wrong thread. Go away, stop trolling, and leave us to tend to our bees.[/quote]

Once again, you need relax a little and not take yourself so seriously. I don't believe I said anything about having a porn 'habit' , it was simply an example of things that are still more productive than 'deducing' a story line regarding As I said, I enjoy this whole thing as much as most, I just don't sit around 'deducing' porn habits about other users or typing up my 'deduced' story-line with only one hand. :cry:
[quote name='6hitman9']Once again, you need relax a little and not take yourself so seriously. I don't believe I said anything about having a porn 'habit' , it was simply an example of things that are still more productive than 'deducing' a story line regarding As I said, I enjoy this whole thing as much as most, I just don't sit around 'deducing' porn habits about other users or typing up my 'deduced' story-line with only one hand. :cry:[/quote]

You're just too cool for school, aren't you. People asked for my theories, and I gave them. Did anybody ask for your opinion, newbie? Didn't think so.

By the way, the 6 in front of your username makes it read like "shitman" instead of 6hitman.. might want to rethink that.

Let's stop this before it becomes an arguement. I like the ilovebees story and like making sense of the new wav files and speculating. You like to watch porn on the internet. If you've got some kinda negative opinion about me or this thread, keep it to yourself. if you've got something productive to contribute, then, by all means, share it.
You're just too cool for school, aren't you. People asked for my theories, and I gave them. Did anybody ask for your opinion, newbie? Didn't think so.

By the way, the 6 in front of your username makes it read like "shitman" instead of 6hitman.. might want to rethink that.

Let's stop this before it becomes an arguement. I like the ilovebees story and like making sense of the new wav files and speculating. You like to watch porn on the internet. If you've got some kinda negative opinion about me or this thread, keep it to yourself. if you've got something productive to contribute, then, by all means, share it.

So, so sad. Now we've come to 'shitman' ? How old are you, 12?
That isn't even worth a comeback.
[quote name='6hitman9'][quote name='epobirs']Seems to me that while the security is tightly focused on Jan another party could get up to all kinds of mischief. In the later segment where the fire is being called in the caller doesn't seem to think it was arson even though Jan's escapades were surely the #1 item of gossip immediately after. This suggests to me that they didn't think she was out of view and in unknown locations long enough to be the culprit.

This also makes for plausible deniability. Nobody saw Mr. James enter those areas of the station oe any other when he wasn't in full view of personnel. Likewise, if during her escapade Jan was on camera frequently enough to be off the hook for the arson and sensor hacking the assualts on the offiers is something they're unlikely to want to publicize. After all, how many cops do you know would want to testify in court as to how a cute 17-year-old girl kicked their butts?

Alternately, Jan was working with Durga, who handled the sensors and possibly overloaded some equipment to start the fire. Either way, despite her remarkable abilites (hiding on the ceiling, for instance), she had to have someone handling the dirty end or the numerous living witnesses would only make things worse. Getting rid of evidence isn't much help if you've announced very loudly you have something to hide.[/quote]

You and a few others need to get out and get a little sunshine, my brother. i'm enjoying this as much as most here, but you and Jer7583 have obviously got too little to do, with too much time on your hands. Take a break, download some porn. It's all good...[/quote]

Why is it any of your business if I get interested in an unfolding story? Why do you even feel a need to comment? Haven't YOU anything better to do than read our discussion?

This isn't a deep intellectual task. A few minutes given to speculation based on the portions revealed so far is hardly reducing my life to a hermit's existence.
[quote name='magilacudy']Jer doesn't need any comebacks at all.

6hitman9 =

Nuff said.[/quote]

There is a certain kind of sad individual who cannot bear the thought of other enjoying themselves in a way they cannot comprehend. I recall similar dweebs when 'Babylon 5' was presenting a like situation with active discussions of people's theories as to what things meant and where it was all going. There was inevitably someone who'd jump in with a snide comment about people getting too involved, yet this same person was themselves involved enough to note the the most active posters.

This is a moderated board. He can learn to keep his peace or go the way of DLF.
If you read the facts about the bees on the right of the page then the bees sound a lot like the Flood. like maybe the flood is used to protect the forerunner's "loot"? Who knows maybe Bungie has kept it secret that the Flood are going to play a huge role and MC is going to have to destroy the queen flood? I dunno. really a stretch but still possible
bread's done