The countdown HAS ENDED, what will or has happened?

[quote name='JimmieMac']I bet if you go there they'll have dog with bees in their mouths and when they bark they'll shoot bees at you.[/quote]

We'll also have to be on the lookout for the robotic Richard Simmons.

And I found the location list, but I'd like to know whose genius idea it was to put the two Indiana locations a whole 20 mins apart from each, and just forget about the entire rest of the state.
[quote name='rywateska'] the hell does the location list tie into ILOVEBEES though? That host site looks like it has nothing to do with bungie at all...can someone do a little briefing here so I'm not this confused...?[/quote]On the site, the links part has this huge list of times and locations by latitude and longitude.
Ok, i've been following the ilovebees thing semi closely and still no one is sure what it will be. People have taken the coordinates, drawn maps, connected the dots, figured them out mathmatically, etc. When I get up tomorrow, the first thing I am doing is checking
[quote name='DrunkTigerWoods']When you see the ring, you die.[/quote]


For a viral marketing campaign, I have to say this one is VERY intriguing. I'm not sure what's going to happen tomorrow, but I'm about 99% sure that HALO 2 WILL NOT SHIP EARLY. If I'm wrong...well...I'm wrong, but I feel pretty confident in my prediction.

A single-player demo is the most likely solution, but how, where, and for whom?
These locations are all pointing to Halo Billboard ads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually i don't know but am hoping it is worth the hype.
if anyone goes and it is a demo disc.....pick me up be glad to pay shipping plus a little extra for your effort
If anyone cares, one of the NYC addresses (the one on 5th Ave, between 39th and 40th) is a software store of some sort. On the map, it looks like the "X" is actually pointing to the Public Library Annex across the street from the main library building, but I'm willing to bet they mean the store. I'm still not about to roll through at 6 am, though.
For everyone not reading the times, it says 6 AM PDT for places like New York and Penn. That means it's 9AM Eastern time. so you guys don't have to get up at 6. You can, but you would have to wait 3 hours...
...whatever time it is, someone better go and tell us all if it's worth hauling our asses all over to check it out...someone HAS to step up and take one for the team and get to the computer and post up what they find.
There's something to this whole thing. The Philadelphia image is the corner of 8th and Market street, the EB in The Gallery Mall is near the 8th street exit. I don't think I will be able to make it down there although I may be able to have a friend check it out. I wasn't interested in this whole thing but now I'm pretty curious.
well the virginia beacdh location is not a retialer at all, their is no circuit city, ebgames, or gamestop, it looks like a choclate factory
well if I knew there were any places around here I'd check but I'm still not following on how to find out those spots..
[quote name='JSweeney']Anyone in Michigan happen to know what's at the corner of liberty and Main in Ann Arbor? That'll probably get you a lot closer to what the answer is.
You know... I was looking at that. But I cant for the life of me remember what the hell is there. Its not any gaming store I'm aware of (atleast, I think?) The only places I know of in ann arbor it could possibly be is...
Pinball Pete's (arcade, unlikely) Digital Ops (Well, they DO have an XBox hooked up there...) Electronics Botique (thats at the mall though...) Gamestop (right by the mall) Best Buy or Media play (not near downtown). Vault of Midnight (you never know?) fuck, I'm over thinking this...
[quote name='ChrisXE']well the virginia beacdh location is not a retialer at all, their is no circuit city, ebgames, or gamestop, it looks like a choclate factory[/quote]Heh, maybe they will have game vans there with playable demos of Halo 2 :lol:

It would totally kick ass if they were either handing out A) Demos or B) T-shirts.
[quote name='"rywateska"']...whatever time it is, someone better go and tell us all if it's worth hauling our asses all over to check it out...someone HAS to step up and take one for the team and get to the computer and post up what they find.[/quote]

I'll go at 9AM to the Palo Alto one (probably means braving rush hour traffic), but I really hope someone from the East Coast will go and report back to us...
[quote name='beerguy961'][quote name='rywateska']...whatever time it is, someone better go and tell us all if it's worth hauling our asses all over to check it out...someone HAS to step up and take one for the team and get to the computer and post up what they find.[/quote]

I'll go at 9AM to the Palo Alto one (probably means braving rush hour traffic), but I really hope someone from the East Coast will go and report back to us...[/quote]I'll beg my grandpa to take me, I think he's going to be in the VA Beach area tomorrow anyways. I'll post my finds (if there are any).
I'm going to the Wauwatosa, WI (88th and North) axon tomorrow, there is a payphone there, but I don't know what to expect, if anything. Im not working when it "goes hot" and have nothing else going on, so I might as well. It's not a dangerous area either.
Ok, I think I figured out what was at the said location. That whole damned block is a bunch of resturants. Pretty high-end ones as well. I might be curious enough to find out just what the hell the deal is....
Now that I look again there appears to be another Burbank, CA location that coincides with the CompUSA that is walking distance from the CC.
It doesn't even matter whats at these places. This is one of the most brilliant marketing campaigns for a video game ever. Not even Sony's hype machine has done anything like this. Whoever came up with this idea is getting a huge promotion, and anyone that was against it is being banished to the Eastern Front (Japan).

Simply brilliant. As if Halo 2 needed more hype. If Sega could have marketed half as good as this, they'd still be in the console business.
It remains to be seen. It would be an ill-advised advertising stunt to draw crowds to retail locations for no reason. Liability issues alone would raise caution of the chances of placing irate people at those stores to display all sorts of irrational reactions to their disappointment.

It would be one thing if it just drew a lot of traffic to a web site at a designated time but getting people involved at private property locations would make a lawyer have conniptions.
Someone at gamefaqs suggested maybe would turn into the official Halo 2 website after the countdown. I forget who it was, but kudos to that guy for a good idea that lots of people didn't think of.

As for the locations .. beats me. The closest one to me is 250 miles away, so I think I'll just wait online to see what happens. According to the countdown, it'll end at 6AM CST for me.
...just watched the last 2 minutes of countdown...the site looks to be the same, just the gif bee icon to the left is jacked up...or was it like that before? Countdown is at zero & nothing crazy has happened...
This is the first time i have even heard of this, yes i am behind the times, but this is very interesting.... i'll have to keep an eye out for something more on this.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']And I found the location list, but I'd like to know whose genius idea it was to put the two Indiana locations a whole 20 mins apart from each, and just forget about the entire rest of the state.[/quote]

Look at the TX list. There are like 6 Dallas locations, and then an Austin and El Paso thrown in for good measure. Oh shit, one minute left!

UPDATE Countdown just ended for me. No visible changes to or Anyone finding anything interesting?
If you check, you are rerouted to the Xbox Halo 2 page, which now has a cinematic trailer of the game available - for some reason, I'm having difficulty viewing it on my computer at the moment.

If you have seen this video, is this new or not? Could this be tied to

In the past, Bungie put out an amazing (at the time) series called Marathon, and the plot shared elements with Halo. I cannot recall for the life of me the promoting they did for this game; however, I recall it to be similarly creepy/brilliant. Having essentially grown up with Bungie due to being a Mac user (and thus Bungie being one of perhaps 7-10 primary software developers for the Mac), the website positively reeks of them. I only wish I could remember how they promoted Marathon.

...preordered the first Marathon from MacMall.
[quote name='mykevermin']If you check, you are rerouted to the Xbox Halo 2 page, which now has a cinematic trailer of the game available - for some reason, I'm having difficulty viewing it on my computer at the moment.

If you have seen this video, is this new or not? Could this be tied to

In the past, Bungie put out an amazing (at the time) series called Marathon, and the plot shared elements with Halo. I cannot recall for the life of me the promoting they did for this game; however, I recall it to be similarly creepy/brilliant. Having essentially grown up with Bungie due to being a Mac user (and thus Bungie being one of perhaps 7-10 primary software developers for the Mac), the website positively reeks of them. I only wish I could remember how they promoted Marathon.

...preordered the first Marathon from MacMall.[/quote]

Not to flame but Uhhh, that trailer is really old news and is exactly how this entire craze started. At the end of the trailer, it flashes the web address, then flashes back to

There's like 9 in Portland, luckily there's one near me.
[quote name='miriamleo']it is so funny, the one I have is right outside my door.[/quote]

Well dude, get the hell out there and find out what is going on!
[quote name='MasterLin1']Not to flame but Uhhh, that trailer is really old news and is exactly how this entire craze started. At the end of the trailer, it flashes the web address, then flashes back to

There's like 9 in Portland, luckily there's one near me.[/quote]

For some ungodly reason, I cannot view this file. Had I been able to do so, I would have remembered this. I'm just offering a suggestion other than dictating what stores exist near me. Granted, it happened to be a useless, incorrect suggestion, but it's different regardless.

bread's done