The Legacy Wrestling Thread

[quote name='mykevermin']New Heroes tonight. Maybe I'll dl Raw tomorrow. Maybe.[/QUOTE]

Heroes isn't on here till an hour after Raw ends. Yay DirecTV in California.
[quote name='mykevermin']New Heroes tonight. Maybe I'll dl Raw tomorrow. Maybe.[/quote]

I raise you a 30 Rock on the DVR.
fuck yeah, Flair! Although his appearances do cheapen his retirement.

Remember when Candice was the top face woman on Raw? Now she rarely ever appear, and always loses. Didn't look fat like the pictures suggested, though.
So... said there would be a chamber qualifier tonight, wonder where that is?

EDIT: They keep reairing that clip of Orton kicking Shane in the stomach, all I can think is Orton attacking Matt Hardy then the infamous "I kicked your brother where his appendix used to be." line that was so elegantly delivered.....

also, well seems Kane filled the spot.
[quote name='Matt Young']The Attitude Adjuster? What a horrible name for a finisher.[/QUOTE]

That name screams Vince McMahon. Corny, out of touch - sounds like something from 1996 WWF. Like the kind of finisher TL Hopper would have.

Cena's sense of timing is shit. I looked up to catch the last few minutes of Raw, and saw him standing still, slackjawed, staring at Jericho for what seemed like an eternity while Jericho flipped forward, hit the ropes, and then tried to connect with the code breaker. Cena looked like he fell asleep standing up. fucking terrible. As was, of course, his no-selling of the Walls of Jericho. Just a shitty, shitty wrestler all around. But, hey, he's a merchandise machine.

And I think he'll be money as a heel when he turns.

But there's a certain forgiveness you have for how wrestlers operate that don't reflect how humans behave in real fights. It's funny that Vince McMahon hates lucha libre for its "light" style and how choreographed it looks. Which, when you see 6 guys standing in a group outside the ring ropes while El Hijo De Margarita does a plancha on top of all of them, you think, "hey, McMahon's right: this stuff does expose how choreographed it is." And then you see Cena showing up for his spot 4 seconds too early like it's a doctor's appointment, and thinking "that's the fucking CHAMP; wow."
Not to mention, starting to roll closer to Jericho when he was doing the lionsault, when he was already in mid-air and landing exactly where Cena originally was
[quote name='Matt Young']The Attitude Adjuster? What a horrible name for a finisher.[/QUOTE]

I miss the original name "FU" as well as the "STFU".

Looks like 1988 called, they want their family friendly programming back.

I miss the Attitude era.
Google says it's a standing dragon sleeper, but I don't remember it ever being called that.

Apparently Taker also held the Hardcore Championship, which I also don't remember. Back then, that belt was passed around so much that I don't think anyone remembers. I think I saw my grandma with it at Christmas one year.
IIRC, only Michael Cole went out of his way to call it that, some just called it the TCB, and I could swear the rest of the time they just called it "that submission maneuver" or "that chokehold"
[quote name='mykevermin']The what?[/QUOTE]

UT's dragon sleeper from around his short-haired heel era. The "Taker Care of Business" name didn't last long, eventually it went back to a FU-esque unnamed move. But for a few glorious weeks we got to hear Cole try to call it as if anything with that name is going to be scary.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's a disservice to Bam Bam Bigelow and The Boss, man. ;)[/quote]

I know, but the Attitude Adjuster....

That sounds like something in a Sonic the Hedgehog game.

Too bad he uses the name Throwback for his flipping cutter (or whatever you call it). That's a decent name for a finisher.

Heck, call the FU the Throwdown. I could live with that.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't think they're dumb enough to stick with Attitude Adjuster for very long.[/QUOTE]Quite possible, since they can be quite noncommittal with finisher names. I think they've gone through like five different labels for Undertaker's gogoplata over the past year.

Meanwhile, it always bugs me how Randy Orton's wraparound backbreaker thing doesn't have a formal name. He's been doing it forever and it's very distinctly "his" move. All they gotta do his have Michael Cole do one of his "I was talking to Randy earlier today and he calls that move the _____" spiels, and that would take care of it!
They could call it a back breaker, since they don't do those in WWE much anymore. The WMX Owen/Bret clip really showed, to me, how much pro wrestling as a style has changed over the years. And not, for the most part, for the better.
Because material this golden needs to be shared... various comments from Matt Hardy's MySpace page and some YouTube videos. You will either laugh, or weep for humanity:
me opinion is matt u sob jeff will win another title and only thing that really claim me down is spit in ur face and then kik in ur balls if had balls matt hardy u woudnt hit jeff when he didnt exepct y would do tht he was livng his dream STRYLINE PEOPLE SAY THAT BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!
matt you are a astle i always loves jeff in the starts and but you got the respect from me, but after the rumble you lost my respect i don t know what is your motive but that suck.i will watch smackdown friday because i interessed about what you have the say but from me the thing a got the say is matt you will pay for what you didn t to your brother and i will be glad to watch
no hes not wrestlemania or summerslam of 09 my guarntee i know a sotrylwriter stryliner my dad knowshim well telles me not tell anyone but no wrestlemania or summerslam he didnt tell me which he said i cant tell u then say if jeff lose at title at rumble then ur son of bitch (sob)
why did u do it u stupid ass!!!
Jeff is the best and he will kick your ass
and u will not win that title!
i will pee on u!
jeff is the best and he will get that title!!!!!!

I hate bastard!
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Please tell me that's the worst bastardization of the word "asshole" in human history.[/quote]

Heh. Astle. :lol:
Raw thoughts -

The Orton explanation for why the Legacy got demolished was long-winded, but at least attempted to logically explain the idiocy of what happened last week...and then Shane killed them with the kendo stick. God, I hope Orton just absolutely mangles him at the PPV. It's about the only way they can truly rebuild Orton after hurting his character last week.

Regal/Layla vs. Punk/Mickie was short but awesome, with Layla and Regal working stiff, and it had an awesome finish, with a woozy Punk coming into the ring only to get his face smashed with the knee strike from Regal. It made me excited for their match next week on Raw, but given how lean the PPV card is, it would make more sense to have that match there instead of giving it away on free TV. I'd also much rather see Orton vs. 'Taker on PPV instead of free TV, especially since it's a rematch of a big possible streak-ending match for 'Taker, but the setup for it next week at least worked as being easy payback from Steph to Orton.

Priceless vs. Cryme Tyme was...purposeful, kinda. There was nothing memorable aside from the double team wheelbarrow DDT from Priceless, and it being yet another instance of those random Raw tag matches where double teaming led to a DQ, resulting in the match only existing for the purpose of establishing a tag team finisher for Priceless. Otherwise they didn't really look very strong, they had to take a lot of offense to further sell the kendo stick beating, and then they lost to a comedy act. Hell of a main event-level team here. WWE's bungled this duo up more often than not, and this was another example of it. Maybe if they actually treat them like a dominant force in matches, their entrance will be met with more than apathy from the crowd.

The Jericho rant on Rourke/Flair/hall of famers was awesome, and sadly quite true - especially in the case of Flair. With that said, I'm glad that if he does come out of re-re-re-retirement, it looks like it'll be at the biggest show of the year, and not a New Japan show as was rumored a while back (if he got Shawn's permission), or a tag match with Reid on some indy show. Cena's promo was a good rebuttal - especially citing that Jericho can't let go of the past either, having referenced being the first undisputed champion ever a million times until he re-won the world title last year. I like these kinds of exchanges where each side makes a valid point, and their deal here made me excited to see their match, which is on paper, more appealing to me than the PPV's world title match.

Rey/Kofi vs. Kane/Knox was awesome. Rey and Kofi gelled well together, and I loved the blind tag>shoulderblock leading into the Rey double stomp>Kofi double legdrop spot. It made the makeshift face team actually seem like a regular team since they complimented each other so well. Kane also sold a lot for each guy - even covering up to sell Rey's punches, and took a great bump off the seated senton twice. Kane's been a hit or miss guy for a long time, but tonight, he was "on". Also, his chokeslam to Rey that finished the match looked awesome - easily the best one he's executed in a long time.

The Legacy beating on Shane was mostly great - I loved them attacking him out of nowhere, knocking Steph into a door, leading to her doing some Hogan-level acting (adding some much-needed comedy to the show), and then having Orton tease punting Shane, then turning his attention to Steph, leading to Shane taking the kick (TO THE BACK!) before Malenko and another agent made the save. It seemed odd that they'd take pleasure in beating up security, but wouldn't touch agents - I guess they felt they could beat up a bunch of scrawny guards, but didn't want to take their chances with bigger guys. Or it's just all part of a greater plot that'll make sense later - Orton did have his "I can't believe what I just did..." face on after the beating.

Beth vs. Candice was better than I expected - Candice showed more fire than usual, although her offense still looked far too light to do damage to anyone - let alone the Glamazon. Santino grabbing Rosa's hands and making her clap, then doing the trombone victory celebration ruled. His new Ferrari-esque shirt's awesome too - he'd better be all over the new Superstars show when it debuts.

The JBL-HBK promo ruled. JBL bringing back [wrestler name here] Enterprises reminded me of many great JJ/Tully promos, and once again, I liked that each guy made a good point - JBL's right in the sense that HBK didn't lead to him 'Mania as the world champion, but HBK's right because JBL cost him the match against Cena that could have given JBL the title. The follow-up with the No Way Out match proposal was intense, with JBL doing everything he could to piss off HBK enough to blow the deal, and HBK doing his best Toby Flenderson impersonation with his sad face and passive aggressive body language.

Jericho vs. Cena was very good for a TV main event, with Cena's punches looking unusually...good, especially the body blows in the corner, and I liked how intense the opening of the match was. Once again, these two proved that it's pretty much impossible for them to have a bad match, although I question the wisdom of having Jericho lose so cleanly to Cena right before the Chamber, as he's the only guy I could see actually leaving the match with the title other than Cena. At least the "STF" looked really good - almost as good as when he did it to HBK at 'Mania and it could easily be bought as a finisher because of how tightly Cena had his wrist wrapped around Michaels' throat. The Attitude Adjuster as the new name for the FU is...something. It's not the worst name ever, but I prefer the move's lack of a name, and the subsequent humorous ways in which the commentators would dodge having to name it, to this. If they're lucky, the name will catch on, if not, they can just come up with something new to call it.

After last week's largely abysmal show, I found a lot to enjoy about this week's. While the matches were generally far too short (an unfortunate trend for Raw over the past month, with Impact almost looking like a wrestling-filled broadcast by comparison), at least the matches were mostly good, and the main event was given a decent amount of time. Plus, the non-wrestling stuff was really good this week. Everyone who needed to cut a great promo here did, and the show built up some stuff that I'm looking forward to over the coming weeks - like Orton vs. 'Taker for next week's Raw, the Flair appearance on Raw, the possibility of Jericho-Flair at 'Mania, Orton vs. Shane at No Way Out, and JBL vs. HBK at No Way Out with life-altering registered trademark implications.

Quotes -

Orton - You seem pretty sure of yourself, Shane, but after last week, why wouldn’t you be? I’m just curious…did you ever ask yourself how did you possibly, single-handedly beat up the three top superstars in WWE? The answer is simple - ya didn’t. The second that I saw you come down the ramp, full of rage, I made a decision - I told Ted and Cody… (fans chant RKO) not to fight back. Watch the footage. The proof is in the pudding. Sure, they tried to contain you, but just like me, they didn’t fight back. When I saw you last week, I wasn’t looking at you - I was looking at the Raw roster who wanted to impress you and Steph and I knew that if we threw even one punch, our odds would have gone from 3-on-1 to 20-on-3 and I was not gonna let that happen! It was a small price to pay for what I truly wanted - a match with YOU at No Way Out, and now, it’s official! No holds barred - I can do whatever I want to you without any consequence. Shane, if I were you, I would call the hospital I put your father, I’d order a bed, because after No Way Out, your father’s gonna have some company!
Sign - Where’s X-Pac?
Jericho - I just want to clarify the comments I made to Mickey Rourke - I do respect his performance in “the Wrestler”, and I also respect his graceful backtracking of any match he might’ve had with me at WrestleMania, but I still have a problem with him - his movie sends a bad message. It glorifies the pathetic has-beens who are still hanging on for one last shot at fame and fortune. Men like Roddy Piper, Snuka, and even Mickey’s inspiration and a man he calls friend - Ric Flair! (fans go WOOO) As a matter of fact, Flair is the worst of them all because he cannot bow out gracefully. Flair had THE storybook career. 16 time world champion. Millions of fans, millions of dollars made, and the most amazing retirement of all-time at WrestleMania last year. He should be at a mansion spending time in a mansion with his family, but he’s not - he’s doing autograph signings at high school gymnasiums, tell-all interviews to low-rent websites, and selling his face and name to anyone who will give him a paycheck. That is absolutely pathetic! Flair is tarnishing his legacy, and for what? One more chance at the spotlight - he has the sickness, and he’s not alone. These “legends” need to be put in their place and I’m imploring WWE to revoke their status as hall of famers! I want them to revoke their status that allows them to leach off the business…
Cena - ENOUGH ENOUGH ENOUGH! STOP! If it wasn’t for those legends, you wouldn’t be able to stand in that ring. You walk down in your suit but you’re not fooling anybody - we know you’re an idiot. You say they need to let go of the past, but you’re the first to say HEY I WAS THE FIRST UNDISPUTED WORLD CHAMPION, let it go, bro! You say they need to let it go, but HEY CHRIS JERICHO, YOU’VE BEEN FIRED! TWICE! But you’re still there and ya still won’t shut up, and every word you say makes me more and more angry, and there are some things I respect, and you have a bad habit of crossing the lines on every one of them! Stephanie made you get down on your knees and make you apologize, but that’s been done, so I’m not gonna make you do that, so we’re gonna have a match, and I’m gonna shut you up the only way I know how - I’m gonna knock your teeth down your throat!
(after Rey and Kofi double team Kane for a while)Lawler - Gotta watch out - double teaming’ll get you disqualified tonight…!
(after Priceless attacks Shane and Steph gets knocked into a door)Steph - OOOOHHH! OOOOOWWWWWW!

Screens -

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[quote name='pitfallharry219']Apparently Taker also held the Hardcore Championship, which I also don't remember. Back then, that belt was passed around so much that I don't think anyone remembers. I think I saw my grandma with it at Christmas one year.[/quote]

Yep, he won it at Vengeance '01(the one with Y2J becoming undisputed champ) and lost it around Feb. the next year. During that he spent a month doing nothing but feuding the Hardy Boyz & Lita. But after he lost it, it just changed hands so many times(I think Christian, Molly Holly & Trish Stratus each held it once). But that was when WWE was changing to become more organized and had no fucking clue what they were doing.
[quote name='BustaUppa']HARDY HATRED[/quote]

wow, and i wonder why the majority of the world thinks all wrestling fans are morons living in our parents basements..... urination, i mean im sure its someone whos like 12 but still, just wow
How do you add the attribute points to the CAWS. I have all the titles in career mode, now what? I also downloaded the latest update. This is on the PS3.

There is this MAXCAS code, but I don't want all my CAWS level 90. Also, what if I already had them created. This code supposedly works after creating the character go to cheats and type it in, but I already have like 20 wrestlers.
[quote name='D_Icon']How do you add the attribute points to the CAWS. I have all the titles in career mode, now what? I also downloaded the latest update. This is on the PS3.

There is this MAXCAS code, but I don't want all my CAWS level 90. Also, what if I already had them created. This code supposedly works after creating the character go to cheats and type it in, but I already have like 20 wrestlers.[/QUOTE]hey you made the same post in the SvR thread, you astle!!!
The Shane and Legacy stuff is so bad. It makes Shane look like Superman (more than Cena) and the Legacy look like little bitches. I hate when they do this kinda crap.
[quote name='Blackout']The Shane and Legacy stuff is so bad. It makes Shane look like Superman (more than Cena) and the Legacy look like little bitches. I hate when they do this kinda crap.[/quote]

They are probably just setting up a swerve where Shane joins Legacy agaisnt Steph.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']They are probably just setting up a swerve where Shane joins Legacy agaisnt Steph.[/QUOTE]
I hope they do something like this or maybe do it the other way and have Legacy join up with Stephanie to be her protection since she is second gen too.
[quote name='cdeener']I hope they do something like this or maybe do it the other way and have Legacy join up with Stephanie to be her protection since she is second gen too.[/quote]

You know what, I like that idea even better. :applause:

Her dad was taken out, and Shane is getting his ass beat, that would leave Steph on top of the mountain.
bread's done