The Legacy Wrestling Thread

I'm still voting for Rhodes/Dibiase to screw over Orton and join with Steph. Rhodes set up the meeting that caused the whole Vince kick by saying that Stephanie was going to fire Orton. And Dibiase hasn't said one word on TV since coming back afte Orton kicked him. He's basically Orton's bitch (or his Virgil, if you will) A Dibiase being submissive to an Orton is just wrong.

Stephanie is using Orton to get rid of Vince and then Shane so she can run everything. Then Orton gets disposed of and is free to officially turn face against the new Legacy. (Probably bringing back in Snuka or Manu, or finally bringing in Smith,Nattie, or Hennig)
Or alternately, if they wanted to (and I know a lot of people wouldnt want this to happen) Stephanie could stay face by bringing Triple H over to take out Orton (with H winning the Elimination Chamber at NWO) since it was Triple H who injured him before. Thus setting up Orton to use his RR win to face Triple H for the WWE Championship.

They don't seem to be making any hints towards Cena/Orton. The storyline is pushing more for HBK/Cena for the World Championship.

Edge gets freed up to be involved in whatever they're cooking up with Jeff/Matt/Christian? once he drops the belt.

Not to mention they still need to find an opponent for Undertaker, who i'm now guessing will be going against Vladimir Kozlov (they've at least attempted to builid him to be a credible threat to his win streak vs. Kozlov not being pinned/submitted yet)

It wouldn't be the most exiciting WM lineup, but hey, thats what the MITB match is for :D
I just hope that Vince doesn't go overboard with Legacy because it is way too many second generation wrestlers in WWE at the moment.
We do know that Shane and Stephanie would be third-generation, right? Vince is 2nd generation - he got the company from his daddy.
Since Vince Sr never actually competed in the ring you could argue they're only second generation, but not a big deal since Orton's third gen as well.

Can I trademark the name Corporate Legacy, or is it too late? :lol:
Paul London's first wrestling appearance post-WWE will be with Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2/21 at "Expressed Written Consent".

Paul London & The Young Bucks vs. Joey Ryan, Scott Lost, & Karl Anderson
PWG Championship - (C) Chris Hero vs. The Human Tornado
2 Out Of 3 Falls - Bryan Danielson vs. TJ Perkins
El Generico vs. Kenny Omega
No DQ #1 Contenders - The Necro Butcher vs. Austin Aries
Los Luchas vs Opponents TBA
[quote name='mykevermin']Needs less McMahon.[/quote]


I'm tired of Shane acting like he's 22. It seems like he has Vince's problems of wanting to be a wrestler but it never fully panning out. It makes the real wrestlers look like chumps when they have to sell for this guy.
I don't mind Shane so much, the Raw segment 2 weeks ago was embarrassing, but when it comes to the match he usually makes his opponent look great (all except Kane). You know he's going to get killed when it comes to the match, and it has worked out more times than it hasn't (getting slaughtered by Kurt Angle at KOTR comes to mind)
I usually look forward to one thing in each of Shane's matches, and that's usually some huge leap off something onto something.
If someone is out of line, I think instead of giving them an FU, it's better to give them an attitude adjustment."

John Cena on the new name for his Finisher. Also note that it's the Attitude Adjustment, not Adjuster.

So I'm pretty much done with WWE as a whole, at least for a while. This PG-Era WWE doesn't suite me. With any luck TNA will snap out of their shittyness and produce a worthwhile wrestling alternative.
[quote name='JJSP']We do know that Shane and Stephanie would be third-generation, right? Vince is 2nd generation - he got the company from his daddy.[/QUOTE]

Shane and Steph are FOURTH generation, actually. Vince Sr's father (Jess) was a boxing/wrestling promoter in the early-mid 1900's.

A Kane political blog!

I know certain people may try to tear some of that stuff apart due to their own biases, but whatever. What sucks for Kane is that if/when it gets out to more people that that is his site, his feedback is all going to be "KANE WHEN R U GOIG TO DESTROY JHON CENA." So much for trying to have a site for serious political discussion. It looks like he has been doing that site for a few years, I'm surprised he has been able to do it that long without getting "discovered."
[quote name='KaneRobot']I know certain people may try to tear some of that stuff apart due to their own biases, but whatever.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't help that he's another nitwit, whose political philosophy starts with "I don't like to pay taxes on the hundreds of thousands I make in a year" and builds policy around that. Not to mention someone whose ideas are so grandiose that he doesn't realize the folly of his philosophy: the Libertarian party will never be more than a laughable right-wing counterpart to the Green Party until they become involved at a grassroots level (i.e., stop trying to elect a president first and then establish power later: it's like bringing in Colt Cabana to have his first match against HHH for the belt at WM, and then expecting him to (1) win and (2) get over with the crowd. It's nonsense).

It's not a matter of my biases: bully for him being politically involved. Same with JBL. It's not that one is Libertarian and the other Conservative; it's that one doesn't realize that they're helping harm their political party by trying to build the party from the top down, and that another is...well, frankly, just someone who I disagree with.

Nice pithy attempt to defuse anything I say by calling it "bias." In your world those who worship at the altar of Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell may not be criticized at all? Is that it?

Really, though, while I disagree with JBL and think Kane (and Val Venis, both of whom have been fervent Libertarians for years) are not as intellectually sophisticated as the public influence they possess should permit (they're perfect for talk tadio!), I get great enjoyment out of thinking that ol' level1online, a big ol' Ron Paul worshipper himself, tried to throw ad hominems my way by mocking wrestling (as if that were something that bothered me). And yet here you have two (well, 1.5) prominent professional wrestlers who are his strong, strong ideological allies. Ha!
10 minutes.

Nice pithy attempt to defuse anything I say by calling it "bias." In your world those who worship at the altar of Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell may not be criticized at all? Is that it?

I wasn't trying to defuse anything, but I knew you'd get needlessly up in arms over calling it "bias." Everyone is biased. Get over it.

Not sure where you gather who I support, either. I didn't say anything about agreeing or disagreeing with everything he said.
Right. I didn't say anything *about* whether you agree or disagree with it, darlin'. Even implicitly.

You remind me of that guy from t-shirt hell, who's offended that people get offended at his t-shirts, whose intent is to offend. You're telling me I'm up in arms when you said "I know certain people may try to tear some of that stuff apart due to their own biases, but whatever." Don't bullshit me: you didn't mean JaytheGameFan. Or anyone else. You meant me. I'm politically vocal. I'm cool with that. I live to argue political points, so it's not "tearing it apart" to sate my ego or anything of that nature. It's tearing it apart because it's a simpleton's political philosophy. It's "I Vote Pro-Life" for the fiscal set. It's naive and unproven ideology that's as self-fulfilling and teeming with cognitive dissonance as college Marxists in the ISO.

It's The Ultimate Warrior's political views minus the racism and homophobia.

So you're calling me out for "getting up in arms" (christ, you're prolly one of those 'sit in the corner and sulk at a bar' kinda dudes; have you no passion for conversation and interaction, or do you just consistently misinterpret me having opinions for being "up in arms"?), when you were the one who predicted it.

T-shirt hell dude.
Again, you're jumping to conclusions as usual. Why would I be "offended?" I don't take any of this stuff personally. Sorry.

I didn't say anything *about* whether you agree or disagree with it, darlin'. Even implicitly

Of course not. That comment you made didn't implicity lump me in with Ron Paul supporters (of which Kane obviously was), suggesting that I would be offended that they are being criticized.

Nope. Not at all.

Christ. You JUST POSTED that.

Don't bullshit me: you didn't mean JaytheGameFan. Or anyone else. You meant me.

So you're calling me out for "getting up in arms"...when you were the one who predicted it.
If the shoe fits...

Hey, I can't help it if your actions and posts here are predictable. Predictable as a Matt Hardy heel turn, even. Har har.

That response in the Phelps thread was definitely your peak though. You're taking aim at everyone for being "outraged" where there was no outrage to be found at that point. Of course, that's part of why your pre-emptive strike of "I don't post to sate my ego" thing is nonsense. Being politically vocal is one thing - you often look for excuses to stir shit when there's no reason to. That's not "having passion for conversation," it's being fucking annoying. Not for nothing, since I do agree with you much of the time believe it or not, but often times you're just a troll with a nice tie and a top hat. Feel free to sig that, "darlin'."
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Phelps thread?

EDIT: Ah. That one. Ha. Well, if you disagree with me, that's fine. Doesn't make you right in the slightest, but hey, some people have to be wrong, I suppose.

When I go into the wrestling business, would I be considered first generation, since I'm the first of my family to be in it or what?
[quote name='diddy310']I don't mind Shane so much, the Raw segment 2 weeks ago was embarrassing, but when it comes to the match he usually makes his opponent look great (all except Kane). You know he's going to get killed when it comes to the match, and it has worked out more times than it hasn't (getting slaughtered by Kurt Angle at KOTR comes to mind)[/QUOTE]

I don't think this'll turn out as good as that match, although I hope it does, but I don't realistically expect that. For goodness sake, Shane got winded after about 30 seconds of just punching two weeks ago.
Shane McMahon: good for having a match once every two years and doing a ridiculous spot that outshines the regular wrestlers that raises the bar for stupid shitty spots that shouldn't be done at all.
That's cool about Kane. I haven't read his site yet but I remember hearing about his views.

Shane is cool for jumping off 100 foot ladders and stuff along those lines, but after that sorry ass punching fiasco he did a couple weeks ago, he needs to get off t.v. ASAP. I do like his personality. I just wish he would leave the wrestling to actual wreslters. It seems the McMahon family has a big problem with that.
In SvsR2009 (PS3) I downloaded the patch, I've beaten career mode. Now what? Where is the option that lets you give attribute points to your CAWS? So there is this password MAXCAS, it gives your newly created CAWS 90 points, but what if I already have 17 CAWS created? How do I give them points?
Just turned on TNA at 10PM to see the women's match. What the fuck did I just watch?

As heels, the "paper bag" thing is pretty creative, but the wrestling was shit, and "Governor Palin" is waaaaaay past stupid.
Not too sure about Brutus Magnus, seemed a little too casual about what he was doing. And the 3 dollar polyester gladiator skirt from his entrance has to go.
"Enter the code. Then start over a new career with one of those CAW's, play one match (win or lose) and they'll automatically go to a 90 overall. Then just save it, exit out, start another new career with the next CAW, play one match, he'll be a 90 ovr. Rinse repeat as necessary. "
This WM seems to be defined more by what has been rumored/promised, but seems to not happen.

AC/DC was rumored, but aren't performing.
Mickey Rourke was scheduled to wrestle Jericho, but will just show up and wave to the crowd.
Randy Orton won the RR, but the rumored WM lineup doesn't involve him in a title match.

Could it be Orton w/ Stephanie in his corner vs. Stone Cold w/ (gasp!) Vince in his corner?

Zoinks. This just doesn't feel like "WrestleMania season." I'm not anticipating much of anything for the show so far. Don't care for Cena and don't see a reasonable challenger for him, don't care to see Matt v Jeff, don't care to see Triple H treat Edge like his name was Tom Stone for a title match, don't care to see Undertaker win again (but the match he might have with HBK could be very, very good)...and god knows the remaining titles don't mean shit. Money in the Bank will feature...


Don't care. It's a TNA-quality spotfest anyway, with no real substance to it.

And then there's the secondary line of titles, the only importance of which will be Rhodes/DiBiase's title win over...wait. Who has the tag titles now? Rhodes and DiBiase?

Shows you how good the programs have been. Ha.

This might as well be called Wrestlemania IX-2.
[quote name='onetrackmind']Abyss repeatedly and violently punching a gigantic pile of thumbtacks was pretty awesome.[/QUOTE]

:whistle2:| Good thing ABDC is back.
[quote name='mykevermin']And then there's the secondary line of titles, the only importance of which will be Rhodes/DiBiase's title win over...wait. Who has the tag titles now? Rhodes and DiBiase?[/quote]

Miz & Morrison, I think. I can't even think who has the tag titles on the SD side of things.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Miz & Morrison, I think. I can't even think who has the tag titles on the SD side of things.[/quote]

Carlito and Primo, which tells you just how much Vince gives a rat's ass about the tag division.
Miz and Morrison are on every show and winning - that's all that matters. The Colons (best. tag team name. ever...for Russo) look (and act) like total jobbers compared to the real tag champs in WWE, the greatness known as Miz and Morrison.

Impact thoughts -

THE GOVERNOR'S finisher name was the highlight of this show. Easily. Sure, The Guns vs. Lethal and Young was good, but it was pretty forgettable aside from the double DVD spot, which has been done before, and it annoyed me that the X division champion AND his partner couldn't beat one man quickly. Also, having Shane Sewell wrestle in a match without any build and billing him as a referee in his graphic bugged me - it was played up as a huge conflict of interest for him to both wrestle and be a ref about a month ago, and here, it didn't mean anything. Nor does it seem to matter for the PPV. The Abyss-Morgan stuff was hilarious because of how silly Abyss acted, but I do think TNA made the tacks mean something again by not using them for a long time. Now the trouble becomes finding a way to top having Abyss slam his fists violently into the tacks for the PPV since they gave away that memorable spot on free TV.

Quotes -
Nash - As I head towards the end of my career, and ever-so-slowly morph into Kenny Rogers, you know, I’ve done a lot of business in this ring. I have! But most of my ring was done back there, behind the curtain, but like David Copperfield, if I wanted somebody gone, they were gone! About a year ago, Joe ran his mouth about a friend of mine, Scott Hall, when he did that, I pretty much wanted Joe gone. I don’t know who he knows, but he’s the first guy I wanted gone that’s actually still here. So last week, Joe shows his ugly face with a new crop haircut and face paint, and I dunno, I guess that makes him some kinda tough guy. I guess he went back to his roots. (fans chant Joe!) How about I go old school and kick Joe’s ass!? (fans cheer wildly) Joe, you’ve been cast, and your role? MY BITCH!

Screens -

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Jay Lethal is golden when he makes references to the Million Dollar Man and Virgil.

That move by the Governer is sick. That name for the move is hilarious, "The Thrilla from Wasilla". I just hope they just get this over quickly.

Brutus Magnus reminds me of Kozlov but Kozlov looks like has a lot more skills.
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Apparently there was a pretty significant event involving Chris Jericho after a show in Victoria:

From the Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online

First-hand account of Jericho incident
The account of what happened with Chris Jericho and the woman that is posted on your website is not correct. Here is what actually happened, as my girlfriend and I were literally 5 feet away from the altercation (the total incident was about 5 minutes) and saw the whole thing happen. Here's what happened (I already had it typed out because I had sent it to another site, so I'll send it to you as well):

This afternoon after the WWE house show in Victoria, my girlfriend and I went to see the wrestlers leave the arena (this was my girlfriend's first WWE event and she wanted to see them leave). The following is exactly what happened right in front of me and about another 50 wrestling fans who happened to be there are well:

Chris Jericho exited the building, and walked over to his white rental vehicle. The crowd watching him leave was heckling him, but he was ignoring it. He gets in his vehicle and drives out of the arena parking lot, right past the crowd of us. As Jericho stops at a stop sign, a fan runs into the street and starts banging on his rental vehicle. At this point about 50 people rush into the middle of the intersection, blocking traffic in several directions, with no police and very inadequate and incompetent security (no WWE security guards period). My girlfriend and I were literally in the very front of the crowd, and this all went down literally five feet away from us.

Chris Jericho opens the door to his vehicle in the middle of the road, and the fan shuts the door back on him. Jericho then gets out of the vehicle completely, and punches the fan in the face! This prompts another fan to jump in (he was friends with the first) and attack Jericho, and Jericho scuffles with the second guy. At this point, a woman who knows the second guy who attacked Jericho starts to jump in and get in Jericho's face (because he was fighting her friend).

This is where the Save on Foods Rent-A-Security Guards stopped standing around watching this happen (I swear they thought they were watching a wrestling angle or something), and stepped in to separate Jericho and the woman, who was shoving him. Looking at Jericho's face he was obviously ready to explode and was restraining himself...but then the shitstorm happened...

He spit in the girl's face, and called her a "fucking bitch". The woman then spit in Jericho's face. Jericho then started cursing out the woman some more, and was getting ready to go back into his vehicle (as all of this is still happening in the middle of the road). While he was turning to go into his vehicle, one of the guys he was fighting shoved Jericho against his car. Another guy then shoved Jericho, and that time he bumped his head on the top of his vehicle. This was where Jericho seriously snapped.

After bumping his head, Jericho went into a shitstorm, throwing and swinging at everybody around him. He knocked one guy to the ground, told another fan that he was going to "fucking kill you". The woman who got spit on was still yelling at Jericho, so he piefaced her away from him (because the arena security couldn't keep them separated). As soon as he put his hands on the woman, ANOTHER fan jumps in and starts swinging at Jericho. Jericho grabs the guy and starts throwing him to the ground, and at this point I have to yank my girlfriend out of the way and into some other people because Jericho had literally thrown himself and the other guy into our direction and we would of been knocked down by the scuffle.

The arena security try again at this point to regain order, and two of them grab Jericho and start yelling at him to calm down, to which Jericho responds by taking a swing at one of the security guards and yelling at them to "do your fucking job and get the fucking police here". Then he shoves the second guard to the ground and tells him to "stay the fuck off me".

Well, as that happens, the chick lunges at Jericho AGAIN, and this time Jericho actually punches the woman in the face, and shoves her to the ground. This stunned everyone, and the girl's friends ended up jumping in trying to fight Jericho, to which he fought all of them off, then storms into his vehicle swearing and speeds off, running through a stop sign in the process.

This whole thing happened over the span of about 5 minutes (of the street being blocked by this ordeal), and the woman ended up calling the cops on Jericho. They arrived 5 minutes after Jericho left, complete with a Paddy Wagon. The WWE's head of security did not see the incident, so he was there trying to figure out what happened along with the cops at the same time while yapping on his cell phone, and the woman is pressing charges against Jericho. As crazy and unbelievable this sounds, it can all be backed up with whatever police report was filed on the scene this afternoon.

I hope this made sense, as a lot of stuff happened. If you have any questions or need clarification, just ask. This was taped by several people with cell phone cameras, but there were only 50 people down there so I hope the video makes it way to the internet. Regardless, this went down as one of the craziest things I have ever seen in my life (even if it didn't involve Chris Jericho), and Jericho could be in some serious legal trouble over this one; although he was provoked, he seriously snapped and crossed the line.

Take care,

EDIT: Video of the incident:
bread's done