The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

Yep, that's a BIG however.

It's definitely the weakest of the 3D games. If you like the style of this game. Play Wind Waker on GC. It does the cell shaded graphics much better, has a bigger world, a better story, a more epic feel, better controls etc.

Ocarina of Time is the highest rated game of all time on Game Rankings, and Twighlight Princess is damn good as well. Majora's Mask is good, but I didn't like it as much as the others.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It's definitely the weakest of the 3D games.[/QUOTE]

It's not in a league with the 3D games. It's 3D graphics, but w/ a 3/4 overhead perspective, like the traditional Zelda games, so it can't be compared gameplay-wise with those, IMO. I don't think that it's a bad game overall, but it's so just-fuckin'-average on several levels that it really fails to live up to its expectations as a "Zelda" game.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't think that it's a bad game overall, but it's so just-fuckin'-average on several levels that it really fails to live up to its expectations as a "Zelda" game.[/QUOTE]

Yep. That's exactly how I'd sum up my review of it in one sentence as well. It was just average and boring for me in places.

It just didn't suck me in like OOT or Twilight Princess did. Just lacked that epic store, scope, huge world to explore etc. On top of the repetition and clunky controls and easy puzzles.
I finished the game last night and still think it was a great experience. I think the key to enjoying the reruns through the Temple was to take notes on the map as you go. If you're going through a past section and you have notes to help you through that section the next time, plus finding new shortcuts (and noting future shortcuts), there's something satisfying about that.

As far as story is concerned, for me, the less story the better. I could have done with even less story (and dialogue to click through), though, so that would be a minor criticism. There was also a part later in the game where you had to find and talk to everyone on an island, and that I could have done without - I didn't like having to do that in Animal Crossing (NGC) either. I absolutely loved the stylus controls. Sure, I sometimes slashed my sword or rolled when not intended, but it was never a problem, and otherwise using the stylus was fun and gave the game a new feel. Perhaps for the next DS Zelda they could make it a little less sensitive (for slashing and such), and perhaps do away with rolling altogether, but it was no big deal and the battles with the stylus were really fun. Also the way they used the stylus for the various weapons/tools was great.

I don't know what number rating I would give the game as I always have trouble assigning such ratings to games, but it would certainly be on the high end of things. I would rank it higher than Minish Cap, which was the Zelda game I'd played prior to this.
I took plenty of notes in the Ocean King temple, and never had problems getting through floors or using short cuts. I just hate doing stuff in a game over again period, regardless of whether or not its easy.
I beat the game this past weekend. I liked it but like everyone else has said, it doesn't live up to other Zelda games. I didn't really give it a chance though, I was rushing through it so I could put it on eBay.
Since a lot people seem to like the control scheme, I'm going to state my opinion that the control scheme is broken. It's stupid, too sensitive, and if I believed in voodoo I would curse the person who decided this was a good idea.

Many a time through the game I found myself swinging my sword at nothing, dropping way too many bombs, etc, etc. Hey Nintendo, just because the fucking console has a fucking touch screen doesn't fucking mean you have to fucking make every fucking game include it. I truly hate this game. Worst Zelda game since Adventure of Link and I'm truly happy this game is more or less considered a bust in sales in the US. Don't ever pull this crap again, Nintendo.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']Since a lot people seem to like the control scheme, I'm going to state my opinion that the control scheme is broken. It's stupid, too sensitive, and if I believed in voodoo I would curse the person who decided this was a good idea.

Many a time through the game I found myself swinging my sword at nothing, dropping way too many bombs, etc, etc. Hey Nintendo, just because the fucking console has a fucking touch screen doesn't fucking mean you have to fucking make every fucking game include it. I truly hate this game. Worst Zelda game since Adventure of Link and I'm truly happy this game is more or less considered a bust in sales in the US. Don't ever pull this crap again, Nintendo.[/quote]Huh, I felt the control scheme was pretty great. I had very little trouble with it, and really only was annoyed trying to roll (which was never really needed anyway). I was expecting it to not work well, but got more than I bargained for.
I didn't like the controls much either. I wouldn't call them broken by any means. But they did not in any way, shape or form work as well as traditional controls.

They just weren't as precise. They also didn't allow for as many moves (i.e. locking on, spinning around, etc. in the 3D games) so it made the game feel dumbed down to me.

Having to turn items on and off was clunky too, as it was easy to waste bombs etc by forgetting you had an item turned on when you walk into a fight etc.
In some ways the controls were nicer (arrows and boomerang off the top of my head) while in others they weren't all that fun or took some adjustment (moving, sword).

Can anyone give me a relative idea of how far along I am? I just rolled up on Goron Island.
[quote name='botticus']In some ways the controls were nicer (arrows and boomerang off the top of my head) while in others they weren't all that fun or took some adjustment (moving, sword).

Can anyone give me a relative idea of how far along I am? I just rolled up on Goron Island.[/QUOTE]

Half way or a little further, I'd guess.
bread's done