The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword

I got a bit further in (saved those 3 penguin-rat things) and am definitely enjoying the game but yeah, the hand holding is getting a bit ridiculous. Let me play the fucking game already!

[quote name='Link2999']How is the Collector's Edition guide? Debating on picking it up or not for $30. Would much rather find the regular guide for around $15.[/QUOTE]

Where can you get it for $30? Amazon completed removed the listing and BBY and GS have it for $40.
[quote name='Javery']I must have blocked that out! I do remember wanting to break my wiimote because I couldn't catch a fish.[/QUOTE]
Man. fuck that shit.

It wasn't even a matter of control. It was a matter of I don't know what the fuck his happening.
Skyward Sword is showing the Wii's age in a way I had completey forgotten... fucking batteries. Usually I play my Wii sporadically enough that I don't have to worry about having freshly charged batteries all the time, but in 6 days, the batteries that game with the LE are all but dead. The fact Nintendo sold the Wii at a profit from the beginning and didn't use rechargeable batteries ala the PS3 is beyond frustrating. Having to dig up some AAs is the only time I really feel like the Wii is aimed at kids. think the last time I had to worry about finding batteries was when I had a Discman 10 years ago.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Definitely true. All the 3D Zelda's have a lot of annoying stuff in them that keeps me from giving them 10/10 scores.

Great games generally, but lots of little frustrating flaws like slow starts, crappy camera's, too much walking/sailing, repetitive fetch quest sidequests, sometimes boring between dungeon sequences etc.

But the good parts are SO good it vastly outweighs that stuff and still end up being 8.0 to 9.0 out of 10 games for me![/QUOTE]

Agreed. I just have limited gaming time these days because I work so much, so when I sit down to play a large game like this I can't help but get frustrated when a game seems to waste your time unnecessarily. That, and after playing Zelda games for 20 years, it's hard not to nitpick details. It's still a fantastic game and I'm glad I got it.
I don't think the Wii controllers eat batteries any faster than my 360 controllers.

I use Eneloop rechargeable batteries in both and seem to get 20-25 hours per charge.

I prefer using my own rechargeable batteries to having a built in battery like the PS3 controllers as I have a bunch and always have some charged batteries ready to put in so I don't have to worry about plugging in or needing a second controller charged and ready to go etc.
dmaul, so would you recommend eneloop batteries? im thinking about getting rechargables since im using regular duracell copptertop batteries.
Absolutely. They're worth the slightly added cost as the last a good bit longer than other brands I've tried, and they hold a charge longer when not in use (think they're supposed to be at 75-80% a year from charging if never used).

I think the other brands have some batteries using the same tech now though, so maybe look into that.

But the other regular energizer or duracell rechargeables I used before the Eeneloops didn't last as long and would often be dead in the drawer and need charged when I needed a new set of batteries in a pinch where as the Eneloops are always good to go.

In any case, any type of rechargeable batteries will save a lot of money in the long run over regular alkalines and are a must with all the things like controllers, TV remotes etc. that eat batteries these days.
yeah, i was just asking about eneloops specifically as a charger because ive used energizer rechargables and theyre ok. not great for wii. the duracell copptertop is pretty good. i remember putting 15 hours into it.

but maybe ill consider eneloops. ill definitely get if there are deals ;)
Check for bundle deals on Amazon, they have good deals on bundles of chargers and a bunch of Eneloops semi-regularly.

I definitely get more than 15 hours on the Wii with them. I was 21 hours into Zelda and had played some NSMB and goofed around with other stuff a fair bit when the first set I put in my Wii the other day died yesterday.
Skyward Sword sucks batteries dry.

Here's how I'd describe this game briefly: It does Zelda right. It does Metroid wrong.

I still give it a 9/10 though. A lot of variety, most of the padded segments are fun, but a couple of them are long, boring, tedious and frustrating.
Having a lot of fun with this, but I find my satisfaction with the game is directly proportional to the length of time it's been since I was last forced to use the thrust move.
So, am I the only who's remote arm gets really tired from playing this game? I mean, I know I'm not in the best shape but work out regularly (anaerobic) and this game wares down my right arm after about an hour or so.
I barely need to move my arm when playing, just my wrist. I guess if a person is not used to playing with the remote and nunchuck then some fatigue can be a problem.

It's probably similar to people who can't play Guitar Hero without standing up right in front of the TV. Just sit back and get used to it.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Check for bundle deals on Amazon, they have good deals on bundles of chargers and a bunch of Eneloops semi-regularly.

I definitely get more than 15 hours on the Wii with them. I was 21 hours into Zelda and had played some NSMB and goofed around with other stuff a fair bit when the first set I put in my Wii the other day died yesterday.[/QUOTE]

thanks! will get onto it :D

as for the arm getting tired, i use my fapping hand. its very strong.
First dungeon boss was HIGHLY annoying. The dungeon was really great though - packed with puzzles. I'm a little disappointed that there was no Compass though.
[quote name='Mad D']I barely need to move my arm when playing, just my wrist. I guess if a person is not used to playing with the remote and nunchuck then some fatigue can be a problem.

It's probably similar to people who can't play Guitar Hero without standing up right in front of the TV. Just sit back and get used to it.[/QUOTE]

I might just need to get used to it and the convoluted controls (down calls your bird in the sky, calls Fi in dungeons, has Fi analyze when locked on, and centers the Motion+? fucking serious?). I think I'm treating Motion+ too much like a regular remote. But Motion+ sucks balls in regards to accuracy. It picks up slow/simple motions work fine but speed things up even the slightest and it goes full retard.

God, I'd kill to play this using a regular controller... so I can have a joystick to control the camera as well.

[quote name='Javery']First dungeon boss was HIGHLY annoying. The dungeon was really great though - packed with puzzles. I'm a little disappointed that there was no Compass though.[/QUOTE]

Is the first dungeon boss the fruity guy? The one who was trying to lick Link's face? Yeah, that guy was annoying but I'm glad he wasn't a typical "hit the glaringly obvious shiny spot to damage" boss.
[quote name='The Crotch']...

Aside from the fast travel option that already existed?[/QUOTE]
It did but by the time one earned it I think most people were already probably against the sailing. It did help eventually, but if I remember right it was only to previously visited places, which doesn't help a lot in the beginning.
[quote name='Javery']First dungeon boss was HIGHLY annoying. The dungeon was really great though - packed with puzzles. I'm a little disappointed that there was no Compass though.[/QUOTE]

Just wait, the puzzles are always different in each dungeon... and they all are pretty unique in regards to Visuals.

I did think the first few dungeons were short though... maybes its TP's dungeon sizes getting to me.
tp dungeons were pretty long. i been playing this game since monday and right at the entrance of the temple. havent gone in yet because i went back to skyloft to get more items.
I really liked the first boss, the second wasn't so hot. The one-on-one dueling is my favorite part of the game. Are there more battles like that?
Finished the fourth dungeon. I liked that boss battle, pretty cool how you
pick up the big ass sword he drops to use on him.
[quote name='willardhaven']I really liked the first boss, the second wasn't so hot. The one-on-one dueling is my favorite part of the game. Are there more battles like that?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Something like that happens
3 or 4
more times depending on how you'd interpret that.
Questing for the 2nd flame and I'm enjoying this far more than the first.
The tests in the spirit realm are fun and change things up, and the time shift stuff in the desert adds a nice twist. Also, the hookshot claws are bad-ass, I was wondering what all those targets were for!
Has anyone else seen Tingle's cameo in this game yet? I figured he would make an appearance and my son spotted him when we were playing tonight.

(I'll wait for a few replies before I reveal where we saw him.)
I finished the Earth Temple and looks like things are finally picking up... I estimate that hand-holding has gone down 85%.:p
Enjoying my play through so far...I'm only at the second dungeon though.

One thing I don't like: The flying. Why am I having so much trouble gaining altitude with the damn bird? Any tips?
EDIT: Managed to get both of the Heart Pieces I needed. Managed to beat the mini-game with a time of
and I found the other one in Eldin Woods.

Also, the final boss is more challenging, but more fun if you
decide to use Lightning on him. He goes down quicker, but you open yourself up to being damaged more easily.
Now to start Hero Mode.
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[quote name='Rig']One thing I don't like: The flying. Why am I having so much trouble gaining altitude with the damn bird? Any tips?[/QUOTE]
Rhythmically flick up.
You don't even have to do it that way. Anytime you want height, just flick it.

Kind of surprised that
Heart Pieces exist in Hero Mode. I thought they didn't...
I've been moving the remote up; I must just not have the timing down right. I'll have to give it a go tonight when I don't have the distraction of nephews running out my apartment. Thanks, guys.
There's not really a timing thing to it. You can flap as many times as you want to gain altitude. I usually flap once every 3-5 seconds if I want to gain height.

Game Breaking Glitch Workaround Ahoy: After defeating
6 dungeons
make sure to visit
Lanayru last.
Nintendo's game-breaking glitches really seem to be weird.
I can't believe I hadn't tried flicking the remote up while flying. :lol:
I was trying to descend and use the momentum to ascend.

Now, I've got it! :)
[quote name='soonersfan60']Please explain the glitch in detail so we can avoid it... Thanks.

(And nobody cares about Tingle... sad.)[/QUOTE]

Apparently if you
Do the Thunder Dragon's Song of Hero's Quest first, you can't get the song part from the Fire Dragon. So like I said, do it last. I don't know what causes it though.
I knew there was a reason why I held onto my Wii, I love this game. Infact I put down Assassians Creed (one of my favorite games) in favor of Zelda. Unfortuntly I haven't had much time to play. I've been dying to sit down for a good 4-5 hours and just play with no distractions.

I just beat the Fire Dungeon last night so I'm still very much near the start. Also spent a lot of time finishing up side quests, raiding treasure, and upgrading my equipment.
Played up to the start of the 5th dungeon tonight--32:40 into the game so far.

I agree with the above poster that the stuff between dungeons 4 and 5 was a lot of fun and a hell of a lot better than the stuff before dungeon 4.
Went back tonight and gave SS another chance after a week of nothing but Skyrim. Just finished the second dungeon and I enjoyed it a lot more than the first. The puzzles and such were pretty good in the first but the boss just ruined it for me. The second dungeon's boss was a hell of a lot better. It was pretty easy but I can say I actually had fun instead of wanting to throw my wiimote out the window. Stopped for the night since I'm on my last pair of batteries and the game eats them up like nothing but SS has my interest again.

Getting a better grip on the controls but still having trouble in a few areas...

1.) Controlling the
seems off to me. If I turn too hard in one direction I can never get it to fly straight again for that run. Any tips?

2.) Skydiving is very unintuitive to me. I tried many times at the beginning before I could land in the center and now I know I missed some items because I had no control over my descent. Any pointers for that as well?
I also cannot skydive accurately. It's very frustrating.
I'm at the part before the second dungeon and I have 4 out of 5 pieces of the key but I cannot get Link to go to the far left on the slide - there is a platform and a place to dig and I'm thinking the last piece is hidden there but I seem to have little to no control over Link as he is sliding.
I like the idea of the motion controls in theory but I seem to be fighting them every step of the way. Also, not a big fan of having to sit up straight the entire time.
Skydiving also took me a while to get used to. That first time you have to do it where you land in the middle of circle took me 6 tries.

Is their a way to turn off item announcements? Each session I start up playing the game announces every material or bug I find, even if I've caught them 20 times before. It's as if the game thinks I forgot what a Blessed Butterfly was between my last time playing.
Skydiving is simple: Think inverted analog stick.

And no, there is no noble approach to turning off item announcements.

That's that took me a while to figure out with the Skydiving. Instinctively I kept wanting to move the remote up to move Link up the screen. My fault since I was blazing through the tutorial.
[quote name='Javery']I also cannot skydive accurately. It's very frustrating.
I'm at the part before the second dungeon and I have 4 out of 5 pieces of the key but I cannot get Link to go to the far left on the slide - there is a platform and a place to dig and I'm thinking the last piece is hidden there but I seem to have little to no control over Link as he is sliding.
I like the idea of the motion controls in theory but I seem to be fighting them every step of the way. Also, not a big fan of having to sit up straight the entire time.[/QUOTE]

If I remember right. to get to the left "air vent" I started all the way over to the right and then held the stick left as soon as I started sliding. Yeah, you control the slide with the stick. Took me a time or two to figure it out since I figured it would be motion-based.
It almost seems like you are supposed to be playing standing up which I don't want to do in a game of this length. Rolling a bomb is the worst to me. Have to lean way over in my chair and it's very awkward.

[quote name='KingBroly']Skydiving is simple: Think inverted analog stick.

And no, there is no noble approach to turning off item announcements.[/QUOTE]

I play shooters with an inverted stick but, like Rodimus, my instinctive reaction here is to move the wiimote the way I want Link to move.
[quote name='Killbomb']Rolling a bomb is the worst to me. Have to lean way over in my chair and it's very awkward.[/QUOTE]
Huh? Just point the front of the Wii Remote towards the ground.
I find moving kind of hard with the wii remote, I often miss a jump (either to far left or right) because the stick is just not accurate.
bread's done