The LinkinPrime and "Well Dunn" Wrestling Topic

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[quote name='JJSP']Did Kurt Angle lose a ton of weight? I saw him last night, and he looked freakin' scrawny compared to the Angle I remember. His singlet seemed way too big for him.[/quote]

I noticed that too a couple of weeks ago.
[quote name='JJSP']Did Kurt Angle lose a ton of weight? I saw him last night, and he looked freakin' scrawny compared to the Angle I remember. His singlet seemed way too big for him.[/quote]

must be off the roids....;)
Seems WWE will be releasing a Summerslam collection this summer, similar to the Wrestlemania collection they released a couple years ago.

Also wanted to note that WWE The music vol. 8(or is it Vol. 7?, not sure) is being considered a flop. It has only sold 5,897 copies, which totals up to $32,257. Guess that's what you get when putting shitty imitation songs done by unknown bands on it instead of the real ones.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Also wanted to note that WWE The music vol. 8(or is it Vol. 7?, not sure) is being considered a flop. It has only sold 5,897 copies, which totals up to $32,257. Guess that's what you get when putting shitty imitation songs done by unknown bands on it instead of the real ones.[/QUOTE]I actually would have bought that (it has the Beth Phoenix theme!), but they had to be dumbasses and give Wal-Mart three exclusive tracks. So now instead of just buying it from whoever has the best deal, I'm gonna sit on it and wait for Wal-Mart to drop the price. Seriously, retailer exclusives are the worst. And yeah I know I can just download shit, but I'm a CD collection purist/snob.


By Jake Sposetta.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Also wanted to note that WWE The music vol. 8(or is it Vol. 7?, not sure) is being considered a flop. It has only sold 5,897 copies, which totals up to $32,257. Guess that's what you get when putting shitty imitation songs done by unknown bands on it instead of the real ones.[/quote]Yea, the album had maybe two or three passable tracks. Maybe this means Kennedy can go back to his old music. Whoever decided to put Jillian's theme on that CD hates the fans.
Call me crazy but I'm kinda glad they got Candice's current theme on there.
I would have liked Layla's to be in there, though. I just dig the vibe of Layla's whole entrance. For some reason that chick has really grown on me.
It's Volume 8 - Volume 7 was an itunes-only release, and judging by the sales of Vol. 8, that probably should have been one as well.

I like the new, lankier Angle - it's a pleasant change from the prior too-bulked up Angle. He's leaner, faster, and it's helped his matches out quite a bit.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Pelle Primeau vs. Roderick Strong - Great Fun Match

This is from Dover. You can assume where I am because I am quite easy to see.

They actually had a stage set up and full lighting for the show. It looked fantastic live.[/quote]

Consider me impressed with that set-up - even if it was just a limited time exhibition.

[quote name='JJSP']Did Kurt Angle lose a ton of weight? I saw him last night, and he looked freakin' scrawny compared to the Angle I remember. His singlet seemed way too big for him.[/quote]

I mentioned this to someone yesterday. :shock: But yes, I agree. I joked that it must be cocaine, as it would explain his recent off-camera, on-microphone craziness.

[quote name='mykevermin']Eh, there aren't many themes these days worth listening to. Beth Phoenix's is very good. The others are dime-a-dozen 'rock' songs.[/quote]

I do like Burchill's present entrance music. It has a 1990s, trashy vibe, and it would have fit his "incest" gimmick. Speaking of which, they better do something with Katie Lea, and not release her, as she is hot and has a great voice. :drool:
Enjoyable show tonight. MVP-Matt was easily the best match, while the tag title match was good, and helped quite a bit by Mick Foley putting everyone over on the match. The world title stripping situation was handled very well - logically, Vickie could be in the right, so there's at least some justification for it, the crowd seemingly went ballistic over the move (although that could be crowd sweetening), and 'Taker acted like the loss was a serious deal, and took Khali out of action due to the rage caused by the title being taken away.

They did a good job of building up a future Mark Henry-Big Show match, and I liked Mark Henry coming up to Nunzio before the match to wish him luck - it was a small move that did an effect job at making Mark Henry seem like a dangerous man.

Quotes -
T-Lo - Tonight here on SD, the WWE Tag team championships will be defended! Tonight, here on SD, the WWE United States championship will be defended! And tonight, on SD, the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP WILL BE DEFENDED!
Cole - Mick, welcome to championship Friday!
Mick - It’s an exciting day - I’M NOT THE COACH!
Cole - For the first time in nearly 3 years, the tag team championships, the United States title, and World Heavyweight titles will be defended in one night.
Cole - Morrison calls himself the shaman of sexy.
Mick - I think he took that from me.
Mick - I didn’t think that two guys who were so in love with themselves could gel as a team, but I was proven wrong. I think the key to these guys is that they literally love to hold the gold in their hands.
Mick - I’ve been lucky enough to hold the tag titles with men like Kane and Stone Cold - we’ll see if we have new champions tonight.
Mick - What a transformation the Miz has gone on - I remember when he was the most hated and disrespected wrestler in the locker room - now he’s just the most hated.
Mick - I’ve heard that the Miz is a chick magnet at the clubs. I don’t go to those places, or anywhere aside from my local library to be quite honest. To the ladies, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?
Mick - Before, Morrison had a lot of moves that looked good but didn’t really inflict a lot of pain. Now, he’s improved so much that it’s almost like watching a completely different man.
Mick - I like Yang - we have a particular fondness for an ‘80s personality I can’t really talk about on a family show. DO IT FOR CHRISTY, MAN!
(on Morrison’s neck breaker)Mick - That’s what he likes to call the moonlight drive.
Cole - Shannon Moore is certainly seeing stars after the moonlight drive!
Mick - Did Estrada say that say Colin is 107 pounds? I think I need to get Estradas’s scale so I can slim down instantaneously.
Fans - USA! USA!
Mick - The fans can chant USA all they want - I don’t know how much difference it’s gonna make here.
Mick - What Kozlov lacks of flashy music and ring attire, he makes up for in skill and ferocity.
Mark Henry - We’ve got a match tonight, and just a reminder (he pats Nunzio on the shoulder)- I’m Mark Henry - world’s strongest man. Good luck out there.
(on McCool)Victoria - Look who it is - it’s Yahoo’s most searched person!
Cole - What Victoria’s referring to is that over the past weekend, Michelle McCool was the most searched person on Yahoo.
Cole - Natalya, the daughter of Jim “the Anvil” Neidhart, the granddaughter of Stu Hart.
Mick - You’re talking about a woman whose father showed up for PTA meetings without a shirt.
Cole - WHAT!?
Mick - According to Natalya, who I’ve known for years, her father would show up to them shirtless.
Mick - Her uncle’s Bret, who knew wrestling as well as anyone else. She was also around Stu, who loved to just torture people. She’s picked up a bit of that as well.
Cole - Natalya had a look on her face like she wanted to slap me across the face.
Mick - I’ve seen many people give you that look, Michael.
Cole -Many articles have been written about the world’s strongest man - including, most recently, one in the 25th anniversary of Flex Magazine.
Mick - I’ve never been big on Flex, or any magazine that showcases the physique.
Cole - No kiddin’.
Cole - MVP was the longest-reigning U.S. champion in history until Sunday - held it for nearly a year.
Cole - Matt Hardy was overcome with emotion when he won the biggest singles titles of his career.
Cole - That United States title has been held by some of the greatest in history. Names like Ric Flair, Harley Race, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Mick - MVP was actually keeping a running count of the men whose reigns he was outlasting.
Cole - Sixth-longest reign in history!
Mick - Is Matt better than MVP, or was he just better on that night? I know a certain wrestler who won a prestigious title for just one day…
Mick - MVP did whatever he could to avoid losing the title - that’s different than doing anything he could to keep it, and I think we’ll be seeing a different style from MVP tonight.
Mick - When flesh meets fist, flesh loses…and yes, I know MVP’s chest is covered. At least I’m not the Coach. I’m clicking my heels underneath the table saying “at least I’m not Coach”, “at least I’m not Coach!”
(during a straightjacket choke)Cole - What’s MVP trying to do here?
Mick - It looks like he’s trying to choke Matt out with his own arms.
Mick - Batista, your match with Shawn began as a result of a difference of opinion between the two of you as to the retirement of your good friend, the Nature Boy Ric Flair, but it turned into something much more. Your feelings, Dave, regarding Backlash. (clip airs of HBK’s “injury” at Backlash)
Batista - I respect Shawn, but I don’t like the way he got to the top. I let my guard down on Sunday, I make no excuses.
Mick - According to Chris Jericho, this match is even more clouded by controversy. (HBK limping at Raw clip airs) So Batista, do you believe that Shawn was feigning a knee injury in order to gain an advantage that led to his victory?
Batista - It would make me sick to my stomach to even think that he’d fake an injury. Shawn, for your sake, I hope you are actually hurt, because if you’re not, when I see you, you will be!
Mick - The more I see the result of that choke, the more I think the damage is more psychological than physical.
Mick - I’d just like to point out that not all Long Islanders are like Hawkins and Ryder.
Mick - I think Festus learned that move from Snoop Dogg - they’re usually seen sitting, talking about women and various cultural issues.
Mick - I like the song Biscuit and Gravy, but what exactly does it mean? Which is biscuits and which is gravy, and are either biscuits and gravy all that intimidating?
Mick - Wow, Lou Thesz Press - last seen in WWE by Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Cole - Can you check out Festus on the apron?
Mick - …yes, I can…
Cole - Festus has the face of a man who wants in this match.
Mick - And the face only a mother could love. How can I be considered the ugliest man in sports entertainment with guys like Festus around?
Mick - Don’t think that this is the same flannel shirt I wore on ECW Tuesday night - the Foley house is full of red and black flannel.
Mick - Hawkins and Ryder learned a lot from their father-figure, Edge.
Cole - Edge, well, Edge considers himself one…
Mick - Yes, and I consider the world title to be the love child of Edge and Vickie.
Cole - Quit while you’re ahead - I don’t even want to think about that.
Mick - Festus doesn’t seem to be responding well to the shot to the throat.
Cole - Well, remember, he was out of action due to a throat injury caused by the Undertaker’s hold!
Cole - Tonight, Atlantic City is host to the biggest show in all of entertainment - FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN!
Cole - Finlay facing Julio Dinero, which makes sense because we’re in Atlantic City, I suppose.
Mick - I once toured a battlefield with Julio Dinero - I don’t think that’ll help him tonight.
Cole - Maybe Hornswoggle’s at the nickel slots.
Cole - It’s great to have father and son back on SmackDown…what’s going on?
Cole - Dinero takes a hard shot.
Mick - You talkin’ to me? I think you mean Din-er-o, not Di-nee-ro.
Cole - Boy you can’t help but laugh at Finlay and Hornswoggle.
Mick - Please tell me that Finlay’s gonna dance here in Atlantic City.
Cole - For the third time in a week, the Undertaker is forced to defend the world title. Last Friday, it was against Batista in a no DQ match. At Backlash, it was against Edge, and tonight, it’s against the Great Khali.
Mick - How much can one man take?
Cole - We’ve talked about the adaptation of the Undertaker, and look at his opponents over the past week - totally different styles. The raw power of Batista, the cunning and guile of Edge, and the sheer mass of the Great Khali.
Mick - Khali, who can beat any man on any day, and deliver a great deal of punishment with every blow.
Mick - I still get goosebumps when I’m in the same arena as that man, the Undertaker.
Vickie - Hold on, tonight, there is not going to be a world heavyweight championship match. Wait. Let me explain, please. For the past several months, Undertaker, you have injured several superstars in the ring when you applied that choke hold. CHOKE HOLDS ARE ILLEGAL IN THE WWE, and you have also ruptured the larynx of many superstars, and I cannot let that continue. Please understand as GM of SD, it is my responsibility to look after the well-being of the superstars! (fans boo intensely) What I’m about to say has nothing to do with my fiance - from this moment on, that choke hold is banned! Undertaker, let me make myself very clear - if you ever use that choke hold in a match again, you will have Hell to pay! And since you have not shown any remorse, and since you have no concern over the people you have injured, and I have been under extreme pressure with the regulatory authorities, I regret to inform you that you have been stripped of the world heavyweight championship! Sorry. Sorry. I advise you to walk up this ramp and surrender the title to me. (Taker refuses) Fine, have it your way. If you don’t want to give me the title, I will send someone down there to get it for me. (Khali’s theme hits)
Mick - He’s pushing up on the shin bone and pulling down with his hands onto Khali’s throat!

Great Muta Samurai TV Special (10/12/07) - Puerto Rico & USA Tour 2007

-Clips of Muta in Mexico (2006) & USA (2007)
08/04/07 Bayamon, Puerto Rico:
-Muta talks to Scott Hall, Carlos Colon backstage at WWC show
1. Great Muta vs. Apolo
2. Universal Title: Scott Hall vs. Eddy Colon
08/05/07 Moca, Puerto Rico:
3. Great Muta & NOSAWA vs. Apolo & Eddy Colon
-Muta meets Carlos Colon w/NOSAWA
08/09/07 USA:
-Clips from Juggalo show w/Muta watching & meeting Zach Gowen
08/12/07 Caveln Rock, IL.:
4. Ultimo Dragon vs. ?
5. Abdullah The Butcher vs. Pogo The Clown vs. Jake Roberts
6. Great Muta & NOSAWA vs. 2 Cold Scorpio & Justin Credible
08/26/07 Japan:
7. Great Muta & TAJIRI vs. Scott Steiner & Kohei Suwama

NJPW MSG Tag League - Final: Hulk Hogan & Stan Hansen vs. Antonio Inoki & Bob Backlund - 12/10/80

Here are the Benoit phone messages -
Mick Foley, as color commentator, is trying to work in bits of continuity and history into his commentary, and Michael Cole, the douche bag that he is, is just ignoring him. Doesn't Foley know that WWE doesn't believe in continuity? Also, evolution. Wee!
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']They did a good job of building up a future Mark Henry-Big Show match, and I liked Mark Henry coming up to Nunzio before the match to wish him luck - it was a small move that did an effect job at making Mark Henry seem like a dangerous man.

You mean The Silverback?
Sorry, myke, I had to push your buttons.;)
It makes Sexual Chocolate look MLK-esque.
[quote name='neocisco']You mean The Silverback?
Sorry, myke, I had to push your buttons.;)
It makes Sexual Chocolate look MLK-esque.[/quote]

How dare you do that? Don't you pick on Myke!
The AWA was enjoyable today. It had a good Greg Gagne-Adonis match, and some fine comedy, with Donna wondering if Larry Nelson gets fan mail FROM MARS, and Larry Nelson closing the show by asking for a 30 minute Ustinov-West match because the existing 10 minute match that went on forever didn't settle it. Verne giving us his Olympic predictions and ski vacation report was fine comedy as well.

Quotes -
Nelson - The Nasty Boys are a fantastic team - they’ve got the power, love the sport, AND THEY ARE MEAN!
(Nasty Boys come out to “Nasty Boy”)
Trongard - The Nasty Boys are dressed in black because black means TOUGH AND NASTY, and that’s what they are!
Trongard - We haven’t seen the Nasty Boys in a while, but they haven’t changed not at all. Not one bit!
Trongard - We go from Phoenix to Philadelphia, coast to coast, and continent to continent!
Lee - I admire Pat Tanaka as an athlete - he’s been a champion in the amateurs since he was a youngster, and I’m sure he’ll be one soon in the professional ranks.
Trongard - They’re in front of one of the best entertainers ever - Herbie Mills, of the MILLS BROTHERS! He comes to all the AWA shows.
Trongard - Tonaku comes back with the judo and the martial arts!
Verne - We’ve got a lot of fun in wrestling in freestyle, Greco, and of course, professional.
Donna - I’m gonna get something outta you, Rod.
Trongard - You took the words right outta my mouth.
Donna - With all the coverage we have, could we be seen outside of the universe? Like, maybe Larry Nelson could get a fan letter from Mars?
Trongard - …OUT OF SIGHT! It’s the expert comments of Donna!
Donna - Sheik’s always looking for new Russians, and he said he’d be looking at the Russian amateurs at the Olympics.
(after a Ustinov leg drop)Donna - IT’S LIKE HAVING A BUILDING FALL ON YOU!
Nelson - I wanna talk about some great wrestlers, but first, I wanna talk about the AWA on the road.
Zenk - This is gonna be MY YEAR - I’ve come back to the AWA for the gold that Curt Hennig wears around his waist. Hennig, you’ve been a great champion. Remember the name - TOM ZENK!
Baron - Zenk is a great athlete, so is Greg Gagne, Curt Hennig…there is so many I can’t think of them all!
(a Curt Hennig Rules sign is shown)Trongard - That young man doesn’t believe that Greg Gagne rules - he believes that Curt Hennig rules. Well, he’s the world champion.
Stevens - When you attack a body part more, it gets weaker. That’s one of the great secrets of wrestling.
Trongard - They’re gonna give the belt to Adonis on a DQ? WHEN DID THEY CHANGE THE RULES!?
Nelson - Adonis and Orton ran off with the belt, but if it’s not returned to Greg Gagne soon, they’ll have EVERY WRESTLING FAN IN THE WORLD after them to get it back!
Nelson - I’d like to see Alan West and Ustinov at it again. Tonight’s was only a 10 minute match, I’d like to see them go at it for 30 minutes - something would get settled then!
I like how Big Show told Henry to "pick on someone [his] own size," after he took out Rey Mysterio, and had a match with Floyd Mayweather (not to mention other random matches with people under 6' tall).
[quote name='chasemurata']Mick Foley, as color commentator, is trying to work in bits of continuity and history into his commentary, and Michael Cole, the douche bag that he is, is just ignoring him. Doesn't Foley know that WWE doesn't believe in continuity? Also, evolution. Wee![/QUOTE]Haha... the worst part for me is Cole's forced laughter. The way Cole sells a joke could fill several Botchmanias.
Cole absolutely sucks 95% of the time. As much as I don't like him, though, when a big match really kicks into high gear he does a really good job of selling the intensity of it.
They're putting on a Mark Henry Big Show match? Why do they insist on throwing two big people together every chance they get? I think we need another monster battle royal like they did on ECW last halloween where all the participants must be over seven feet tall and/or over 400 pounds. That'll be a great match. :roll:
Big Show is going to fight all the huge people. Then Rey Mysterio will return to tell him to stop picking on giants. Mark my words!
[quote name='CouRageouS']Actually who is taking credit for taking out Mysterio? Wasn't he briefly involved in the Show's boxing feud?[/quote]

He showed up the night after, but that's it. As for taking credit, no one has, since they quietly wrote him out of the story.

Speaking of injuries, shouldn't Gregory Helms be returning from his neck surgery soon?

Also should mention that Taker might be moving to Raw when they do the draft this year. Supposedly his first feud will be with Orton. Which means the feud with Triple H will end after Judgment Day(which mostly means a HHH vs. Regal feud).
He was delivering some sort of farewell speech after having a match with Chavo, saying that he had to go away because he needed surgery (this was after the No Way Out incident), then Vickie Guerrero had Big Show come out and step on his arm. At least that's how I remember it going down.
If anyone, I'd say that was ZL but who knows? Might even be Myke but I doubt it's him since Myke has self-respect. I'd like this person to be IP banned.

And as I said in the Weezer thread, which officials do I go to to report internet bullying/hasrassment? I'm going to press charges.

And get a restraining order while I'm at it.
Whoa. The coward deleted his posts.

Good thing I saved it in the other thread.

I'm going to ask the mods to help me with getting his information so I can contact the proper authorities.

For everyone that missed it - it went something like this.

[quote name='Zen Davis CAG Douche']Hi everyone!

I'm Zen Davis, and I'd like to tell you all a little bit about myself!

First, I really like wrestling, especially Bret Hart. I have a Bret Hart plush toy that I masturbate on every night! Real men wear pink right?

Another thing I like to do is spoil wrestling results for other people. I think I'm really trendy and clever, so I piss upon the wrestling topics and all those who read them, even if they may be on the west coast or watch the show on Tivo, by spoiling the results right in the topic title where everyone can see!

I also think I'm a talented writer. You're all going to know me some day when my movie "Brutal" hits theaters. It's so original, it's about people getting hacked and slashed to pieces, oh you'll all just die when you see it!

One of the most important things you all need to understand is how important I am. So, in order to make sure more people see my posts, I have the most obnoxiously large sig on the internet. It's Zelda though, and everyone likes Zelda, so maybe they'll like me by association when they see the life-size map of Hyrule in my sig! I'm so clever.

Sometimes, I like thread crapping on other posts in the cag lifestyle & off-topic forum. Usually with a video, that only I find funny, or a witty anecdote that made my mom laugh earlier. Like the time I said that the midwest deserved to get hit by that earthquake! :lol: that was funny right?

Please though guys, learn to like me, I'm not so bad. I don't have any real friends, CAG is all I've got. Well, until Brutal comes out and I can leave all you dorks behind. JK. I don't want to get banned here like I did at the ROH boards.

Pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Sorry for being such a douche, wait no I'm not! Ha ha-


Neocisco rules! [/quote]

EDIT - Contacted CheapyD and LinkinPrime
I have a pair and they're telling me that I don't take no shit from no one.

Hell for all I know, you might be the one behind it.

Either way, I don't think it's wrong that I contact the mods at very least and ask them to IP Ban this person for harassment.
Did he delete his posts, or was it a mod?

Whoever it was is scorned that you spoil WWE programming... which is funny, because I didn't think RAW could be spoiled any more than it already is. :cool:
I'm pretty sure he deleted his own posts.

They vanished after I said I was contacting the authorities and the moderators.

I only contacted the mods after he deleted them.
Zen, creating two accounts to post in the wrestling thread isn't the right way to get to the next topic. We're only 20 or so posts from the new one - it'll be time for the Zen Davis Wrestling Thread soon enough.
[quote name='JJSP']Zen, creating two accounts to post in the wrestling thread isn't the right way to get to the next topic. We're only 20 or so posts from the new one - it'll be time for the Zen Davis Wrestling Thread soon enough.[/quote]

Shows what you know. There are TWO other Zen Davis names. The second one didn't have a chance to post.

In regards to your actual post:

Besides, I can't believe you're still bitter over Regal winning the KOTR. To even pretend to feign that I made numerous accounts for a wrestling thread shows at least that much. Let it go.

Either way, the bitch took his ball and went home. Lets talk about other things now.
[quote name='Zen Davis']I have a pair and they're telling me that I don't take no shit from no one.

Hell for all I know, you might be the one behind it.

Either way, I don't think it's wrong that I contact the mods at very least and ask them to IP Ban this person for harassment.[/quote]Getting your panties in a twist over someone talking shit on the internet doesn't sound like "having a pair." And no, it wasn't me, I have better things to do with my time.
[quote name='Genocidal']Getting your panties in a twist over someone talking shit on the internet doesn't sound like "having a pair." And no, it wasn't me, I have better things to do with my time.[/quote]

So don't worry about it then. ;)
Jesus Christ. Let's get on to the next topic already, so y'all ninnies can get back to your false idols of a "real" wrestling topic.

Who's the next one about? Stanislaus Zbyszko?

Y'all are some real fuckin' straight up princesses when it comes to your wrestling topics.

Heh. Lock this one up early if you really feel like it. Fine by me.
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